TheBrown Team Loft !



  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Cardio - 330 minutes walk/circuit training
    Something new - went for a hour long hike yesterday
    Squats - 500
    Fish Dish - 2 of 2
    Fish pic & recipe - posted

    By the way, these are my whole week's totals. I am just adding to it daily.

    Oh, I'm glad you said that! I would have had an obscene total on those workout minutes at the end of the week!

    By the way, everybody, I am just filling in our spreadsheet at the end of the week...wanted you all to know that I'm not slacking!

    If I don't talk as much over the weekend, I'm out of town with my son and using his mini iPad thingie...and he is using it for business all during the I will just be limited in how much I can use it. I will be back home on Sunday night...

    Here is my Friday...
    Exercise...60 minutes
  • DeniseMarSi
    DeniseMarSi Posts: 68 Member
    Cardio - 60 minutes of Cardio ( Zumba)
    Something new - Not Yet
    Squats - 20
    Fish Dish - 1 of 2
    Fish pic & recipe - posted

    Cardio - 50 minutes of Walking
    Something new - not yet
    Squats - 40
    Fish Dish - 1 of 2 (yesterday)
    Fish pic & recipe - posted (yesterday)

    Do you prefer that we put daily totals like this? or do you want weekly totals? What would be easier for you for the spreadshet?

    I have had a 60 minute walk today so far and one set of 20 squats.. trying hard to make up for missing the first half of the week.

    We have until Sunday right to complete the challenge? Is weigh in on Monday?? Sorry I'm stll a little confused about it, but am getting there..

    Denise:) Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! It is absolutely gorgeous out where I live!
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Yes, daily posting is good...I'm keeping a written chart that I will use to fill in our totals at the end of the week. Ans yes, we have through Sunday to complete this week's stuff. It *will* be good too if everybody can have all their accomplishments posted by Sunday evening, because I'm supposed to have it reported on Monday. And yes, our weekly weigh-in will be Monday mornings.

    Since I am out of town, I used that as an excuse to eat I feel terrible! Also, I took today as a rest day...I really think I needed it! I did manage to do 50 more squats, and hopefully I can do something tomorrow. I really need to keep my eating in check know, damage control for the weigh-in!

    Again, let's try to finish the week strong and show this challenge who's boss! We need to be able to show complete success on the spreadsheet! GOOOO BROWNIES!!!
  • K0RA
    K0RA Posts: 29
    Hello everyone! You ladies have been really supportive toward me this week, and I just want to take a moment to say thank you! I want this really badly. If for no other reason than to prove to myself that I can in fact loose weight. In our group, I feel held accountable which in turn gives me motivation to be successful. I have struggled with my water intake, and am only averaging about 3 glasses per day. Although that may sound insufficient to many of you, I am a person who drinks nothing but black tea. I don't drink juices, soda, coffee, or water, normally, but I am really trying. As far as my cardio this week, I did pretty well. I exercised nearly everyday (I'll have to look back to get the precise data) but its been mostly walking. Ironically, my car isn't working, so I can't make it to the gym. I would walk there (its only about five miles away), but then I might be too tired to workout.

    I posted a picture of some Salmon Burgers that I made. It was a new recipe for me, and it came out great! I love fish, and would eat it every day, but money is tight right now, and honestly, I don't have any fish. I found a can of pink salmon in the cupboard, and used that to make the burgers. Hopefully, I will get a ride to the grocery store in the morning, and be able to make another fish dish to post tomorrow.

    Good luck on Sunday, Ladies! Strive to do your best...
    and again, Thank you for your support. I'm so glad I'm a Brownie!!!! GOOOO BROWNIES!!!
  • pab88
    pab88 Posts: 499 Member
    week 1 total:
    Cardio - 470 minutes walking/running/circuit training
    Something new - went for a hour long hike
    Squats - 600
    Fish Dish - 2 of 2
    Fish pic & recipe - posted

    I will post my weight in the morning when I do my weekly weigh in.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Total week #1

    Cardio - 180 minutes
    Something new - Bellydancing -
    Squats - 350
    Fish Dish - 2 of 2
    Fish pic & recipe - posted 4/22/13

    Hope you are all having a great weekend!

    Will post weight in the morning but if this morning is a sign of things, I will be going to the Pit this week!! I don't understand why, I have had a good week. :<(
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    I'm finally back home...I ate really bad almost all weekend, so I'm kinda nervous about the weigh-in too!

    For Sunday...

    Exercise: 60 minutes
    New: new yoga dvd
    Squats: 50

    Everybody try to get all your weekly stuff on here (and of course your weigh-in tomorrow morning,) and I'll get it all on the spreadsheet tomorrow! I feel like we've put up some good numbers...I guess we'll see!
  • DeniseMarSi
    DeniseMarSi Posts: 68 Member

    Cardio: 50 minute walk
    New: YouTube weight liftin light weights
    Squaats|: 3 sets of 20
    Fish 2 of 2
    Posted fish pic


    Cardio: 50 minute walk
    New: from yesterday
    Squats: 40
    Fish already done
    Posted pic

    Did I miss anything.
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Hi lovelies,

    Wow what a commitment from all of you !!! I am so pleased with your efforts I hope you will like this week's challenges .

    This is our second week challenge !!!! Have fun and get healthy!

    There is lbs reward for each part of this challenge

    max 7 lbs

    1. 4 days out of 7 of 30-45 min cardio or strength exercise sessions to be spread out during the week as it suits you best!

    sessions of jogging, fast walking, cross-trainer or treadmill,Zumba, Aerobics, Dance, DVD , Gym etc.
    (moderate cleaning doesn't count ;) !!! )

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed to do at least 4 sessions!!!

    2. Try something new or something you didn't do for a while - independent exercise of your choice for 30 min session at least!!! I know its getting harder to come up with something new :-)) ... so don't worry too much it can be anything interesting unusual - special you would like to share :-))

    If you lack inspiration, you can try swimming, clubbing (DANCING!!!), another class at your local gym, or that new DVD , take tennis rackets and go play tennis with kids in park ... or football ... I found out trampoline extremely hard in 0 challenge :-) and since I went to work last week I repeated it 2x and love it :-))

    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed

    so this week we will concentrate on abs!!! And main challenge Bicycle Crunch.

    How to Properly do a Bicycle Crunch
    Lie on your back on a mat with knees bent, feet on the floor, and hands behind your head (don’t clasp your fingers). Press your lower back into the mat and tighten your ab muscles as you lift your head, shoulders, and upper back off the floor and simultaneously move your right elbow and left knee toward each other while straightening your right leg (don’t let it touch the ground).

    Draw your right knee back up and immediately move your left elbow and right knee toward each other while straightening your left leg; that’s one rep. Continue to move continuously, as if pedaling a bicycle. Do 3 sets of 15 reps 3 times a week. (so 135 )


    1 lbs advantage for everyone who succeed 2 lbs for most Bicycle Crunches - BUT DON'T OVER DO IT!!!

    <b> And we please keep doing squats - why to have abs to kill for without nice booty :-)</b>

    so Best Butt Exercises For Women: Squats
    Squats are one of the best butt exercises you can do to build a nice round booty and sexy legs. Make sure you keep your abs tight, back straight, weight on heels, and sit your butt back. - there is only 140 to do - try to spread them in at least 3 days!! but of course if you can and want do more . (There is no advantage lbs for squats this week.)

    4. Don't forget to take a day rest! Your body needs it.

    5. For the WEEK 2 FOOD challenge, I thought we might still keep it BASIC ( I think we will always keep it basic ) ! Let's take this week to focus on breakfast and cooking - preparing breakfast - let other inspire you with their choices and recipes ! I know from looking into diaries - there is so many of you skipping it , but girls (as far as I know we don't have a man in our challenge) come on this is not good for us.

    there is NO excuse girls and having 7x a week breakfast is the only way to get 1 lbs advantage (sorry there is only medical excuse not to have a breakfast - please let me know if you need exception)

    Keep drinking water - even if it is not our topic!!! I hope you picked up some good tips. I hope you got inspired with fish recipes and will keep eating 2x a week fish or other meals that include omega-3 fatty acids as a highlight

    cooking challenge
    Also, I will be doing Cooking Challenge for week 2. It will run from today april 29th - may 5th . I need the pictures and ingredients of 1 breakfast you were having this week for yourself . I will be judging on healthiness, calorie amount and presentation .

    You must send picture + recipe here The requirement this week is breakfast.

    Best recipe will get 2 lbs advantage for week 3 weigh in and everyone who post picture will get 1lbs

    To sum it
    4/7 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage
    1 session of something new - let us know what - 1lbs advantage
    135 Bicycle Crunches spread in 3 days - 1 lbs for the everyone who manage to do 135 Bicycle Crunches an extra 1 lbs for person with most squats
    7xbreakfast - 1 lbs advantage
    recipe - 1 lbs for everyone who post recipe extra 1 lbs for best recipe
  • pab88
    pab88 Posts: 499 Member
    last week's weight: 222.6
    Current weight: 218.4
    loss: 4.2
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Last week - 250.9
    This week - 253.8

    Gain - 2.9 lbs.
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Weigh-in: ...hope you're sitting down... 112.2!

    :(( I'm UP 4 pounds since Friday (another group I'm in weighs on Fridays.) I *knew* this weigh-in wasn't going to be great, but that is ridiculous! My sodium was really bad (from restaurant meals) on Friday and Saturday, so I'm hoping that's the culprit. I surely didn't *actually* GAIN four pounds!
  • DeniseMarSi
    DeniseMarSi Posts: 68 Member
    Last week weigh in 203.0

    Today's week weigh in: 200.4

    Loss 2.6 lbs!!

    I am happy about that loss, but to be all honest, my weigh in last week on Monday, was probably like yours Pam, half of sodium weight!! Because on Friday before that I was 201 or something..

    Oh well a loss is a loss!!

    Sounds like everyone is doing well overall!! Keep up the great work!!! I am so happy to be a part of the group! And so glad, Kora, that you are doing better and hanging in there!

    I've had a crazy week with family sickness and my one year old not sleeping for more than a few hours at a time, but I pushed through some of the exhaustion! I actually had five hours of sleep in a row,, which seems like an eternity. I am feeling human again.

    Just saw the challenges, and I'm ready to go!! I really like the specfic challenges for each week, because it helps me focus on things I may otherwise overlook!

  • DeniseMarSi
    DeniseMarSi Posts: 68 Member
    Amazing!! Great job!!!
    last week's weight: 222.6
    Current weight: 218.4
    loss: 4.2
  • sjeffr
    sjeffr Posts: 33 Member
    Last week weigh in 201.4
    This week week in 202.0
    .6 Gain

    Sunday: Excercise - 30 minute bike ride

    I had two fish recipes but failed to upload the pics and post them to the site. :(

    My goal for this week is to meet the exercise and food challenge! Oh and also to maintain my calories for the ENTIRE week! I really want to get out of the 200's range.
  • K0RA
    K0RA Posts: 29
    Cardio - 0 minutes
    Something new - not yet
    Squats - 50
    Fish Dish - not yet
    Fish pic & recipe - not yet posted
    Water intake - 8 cups

    Cardio - 45 minutes
    Something new - not yet
    Squats - 25
    Fish Dish - not yet
    Fish pic & recipe - not yet posted
    Water intake - 3 cups

    Cardio - 0 minutes
    Something new - not yet
    Squats - 50
    Fish Dish - not yet
    Fish pic & recipe - not yet posted
    Water intake - 2 cups

    Cardio - 45 minutes
    Something new - not yet
    Squats - 25
    Fish Dish - not yet
    Fish pic & recipe - not yet posted
    Water intake - 1 cup

    Cardio - 45 minutes
    Something new - not yet
    Squats - 50
    Fish Dish - not yet
    Fish pic & recipe - not yet posted
    Water intake - 5 cups

    Cardio - 45 minutes
    Something new - not yet
    Squats - 50
    Fish Dish – Salmon Burgers
    Fish pic & recipe - posted
    Water intake - 3 cups

    Cardio - 0 minutes
    Something new – nothing new this week :(
    Squats - 25
    Fish Dish – Salt fish
    Fish pic & recipe – Will post on Monday (sorry I forgot to post)
    Water intake - 2 cups

    Sunday morning at 10 AM weight = 242.9 lbs
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Week #2 Monday
    Cardio - 30 minutes
    Something new - not yet -
    Bicycle Crunches - 50
    Breakfast - 1 of 7
    Breakfast pic & recipe - posted 4/29/13
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Well, my Monday is not so hot...I didn't get enough sleep last night, so I haven't felt good all day!

    No exercise
    No new
    Bicycle Crunches: 100
    Breakfast: of course! (1 of 7)
    Pic/recipe: nope
    Squats: 100
  • pab88
    pab88 Posts: 499 Member
    Week 2:
    Cardio - 60 minutes
    Something new - not yet
    Bicycle Crunches - 100
    Breakfast - 1 of 7
    Breakfast pic & recipe - not yet
  • K0RA
    K0RA Posts: 29
    Monday, Week 2:
    Cardio - 80 minutes
    Something new - not yet
    Bicycle Crunches - 90
    Squats - 50
    Breakfast - 1 of 7
    Breakfast pic & recipe - not yet

    I'm off to an okay start. Here's to hoping each of us do well this week! Welcome home, Pam. Although things may have been off a bit, I sincerely hope you enjoyed your time away.