April = Achievements!



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Kobie - I've never heard of that particular test either... I do know that now that I'm closer to my goal weight, i need to start doing some strength training or weights to increase my muscle mass.. I had to lose a lot of the fat on top of it first but I think I also need to kick up some cardio to help with burning off the fat, and the ST to start building up muscle. Looks like the tips from your trainer are working great for you in getting results again... good on ya!!!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    While the news is especially disturbing today, I think we will need an extra kick of exercise this weekend to chase away the blues.
    HATTERS SHOUT OUT--what are you doing this weekend to get all of the amazing and positive results from exercise.
    I have a full schedule of tennis-Friday night, Sat at 1-drills, Sat at 5 match and Sunday at 10. And I get to walk to the farmers market on Saturday morning, my favorite walk of the week.
    IF YOU WILL BE MOVIN TO THE MUSIC--include your playlist.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hi Janet...

    Plan 1 - gather up the too big clothes and take them to local charity... not good enough for consignment, but so not flattering on the size 14..... making room.... plus the charity benefits too... my son's PTA is having a clothing drive and making money per pound... so, the bigger the closthes the more money they make??? jk... giggle snort....

    Plan 2 - oil change... she is no needing one... plus having the car cleaned by pros... love my son, but sometimes you need to teach him a lesson... having moments... but wouldn't trade him for a warm puppy... he's being a moody teenager... but will give him an opportunity Sunday to make money....

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I want to take a moment to tell you lovely ladies that are part of the Hatters, whether in posting or just reading...that you are all special and loved. Thank you for all your support. Now ....go out and hug some special person and let them know you love them...with all the tragic events happening, lately, we never know when the last words we say to them , may really be our last words to them. I hope you Have a wonderful weekend!!

  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member

    Thanks for the reminder.

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Gail, couldn't agree more about expressing our love and gratitude to those we love!

    Janet, I'm walking my doggies and doing yoga and meditation to keep in shape and in balance-also had fun dancing some at the awesome Rodriguez concert last night:-)
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    NSV - size 12... pants... even though "knit jeans" still size 12... claiming it!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Moving this weekend was cleaning the little ones bedroom. I know it doesn't sound like much but this little pack rat (ssshhh I know she gets it honest) doesn't want to let go of anything so I picked a time while she was at her sister's house for a visit.

    I have packed a large moving box with clothes that are to large and have others I need to add to the box I just can't seem to make myself let go of. Crazy !!!!!!!!!!!! I have it sitting by the closet and am doing my best to make myself take it off, fold it, and add it to the box as I come across them. I think I am scared of not having any left in the closet and in the years past avoiding shopping was something I got good at to avoid having the deal with my size and weight. Going a few weeks ago and trying on 30 plus tops and coming out with 3 I found overwhelming in relationship to the amount of time it took while it did feel good to be able to shop in store again. That was something I had not done in years b/c of the sizes and feelings that would come to the surface when shopping. I would just shop online and if it didn't fit send it back. Though I know when school starts next year I will need new clothes I kinda just keep making excuse right now that I can just wait till then since I don't want to spend a lot now and it not fit then.

    This April weather has been crazy. 70 one day 42 the next, btw the temps and rain we still have not been able to get the remainder of the garden planted. Looks promising for next weekend, we shall see.

    Wishing everyone a great week !!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    CBM- awesome NSV-size 12 is awesome!

    TArnold- I can relate to how you feel about letting go of old clothes that are too big. I found it to be surprisingly difficult. Everyone was saying how great it was that I had to buy all new clothes, but it was hard letting go of my other clothes and starting all over again, and expensive, too! And I'm only halfway to my goal. Luckily, I really only change sizes at about a 30 pound loss, so my new clothes will be with me for awhile as I think the second thirty pounds are going to take longer than the first.

    So I have had it with my fickle bathroom scale which no longer seems to be consistent or reliable and is so frustrating! I ordered a medical one on Amazon. It had great reviews, and at least I will know what I really weigh good or bad, and be able to monitor my progress more accurately!

    Hope everyone has a terrific week!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    TA, I understand about the clothes. The first two sets of too big clothes were easy. I didn't like how I looked and felt in those clothes. The size 16s that are filling a sofa are different. I was happy and proud to fit into those clothes. And for the years I was accumulating size 16s on sale, I really thought they would be the clothes that I would be wearing when I weighed 175 pounds. Even though I am still 16 pounds from that goal, part of me is still amazed that those clothes are too big. This weekend I went through my chest of drawers and added to the things on the sofa, so only clothes that actually fit remain. There were a lot of t shirts, many commenorating events or trips. I decided instead of tossing them, I am going to make a t-shirt quilt. It will remind me both of the happy memories and the fact that I used to be a different size. Previously, I made a red and purple quilt and for focus pieces I cut two cotton dresses, one I wore when I weighed 307 pounds and another I wore years earlier when I weighed less than 150 pounds. I am not planning on seing either of those numbers again.
    Carol, size 12 happy happy dance!
    Seehee, I agree a consistent decent scale is crucial for mental health!
    Gail, thanks for the reminder, life is precious!
    Snoozie, Tonya, Patrice, Merobi, and all of the quiet Hatters where are you and how are things with you?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi all....apologies for being MIA its just been a crazy busy month and even having trubble just keeping up with my logging but by end of week things will be quieted down and won't be able to shut me up again. Huge kudos to Carole for great nsv and Janet for 3 lb victory and Tammy for cleaning out the rooms - also commiserate with the hard time getting rid of big clothes in head have always kept them myself 'just in case' so understand! Hugs to seehe tonya Gail Patrice lassie 'et al'. Miss u guys and promise will be back in full force shortly !!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hugging you right back, Snooze!! News update: I didn't make my lb. loss, before April 22....... so I canceled my apptment..but I am still working to lose it.... and reschedule... I just want to see if I can get my vital numbers to come down ..not just weight.

    Tammy, It is hard to clear out closets...I think it has to do with needing to have many hangers to look through..If we have only the 4 shirts and 2 pants that fit, we feel like we're clothes-less!!

    Janet, That is a great idea about your quilt! I love it!!

    Carole, You are really knocking it out of the park!! I want to be like you when I grow up!!

    Seehe, I have had it with the scale!! , I wish you luck with yours, though.

    Snoozie, Sorry you have been so busy, We miss you! I miss you!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Evening Hatters..

    Dusted off my computer and fired it up so first stop is a post to say sorry for being so out of touch and not very supportive lately - been doing very long day shifts and can't log in at work; and have been trying to keep up with the basics in between; and have some family stuff going on inbetween - went with my sister for some medical tests on a few days and on Monday at 1am ended up having to take her to emerg; were there til 6am, got her home and settled with scripts then went to work. Tomorrow I have taken off work as I am going with her to get the results of a biopsy she had to have so i've been a little worried about her as well. I know you all understand sometimes you have to priorize your time cause you've all been there, done that and have the t shirt LOL.. I haven't been going horrible crazy with my eating calorie wise, but haven't been eating "well" and I'm feeling it.

    I have been scanning the posts on my phone and reading the group posts, and I promise I'll be back in full force shortly!! Hugs all around! :flowerforyou:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Snoozie, sending prayers for your sister's biopsy results. I thought of you today when they played O, Canada, before the Orioles-Blue Jays game.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Oh my , Snoozie, crossing my fingers,toes, and all other body parts for good news for your sister! Hang in there!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks ladies.. appreciate the kindness!

    and Janet... ?

    #1 - kudos on getting the "O" part right!! A whole lot of Canadians even think it's "OH Canada"... so way to go!!

    and I kid you not... just before I read your post about thinking of me during the anthem... I read this on a topic here and thought of each and every one of my friends stateside!!

    Someone asked in jest " What is a Canadian? "

    and the best answer I saw (and the one that made me think of you guys!) ?

    It's a frozen, extremely polite and un-armed American with health care.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member

    Someone asked in jest " What is a Canadian? "

    and the best answer I saw (and the one that made me think of you guys!) ?

    It's a frozen, extremely polite and un-armed American with health care.

    :laugh: :laugh:

  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Hey Ladies... remember me? :blushing:

    I wanted to one… ask if I can return and two… explain where I've been for six+ months....

    From October forward my little world has been spinning out of control. We found out that my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. After losing my mom and brother to cancer, my other sister and I rallied around her full force. In January she had a double mastectomy. She is in the middle of her chemo treatments right now. We are awaiting word on if she will be doing radiation. In March my nephew (brother’s son) passed away from kidney failure. He'd been very sick for a very long time. In late January, I had a nervous breakdown at work, had to go on FMLA for a couple weeks. In February when I come back I notice that I am not feeling well, I was having tummy issues, more so than normal really bloated and gaining weight, this wasn’t just my usual IBS. Go to doc and am informed I have colon cancer… WTF!?? Really? You have got to be kidding me… Talk about a bad family gene pool… Can I be adopted out, please? So needless to say I was feeling sorry for myself, mad at God, trying my best to ignore that it’s really happening and hiding from the world. I only associated with my family and barely them, went to chemo with sissy, get drugged up together (yes we have same oncologist) go to work on the days that I can and go home to mope…. So, you ask, “How’s that working for me?” Um… not so well.

    Fast forward to present day…. My sister is doing great, she’s halfway through her chemo, she’s losing weight :mad: (bit**), Me, they didn't want to do surgery (I am SO glad, as I really didn't want to sport the poop bag!) I am doing chemo. I've had 7 treatments so far and still have 3 to go…. Doesn't look like I will be doing radiation, I didn't lose my hair, but I DO lose my stomach every other week… :sick: The weight gain is what’s killing me though… :grumble: :explode: All that work to only gain, IT AND more back, not to mention, I am SO bloated, I look and feel like I’m pregnant! Now that I decided to end the pity party (no one wanted to come anyway…) pick my fat *kitten* up off the chair and actually fight this… I am back with my tail between my legs begging for forgiveness. And, advice.

    If anyone of you have advice, suggestions… anything, that would be helpful… And yes, the whole reason we started this group… I am still menopausal too. (It sucks being female) Try having a hot flash while puking your guts out… Life if SO good! hee hee :bigsmile:
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Leslie, what a series of horrible issues. You are certainly welcome here! Its been a little quiet in Hatter world.
    you ask for forgiveness and advice, no forgiveness needed, as for advice, the thing that immediately comes to mind is "one day at a time"Your body being strong enough to fight the cancer is way more important than any numberr on a scale!
    my husband had colon cancer, he had a resectioning (no bag) but no chemo. the insurance company authorized visits to a nutritionist. Have you considered that possibility?
    hot flashes and chemo~life is not fair. sending you my prayers and healthy wishes , Janet
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Leslie, OF COURSE you can return here-and certainly NO forgiveness needed! I hate it when life gets so very crazy. I had a year like that once and my advice echoes Janet's- best to take one day at a time, and prioritize.Your biggest battle right know is to stay strong through the chemo. There will be time later to fight the battle of the bulge. Janet's idea of seeing a nutritionist sounds like a good idea, from the perspective of eating as healthily as possible.
    So 7 down and 3 to go- you can do this! I admire your tremendous strength. Hang in there, keep us posted, and ((((((HUGS))))) to you!