May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • sraffel
    sraffel Posts: 66 Member
    I just started last week! So far I'm liking the program, but the motion for the rows is not clicking (it's the only one of the lifts that I had never tried before starting Stronglifts), so my goal for May is to get more comfortable with rows.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    I just started last week! So far I'm liking the program, but the motion for the rows is not clicking (it's the only one of the lifts that I had never tried before starting Stronglifts), so my goal for May is to get more comfortable with rows.

    Have you watched this video yet?

    Makes all the difference. Stack plates up to elevate the bar if you need to - I find that the contact with the floor really makes a difference in the movement.
  • Imadarkswan
    Imadarkswan Posts: 113 Member
    Yesterdays Workout -

    Squats - 145
    OHP - having a bit of trouble with the shoulder so went down to 50
    Deadlift - 165

    Gonna have to try the ice cream thing. I think I would totally enjoy that :)
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Welcome 6550mom!! Everyone can join in! It looks like you are doing great!

    Thank you! I am fairly strong for my perceived level of fitness, if that makes any sense, lol. But, I'm in awe of all you crazy-strong women!! You are all inspiring me. My husband is so worried I'm going to hurt myself but is very supportive and encouraging at the same time. He knows I cringe at cardio but LOVE the feeling of moving heavy things around :) and showed me initially how to set up on the squat rack and so on so I feel more confident in the man cave at my gym. I'm almost always the only chick in there and I'm ok with that. I just can't wait to lift more weight so I feel more legit amongst them, lol.

    Anyway, nice to 'meet' you all.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    I've been playing with adjustable dumb bells for 6 weeks now

    Just started my Stronglifts 5X5 this week with a bench press set I picked up last weekend

    Y'all know the start out numbers so I won't post those but will check in for support and ideas
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Killer workout for me this morning.....

    Workout A and I did side lunges and back lunges during my rest periods while doing bench and rows. So basically, 2 sets of 90 seconds of each one then I did my med ball circuit and collapsed haha Not quite but wow that was one killer workout!

    I downloaded a running app so I'm super pumped to give that a go in the morning :bigsmile:

    PS.....I'm happy everyone is loving the ice cream :)
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Just got my husbands support to begin lifting and I am super excited! I am so ready to be a toned and powerful woman who can rock the iron. Any beginner tips are welcome. I will change my profile pic monthly to keep me honest.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Still feeling a wee bit sheepish, plus I didn't eat enough before I worked out, so I didn't push overly hard today, but I got a full workout in.

    Also figured out that since I stagger/increase my weights for front squats the same as with OHP and then with rows the same as with power cleans, I just do them alternately now (so that efficiency-focused me spends less time shuffling plates around and more time lifting).

    No PRs today but I'm super happy to be back at it again. Yay!
    Just got my husbands support to begin lifting and I am super excited! I am so ready to be a toned and powerful woman who can rock the iron. Any beginner tips are welcome. I will change my profile pic monthly to keep me honest.

    Welcome! Focus on form, form, form and respect good body mechanics as well as personal limits. And, have fun! It's awesome!
  • sraffel
    sraffel Posts: 66 Member
    Have you watched this video yet?

    Makes all the difference. Stack plates up to elevate the bar if you need to - I find that the contact with the floor really makes a difference in the movement.

    Yes, though you just reminded me that I wanted to watch it again, thanks!

    I feel a little sheepish. The first time I tried rows, I forgot about making sure to go all the way to the floor with each rep, so my back started hurting halfway though the second set (I think I was letting my shoulders round because the bar was hanging). I pulled up that video during my rest and realized that I was doing it WAY wrong. I must have looked like such a dork!

    Now my problem is that I'm never quite sure where to pull the bar up to. It looks like he pulls lower than I was trying to go. I'm going to repeat the 70lb reps tomorrow when I do A again, and try elevating the bar with plates as you suggest to get the setup right. On my bench, I pull the bar directly over my breasts, but maybe that's too high, and I should go for just below them on both the bench and the rows? I've read the two motions should be the same...
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    Vegas - I was so thinking about ice cream today as a treat, but my son gets it as a reward for a week of good behavior in school on Fridays so I don't think I can stop today and throw him off that schedule. :grumble: But tomorrow I will have some I think!

    Met with my trainer yesterday and was so sure I would pay the price in my lifts today. She is great at pushing me, but squat presses then squat jump presses can really zap the legs. We also did tricep push-ups with a dumbbell one arm row. So of course I was worried about managing workout A today.

    Well that broke down to :

    Squats - 1x5 @ 85, 95, 105, 115, 125 - 125 was difficult so I will work on form before going up 5.
    Bench - 5x5 @ 115 so I will move up to 120 next time, but expect only a few reps at the new weight.
    Row - 5x5 @ 105 I think I will go up to 110 next round and push past this sticking point.

    So...really surprisingly no harm done to the lifting.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Did my first deloaded workout today and added in a few other lifts like lunges, leg press, and good mornings. I was unintentionally dropping really low when doing squats and I hit the safety bars a few times. I also managed to get the whole thing done in 45 minutes instead of over an hour. :drinker:

    So what would you say is the best flavor of ice cream to properly fuel yourself for lifting? For science.

    @sraffel: when I do rows, I aim to touch the bar to the space between the upper part of my stomach and underneath my boobs (if that makes sense) and for bench, I touch the bar right under my boobs. I wear a HRM and end up hitting the transmitter.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Ooh interesting discussion. I hit transmitter on benches but suspect I'm coming up too high on rows. Will check that as it is a day tomorrow! Yay for lifting days!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    I was rowing to above my boobs, then read somewhere (I think in Starting Strength, as that is my lifting Bible) that you actually are supposed to pull into your abdomen. So now I pull under the girls. And this new way feels more natural and allows me to move more weight.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member

    Vegas - I was so thinking about ice cream today as a treat, but my son gets it as a reward for a week of good behavior in school on Fridays so I don't think I can stop today and throw him off that schedule. :grumble: But tomorrow I will have some I think!

    Okay, well, we had to stop and get ice cream to celebrate finding a good deal on a used car!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    Vegas - I was so thinking about ice cream today as a treat, but my son gets it as a reward for a week of good behavior in school on Fridays so I don't think I can stop today and throw him off that schedule. :grumble: But tomorrow I will have some I think!

    Okay, well, we had to stop and get ice cream to celebrate finding a good deal on a used car!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:

    Now you are going to RAWWWRRRRR when you lift.'s the magic potion......I had tiger tiger ice cream on the way home from Calgary yesterday and I had a stellar workout this morning :laugh:
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Must check into this whole ice-cream-makes-you-lift -better thing! I knew I was doing it wrong:)

    For April my only goal was to progress on OHP. I went from 65 pounds to 55 then 60. Not really what I had in mind!

    I've been out of town for 3 days, am home today, then go out of town again until Sunday afternoon. Hope to get my lifting in when I get home on Sunday.


    Squat 130 Yes! I can squat my weight!
    OHP 60....but it felt good and somewhat easy. I guess that's progress.
    Deadlift 160.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member

    Vegas - I was so thinking about ice cream today as a treat, but my son gets it as a reward for a week of good behavior in school on Fridays so I don't think I can stop today and throw him off that schedule. :grumble: But tomorrow I will have some I think!

    Okay, well, we had to stop and get ice cream to celebrate finding a good deal on a used car!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker:

    Now you are going to RAWWWRRRRR when you lift.'s the magic potion......I had tiger tiger ice cream on the way home from Calgary yesterday and I had a stellar workout this morning :laugh:

    I am eating ice cream as I type in preparation for attempting 70 on my OHP's tomorrow - I will report back with the results of the experiment. :) And congrats on the new-to-you car jstout - that's my favorite kind!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So I'm starting to feel like I should throw out a disclaimer....something like "just enough ice cream can fuel your workouts tremendously but too much can cause unwanted weight gain" :laugh:

    Nah, who am I kidding. Lift heavy *kitten* and eat the effing ice cream :bigsmile:
  • sphira
    sphira Posts: 132 Member
    Must remember to eat my ice cream tomorrow night for Saturday's workout! Will let you know how I make out! ☺ BTW I'm going with coffee flavor.....yum yum!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Nah, who am I kidding. Lift heavy *kitten* and eat the effing ice cream :bigsmile:

    This bears repeating!

    Also, I did a power clean today and got so into it that I actually ended up with the bar over my head and all the way up in the air before my brain told me that I was OHP-ing 60 pounds, and what did I think I was doing???!!!?


    Of course it wasn't an official "press" ... but ... but ... WHOA. :glasses: