Spreadsheet for bodyfat, BMR, TDEE, progress tracker



  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Best. Spreadsheet. EVER!!
  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you for the wonderful spreadsheet.

    I'm confused about the LBM and FM results: Are these in lbs? My results give me 128.3 LBM and 106.7 FM, but my current weight is only 145 lbs. Can someone please explain these figures to me?
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you for the wonderful spreadsheet.

    I'm confused about the LBM and FM results: Are these in lbs? My results give me 128.3 LBM and 106.7 FM, but my current weight is only 145 lbs. Can someone please explain these figures to me?

    Never mind. I downloaded the spreadsheet again and now the fields are updating properly.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thank you for the wonderful spreadsheet.

    I'm confused about the LBM and FM results: Are these in lbs? My results give me 128.3 LBM and 106.7 FM, but my current weight is only 145 lbs. Can someone please explain these figures to me?

    Never mind. I downloaded the spreadsheet again and now the fields are updating properly.

    Curious, was that the Excel conversion that had it wrong?

    That's scary if it was. Now you got me wondering about safe checks in there somewhere.

    I've had the online version be slow about updating, even though it doesn't say updating, so you'd think it was done, but I'm looking at other numbers to change and they don't.

    I just need to do the app. ugh.
  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you for the wonderful spreadsheet.

    I'm confused about the LBM and FM results: Are these in lbs? My results give me 128.3 LBM and 106.7 FM, but my current weight is only 145 lbs. Can someone please explain these figures to me?

    Never mind. I downloaded the spreadsheet again and now the fields are updating properly.

    Curious, was that the Excel conversion that had it wrong?

    That's scary if it was. Now you got me wondering about safe checks in there somewhere.

    I've had the online version be slow about updating, even though it doesn't say updating, so you'd think it was done, but I'm looking at other numbers to change and they don't.

    I just need to do the app. ugh.

    I'm not sure what happened really. The first DL as an Excel file failed so I went with an ODS file. That might've been the problem. It just didn't update all of my info and was combining it with the data already input, throwing all the results way off. I junked it and the next time I DL'd as Excel I had no trouble.
  • perky12415
    I just need to do the app. ugh.
    Yes! :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Upgrade to the Simple Setup tab Activity Calculator.

    Previous basis for calories on the different moving levels was based on BMR, from a study that found good accuracy with that.
    But I realized that if the intent of maintaining LBM was obtained, your weight would go down as your BMR stayed the same.
    So you would start out overweight with under-estimated calorie counts, but as you lost weight and BMR stayed the same, you'd be over-estimated for calorie counts. Potentially by decent amount.

    So now the moving levels for their calorie counts are based on your weight, much more accurate.
    To confirm where your exercise falls, you can actually get your HR walking 3 mph and then at 4 mph for about 20 min.
    Now you know the division of your levels, in case you have exercise that is not clearly easy walking or high cardio and you wondered.

    The Progress Tab also has an update.
    Far right is the place to enter in what you really ate daily, to compare to your TDEG to see how close you came.
    With 4 weeks of data, there is now little math area to input how much you lost during that time, how much you ate, and how many weeks.
    It will then calculate better estimated TDEE, and what to change in the Activity Calc standing time to make that TDEE happen.
    Don't use that if during the 4 weeks you really changed up your workout routine.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Thank you , Thank you for the upgrade!!!!
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Heybales - I love the spreadsheet and how it brings all sorts of data into one place. Quick question - in the newest version, the "Future You" tab is gone? And while I'm thinking about it - I have been including my "Curves" workouts as medium cardio on the simple set up tab. To me it has more exertion than "low cardio."
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Heybales - I love the spreadsheet and how it brings all sorts of data into one place. Quick question - in the newest version, the "Future You" tab is gone? And while I'm thinking about it - I have been including my "Curves" workouts as medium cardio on the simple set up tab. To me it has more exertion than "low cardio."

    Ah, I just hid the Future You tab, since there is a box for still doing it on the Simple Setup tab, except it doesn't require looking at each of 5 different activity levels and trying to figure out weekly amounts. Just the same Activity Calculator is used.

    I did like the Future You tab's weekly check, where you could put in daily eaten, daily burned in just exercise, and see what the NET ended up at the end of the week, to confirm you got the right level, which should be slightly above BMR.

    You can unhide that tab if desired, under the Google View menu.

    Curves is more likely medium, if not high depending on how you do it. I'd say do a treadmill at 4mph flat, either get HR for that effort, or really see how you breath and how it feels, then go do the Curves workout.
    If it feels like less or same effort, medium cardio, if it feels like a whole lot more effort, high cardio.

    And that can change as you become more fit. My walking flat 4mph barely hits HR of 90 bpm. So except for walking, all my exercise is way in to the high cardio level. I even mow the lawn fast, and out of curiosity found my HR is about 120 doing that. So even that is high cardio.

    So currently you could walk 4 mph flat and hit 120 HR, and Curves just hits that level by nature of the workout.
    But after a long while your walking 4mph only hits 100 HR, and Curves has remained at 120 or you can now push heavier and reach 130 average over the entire workout - now it's high cardio.

    Actually, at that point you are probably squatting your bodyweight and deadlifting 1.5 x, with 10 pullups at a time, and graduated from Curves. ;-)
    So now time in the Lifting level.
  • Peppermint_Patty614
    bump to revisit
  • anderson958
    anderson958 Posts: 13 Member

    I've just downloaded the spread sheet (6/6/13 version, I think) and wanted to double check my calculations with you.

    First, background: mid-fifties, woman, 5' 2", 187. Been dieting, exercising for 3-4 months. Did well on MFP, no adjustments, for 2 1/2 months, then have stalled at 13 pounds weight loss for a month. Exercise for those first 2 1/2 months was DVD cardio (Power 90), and now I've moved to kettlebells (Kettlebell Burn, Geoff Neupert), which is an intense 45-50 minute workout 3 days/week. I use a HRM and regularly burn 520-550 calories in those workouts. No other cardio. I teach for a living, so a mix of desk and on my feet (more desk than feet) during the day.

    Since I don't do cardio and weightlifting, the simple setup suggested I go to the different options for TDEE Deficit. I plugged in the body measurement numbers for body fat (have not had bod pod or other body fat measurement done), average of the two is 37% body fat. Using option 2. since I have calories from HRM to calculate average TDEE, I come up with a TDEE of 2112 (Scooby says 2300).

    Here are my questions: I do want to gain muscle (I'm fairly strong now but do better when I'm pushing my muscles--I'm using 12kg and 16kg for the kettlebell workouts) but really really need to lose the weight. On the Deficit of .7% of current weight, my TDEG would be 1457. On the Calorie Cycling, it would be non-lift TDEG 1478 and lift day TDEG 2323. I'm not sure I understand the additional information regarding Calorie Cycling; my question is do I eat the non-lift TDEG on every non-lift day and the lift day TDEG on every lift day? That seems like a whole lot of calories, but I'm not sure I understand the principle. I did real the skinny-fat protocol article, and I'm not sure this is the best option for me since my body fat is so high.

    Insights? Thanks so much...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    I've just downloaded the spread sheet (6/6/13 version, I think) and wanted to double check my calculations with you.

    First, background: mid-fifties, woman, 5' 2", 187. Been dieting, exercising for 3-4 months. Did well on MFP, no adjustments, for 2 1/2 months, then have stalled at 13 pounds weight loss for a month. Exercise for those first 2 1/2 months was DVD cardio (Power 90), and now I've moved to kettlebells (Kettlebell Burn, Geoff Neupert), which is an intense 45-50 minute workout 3 days/week. I use a HRM and regularly burn 520-550 calories in those workouts. No other cardio. I teach for a living, so a mix of desk and on my feet (more desk than feet) during the day.

    Since I don't do cardio and weightlifting, the simple setup suggested I go to the different options for TDEE Deficit. I plugged in the body measurement numbers for body fat (have not had bod pod or other body fat measurement done), average of the two is 37% body fat. Using option 2. since I have calories from HRM to calculate average TDEE, I come up with a TDEE of 2112 (Scooby says 2300).

    Here are my questions: I do want to gain muscle (I'm fairly strong now but do better when I'm pushing my muscles--I'm using 12kg and 16kg for the kettlebell workouts) but really really need to lose the weight. On the Deficit of .7% of current weight, my TDEG would be 1457. On the Calorie Cycling, it would be non-lift TDEG 1478 and lift day TDEG 2323. I'm not sure I understand the additional information regarding Calorie Cycling; my question is do I eat the non-lift TDEG on every non-lift day and the lift day TDEG on every lift day? That seems like a whole lot of calories, but I'm not sure I understand the principle. I did real the skinny-fat protocol article, and I'm not sure this is the best option for me since my body fat is so high.

    Insights? Thanks so much...

    Date in upper right hopefully says 10/17, or you got it right before the update. I'd get the latest. Also, if you put data in to a red cell, you wiped out a formula that was going to do it anyway. the BF% you enter stat in to is yellow on Simple Setup tab.

    You got the idea of calorie cycling right, and it's main purpose is to get the most out of the lifting, at the expense of not losing weight as fast as you likely could. It means more weight off body, less weight added to bar.
    Now the recommendation does take in to account BF%, hence the reason both TDEG's are likely below TDEE, but it's intent is to maximize the lifting.

    You'll notice the study for the 0.7% deficit method actually had increases to LBM, likely muscle mass, too. So you should be able to improve there also, for a good amount of time.

    I'd stick with the deeper deficit, know that if you want better improvement on the lifting, merely eat more than TDEG, at least on lifting days, with added calories post-workout, and higher carb/protein than fat.
  • anderson958
    anderson958 Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks so much for your help on this. Love the spreadsheet, and the options it gives me.

    I hadn't put two and two together: that eating to gain muscle can come at the cost of losing weight on a weekly basis... as you put it so clearly. This makes so much sense.

    I'm going with the deepest deficit as you suggest; mostly I don't want to lose muscle (at all since I'm getting older) but I want to lose weight more than I want to *gain* muscle.

    This has really helped me clarify my goals.

    Edit: I do have the October update, thanks. And I didn't change anything in the red squares, so the numbers should be right.

    Thanks again.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Another update, that was fast.

    These 2 studies show women have lower BMR and TDEE based on LBM than men, because of the smaller metabolic organs providing a big part of the total metabolism.

    Smaller organs, smaller RMR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20164308

    Women smaller BMR/TDEE for same LBM - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1522233

    So Activity Calc for women, takes 7.5% off the sedentary TDEE.

    Lot to lose, big influence, not much, smaller.

    If you exercise a lot, the amount of difference it provides to overall TDEE may not be much.
  • perky12415
    Another update, that was fast.

    Do you mean you updated the worksheet?
  • FitterBody
    FitterBody Posts: 367 Member
    Another update, that was fast.

    Do you mean you updated the worksheet?

    Looks like it. If you check the notes on A2 on the spreadsheet (mouse over the A2 box and then scroll down the pop-up; sorry if I am teaching granny to suck eggs:blushing: )...

    in topic...

    ... you will see the list of updates.
    The last 3 were:-
    8/5 - Added gram figure for macros to % shown for changing in MFP
    10/17 - Changed Activity Calc to weight based rather than BMR based estimates
    10/23 - Study shows women have 5-10% smaller sedentary TDEE for equal LBM,so Activity Calc has that in it now

    So it does look like any ladies wanting the latest update would need to change to the 10/23 update but men are (supposedly) not affected so only need the 10/17 update to be up to date, not the 10/23 update.

    I am sure Heybales will confirm (or correct) though.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You got it FitterBody.
  • perky12415