How many carbs do you take in per day?

GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
And how did you arrive at that number?
Also, do you use net carbs or total carbs as the limit you set.

I've done LC eating years before, but went back to "regular" eating after my weight stabalized. (Basically, I got lazy and complacent). After approx 8-9yrs of maintaining my weight, I gained back 40lbs (out of a 150+ pound loss) and I want to lose those extra pounds and maintain.

I was on Medifast for a couple of months, which was a great kick start, but its very expensive. Plus, I dont want to have to rely on prepackaged foods for the rest of my life in order to maintain my weight.

Thanks for your help!


  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I take in about 30g NET carbs, which means I subtract the fibre out of the foods I eat.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I aim for about 20 g net carbs a day. I was put on a ketogenic diet by my doctor. Originally it was less than 10 g a day. That was too restrictive. When I joined MFP and adjusted my macros the lowest I could set it was 5%. That gives me about 20 g.
  • jennb44
    jennb44 Posts: 81 Member
    I started out this January at 100g then gradually took it down when my weight loss slowed down. I am now at 60g. I have lost 13 lbs since starting at the beginning of Jan. I preferred to go slower than most. I know some low-carbers that start immediately at 30g. I haven't decided if I will ever go that will depend on my weight loss. My goal is to lose another 20-30 pounds which I hope to accomplish by the end of this year. Good luck!
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    So far, I've lost 10lbs so far and have stalled. I'd like to lose another 30lbs.

    I've been taking in approximately 85-95g of TOTAL carbs (65-75 net) per day for the last couple of months.
    I think I need to drop down lower and increase my fat intake a bit.

    I like the idea of decreasing the carbs a little more gradually (say down to 50g total) to ease into a more keto/very low carb eating plan. Thankfully, I don't currently have any serious carb cravings (except during That Time of the Month).
  • jillwhite12
    jillwhite12 Posts: 102 Member
    I have my goal set to 30 g total but I rarely ever take n that many. I usually end up at about half that at the end of the day. I have lost 58 lbs since January 7 th. ( there were a few cheat meals along the way)
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    And how did you arrive at that number?
    Also, do you use net carbs or total carbs as the limit you set.
    I typically eat 40-60g but it can be as low as 15g and as high as 90g ... the higher-carb meals are usually pre-intense-exercise, so I see no glycemic spike from it.

    How I arrive at that number is through my own glycemic testing. I like to have perfectly normal blood glucose, even though I'm a severe diabetic. This is the amount when combined with exercise 6 days a week that currently keeps me there.

    I use net carbs, but only to a certain degree. When it comes to package labeling for "low-net-carb" product, I do NOT take their fiber claims for gospel as no government agency requires testing - they leave it up to the manufacturer and simply trust their claims. Too many products - whether Quest bars, Julian Bakery breads, Dreamfields Pasta, and others, claim to have low 'net' carbs but simply are NOT, because the fiber claims are misleading.

    Some products also remove all sugar alcohols from their 'net-carb' equation (Atkins products are bad for this), even those DO raise glucose levels. (Re: Atkins - before his death his products were OK... after his death, the Atkins brand became a food company much like any other processed food company.)

    When something claims that more than half it's carbohydrates (or in some cases 60,70 even 80%) are indigestible fiber, you can be sure it's likely not true.

    So for things like fruit, vegetables, etc., where we have accurate testing and fiber amounts, I do subtract those. For 'low-carb' products I use the full amount for my calculation.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    So far, I've lost 10lbs so far and have stalled. I'd like to lose another 30lbs.

    I've been taking in approximately 85-95g of TOTAL carbs (65-75 net) per day for the last couple of months.
    I think I need to drop down lower and increase my fat intake a bit.
    FYI stalls are not uncommon, especially during the initial stages of keto-adaptation where we have to undergo a metabolic shift from burning primarily glucose to burning primarily fatty acids. At that stage we've lost water weight, but aren't primarily burning fat yet... so there's almost always a short stall there. If your carbs are high (which they are) keto-adaptation can take a couple months or more to move to, and it's possible to be in ketosis without becoming keto-adapted if the ratio isn't just right...

    You mention reducing carbs and upping fat ... With still taking in nearly 100g of carbohydrate you're likely not really at a ratio of carb/fat/protein that is optimum for keto-adaptation.

    If you can, work to be under 10% carbohydrate (closer to 5% until keto-adaptation, then moving back up when weight-loss resumes), a minimum of 65% fat and the rest protein and you'll likely see things improve dramatically as far as weight-loss goes.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    So far, I've lost 10lbs so far and have stalled. I'd like to lose another 30lbs.

    I've been taking in approximately 85-95g of TOTAL carbs (65-75 net) per day for the last couple of months.
    I think I need to drop down lower and increase my fat intake a bit.
    FYI stalls are not uncommon, especially during the initial stages of keto-adaptation where we have to undergo a metabolic shift from burning primarily glucose to burning primarily fatty acids. At that stage we've lost water weight, but aren't primarily burning fat yet... so there's almost always a short stall there. If your carbs are high (which they are) keto-adaptation can take a couple months or more to move to, and it's possible to be in ketosis without becoming keto-adapted if the ratio isn't just right...

    You mention reducing carbs and upping fat ... With still taking in nearly 100g of carbohydrate you're likely not really at a ratio of carb/fat/protein that is optimum for keto-adaptation.

    If you can, work to be under 10% carbohydrate (closer to 5% until keto-adaptation, then moving back up when weight-loss resumes), a minimum of 65% fat and the rest protein and you'll likely see things improve dramatically as far as weight-loss goes.

    How does one know whether or not they've keto adapted? I'm in ketosis because I test with the strips???
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Thanks for your responses! This is really helpful info.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    How does one know whether or not they've keto adapted? I'm in ketosis because I test with the strips???
    Most people, while transitioning from glucose metabolism to fatty-acid metabolism experience what many call the "low-carb flu" ... which symptoms may include a distinct lack of energy, muddled thinking, continued hunger cravings, etc.

    When those symptoms clear, that's how most people know they're keto-adapted.

    Most people find that at least one major change takes place when the metabolism finally shifts: Clearer thinking, heightened energy levels, reduction or elimination of hunger and/or cravings, if one experienced 'keto-breath' usually that goes away as well.

    In addition to keto-breath clearing up, many that are keto-adapted find they have much-LOWER levels of ketone in urine. Sometimes it barely registers, if at all. In ketosis without keto-adaptation many people get dark pink, even purple readings, then worry after a few weeks when they see barely any pink. The truth is when keto-adapted we now use those ketones for fuel, rather than passing them in urine, and as such get lower readings. (Again, this will vary with hydration levels...)
  • dorkof82
    dorkof82 Posts: 129 Member
    I do 20 net carbs a day, I've lost 30 lbs since mid January. I decided I'm staying on "induction" (20 net carbs) until I lose most of the weight I want off and then I will gradually start adding more carbs to be more of a maintenance level. But I find it pretty easy to do 15-25 net carbs a day so it's kind of weird to think that one day I'll have so many more, I'm not sure I'll know what to do with them haha!
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Most people, while transitioning from glucose metabolism to fatty-acid metabolism experience what many call the "low-carb flu" ... which symptoms may include a distinct lack of energy, muddled thinking, continued hunger cravings, etc.

    When those symptoms clear, that's how most people know they're keto-adapted.

    Most people find that at least one major change takes place when the metabolism finally shifts: Clearer thinking, heightened energy levels, reduction or elimination of hunger and/or cravings, if one experienced 'keto-breath' usually that goes away as well.

    In addition to keto-breath clearing up, many that are keto-adapted find they have much-LOWER levels of ketone in urine. Sometimes it barely registers, if at all. In ketosis without keto-adaptation many people get dark pink, even purple readings, then worry after a few weeks when they see barely any pink. The truth is when keto-adapted we now use those ketones for fuel, rather than passing them in urine, and as such get lower readings. (Again, this will vary with hydration levels...)
    This is really helpful.
    Based on this, I'm fairly sure I'm keto-adapted. I've been eating less than 85g of TOTAL carbs for about 2 months. Initially, I had the headaches, the cravings, lack of energy, etc.
    I'm now full of energy and I mentioned to my husband that I feel a lot sharper mentally. :)
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    I do 20 net carbs a day, I've lost 30 lbs since mid January. I decided I'm staying on "induction" (20 net carbs) until I lose most of the weight I want off and then I will gradually start adding more carbs to be more of a maintenance level. But I find it pretty easy to do 15-25 net carbs a day so it's kind of weird to think that one day I'll have so many more, I'm not sure I'll know what to do with them haha!
    Congrats on such great progress toward your weight-loss goals!! Great job!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    And how did you arrive at that number?
    Also, do you use net carbs or total carbs as the limit you set.

    I've done LC eating years before, but went back to "regular" eating after my weight stabalized. (Basically, I got lazy and complacent). After approx 8-9yrs of maintaining my weight, I gained back 40lbs (out of a 150+ pound loss) and I want to lose those extra pounds and maintain.

    I was on Medifast for a couple of months, which was a great kick start, but its very expensive. Plus, I dont want to have to rely on prepackaged foods for the rest of my life in order to maintain my weight.

    Thanks for your help!

    First, congrats on the 150lb loss!!

    My carbs vary depending on my activity level. I've been tracking my food (including all macros, not just carbs or calories) and weight, so I can find trends. Basically, as long as I'm active (regular exercise - weight training, not chronic cardio), I can lose on less than 100g/day. Much more than that, and I tend to stall out. Right now I lose best on an average of around 80g/day (and less than 2000 calories), but the trade off is a loss in performance (energy level - I lift heavy and play rugby). So it depends on my goals at the time. And I go by total carbs, since there's less math involved. ::P From what I've been tracking, total carbs seems to drive my weight loss more than net.

    I understand some people need less, though, and encourage you to find what works for you! :flowerforyou:

    I should probably also point out, that that number can change, too. 8-10 years ago when I was 260+, I limited my carbs to 150g/day and lost pretty consistently then. I wish I could do that now! lol
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
  • mlfrailing
    mlfrailing Posts: 79
    I was going to just say that my goal is 30g per day. MFP doesn't track net carbs so the carb total didn't get as much attention as it should have. As it turns out, I have been way over in my assumed intake of carbs. In fact I was over double with an average of 65g a day. Luckily I was pretty consistent and honest in my tracking. Thanks to another post, MFP does track fiber, so you can do some quick math to see NET carbs. Long story short (too late). Diligence is everything in a diet.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    I'm doing medically supervised weight loss and the doctor set me at 50 grams of net carbs, 100 grams of protein and 1,000 calories.
  • southerngoddess1
    southerngoddess1 Posts: 12 Member
    I do 24 a day and this is carbs, not net carbs. I don't sweat going to 30. I got 24 bc I am at 950 calories a day and that's just what MFP calculated for me that was below 35.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I try for no more than 15 net carbs a day. I come to that number by subtracting fiber from the over all carb count.
  • Silvervixen79
    Silvervixen79 Posts: 116 Member
    I aim for 50 carbs (not net), but Ive stopped losing.. I know I would start losing if I went down to 15/20 but I feel ill when I go that low :(