May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    WO B Week 4

    I added weight for the first time. It has taken me almost four weeks to get confident enough about my form and to start to feel stronger in my everyday life to add weight.

    S still 45 because of lack of small increments at gym. This is getting fixed Wed.
    OHP 25 My cranky shoulder did not protest in the slightest.
    DL 60 And it wasn't hard. I thought about doing another set, but refrained.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Squats - I am definitely feeling my hip flexor. It doesn't feel injured, just sore. I probably bumped too fast last week. Oh well, I've been stretching it, and worked up very slowly to a 5 x5 at 115, about a 20% deload for me. It doesn't feel any WORSE, but it also doesn't feel any better. Maybe I should just not squat for a while? I was super duper careful about form, and had a lifter I trust watch me today -nothing there that either of us can pinpoint, so that's why I'm thinking going from 130-145 in the space of a week was not a good idea, even if technically I could lift the weight. Any ideas?

    I wanted to do a complex, but felt like more squatting was probably not a good idea. Sad face.

    I've switched to a 1x5 progressive lift for squats. So if my target weight is 135, I'll start at 95 then add 10 lbs for each set. It gives me a chance to get in work without the pressure of the heaviest weight for 5 sets. That seemed to make my hip flexor get sore and not recover well. Mine has been acting up a bit more this past week with the extra squatting with the barbell complex, but I know I have been zoning out on form for them (which is bad). I do a lot that calls on the hip flexor so I tend to get it tired quickly and go through the don't push it, let it feel better, push it, get it tired, don't push it......etc. cycle every few weeks.

    I had to drop back to the bar for a bit or even just skip the squat if my warm up reps didn't feel good. You may want to drop to 3x5 with about a 50% deload based on last week's numbers. See how it goes this next week and then if things are feeling better, start bumping up again. Also, in one of my posts I linked in a few form videos. My squats are not the best by any stretch of the imagination, but I've adapted a little for the hip flexor. You may be able to pick out some differences.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Squats - I am definitely feeling my hip flexor. It doesn't feel injured, just sore. I probably bumped too fast last week. Oh well, I've been stretching it, and worked up very slowly to a 5 x5 at 115, about a 20% deload for me. It doesn't feel any WORSE, but it also doesn't feel any better. Maybe I should just not squat for a while? I was super duper careful about form, and had a lifter I trust watch me today -nothing there that either of us can pinpoint, so that's why I'm thinking going from 130-145 in the space of a week was not a good idea, even if technically I could lift the weight. Any ideas?

    I wanted to do a complex, but felt like more squatting was probably not a good idea. Sad face.

    I've switched to a 1x5 progressive lift for squats. So if my target weight is 135, I'll start at 95 then add 10 lbs for each set. It gives me a chance to get in work without the pressure of the heaviest weight for 5 sets. That seemed to make my hip flexor get sore and not recover well. Mine has been acting up a bit more this past week with the extra squatting with the barbell complex, but I know I have been zoning out on form for them (which is bad). I do a lot that calls on the hip flexor so I tend to get it tired quickly and go through the don't push it, let it feel better, push it, get it tired, don't push it......etc. cycle every few weeks.

    I had to drop back to the bar for a bit or even just skip the squat if my warm up reps didn't feel good. You may want to drop to 3x5 with about a 50% deload based on last week's numbers. See how it goes this next week and then if things are feeling better, start bumping up again. Also, in one of my posts I linked in a few form videos. My squats are not the best by any stretch of the imagination, but I've adapted a little for the hip flexor. You may be able to pick out some differences.

    That 10lb progressive load to work weight is a great idea....thanks :) I left a message for Nia Shanks on her FB page because I am uncertain of where to start for one of her programs but this could totally work for one area if I don't hear back from her!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Did session 'B' today.
    After 4 sessions being stuck at 30# on squats, I am gong up slowly each time! Even on days when everything else is stalled. But I am only increasing about 3 pounds each session. It's better than nothing.

    Actually I often increase on most lifts by only ~3 pounds.

    Today squats went from 55# to 58#. Considering how slowly I started I am pleased.
    OHP dropped from 45-40#. This seems to be a pattern for my OHP. They are "2 steps forward- 1.5 steps back"
    DL increased from 108# to 118#. They are the only thing I seem to increase well on, for now.

    My 18 yr old did session "A" for the second time, but wanted to try to DL his bodyweight after I did 118#. Connor DL 95# last time. His bodyweight is 120#. I. Watched to make sure he had extra good form and he did 2, then I had him stop.

    I wonder what hos body fat percentage is, he didn't want to use the calipers. ...

    By husband was "too busy"....again. Sigh.
  • sphira
    sphira Posts: 132 Member
    Side note: I'm afraid my c25k experiement may be over. Did day 1 of week 2 on Saturday and my left knee screamed at me the rest of the day. I think its my old IT band issues re-surfacing. Sigh. Anyone else have issues with IT bands?

    I'm still following the program, but I speed walk it instead. We can still be buddies if you want. Just adjust. Who cares? I can't do high impact either (as I found out last week), but I can damn well get some cardiovascular fitness going and build endurance along with strength. :smile:

    Week 2 Day 1 today for me. Took one of our dogs along. Forgot to stretch though and so my knee was bugging me.

    Also, I'm currently losing my ability to think cuz hot flashes have started and are making me toss and turn at night and crazy during the day. So awesome. Not. Urgh. Going to spend the next few weeks researching and finding a remedy that works for me, because I can't live like this for months and years. Not happening. I hear exercise is great for those, so I'm definitely sticking with it! Glad I quit smoking too. Jeez. If any of you have gotten help with non-prescription meds but have chosen more natural remedies, I'm all ears ...
  • MissSifaka
    MissSifaka Posts: 25 Member
    Completed session 12 tonight. Consistently increasing squat (115) and deadlift (135), feeling really pumped with lower body. OHP(45) is driving me crazy, I am making no progress with this exercise except my form is better, I suppose that is something. My goal for the remainder of May is to hit 50lbs on OHP.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    I will be doing session 11 on Wednesday. Work is ticking me off - 14 hour days with no breaks, meals, and increased stress are not good for me. I can't wait for a break.

    I am trying not to get too bummed- after all, I wasn't sure I'd hit 100 on squat in May, but I'm well ahead of that.

    Session 10 was not bad, but I fear too much time will pass before I get back....

    Squat - 110 pounds - previously failed, so that felt gooood.
    Bench - 75 pounds - thought i was going to fail, but the hubby showed up at the gym and the security of knowing he could rescue/spot me got me through. I did 4,4,5,5,5 - Yay.
    Row - 85 pounds - I decided to do hanging rows until I get big plates on to go to ground.

    Just posting to help me focus and not lose sight of my goal when 'life' gets busy.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Completed session 12 tonight. Consistently increasing squat (115) and deadlift (135), feeling really pumped with lower body. OHP(45) is driving me crazy, I am making no progress with this exercise except my form is better, I suppose that is something. My goal for the remainder of May is to hit 50lbs on OHP.

    My OHP is the same I stay at the same weight for awhile, finally increase 2 pounds at a time for a few sessions, then drop back down 5 pounds!!
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Also, I'm currently losing my ability to think cuz hot flashes have started and are making me toss and turn at night and crazy during the day. So awesome. Not. Urgh. Going to spend the next few weeks researching and finding a remedy that works for me, because I can't live like this for months and years. Not happening. I hear exercise is great for those, so I'm definitely sticking with it! Glad I quit smoking too. Jeez. If any of you have gotten help with non-prescription meds but have chosen more natural remedies, I'm all ears ...
    Dani, as for the flashes, it's a process of elimination. I found reducing bread (wheat products) soft drinks (don't do those except when I must have a shot of Crown Royal and can't do it straight I need that Pepsi) sugar and coffee helps me tremendously. I no longer (very seldom) have the night sweats. I do drink coffee sometimes and when I do it daily it's just a half cup with my protein smoothie in the morning. I have cut back on these things and some days have none of them and have found that has cut my flashes back a lot. When I do have them they are no where near as intense as they used to be.

    There are other foods that can increase or decrease them, you just have to research and find which works best for you. Good luck to you.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    I'm still following the program, but I speed walk it instead. We can still be buddies if you want. Just adjust. Who cares? I can't do high impact either (as I found out last week), but I can damn well get some cardiovascular fitness going and build endurance along with strength. :smile:

    I tried to run last night and my knee informed me it did not like that at all. So back to walking it is. Kinda bummed but I'm certainly not going to hurt myself. That's just dumb.

    Sorry about the hot flashes. Wish I had some advice for you.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Good morning friends!

    So I have to give a big shout out to my friend jstout regarding her advice on working up to work weight using 10lb increments....did that this morning and I loved it. Given that I am now officially in my 24th week of SL, I am starting to feel the effects of 6 months of heavy lifting plus I did start lifting every other day, rather than 3x/week at week 13. I have holidays in a few weeks and I really didn't know how I was going to get through another few weeks of SL until that point as I really didn't want to start a new program before I go. Now I know that I will be able to push through :)

    My left shoulder did something funny during my barbell complex so I ended up stopping 7 minutes in which really sucks.....but I think I am being unreasonably hard on myself. It didn't feel right and I know I made the right decision.....but I love those damn complexes lol
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Also, I'm currently losing my ability to think cuz hot flashes have started and are making me toss and turn at night and crazy during the day. So awesome. Not. Urgh. Going to spend the next few weeks researching and finding a remedy that works for me, because I can't live like this for months and years. Not happening. I hear exercise is great for those, so I'm definitely sticking with it! Glad I quit smoking too. Jeez. If any of you have gotten help with non-prescription meds but have chosen more natural remedies, I'm all ears ...

    Sucks you're going through this. I had to be on birth control pills for awhile, and experienced them. The first pills I was on made me hormonally crazy. Like crying at cat pictures on the internet one minute to blind-rage for spilling water the next. The 2nd type of pills caused hot flashes and night sweats to the point where I would have to get up and change the sheets in the middle of the night because they were soaked. I don't have any tips or tricks to lessen them other than to buy a commercial grade, walk-in freezer and sleep in there. :flowerforyou: **hugs**
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Wooooo.... I am REALLY far behind. Been sick for the last 2 days.

    Everyone should read this though -- actually, anything this blogger does is good but I liked todays.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Sucks you're going through this. I had to be on birth control pills for awhile, and experienced them. The first pills I was on made me hormonally crazy. Like crying at cat pictures on the internet one minute to blind-rage for spilling water the next. The 2nd type of pills caused hot flashes and night sweats to the point where I would have to get up and change the sheets in the middle of the night because they were soaked. I don't have any tips or tricks to lessen them other than to buy a commercial grade, walk-in freezer and sleep in there. :flowerforyou: **hugs**

    Hey, thanks for the encouragement (not just yours but others' also). I went out and got a bunch of supplements and also a fan for my side of the bed. Slept much better last night. I'm going to just try everything and toss out whatever doesn't work.

    Lifting went okay today, going back to 3x5 rather than staggered 5x5 since the added cardio from the walking is sucking my lifting mojo a bit and I struggled really hard today, so I'm deloading a little and going from there. Adapt and overcome, right? Right. Onward! :flowerforyou:
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Wooooo.... I am REALLY far behind. Been sick for the last 2 days.

    Everyone should read this though -- actually, anything this blogger does is good but I liked todays.

    Tameko, do you know how tall she is? I'm reading it now and I am sorta juggling at the office...
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Wooooo.... I am REALLY far behind. Been sick for the last 2 days.

    Everyone should read this though -- actually, anything this blogger does is good but I liked todays.

    Oh tameko, hope you are on the mend...was wondering where you had got to...

    Those articles (there are a few linked in the blogs) are excellent...thank you for this...I find that when I get to around 140 lbs or so (not that low of a bodyfat percentage either) my ED symptoms begin to flare up again, so I am doing the losing of the body fat slow but sure and also plan to do a bulk at the end of this year. I like being able to loosen the reigns and be flexible now.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Thanks for link, fascinating. Hope you feel better soon...
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Wooooo.... I am REALLY far behind. Been sick for the last 2 days.

    Everyone should read this though -- actually, anything this blogger does is good but I liked todays.

    Tameko, do you know how tall she is? I'm reading it now and I am sorta juggling at the office...

    She's 5'9" -- she's literally JUST over the line of overweight (like a BMI of 25.1)

    I also weigh 169-170 and my BMI is 27.4 which is 14 lbs over a 25.2 BMI (I'm 5'6") and I'd say I look about her level of leanness + that 14lbs. So, it makes me feel a little better.

    Also -- I don't know if she mentions it in that article but she's been lifting heavy for 4.5 years or so.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Wooooo.... I am REALLY far behind. Been sick for the last 2 days.

    Everyone should read this though -- actually, anything this blogger does is good but I liked todays.

    Tameko, do you know how tall she is? I'm reading it now and I am sorta juggling at the office...

    She's 5'9" -- she's literally JUST over the line of overweight (like a BMI of 25.1)

    I also weigh 169-170 and my BMI is 27.4 which is 14 lbs over a 25.2 BMI (I'm 5'6") and I'd say I look about her level of leanness + that 14lbs. So, it makes me feel a little better.

    Also -- I don't know if she mentions it in that article but she's been lifting heavy for 4.5 years or so.

    At 5'7", I'm hovering between 163 & 164, and I would "ideally" like to get down to 155 (I've kinda blown 145 out of the water as being unrealistic), because I want muscle. I want to eat all the food and lift all the weight, and she has REALLY put a realistic spin on the whole subject, which I appreciate.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I want to eat all the food and lift all the weight

    That makes 2 of us.

    If I stay overweight for the rest of my years, why should that keep me from all the living I have to do in the meantime, and enjoying myself? I find it rather laughable, this push for some "ideal weight" in a world that's anything but ideal in every other area there is! Ridiculous and ludicrous, and shame on me for ever buying into such nonsense. Bah.

    My BMI hovers anywhere between 28 and 29 ... if it drops a couple more points, then yay, if not ... long as my body is functional and allows me to do the things I enjoy, then who cares? Feel free to install Photoshop in your brain and airbrush me if you have to. :laugh: