Body Revoultionaries, starting april 1st, phase 1



  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Good luck with doubling!! Ouch!!

    Ok, so I work my @$$ off during these workouts and I can't seem to burn more than 255 calories! I have my HRM on and I know it's accurate because when I run I use a couple different apps and they always calculate the same so......what's the deal? I was dripping sweat, out of breath and at 155-175 HR through almost the whole workout and still only burned 253 calories :( Any ideas?

    I really think I need to be working out in the evenings too. I need an extra boost this last phase. I have a wedding on the 21st of June. Gotta look good ;)

    How is everyone doing? Dying with 9 and 10 like me?
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    I looked through old threads on here to see what I said about WO9 the first time I did it. I didn't like it then and don't 'love' it now :) Back then I complained about the rock star squats (you roll up from ground). I can do them now, yay! but had trouble with the shoulder fly from plank. I used 12 pound weights (mistake!!!) and struggled to catch up.

    * HRM -- I had lower calorie burns in the later weeks too. Its so much strength and the cardio isn't as intense. I would watch mine during warmups (so for WO9 I went all OUT on the front kicks and all that and tried to make sure my HR was super high). But I am more doing the TDEE so I don't stress as much about burns now. I also used to do 10 mins of Cardio 2 or 3 after finishing to ramp up my calories burned.

    * Doubling up -- So tough, this weekend I did WO7 followed by Cardio 3. Sweat was literally flying! I keep oversleeping and need to try to do more in the a.m... especially since its getting hotter. But I do like to try to do a 2nd workout some evenings if I have time.

    Great job everyone! I have WO10 tomorrow... I didn't write much about it my first time through... I seem to like the even workouts more than the odd ones. So there's hope! ;)
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    with my hip injury I def fell behind all of you guys... still finishing up WO 5 and WO6... the good thing is no more modifications in WO6... but all this talk of later work outs has me a bit scared! I'll keep following as I can't wait to see all of your results!
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    The first time throughout wo's 9 and 10 I thought 9 was harder. The second time through, 10 seemed harder. They are both a killer workout!!! I can't believe I'm already in the last month of the program!!
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    I have been 1 day behind all week since I missed my workout on Memorial Day. Instead of resting or doing cardio 3 today, I decided to go for a run. I've always wanted to get into running because I know it's good excercise, but I've never been good at sticking to it and I would end up hating it and quitting. Well somehow this morning I was able to run just under 1.25 miles without stopping. It may have taken me 18 minutes to do it.... But I can't tell you the last time I ran that much without stopping... If I ever had actually done it. I think my month of 30 day shred and 2 months of body revolution may have something to do with it!!! Running a mile may not seem like a lot to most of you...but I'm quite pleased with myself!
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    That is so awesome! Your hard work is definitely paying off! So proud of you!
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    I have been 1 day behind all week since I missed my workout on Memorial Day. Instead of resting or doing cardio 3 today, I decided to go for a run. I've always wanted to get into running because I know it's good excercise, but I've never been good at sticking to it and I would end up hating it and quitting. Well somehow this morning I was able to run just under 1.25 miles without stopping. It may have taken me 18 minutes to do it.... But I can't tell you the last time I ran that much without stopping... If I ever had actually done it. I think my month of 30 day shred and 2 months of body revolution may have something to do with it!!! Running a mile may not seem like a lot to most of you...but I'm quite pleased with myself!

    this is awesome! great job! definitely embrace that victory!
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Hey everyone,
    Just checking in... I have had a hectic week with doctor appts and work commitments so have been getting little workouts in but need to get back to my 7:15am appointment with JMBR! :)
    WO10... its funny what a cardio workout it is, she throws it all at us! All of the weighted jumps are a little hard on my knee, so I've been grabbing my 20 lb weights and doing squats or lunges rather than jump with 8 lb weights. *whew* ow.! but its shorts season... so if my bum can get smaller/tighter, bring it!

    Congrats on running! When I did JMBR my first go round I did a 5k. I swear the Carido dvds are the best prep. running along with iPod is so much easier than burpees, suicides and running man! ha!

    hope you are all having a great week!
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    Agreed!!!! I used to think running was harder than cross training.... My mind has changed!!! I was conditioned enough when I ran to focus on my music instead of how much pain I was in. I enjoyed that much more than Jillian yelling at me to push harder!!

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement!!!

    I previewed workout 11 today... Umm.. WOW!!!!! It very well might take a miracle for me to make it through...
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    Oh Lordy, I haven't even seen 11 or 12 but I'm scared since 9 and 10 are still kind of kicking my butt!

    I'm proud to say that I haven't missed one workout!! I love getting up every morning and doing this program and I'm really starting to see some results. My size 4 shorts were loose yesterday and I remember a few summers ago my 12's being tight. Goes to show you that slow and steady wins the race. I love this program! Really seeing some muscles developing too.

    Running IS easier than HIIT workouts! I would rather run any day rather than doing Jillians Cardio, but I know it's good for me so.....

    Have a great day everyone, it's going to be a hot one here in Oregon so maybe I'll sweat some more pounds off :)
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    Oh Lordy, I haven't even seen 11 or 12 but I'm scared since 9 and 10 are still kind of kicking my butt!

    I'm proud to say that I haven't missed one workout!! I love getting up every morning and doing this program and I'm really starting to see some results. My size 4 shorts were loose yesterday and I remember a few summers ago my 12's being tight. Goes to show you that slow and steady wins the race. I love this program! Really seeing some muscles developing too.

    Running IS easier than HIIT workouts! I would rather run any day rather than doing Jillians Cardio, but I know it's good for me so.....

    Have a great day everyone, it's going to be a hot one here in Oregon so maybe I'll sweat some more pounds off :)

    Wow!!! Sounds like you HAVE lost a lot of weight! Size 12 to size 4?! That's great!!! This is my first day of summer vacation (I'm a teacher) so I slept in and have been taking it easy this morning. I'm about to workout now though and start my day.

    I, too have been enjoying this program. I have missed a few workouts here and there, but I always made up for them on another day. I think I may have missed one day of cardio overall but that was the week my grandmother died. I'm trying to decide what to do next! I was thinking about buying some of Jillian's other DVDs (maybe ripped in 30 or killer abs) and alternating those with running. Does anyone else have some post JMBR workout plans?
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm a teacher too! What grade? I'm fourth, I have 2.5 more days! I'm dying to be on summer break!
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    just checking in... I feel like every other post I write has an 'excuse in it'! Went to go make up missed workouts on Sat a.m. and found a nice squishy wet basement carpet after heavy Friday night rains! Spent Saturday and Sunday wet vaccing my workout area... hope to get back to it tonight (more rain scheduled... fingers crossed my Jllian DVDs aren't floating! ha!)

    Congrats on an awesome school year, teachers! I have a degree in elementary education... but work in an entirely different field... but it feels like I am working with children more often than not! ha!

    Happy Monday! Have a great week!
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm a Spanish teacher in a middle school. I teach all 3 grade levels (6-8). I won't have much of a break this summer because I signed up for workshops at the board of Ed (curriculum writing, etc.) and I just became the new head cheerleading coach at the high school next to the middle school where I teach (which is part of the reason I want to get in better shape!) I subbed all through college and when I ended up in elementary school I preferred 4th and 5th graders! Good luck these last few days of school!

    So... Workout 11... Holy cow!!! I was sweating so much I literally slipped on my own sweat towards the end of the workout (gross... I know!) I'm excited that after tomorrow we will have officially completed all of her workouts!! I need to figure out what to do about the end of the week because we are leaving early Friday morning for a short 2 day vacation. Suggestions anyone??
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    OH.MY.GOSH. So workouts 11 and Well, I hate holding chataronga, I hate scorpion push ups and I hate wheel forward to Thursday, NOT! Glad to be able to do a few of these moves though. Maybe by the end of next week ill be able to do everything? We'll see. I might spend a few weeks in this last 2 DVD's just to make sure I can get good form.

    School is out! Yay! Less stress, more sleep :)
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    I can't do wheel push-ups :( I don't think it's a matter of strength, but a matter of flexibility in my back. I tried and failed the first time through, so the second time I just did normal push-ups. Hopefully I can do it in a couple of weeks!
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    I actually skipped cardio yesterday because I was so sore!!! Feeling better today, got 11 done and getting ready to shower and be ready for the day....yes it's almost 11. I love summer vacation :)
  • ravensgirl87
    ravensgirl87 Posts: 39 Member
    Haha don't feel bad... My workouts have been much later too on summer vacation :) I did NOT get workout 11 in today. I tweeked my knee yesterday doing cardio. I didn't think it was a big deal until I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and I had a sharp pain in my knee. It only hurts if I sit for too long (it gets stiff) or if I twist it in a funny way... But I didn't think lots of jumping (especially with added weights) would be a good idea. I probably could have done it , but we are going to an amusement park tomorrow and I didn't want to be in pain walking around!!! Luckily since this is my summer vacation I have a lot of flexibility with how I plan out my workouts :)
  • JillStone17
    JillStone17 Posts: 65 Member
    I hope your knee feels better. Mine have definitely been sore since I started 11 and 12. It's all the jumping and plyometrics I think. I'm not one to have knee pain so I know that's what it is.

    It took everything in me to do Cardio 3 today. I'm so bored with it. Love the strength workouts HATE the cardio. I think I will start the program over again when I'm done but I'm going to buy some other HIIT workouts to do in between because I CAN'T stand to do these over again.

    How is everyone else? We're almost done! Who stuck with it? I skipped cardio on Wednesday from being so sore with DVD 11 and 12 but other than that I've kept with it the whole time. I'm finally getting a hold on my eating so I'm starting to see some real progress. Got some supplements too that is supposed to help with fat burning and muscle building. Excited for that.

    Anyone going to start over after next week? If so let's stay in touch.
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    First off... wheel pushups. I am putting those on my bucket list. My first round of JMBR, I could hardly hold wheel and twerked my back even attempting. I even talked to two different friends who are yoga instructors and asked for tips. Its just not in the cards for me... how does Kenta do it with that one leg up? I would videotape me attempting it but I am afraid it would go viral with the world laughing at me! ha! I will just struggle along to hold wheel and not even attempt pushup! (Chaturanga is another story... I hold it whimpering the whole time!)

    WO11 and 12 are definitely tough. The jumping hurts one knee and one ankle. Take some supplements to help my joints. Cardio III is boring but so tough. I have Picture in Picture on the tv... so I will put another show on (sometimes food network, ha) and just follow along with C3 while watching another show! cheater... but trust me... still dripping sweat and panting. It throws me off when she gets out of order with the alternating front kicks from circuit one and two.

    Hope you are having a great weekend! Weather is perfect here