April Check in & Chat - Spring into the Squat Rack



  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    @Nex --- you are looking good !!!

    P.S. In an effort to alleviate everyone's OHP woes, maybe have a look at the following chart that shows normal, realistic OHP 1RM numbers (and the difference between men and women which is quite significant), so feel free to adjust your spreadsheet accordingly:


    (I dunno if Mehdi has a different progression sheet for men than he does for women ... if he doesn't, then he should, because we're just not the same. Maybe somebody can create a progression sheet/plan for the ladies if one doesn't exist *cough*Tameko*cough* :smile: )
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Hi ladies :)
    I have been a bit busy with starting a new job this week and also starting the whole30 (day 4!) But I'm still getting my lifts in, and I'm trying to get back into yoga, too.

    Today I lifted

    Squat 55 kg 5x5 (my ideal bodyweight!!)
    OHP 20 kg 5x5 (finally, I've been stalling since my deload)
    Deadlift 55 kg 1x5

    A guy asked me if I was going to get a lifting belt since my deadlifts are heavy! I said that I could still handle the weight with good form so not yet and he agreed my form was good. Then told me to be careful not to get too bulky (reminds me, I have progress pics to post in the new thread!)

    For those who do yoga, how often/how long/in a class or at home?
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    @Nex - I find the same thing re: carbs and upper body strength. And my, my - those are some nice guns, milady! :smile:

    @jheri - Definitely take it easy with your shoulder, and listen to everything Dani said. I'm glad you are finding the sweet spot for your foot placement. I tried to play around with mine yesterday, and should have just stayed with what was working.

    Okay - I'm not sure if DL's at 135 are considered 'heavy' territory as in "when you start lifting heavy, you won't want to do anything else." But I am exhausted STILL! from yesterday's workout. I'm hoping that by this afternoon I'll have some more energy, because there are rocks that won't move themselves and retaining walls that won't build themselves if I don't get out there and do some work.

    Have a great Saturday, all!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    A guy asked me if I was going to get a lifting belt since my deadlifts are heavy! I said that I could still handle the weight with good form so not yet and he agreed my form was good. Then told me to be careful not to get too bulky (reminds me, I have progress pics to post in the new thread!)

    For those who do yoga, how often/how long/in a class or at home?

    Um, I can squat raw 110 kg (242 lbs) and same for deads, I could probably do more with a belt, but if your core can hold, then try to go as heavy as you can before using a belt, I reckon. I am just about to buy one in a couple of weeks time. I see guys in the gym using them when they aren't even doing compound lifts, wtf?! Also a young guy had one on front squatting only 70 kg...I suppose everyone's core is different, but surely strengthening this part is important too, before using assistance?

    I do yoga once per week for about an hour on a Tues evening on a rest day in a gym class.

    Ladies all of our biceps are looking hot, no?! Whoooooooooooo! : ) *big grin*
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    For those who do yoga, how often/how long/in a class or at home?

    I do yoga for ~20ish minutes right before I lift. It's my warmup/stretch. Works really well for me. I foam roll after. Works really well for me also.

    Everyone's different though, so fit it in when it makes the most sense to you/for you. :smile:

    I do it from home and currently use a personal routine I created with the SimplyYoga app. I change it up every so often. I used to follow Yogazone DVDs and did attend some classes at the beginning and here and there but I've done mostly my own thing (for like 10 or so years now ... which is why I'm more limber now at 45 than my kids are at 20 and also why I don't have a lot of trouble with tight spots when it comes to lifting). Yoga is total win/win in my book. It's not highly uncommon to see me do a deep forward fold or downward dog at random times during the day when my lower back starts to feel tight from sitting on my *kitten* too long. :smile:
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I do it 3-4 times per week, at home or in my classroom. (Yoga, obvs.) I have a yogaglo.com membership so I use a class from there or the hone practice classes from Yoga Journal. ( Yes, I subscribe to the mag.)
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    I go to a one hour yoga class at my gym once a week. And yes, I also drop in to random poses during the day. . .:)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I try to do yoga on all non lifting days except for my 1 full rest day.....sometimes I take 2 rest days and that leaves me for only 1 day of yoga as I lift every other day, not just 3x/week.

    I do DVD's at home....Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown, Bob Harper Yoga for the Warrior, Bob Harper's Biggest Loser Yoga, Rodney Yee Daily Yoga, and an Element DVD for flexibility and stress relief.

    Not going to lie though....I'm a sucker for punishment and find myself doing the hybrid JM and BH programs more often than the others lately :huh:

    Speaking of which....I was supposed to do BH Warrior Yoga this morning but I went 5 days straight on the workouts and this morning my body was screaming at me.....so it's a rest day. Tomorrow is lifting so no way that gets bumped! Plus I feel like I need a day to eat....so imma eat dammit!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Man, oh, man! Six pages, already! I have been slammed between work, home, family issues, taxes, and trying to get my back better. (Which it is - considerably - altho, last night I may have overdone it a hair on the squats, but OMG, it felt so GOOD to do them with more than just the bar!!!)

    Everyone is doing ridiculously well!

    I am still in search of SOME kind of Yoga program that I can get on board with. I tried a two week trial at one of the streaming yoga sites, but my internet connection has been so flakey the last month or so, it can’t keep up with the stream, so I am going to need to either find something on demand via my cable provider, or simply pick up a good DVD. Open to ideas, because I am yoga-clueless and a total non-bendy noob. :wink:

  • Another weird question. I'm flat footed, so I think it may be impacting the way my legs are building right now. My quads are sticking way out while my inner thighs don't feel quite as strong. Is this genetics or can I adjust my feet placement to maybe work more inner thighs more during squats? I am wearing my custom orthotics with flat sneakers during lifting. I sure it's best to support my knees as my weight keeps increasing. Edited to add- or as women, is it harder to build those inner thighs cuz childbirth?

    Hope that your shoulder is feeling better with the ice/heat combo and with some rest :) Definitely take it easy for a bit until it feels better.

    re:flat feet. Um, I have so many thoughts I'm going to try to make sense of them.
    Can you adjust your feet placement to bias your inner thigh? Yes, by turning your feet out like a ballerina, but you won't be doing the traditional squat, and I wouldn't recommend it all the time b/c you don't walk like that so it really isn't very functional. Also it will probably be much harder to do correctly so try it without weights first, knees navigating over toes. Generally I really just wouldn't recommend it, or at least not as a replacement for traditional squat.

    Do your knees travel inward as you squat? If your inner muscles are weak and/or your feet are rolling in to flat foot, you might be squatting like the picture on the right which shows inactive inner quads/adductors, squatting like the picture on the left will strengthen all of your muscles evenly.

    Also if your orthotics are getting old they might not provide too much support anymore.
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member

    Another weird question. I'm flat footed, so I think it may be impacting the way my legs are building right now. My quads are sticking way out while my inner thighs don't feel quite as strong. Is this genetics or can I adjust my feet placement to maybe work more inner thighs more during squats? I am wearing my custom orthotics with flat sneakers during lifting. I sure it's best to support my knees as my weight keeps increasing. Edited to add- or as women, is it harder to build those inner thighs cuz childbirth?

    Hope that your shoulder is feeling better with the ice/heat combo and with some rest :) Definitely take it easy for a bit until it feels better.

    re:flat feet. Um, I have so many thoughts I'm going to try to make sense of them.
    Can you adjust your feet placement to bias your inner thigh? Yes, by turning your feet out like a ballerina, but you won't be doing the traditional squat, and I wouldn't recommend it all the time b/c you don't walk like that so it really isn't very functional. Also it will probably be much harder to do correctly so try it without weights first, knees navigating over toes. Generally I really just wouldn't recommend it, or at least not as a replacement for traditional squat.

    Do your knees travel inward as you squat? If your inner muscles are weak and/or your feet are rolling in to flat foot, you might be squatting like the picture on the right which shows inactive inner quads/adductors, squatting like the picture on the left will strengthen all of your muscles evenly.

    Also if your orthotics are getting old they might not provide too much support anymore.

    I'm not doing the full fledged ballerina feet horizontal type thing, more like toes pointed at 1 o'clock and 11 o'clock of that makes sense. I guess I feel like my quads are doing a bulk of the work and they at looking quite... bulky (yes, bulky lol lol). Check out my avi you can see them popping out lol. Should I learn to like that? Lol I really was hoping to build strength in my lower back and more glutes! I make sure to keep weight in my heel, I can wiggle my toes when squatting. My orthotics are quite old, and I've crappy insurance. Maybe I should try without?

    My shoulder is much better today with ice last night. Found some rehab exercises I'll try after a few more healing days. Thank you and the rest of the gang for your help :flowerforyou:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ok I did Stronglifts B, stuck at 40kg (88lb) squat as the first set felt wobbly, but as I went on I was kicking myself for not moving up, so shall do that next time. Got complimented by the guy next to me who said that 40kg wasn't shabby for a girl, then as anyone who has seen my wall knows, got mansplained halfway through set 3 (I think) of my OHP, a guy saying I should bend my knees... Again stuck at 25kg (55lb) as failed to properly finish a couple of sets last time. I can't honestly say if I did 4 or 5 sets though (grr) so next time I'm going to manually adjust all the figures in my phone to 4 reps, then increase to 5 (or adjust etc) when I've completed each set.
    I then moved up to 60kg (132lb) (THIS was the one with the big girl plates!!) deadlift, and in my head anyway, I rocked it! Felt properly BAMF on that :)

    I did go up to that guy afterwards and explain what I was doing (he had patently not heard of it) and he approved of the 5 lifts and said not to waste time on the weights machines. He was quite apologetic too so probably best that I didn't stove his head in with the bar ;)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    <---- Bicep as of today! I think it is so awesome to see at the amazing arms!

    Thursday's workout A went okay. Squats are still pinching the hip flexor. I'm stretching and looking like a pigeon :happy: before squats, but I am starting to think it is an issue of physiology rather than a tight muscle. I've had hip issues since having my son over 4 years ago. So I'm just going to keep at it until I can find something that is comfortable in the squat. I managed 5x5 @ 75 for squats. Bench was good and I hit 100lbs! Row I was up to 105.

    Today was better after a complete rest day yesterday. Squats I managed at 95, still had some twinge in the left hip flexor, but I played around with different depths, foot placement, toe pointing out.....basically focused on what did or did not compress the muscle. I managed 70 on OHP!! I had HORRIBLE form on a few of the last ones so I will sit at 70 for next round as well. Deads I did 2x5 @ 150. I did the second set to compensate for the lighter squats. I will probably do that until I get the squat stuff figured out.

    Jheri - I'm glad to hear your shoulder is starting to feel better. I would agree that it would be good to let it rest the full way before going back to OHP.

    I think I will start looking into a yoga program for at least one day a week. I'm not bendy at all.

    Next session will have me at the half way point for the 12 week program. I'm happy with it at this point, but I think I will be looking into one of the intermediate programs for my next step after this round of SL.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Got complimented by the guy next to me who said that 40kg wasn't shabby for a girl, then as anyone who has seen my wall knows, got mansplained halfway through set 3 (I think) of my OHP, a guy saying I should bend my knees...

    I did go up to that guy afterwards and explain what I was doing (he had patently not heard of it) and he approved of the 5 lifts and said not to waste time on the weights machines. He was quite apologetic too so probably best that I didn't stove his head in with the bar ;)

    Complements are always nice!!! I love the term "mansplained" :laugh: I haven't had anyone try to "correct" me on OHP or rows yet...I'm waiting for it though. Maybe my headphones and general pissed off expression keep them away :wink:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    jstout loving your bicep, that is awesome!

    had to google image pigeon pose, not at all what I had in my head lol (toes turned in like a pigeon!), not sure I could even get into that shape! :)
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    jstout - I like that muscle! I have missed the comments about where you are feeling this twinge? Can you tell clearly that it is in a muscle? I"m asking because I have issues with my pelvis (or something in there) pushing on my sciatic nerve in certain positions. Just a thought - if your pelvis moved a bit after your pregnancies, maybe it squishes something now that it didn't used? Either way - I hope you figure out a way around it!

    Lwoodroff - good on you for educating your mansplainer!

    jheri - glad your shoulder is feeling better. I thought about you during my hip hop class today! It was very similar to zumba (which I have done for years), but with more 'tude. So much fun - but I don't think I can do that more than once a week. Whew!
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes y'all! :wink: Yeah I'm not doing OHP for a while lol

    Jstout- your arm is great looking!!

    Kirabob- that sounds fun! There's something similar at my studio, I think i might try it soon :0) they also have yoga, will definitely be doing that!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    jstout - I like that muscle! I have missed the comments about where you are feeling this twinge? Can you tell clearly that it is in a muscle? I"m asking because I have issues with my pelvis (or something in there) pushing on my sciatic nerve in certain positions. Just a thought - if your pelvis moved a bit after your pregnancies, maybe it squishes something now that it didn't used? Either way - I hope you figure out a way around it!

    Kira - the pain is for sure in the hip flexor, but compression is one of my "theories". I have issues after lifting where I try to pull my leg up (like when going up stairs) or if it is really bad, difficulty starting the walking movement with my left leg. I am trying to determine if it is an issue of the muscles being strained, inflexibility, a problem of compression from the hip bone itself, or general overuse.

    Here is a picture of the problem area:


    It had given me problems before starting SL as I got higher in weight for squats and lunges. During pregnancy my hips would lock on me and I've had the left hip lock on me since during certain exercises like bicycle crunches. It is frustrating, but I just let it calm back down and then see how far I can get the next time. I'm working on increasing flexibility and will probably look into adding some band work on non-SL days to focus on hip flexor strength.

    And thanks everyone for the complements on the bicep pic! So many great biceps in this group!!
  • @jstout - if that's been going on a while you might want to try to get into an ortho/physical therapist/sports med doc of some kind. It might be very treatable!

    Today I maxed myself out pretty hard.

    Bench 75 x 5,5,5,5,4,5 (maybe I didn't rest long enough in the middle there?? Kind of lost concentration. Roll of shame = awesome.)
    P Rows 75 x 5, 5, 4.5, 3.5, 3.5 (not getting all the way to chest)
    Squat 110 x 5x5

    Then I did 2 sets of a circuit of 10 reps each step toe taps, plank rows, power clean/jerk, reverse crunches, lateral lunges. I was planning on doing more cycles but I was exhausted.

    Even tho I failed on Bench and Rows I still feel really awesome about this workout. Kind of excited to be pushing myself up to high enough #'s to actually fail. Failure is success, right?!

    Edited to add: I am now adding playing ultimate frisbee games 1x/week and according to the spreadsheet that ups me to 1,821 cals per day! I'm kind of scared to increase calories since I'm not losing much weight right now. I know if someone else posted this I'd be saying, do it, eat more, you will lose faster/lift better/be healthier at a smaller deficit! But telling myself that... not working so well.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Hola mi amigas!

    Everyone looking so buff and being all bad azz.

    Workout B today-

    Squats- 70lbs 5x5
    OHP- 55lbs 5,5,3,5,5- my 3rd set was all mental and I know it. I got to thinking I couldn't do the whole set and well I didn't :grumble:
    Deadlifts 150lbs, 1x5- these were tough and pretty much taxed my system. Been sluggish ever since and even needed a nap.

    Today was my monthly progress update (it is actually tomorrow but I have to work). I gained 1.6lbs, but I lost 6" overall IN A MONTH. Never did that with cardio even when I was losing pounds. And according the guesstimation on Heybales spreadsheet my body fat went down 1.61% so I am now at 33.89% BF. I am actually seeing changes in my progress pics now. The lump on my upper abdomen is gone, woo hoo! Cant tell much change from the front still, but I can on the side view.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Will have to catch up on the 3 pages of post that have gotten ahead of me.