April 6th Challenge



  • Salty510
    Salty510 Posts: 121 Member
    Today, I made a point of telling people my good friend and neighbor how much I value having her in my life. She has been battling depression and feeling alone as our partners work incredibly long hours. I offered to watch her son while she had some alone time if she wanted it. I did this before seeing the challenge, so it's cool to see this kind of thing AS the challenge.

    I'm not sure if it counted but I know it did to her, so I'm happy.

    I began doing the crunches. I had to stop, the hurt my incisions SO BAD. I guess ab work will be off the table for a couple more weeks!

  • EvaKr
    EvaKr Posts: 79 Member
    I donated some coats, pants and shirts to the local charity today, because I have so much and they don't. I felt good after and I hope it helps the people who need it.
  • monica2410
    monica2410 Posts: 124 Member
    I contacted a family member that i know is unhappy about her weight. I offered access to an online gym i have and the offer was happily accepted:)
  • theparnellssean
    theparnellssean Posts: 637 Member
    This was in The Don's inbox, well I think that falls into the theme of this challenge. Thanks KB! We all wish your Mother well.

    From: KBdartman300
    Received: Sat 04/06/13 09:13 PM
    Subject: not today
    Sorry but I spent the entire day with my mother who is hospitalized with pnemonia
  • trh160
    trh160 Posts: 62 Member
    Reading everyones acts of kindness has truly touched my heart. I did mine via the phone because I'm still sick. I called a friend who has been depressed because of her weight. I encouraged her to join mfp. And shared with her my diet & exercise routine. I promised to encourage her every step of the way.
  • admmommy
    admmommy Posts: 143 Member
    I recently posted this one a friends wall, "I hope all is well with you. Remember to keep going strong. You can do it. Here is one of my favorite quotes, "Exercise to be fit, not skinny. Eat to nourish your body...and always ignore the haters, doubters and unhealthy examples that were once feeding you. You are worth more than you realize." I sent this to them because I have not heard from them lately and they are the type of person to put motivational comments up on her wall for all of us.

    I also completed the 25 obliques each side :)
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    Submitting for adianeschu

    April 6-- Got home late and read what we were suppose to do today and thought Oh my I didn't get this one done. Then I thought about today during all my classes I took. This is what I did. I sat by a young women that worked for an office that had been in practice for about 1 year. She told me all about her office and the problems they were going thru. I gave her some advice about what we do in our office. I also told her that if she needed any help to email us and we would get back to her. She was so grateful.

    Also I was in line for the restroom waiting. Why don't they have bigger restroom to accommodate a large group of women! Anyway I notice that the lady in front of me was eating a skinny cow bar. She told me that she could eat 5 at a time but that would not look good on her calorie counter. I said to her your not on MFP are you and she said yes! She said that it was getting harder and boring to her to write down her calories. on MFP and thought she couldn't do this much longer because it was boring. I asked are you in any groups? Groups she said, so I went ahead and told her about the different groups that she could be on and how much encouragement and the challenges I get from the different groups. She was so excited and was going to get on her MFP as soon as she could when we got out of class. We couldn't be on our cell phones at all during the classes! \
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