When's Your Next Half Marathon?



  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    Running my first half May 25 in Buffalo. Running 3 times a week, sometimes a fourth short easy run. Cross training and lifting besides. I hate to actually put in writing what my goal time is ... I don't want to jinx it and I know that the goal for the first should just be to finish, but I think I can come in around 2:20:00 to 2:25:00.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Just ran my fourth half marathon! In 6.5 months! PR'd again! Stoked on life right now. My goal was 2:22 and I ran it in 2:22:03 I'll take it!

    ETA: my next half is in 7 days. I'll be shocked if I somehow PR again... ????????
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    My next half is on 4/19. It's on a greenway along a creek and very, very flat. I went there for the first time yesterday and biked the course - only saw 100 feet of elevation change total. I'd like to PR this one and am shooting for 1:50.
  • allday2
    allday2 Posts: 413 Member
    My next half is the Run For The Dream Half in Williamsburg , VA on 31 May. For some reason this is always the hardest race of the year for me!!!
  • bmondloch
    bmondloch Posts: 28 Member
    My next half is on 4/19. It's on a greenway along a creek and very, very flat. I went there for the first time yesterday and biked the course - only saw 100 feet of elevation change total. I'd like to PR this one and am shooting for 1:50.

    Good luck on your run. Hope you have fun.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Running my sixth half Mary on June 1st. SkirtSports®™ half marathon! Hoping for sub 2:20 and a new PR! I run 50+ mpw typically.
  • SalemBoSox88
    My next will be the Hokie Half at Virginia Tech (VT) October 12th.
  • Shane37301
    Shane37301 Posts: 32 Member
    My first is May 4. in Kalamazoo, MI. I already planning to train for my second in the Fall.
  • brandic7
    brandic7 Posts: 17 Member
    My next half marathon is the rock and roll in Vegas in Nov. I've done several half marathons and 1 full but this time I really am going to focus on my time goal and make sure I don't go into it under-trained like the other ones I've done. Fastest one prior was about 2:20, hoping to do this one sub 2:00.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    My next (and first) half is May 3, in Indianapolis. I haven't trained properly, winter kicked my behind. I ended up with a lot of injuries from overtraining when we'd get breaks in the weather. I ran my long runs, except the 7 mile one, I did a run walk because I was nursing an injured achilles paratendon back to health. I ran 10 miles the other day, and it was glorious. The first mile my shins tried to hurt, but I adjusted my stride and it went away. That was my first double digit run ever and it empowered me. I was worried about the half through the winter, thinking there was no way I could do it. I changed my cant's into can's and I am now so freaking excited that I even dream about my first half marathon. I know if I can run 10 I can run 13.1!

    In August, the week of my 46th birthday, I started the C25k program for the 8th time, and finished it for the first time. I got to the point with the 20 minute run and that changed me, I fell in love with running that day. I did a 5k in October, trained for and ran a 10k on January 1 (9th place in my age group.) I started training for my half in January.

    My motto is run, walk, or crawl, I'm crossing the finish line. I have a feeling I may skip across it out of sheer joy and excitement.
  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I'm training for my first half marathon and it's on September 6th. In Texas it will be HOT but its on the coast line. Hopefully that means there will be a breeze. I'm being pretty conservative with my goal time at 2:45. I'm training 5-6 days a week with crossfit 2-3 days a week. I recently finished the C2-10K training and now I'm stepping up my runs to be longer and starting to train outside. I ran in a 5 mile trail race over the weekend and it had tough hills so now my calves need a bit of a rest. Bad timing for my training but I'll let them heal and get back to it.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    Today, I signed up for my first 1/2 of the summer on May 24. My second 1/2 is on August 17. My goal time is sub 2hours (<9:09 pace).

    My training plan is
    Sun - run/long
    Monday - cross-train
    Tuesday - speedwork at the track
    Wednesday - Tempo miles
    Thursday - run/easy (few fartleks)
    Friday - rest/yoga
    Saturday - run/ easy (few fartleks)
  • alystone
    alystone Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! (new here!)

    My half is Nov 8 - Chickamauga Battlefield Half; yes, its my very first! I run 3x a week, and start my half training program on July 20. My goal is to finish in less than three hours.
  • vicksternz87
    vicksternz87 Posts: 5 Member
    My first half marathon will be in Nov this year! I'm going on holiday for a month to UK/Europe, and get back exactly 12 weeks before race day so i'm quite anxious about that as i don't imagine i'll get much running in during my holiday!
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Sunday!!!!! SkirtSports half marathon! Goal to enjoy a halfmary without freaking about a new PR. The course is very hilly and pretty tough looking so I don't think a PR is a reasonable explanation anyway... Oh well, I have 5 more this year that I'm signed up for. Lol.