April = Achievements!



  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    TA, thankful that the surgery went well and congrats on avoiding emotional eating!
    Went to internist today and all numbers were good, except my thyroid numbers require some adjustments to the meds.this is only the second time that I have seen this doc. I wish I could see my former internist who knew me when I weighed 307 and said that based on family history I should not expect to weigh less than 200, today fully clothed at the office I weighed 192! My first official onederland weigh in at the doctors office, Hectic weekend planned, as usual months with nothing to do, then everything scheduled at once.
    Hatters Happy Weekend!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    WooHoo Janet! Awesome Awesome Awesome!!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: (long island tea if you please).....

    Size 14 Purple Pants Here she comes!!!!!

    Have a Better Than Awesome Day!!!

    You, as always, rock this MFP thing.....and yes, you are the queen.....

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    E Bunny will probably lose his head tomorrow, and the rest will follow by Monday.... giggle / snort....:laugh:

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    TA - So happy things are well for your daughter. Prayers are a wonderful thing. God is good.
    Carol- LEAVE that bunny alone...or at least take smaller bites:laugh:
    Janet- I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished, it only proves that with persistence and tenacity we can achieve our goals. I am with you on the previous internist. Wouldn't it be nice to say....In your face!........

    I hope all of you have a great day and a better tomorrow....
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Dang it...Seehe (Susan) I am jealous of your bougainvillea, and more importantly jealous that you have a gardener! Around the house I am the head gardener. I should send pics when my little garden pops up. We just took down an arbor with vines due to a mosquito infestation. I will see if I have a picture of the summer we got married. The garden was at its most beautiful then.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I know I caught that gardener bit , Seehee... and said "Oh my, that sounds wonderful" .. but , They' re beautiful!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member

    Sorry I've been a little MIA.. I have done some PM's as I've been reading all the posts but not replying much cept thru the PM's... was a crazy busy week at work; and my first day off was spent running chores and picking up stuff for some upcoming retirement partys, followed by a late afternoon nap LOL! This morning was out early for a doctor appt (super happy as had great scores on all my tests..too bad that never happened in school!) then the first retirement luncheon (one bonus to arranging the venue and menu? I made one of the choices salmon hee hee... and it was fabulous and altho i did indulge in some of the butter dill sauce along with and a small piece of cake after, the sides were cauli and broccoli so all in all one of the healthier eating out meals! and finally home with my feet up now LOL!

    About to catch up and do some comments... but need to refill my water glass first!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member

    Snoozie- jumping for joy about your super fantastic news. You rock!!!!!!!]
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Susan - love the new pic of you and hubby! And now that you've overcome the diabetes scare, i think its fab that you're focusing on a more relaxed mind/body/spirit wellness journey! Glad you loved the meditation series and look forward to hearing more about it as you go! Also love your patio.. everything here is grey.. the sky the lawn its raining and wet this morning but we had a nice sunny albeit cold day yesterday so made sure i got out and about.. I cannot lie I am so looking forward to when spring actually arrives! But on the plus side, its a good day to stay in and tackle the house hold chores lol.. and with rain in the forecast all week, its a good time to be starting midnights too hahaha!

    Tonya sounds like you've been digging and planting a lot too.. way to burn off those calories!

    Tammy - further to the PM you already know I'm thrilled about the wonderful news re your daughter, but didn't remember to say congrats on eating well thru the waiting and tests.. and on the 3 month challenge you joined!! I know you are totally focused on making your 100 goal and this sounds like a great plan to help you work towards it!! Keep us updated pls!

    Carol - congrats on keeping to your goals of less chocolate and more movement! How's the bunny holding up ? They don't make bunnies in my fav kind of dark choc, but I have found one thin square melted can cover 3-4 strawberries so I get my chocolate fix that way... altho the M&M peanuts are calling to me for some reason.. I havent answered.. yet lol!

    puter is giving me probs... will post this and start the next round of replies ..
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hi Snoozie...

    You would be so proud.....bunny has only lost his ears and head... going for the belly, tail and feet today (sorry bunny, your foot isn't saving you today)... giggle / snort....:wink::wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    And it took me the whole week..... and haven't had any other chocolate from the basket.....:bigsmile:

    Will be tackling the rest of the chocolate this week - hopefully only 5 or 6 pieces....:ohwell:

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member

    You would be so proud.....bunny has only lost his ears and head... going for the belly, tail and feet today (sorry bunny, your foot isn't saving you today)... giggle / snort....:wink::wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    And it took me the whole week..... and haven't had any other chocolate from the basket.....:bigsmile:

    Will be tackling the rest of the chocolate this week - hopefully only 5 or 6 pieces....:ohwell:


    Super job Carol :smile: This year I made little itty bitty Easter baskets for my son and hubby, and cracked up because I found wrapped little chocolate bunny ears without the rest of the bunny for their baskets!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Tammy- so glad to hear that your daughter is doing well. Nothing is more important or sacred than our children!!!! How you managed to stay on track with your eating through this is so admirable and inspiring!

    Tonya and TArnold- I admire people who have the talent to garden. I have a purple thumb, and it's a little tricky here in the desert, plus it involved my underground drip irrigation system, which had blown a gasket, and some pretty heavy labor, all of which was beyond me:noway:
    I do wish I could do it myself, though!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Snoozie, fab job on the medical test results! It is so important to remember our health is more than the numbers on the scale.
    I was disappointed I thought yesterday was the first day of the local farmers market, I knew there wouldn't be much but I was sad that there was nothing but an empty lot! I have faith that spring will get here soon.
    Had a lovely day with DH yesterday doing tourist type things in Baltimore.
    Now I need to do taxes...
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member

    Now I need to do taxes...

    OMG I am petrified to do our taxes- we am going to owe sooooooooooooo much!!!!!! :sad:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Argggh... puter woes this morning.. keeps freezing up.. almost resorted to my phone to type but we all know how badly that could turn out lol..

    Carol - super proud of you girl!! may the bunny lose his parts slowly for the rest of the week lOLOL..

    Susan.. lvoe the dancing guys ty ty!! and omg on the taxes... craperooo i need to start them... I feel your pain on paying tho..because I worked a second part time job for 10 yrs up until January of last year I have always had to pay every year(go figure.. try to make a little more $ and they goon you with more taxes... ) so this year I am hoping to at least NOT owe.. I'll never get a refund as a single person with no dependents I have absolutely NO deductions... not one lol.. but hopefully without the extra income this year I won't have to pay! I too am useless at gardening... but I love looking at other peoples beyootiful gardens!

    Janet - playing tourist good on ya!! And my sister and I were just talking the other day about when the farmers markets will be opening... we think its the May long weekend here but neither of us can wait!

    K its almost 11am and i am still in my jammies.. i sepnt the whole day there yesterday so i am gonna get off my butt and start my chores!!! or at least shower and dress LOL.. have a good day everyone!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Sounds like everyone is having a wonderful and some busy weekend. I am actually having a lazy day watching NASCAR with the husband. We both love it and both the girls are out for the day.

    Made some bad choices yesterday (went to a bday party hungry :noway: ) So back on track first thing this morning. Checked on the garden and we have both green beans and green lima beans popping out. Hoping to get the the rest set out next weekend.

    Wishing everyone a great week !!!!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Today I have repotted anthuriums, peace lillies, philodendrons, yucca trees and more. Planted caladiums out front and oh yeah, sago palms. Mesclun is popping up and waiting on radishes and such. I hope all of you have had a good weekend!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    RIP Bunny Big Ears.... you were so sweet while it lasted.....

    Good news - went to Talbots, Ann Taylor, Coldwater Creek, Clarks....size 14 / 16 pants, size L / XL tops...../ size 8 shoe...
    Bad news - went to Talbots, Ann Taylor, Coldwater Creek, Clarks...

    7 pairs of pants, a bunch of tops and sweaters... set for spring / summer..... won't talk about the bills.... luckily have wonderful hubby....

    Let's hope DH won't notice too soon....

    Not shrinking by pounds, but feel lighter, if that makes any sort of sense??? With my luck the scale will start to move again now...

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Carol - thought of u last night when I found a two inch high dark choc bunny my sister had given me at Easter - he lost more than his ears in under 10 seconds! Nice job in the shopping they are still forecasting possible snow here this week so holding off on any spring shopping yet although I did buy 3 tshirts for $5 each to up my exercise wardrobe! Now I just have to put them to use! Going to check out a drop in class at my local rec centre this morning - they offer a few diff classes every day so am going to try several out before deciding on a membership. It might work well around my shifts to be able to pick different times of classes thru the day but can pay per class to try them and quite a variety including aerobics yoga body pump Zumba strength training etc so lots u can try out. Waiting for puter to reboot so on my phone apologies for typos
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Survived my first trial class... barely! Didn't have a clue how to use the sliding things or the weight bar and was sure i was going to kill myself or someone else, but we all came out alive.. it kicked my butt tho sadly - but enjoyed it and felt better afterwards for having moved! Starting midnight shift tonight fora week, and have a few events happening during the day on a few so exoect sine weird diary entries as I'll be logging my food from wake up to bedtime after tomorrow! Will prolly be over today as the first night in I usually get hungry around 3am lol.. Hope everyone had a great Monday!

    PS Tonya - WOWSA on all the planting!! Well done!
    TA: Glad you took a little down time.. seems like this weekend was a bit horrid for a couple of us... but it's behind us and moving on right!