May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Oh tameko, hope you are on the mend...was wondering where you had got to...

    Those articles (there are a few linked in the blogs) are excellent...thank you for this...I find that when I get to around 140 lbs or so (not that low of a bodyfat percentage either) my ED symptoms begin to flare up again, so I am doing the losing of the body fat slow but sure and also plan to do a bulk at the end of this year. I like being able to loosen the reigns and be flexible now.

    I meant spelling is as crappy as my brain function ; )
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I'm right at the top end of 'normal' bmi, at almost 6' tall, my sister is the same height and probably a stone less but narrower shouldered and was a cross country runner and high jumper for the county while I was a secret snickers snaffler.. actually, do a google image search for her (she was on series 1 of the UK Apprentice).. M*r*am St*l*y (don't want her googling herself and this coming up lol!! replace * in first name with i and in the surname with a and e :) ).

    Being uber competitive I've always felt that I've been the "fat" one (and my other sister is slightly shorter and more petite). While it is true that I am the heaviest on the scale, I am starting to see myself as the "fit" and "strong" one. And this is coming from someone with no body/food issues (other than greed and comfort eating and laziness!!!). If I struggle with this stuff, how much more so for others?!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    after reading Kaleo’s post, it was perfectly clear why have zilch for energy!

    A three and a half week stall, with the big ol’ loss of 2/10 of a pound really bugs me, so I thought I would mix it up and add my exercise calories back to a 1790/day minimum. BAAAD idea. I can do my lifts 3x per week but am really tired on my C25K days. Hmm. go figure, so tomorrow it is back to my TDEE - 15%, because I am within 10 lbs of my new goal weight of 155. If I could look 1/2 as good as our girl Kaleo? I’d take that over 145. :bigsmile:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Loved the gokaleo.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I did my A workout tonight! Warmed up with elliptical to loosen up, then 2 sets of ten bodyweight squats.

    Squats - 45#, 65#, 85# @ 1x5; 100# @ 3x5.
    Bench - 45#, 55#, 60#, 65# @ 1x5; 70# @ 3x5 (PR!!!!!).
    Rows - 65#, 75# @ 1x5; 80# @ 3x5 (PR!!!!!).

    Granted, the last set of both the bench and rows were grueling, so obviously I will repeat until comfortable, but I’m totally okay with that. :bigsmile:

    Next time? 105 on my squats…it took me a few sessions to get comfy with 100, but today I rocked them all out, therefore…..

    Geez, I L:heart: VE heavy lifting!!!!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Wooooo.... I am REALLY far behind. Been sick for the last 2 days.

    Everyone should read this though -- actually, anything this blogger does is good but I liked todays.

    Thanks for the link! My goal weight is in the overweight category of the BMI scale. A "normal" weight for my frame and genetics would cause more problems than what it's worth, judging from the problems that my sisters have dealt with. We're all similar height and build so I use them as a guide for what to shoot for.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I did my A workout tonight! Warmed up with elliptical to loosen up, then 2 sets of ten bodyweight squats.

    Squats - 45#, 65#, 85# @ 1x5; 100# @ 3x5.
    Bench - 45#, 55#, 60#, 65# @ 1x5; 70# @ 3x5 (PR!!!!!).
    Rows - 65#, 75# @ 1x5; 80# @ 3x5 (PR!!!!!).

    Granted, the last set of both the bench and rows were grueling, so obviously I will repeat until comfortable, but I’m totally okay with that. :bigsmile:

    Next time? 105 on my squats…it took me a few sessions to get comfy with 100, but today I rocked them all out, therefore…..

    Geez, I L:heart: VE heavy lifting!!!!

    It's all in the ice cream!! Congrats on your PRs!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Thanks, CC! I believe in the Ice Cream! :bigsmile:
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Tell me more about this ice cream business...:love:

    I'm getting back into SL after a few months break of trying NROLFW, it was good but too time consuming. I love the simplicity of SL. Anyway, I am still trying to fine tune my routine and figure out exactly where I'm at with weights (I haven't done bench for so long, or much for rows either!) but this is where I'm at now:

    Squats: 155, though I deloaded to 135 yesterday due to trying to fix some form issues.
    Bench: 85 lbs (that's without a spotter, could do more with one I know!)
    Rows: 75 lbs
    Deadlift: 187 lbs 1x5
    OHP: 70 lbs

    I'm going to keep doing the planks and ab work from NROL and work on my pull-ups as well. Right now I can do 2, would love to increase that!
  • kellieem
    kellieem Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks Dani and jstout!
    I really should have done the 3x5s, I'll know for next time, so that's good. I have been doing warm sets of 2x3s, starting with the bar and going up by 5s until I get to my 5x5 weight. But I may just start again with the bar and work my way up, beside the pain is pretty bad. I'll have to see how my next workout goes... But right now it seems like I'll never get up weights as high as everyone here or get the form right....

    I would suggest laying off squats for a week (or until the pain goes away), do the other lifts and maybe add in some lunges. Give the leg a chance to calm down. Soreness is one thing to work through, pain is not. Take the time off to read about form and watch some instructional videos on form. Form corrections have helped me, but it hasn't eliminated the pain fully. I have to REALLY pay attention to how it feels and adjust based on how bad it is. Does it suck to be held back from it? Yes. Do I think I could lift much more without the pain? Sure, but it is what I have to work with. One thing that is just as important as form in this whole process is to not compare yourself to what others can do. Not everyone will lift the same even if training the same. The only person you can compete with is yourself. Are you lifting more than before? Are you getting one more rep in with better form? Progress takes time and patients because there will be gains and set backs. You are doing great for just starting out. Keep at it and in a few months you will look back and say "Wow, I have really made a lot of progress!"

    Thank you! I really needed to hear that. I haven't been back to the gym yet, but I plan on going tomorrow to do workout B. I'm going to re-look at squat form before I go and see how it is with just the bar. But I'll know fairly quickly if my hips need more of a rest. I know it sounds silly, but I'm afraid that if I take a break, I'll never get back in to it and things will just spiral out of control... But this is my sleep deprived brain talking... :sad:

    I hope things are going well with everyone!
  • RunWestyRun
    RunWestyRun Posts: 20 Member
    Great lifting everyone.

    I am so pleased with my progress so far - most of the time I can't believe that I am lifting these weights, never thought I would be able to progress like this , but I guess that's the beauty of SL :heart:

    This week has been the first that I wasn't sure if I would complete all my reps:

    Squat - 50kg (110) - 5x5. I think I will repeat is weight next session as there were 3 reps where I fund myself leaning too far forward and coming up pushing from my toes rather than the heels

    Bench - 37.5kg (83) - 5x5.

    OHP - 27.5kg (61) - 5/4/4/3/1. This was my second attempt at this weight and I managed even less reps this time. I will try once more then deload. I have just found that my gym has fractionals yay!!

    Deadlifts and rows - I'm not doing these exercises due to my slipped disc so have added in other exercises to try at hit the same muscles.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I'm right at the top end of 'normal' bmi, at almost 6' tall, my sister is the same height and probably a stone less but narrower shouldered and was a cross country runner and high jumper for the county while I was a secret snickers snaffler.. actually, do a google image search for her (she was on series 1 of the UK Apprentice).. M*r*am St*l*y (don't want her googling herself and this coming up lol!! replace * in first name with i and in the surname with a and e :) ).

    Being uber competitive I've always felt that I've been the "fat" one (and my other sister is slightly shorter and more petite). While it is true that I am the heaviest on the scale, I am starting to see myself as the "fit" and "strong" one. And this is coming from someone with no body/food issues (other than greed and comfort eating and laziness!!!). If I struggle with this stuff, how much more so for others?!

    When I hit my first goal weight, which I am not so fussed about reaching now after reading go kaleo's blogs and also suffering the crash and burn fatigue trying to work with what seemed like plenty of calories (damn I think I was way off my estimation of what I burn every day)...I will still be at the top end to slightly overweight BMI wise. Thing is, my body looks so different this year to three or four years ago when I was lighter and leaner...what I mean is, I know I have a fair bit more lean mass on my *kitten* I don't have to go that low to see the same/similar results. I am now going to hit 2100 cals every day. If the scale goes up (which it already has thanks to lovely glycogen stores) I don't really give a toss. I just wanna be comfy and be able to lift crap loads and run and cycle and swim...I can wear short shorts now, the cellulite dimples on the back of my thighs have almost all gone *big grin*

    Tameko, again thank you sooooo much for that link... : )
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    So this morning I did Vegas's 10lb progression, as well as switching to 3x5.

    So I did (all 1x5) -
    Squats - 125#, 135, 145 (PR)
    OHP - 70, 80, 90!!!!!! (PR-the last rep probably wasn't pretty, but I got it all the way up!)
    DL - 190 - This was both a success and a fail. I tried 190 last week and made 3 reps. This time I did 4.

    Then I finished with a couple sets of pull-ups (unassisted- 1st set was 4, second was 2), chair dips and pushups. My aim was to do 3 sets, but my arms were dead after the two.

    As far as BMI - I'm 5'5" and my weight varies between 146 and 151, depending on the time/day. When I'm at the higher end, I'm "overweight". I've never put any stock in BMI. I just want to be strong and not jiggly.
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    I am so pleased with my progress so far - most of the time I can't believe that I am lifting these weights, never thought I would be able to progress like this , but I guess that's the beauty of SL :heart:

    This is how I feel, exactly!!

    My hubby and I do SL together at home. I started off with the recommended weights and worked up from there. I am on session 13 on Friday.

    This is where I am as of last night (session 11 & 12)

    SQ- 105lbs - 5x5 - I really need to watch my form now. Making sure I don't lean forward and keep my heels planted.

    OHP - 57lbs 5x5 - getting touch now. Squeezing the bar really hard really helped get me through the last two sets.

    DL- 145lbs - 5x5 and killed it. LOVE DL!!

    BP- 65lbs - 5/5/4/5/4 - First attempt and I was so close. I will start at 65lb on Friday and hope I push through this time.

    BR - 75lbs 5x5 - I am not a huge fan of this one. I dropped back to my beginning weight which I can do 5x5. Very aqward on the wrists. I just can't seem to get the pull right. I will see how I do next time.

    HAPPY LIFTING :bigsmile:
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member

    As far as BMI - I'm 5'5" and my weight varies between 146 and 151, depending on the time/day. When I'm at the higher end, I'm "overweight". I've never put any stock in BMI. I just want to be strong and not jiggly.

    We are height and weight twins! And I feel the same way---don't care about the number on the scale. Just don't want to jiggle.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    So I had my first b workout today, and while my squats were much better form-wise, my OP was an EPIC FAIL! I got through 2 sets shakily and half a third before I knew I was going to fail. Is this common with just the bar for beginners? The rest of the upper body stuff was good, so I think the OP just works muscles that I just don't have the strength in yet. I did DL 65 pounds and it great, so YAY! 15 minutes on the elliptical to cool down, followed by a protein bar and a hot shower. I'm hoping that will help with the soreness. : ) Anyway, I hope everyone's having a happy hump day!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Ugh ugh ugh got a sample of some myprotein impact whey just tried choc nut and couldn't get past how sweet it was. Vile! Poured it down the sink...

    B session tonight though, looking forward to it!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm right at the top end of 'normal' bmi, at almost 6' tall, my sister is the same height and probably a stone less but narrower shouldered and was a cross country runner and high jumper for the county while I was a secret snickers snaffler.. actually, do a google image search for her (she was on series 1 of the UK Apprentice).. M*r*am St*l*y (don't want her googling herself and this coming up lol!! replace * in first name with i and in the surname with a and e :) ).

    Being uber competitive I've always felt that I've been the "fat" one (and my other sister is slightly shorter and more petite). While it is true that I am the heaviest on the scale, I am starting to see myself as the "fit" and "strong" one. And this is coming from someone with no body/food issues (other than greed and comfort eating and laziness!!!). If I struggle with this stuff, how much more so for others?!

    When I hit my first goal weight, which I am not so fussed about reaching now after reading go kaleo's blogs and also suffering the crash and burn fatigue trying to work with what seemed like plenty of calories (damn I think I was way off my estimation of what I burn every day)...I will still be at the top end to slightly overweight BMI wise. Thing is, my body looks so different this year to three or four years ago when I was lighter and leaner...what I mean is, I know I have a fair bit more lean mass on my *kitten* I don't have to go that low to see the same/similar results. I am now going to hit 2100 cals every day. If the scale goes up (which it already has thanks to lovely glycogen stores) I don't really give a toss. I just wanna be comfy and be able to lift crap loads and run and cycle and swim...I can wear short shorts now, the cellulite dimples on the back of my thighs have almost all gone *big grin*

    Tameko, again thank you sooooo much for that link... : )

    You're welcome! I'm really glad it helped people
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Ugh ugh ugh got a sample of some myprotein impact whey just tried choc nut and couldn't get past how sweet it was. Vile! Poured it down the sink...

    B session tonight though, looking forward to it!

    Right?!? How can some of the proteins just taste SO BAD? It's ridiculous.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    So I had my first b workout today, and while my squats were much better form-wise, my OP was an EPIC FAIL! I got through 2 sets shakily and half a third before I knew I was going to fail. Is this common with just the bar for beginners? The rest of the upper body stuff was good, so I think the OP just works muscles that I just don't have the strength in yet. I did DL 65 pounds and it great, so YAY! 15 minutes on the elliptical to cool down, followed by a protein bar and a hot shower. I'm hoping that will help with the soreness. : ) Anyway, I hope everyone's having a happy hump day!

    If it makes you feel any better, I started SL with a standard 10 lb bar and 2 five pound plates and worked up from there...OHP is my nemesis, so yes, I would say you are quite normal...I worked my way from 20 pounds across the board until I was over 45 on everything before I went and got my Oly set. Great day, it sounds like to me! :flowerforyou: