How many carbs do you take in per day?



  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    My weight loss is still at a standstill (gaining/losing the same 2-3lbs), but I feel energetic.
    I'm currently taking in 56g of TOTAL carbs per day (averaging between 25-35 net carbs). I'm not sure I want to drop much lower than that since I'm increasing physical activity as well (about to start a round of P90X in addition to walking 2-3 miles per day).
  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    I take in about 30g NET carbs, which means I subtract the fibre out of the foods I eat.
    30g of net carbs is my max.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    I take in about 30g NET carbs, which means I subtract the fibre out of the foods I eat.
    30g of net carbs is my max.
  • ronrstaats
    ronrstaats Posts: 294 Member
    When I was losing weight I kept it at about 20 to 30.
    Now I do about 100 to 120 on the days I work out and 50 to 75 on the days I don't.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm averaging about 70 grams of NET CARBS (Whole grams minus grams of fiber) a day. I'm losing about a pound per week. estimaing body fat percentage with one of those scales everyone complains about.
    I didn't arrive at that very scientifically. MFP proposes 250Grams of carbs per day. I knew when I was on WW and Jenny Craig that once you analyzed it they were restricting you to 100 grams per day or so. So I target for under 100 grams figuring it's a start. I've done Good Calories Bad Calories for over a year and had great and quick results. But I exercise quite a bit and find just a bit of carbs helps with that.

    so my 'science ' is to target 10 calories per pound of body targeted weight, 1 gram of protein per pound of body targeted body weight and to remain under 100 grams of Net Carbohydrates regardless. So far that has gotten me down about 1 lb a week, maintained my percentage of muscle mass and allowed me to work out 6 days a week without fatigue. and my cholesterol vitals are all in good shape. hope this helps.
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Thanks for all the replies!
    Binkie, your approach is interesting (and in line with a lot of what I'm reading regarding 1g of protein for each pound of LBM).
    I'm finding that while I can EASILY stay under 100g of total carbs per day, staying under 50g is a lot more challenging.
    Interestingly enough, I was also losing weight more consistently when I was taking in a bit more carbs than I am now.

    I guess through a process of trial and error, I'm finding that my "sweet spot" for carbs is somewhere in the 50-75g range (NET carbs). I think I'm going to have to ramp up my workouts to kick the stall I'm in. I haven't been diligent on weights/strength training and I need to correct this ASAP.
  • LauraBrown1981
    LauraBrown1981 Posts: 2 Member
    I try to keep mine under 20 grams a day but not too bothered if I go over but always try and stay below 30 grams! What are your other ratios? My carbs are usually around 5-9% Fat - 65-80% and the rest is protein! Have you adjusted your ratios in the settings? also interesting question what are your calories like? Mine are sometimes way over 2000! I lose more when I have fatty meals and less protein!
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    My current settings are:

    Calories - 1,500
    Carbs - 56g (15%)
    Protein - 94g (25%)
    Fat - 100g (60%)

    Edited to add that I did my TDEE/BMR calculations. With my current activity level, it put me at 1550 calories (20% under) for my daily intake.
  • Hi there! I may sound silly, new here, but what are macros? And is it best to calculate net carbs or all carbs to get the carb count I want to be at (which is 20-25)?
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Hi there! I may sound silly, new here, but what are macros? And is it best to calculate net carbs or all carbs to get the carb count I want to be at (which is 20-25)?

    Macros are protein/fat/carb daily percentages. Net carbs is probably best. But you can do however you want!
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    I've been following the LC diet for two weeks or less (I had a few cheat days, so my count of days go back to one after that!).

    I try to keep the carbs under 53 total grams.. I don't often count NET carbs, but if I do they're around 30gr.. For me this works.

    The weight loss is steady but slow, so that frustrates me a bit. The good thing is that overall this way of eating has changed me: I'm not as hungry as before (I used to need snacks through the morning and the afternoon and now I can basically live without them), and overall I eat less calories. I don't really follow the calories count in this case, sometimes I'm under what I should be, but if I'm not feeling hungry I just don't eat, and I think that's important for me.

    I wish my weight loss would go faster, but I guess that since I don't have a lot of weight to lose it is supposed to be slow (and better slow and steady than fast and the everything goes back with vengence)