Daily Check In Thread



  • rsmotivated
    rsmotivated Posts: 92 Member
    thank you I'll try these on Friday. My knee is feeling better this morning.

    I did my 3rd day week 1 yesterday. I stretched after and my knees are much better today.
  • RoteBook
    RoteBook Posts: 171 Member
    thank you I'll try these on Friday. My knee is feeling better this morning.

    I did my 3rd day week 1 yesterday. I stretched after and my knees are much better today.

    That's great!

    I'm scheduled to do w7d1 today, but I had a rare opportunity for some alone time with my husband, and that won!
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    W1D2 (again) Completed without incident :)
  • RoteBook
    RoteBook Posts: 171 Member
    W7d1 today! My knees are a little achier than before, even with lots of stretching afterwards. I might add an extra week of 22 minute jogs and do week 7 (25 minutes straight all week) next week to let my joints catch up. I've lost 40 pounds over the last 2 years, but I'm still 24 pounds overweight and was obese for 20 years-I imagine that my knees are not exactly in excellent shape.
  • Mooma29
    Mooma29 Posts: 58 Member
    Started this this week just done w1d2. In the middle runs I can't quite do the whole minute so I think I'll repeat it till I can before moving on. But I am ok with that and quite pleased that I at least attempted all of the runs
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    W1D3 completed.
  • RoteBook
    RoteBook Posts: 171 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    W1D3 completed.


    I re-did w6d3 today, and my knees are less achy. I'll repeat it again Saturday, then re-try week 7 next week.

    I have asthma and need to use my inhaler before I run. It's the older medicine pro-air. It works well, but today it made me really jittery for a couple hours after my run. I felt like I had downed a cup of Starbucks coffee and two excedrin.
  • diddydawn
    diddydawn Posts: 1 Member
    I completed week 5 day 2 this afternoon! This weekend I'll run for a longer time! 20 mins! Kind of nervous!
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I completed C25K last Saturday! However, I now haven't been running in a week! :disappointed: 4 graduations in 4 days, PLUS Mother's Day, AND the last CrAzY week of school has had me exhausted! I finally got out for a 3-mile walk today with the pooch; she LOVES seeing me grab the leash. Tomorrow is my last day before summer break. I am SO ready!! My running trail is going to be overly crowded for the next couple of days due to Crawdad Days, so I may have to wait till Sunday to actually run again. I'm beginning to feel anxious for NOT getting out. I never would have ever thought I would be craving to get out for a run.
  • RoteBook
    RoteBook Posts: 171 Member
    W6d3 take 3 today.

    I'll be honest-I'm still waiting for that magical feeling of being hooked on running. Right now it's just my best way to avoid my sister and dad's t2 diabetes and my mom's peripheral artery disease. And a whole lot of "should" feelings because I really want my kids to learn better habits than I did at their age. I know that I need to learn to enjoy it in order to stick with it.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    RoteBook wrote: »
    W6d3 take 3 today.

    I'll be honest-I'm still waiting for that magical feeling of being hooked on running. Right now it's just my best way to avoid my sister and dad's t2 diabetes and my mom's peripheral artery disease. And a whole lot of "should" feelings because I really want my kids to learn better habits than I did at their age. I know that I need to learn to enjoy it in order to stick with it.

    Me too! Cycling is my first love, but running is weight-bearing so I'm switching back and forth between the two, and hoping I'll get to that zen state when I'm running like I do on a long ride :) I wish I had been as conscious of setting a good activity example for my kids when they were younger - you go!
  • Mooma29
    Mooma29 Posts: 58 Member
    Completed week 1 yesterday. I don't really like running and don't think I'll ever be a real runner but I think that once I get to the end I'll be ok doing the 30 mins 3 times a week. I'd be very happy and satisfied to be able to do that.
  • mmecraine
    mmecraine Posts: 30 Member
    I get it Mooma- this is my third round of C25K and it hasn't clicked yet.

    I like the confidence boost I get from running, but it's not something that comes naturally!
    I just did Week 4 Day2. Felt good physically, but went outside of where I usually jog. Got a bit anxious, but tried to keep my head up.

    Anyone else get intimidated by serious runners when you meet on the road?!?
  • Mooma29
    Mooma29 Posts: 58 Member
    @jennypapage Did day one of week one again yesterday decided to do it twice as I'm not ready to move on. I do it as part of a 3 mile walk I do every day. So on c25k days I walk the first half a mile. Do the programme then walk the rest of my route, which is about another mile. I guess as I progress the remainder of my walk will shorten if you see what I mean? I don't mind doing it, just can't ever see myself getting fired up about it though
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    @Mooma29 well you might feel differently about it, or you might not.It's still a bit early if you ask me,give it some time.
    There are days when i wake up and think to myself "i don't want to do this today".But i get dressed and go out and do it, and then i come home and think "that was fun!". It's so funny how my mentality has changed since i started c25k. It wasn't that long ago that i was going out the door dreading those 5' runs ,then came home telling my boyfriend how hard it was and how i couldn't imagine that people did this for fun.
    And now, i come home telling him how i run 16.5kms, and it was fun and that i will just increase my distance to 20kms and then stop. (i also said that after i reached the 5k,10k and 15k distance. I'll definitely stop at 20 though!)
  • mmecraine
    mmecraine Posts: 30 Member
    Anyone else out there find it hard to take a day off?
    I woke up this morning knowing that I wouldn't be going out to jog, but a tiny part of me still wanted to!
    First steps at becoming a runner??
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    It wasn't that long ago that i was going out the door dreading those 5' runs ,then came home telling my boyfriend how hard it was and how i couldn't imagine that people did this for fun.
    And now, i come home telling him how i run 16.5kms, and it was fun and that i will just increase my distance to 20kms and then stop. (i also said that after i reached the 5k,10k and 15k distance. I'll definitely stop at 20 though!)

    @jennypapage Noo - you can't stop at 20, HM = 21.1km you are there, go get it.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    W2D1 Still on the treadmill but thinking I might try outdoors next time - I'm in the self-conscious group too. @jennypapage I agree with you on the judging - I'm giving a mental thumbs up to anyone who's out there making an effort, so why wouldn't other people be doing the same for me? :)

    ps Do the HM!