Introduction :)



  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Hi, my name is Kimberly. I'm 39 and a single mom. I work full-time and go to school part-time. At my biggest I weighed about 430 lbs. Yes, 430. I'm now down to 358...32 of those pounds I have lost this year and MFP has totally been a blessing to help me with that. Also, my membership to the Y which I've had for a while but haven't utilized it much until the first of this year. When I first starting exercising in January...I couldn't even walk....not for exercise and barely for the necessary treks to the car, bathroom, store, etc. I started with swimming. I remember the first day at the took me forever to do a lap and I only did six in about twenty minutes. I started with a goal of three times per week...I was sick a lot so I missed the mark but I was continuing to go when I felt I could. I started at about 2,500 calories per day (that was nothing compared to before). I slowly increased my swim sessions by time and by frequency, until I was swimming for one hour, three times per week. In February, I decided that to stay motivated I would need to switch things up. I took a chunk of my tax refund and bought a personal training package at the Y. Yes, it's expensive but I felt like it was worth it. I schedule sessions to start in March with a personal trainer meeting three times per week. On April 13th I walked in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk, three miles. I did it! Now, I work out almost every day and sometimes up to and hour and a half. I've signed up for a The Biggest Loser 5K in DC for July. I'm now eating 1,900 calories per day (six months ago I was eating about three times that much). I've lost at least 12 inches off my waist. There are people that recently, did not recognize me. I'm excited about this challenge because it was already something that I had decided to do when I got my Polar HRM this weekend, especially since things have slowed down a bit. Good luck, everyone!
  • mechelemc
    mechelemc Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, My name is Mechele. I am soon to be 34 lol. I have 3 kids. I work full-time. I've always been a "thick" girl but somewhere I stopped caring about myself. I didn't see what I was doing to me. So I thought I'd try this website out. So far so good ;) Love having the support because I don't have that at home. My husband has had surgery on his back and still has a few back problems doesn't seem to want to change. I kinda started this in hopes it'll change him but NOW I kinda don't care. I have learned that like anything you are going to have to want it for yourself. So I am up for the challenge I need to move more so let's do this!!!
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Hi! I'm Jana, the dinosaur of the group, I'm sure, at age 53 going on 18. :laugh: I'm a syndicated (family humour) columnist, freelance writer, and author of 2 books. Moved to Canada from Ohio in the late 1990's to marry my Canuck. I have three kids, ages 24, 21, and 13. (Yes, the last one was a midlife "oops" baby....went to the doc and said, "Doc, I think we need to talk estrogen. No period for 3 mos." She replied, "Jana, I think we need to talk prenatal vitamins instead!" WHAAAAA? :laugh:)

    I've been on MFP since Sept. 2012 and have lost 45 pounds. If *I* can do this at MY age, ANYone can!! :glasses:

    I have two really bad/damaged/messed up knees, so exercise is whatever I can do without pain. I'm sure I won't "win" this challenge (is this a competition?)....but I'll be happy just to find encouragement from the "groupies" here! :drinker:
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    My name is Emily. I'm 31, 32 in about 6 weeks.

    I've been on MFP on and off since last October. I recently joined a 3 month bootcamp. My goal is to work out 3x/week with the bootcamp and hike or exercise for an hour on the weekend. I'm not as uptight about the calories burned, my goal is to be more active!

    I think a group is a fun thing to be a part of.
  • Teamshoemaker1
    Teamshoemaker1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm Christina and I am 25 years old. I am a kindergarten teacher and a grad school student. I love school and I love to learn. My babies help me stay on track! They are constantly telling me to stay away from the junk food. Hahaha. I am a newly wed and I am so lucky to have my husband as he supports me in every thing I do. He is encouraging me to loose weight. He is dieting and exercising with me! Since January I have lost 33 pounds. I'm ready to do more! I am hoping to burn 4,500 calories a week! (Eek I hope I didn't set that to high). Excited I be a member of this group! Hopefully it will help encourage me to not miss any days at the gym!