May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • sraffel
    sraffel Posts: 66 Member
    Nailed a 185 squat today. I'm as happy as a penis in a porno

  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Nailed a 185 squat today. I'm as happy as a penis in a porno


    Both seriously amazing and seriously funny at the same time. You just made my day, Tameko. (And I'm totally stealing that line).
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Workout B last night. It's official---C25k is killing my squats.

    But honestly, that's ok with me. I was able to do 115 (instead of 125). If I have to go down a little for awhile I just will. The tradeoff is greater cardiovascular fitness from the running, and I feel like I need that. This might sound dumb, but I just feel like I should be in good enough physical shape to run a 5k at any given time. So I'm gonna get there. AND keep lifting.

    Good news is that I made the OHP at 70. And deadlifted 185. And today is another rest day.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Good news is that I made the OHP at 70. And deadlifted 185. And today is another rest day.

  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Workout B last night. It's official---C25k is killing my squats. But honestly, that's ok with me. I was able to do 115 (instead of 125). If I have to go down a little for awhile I just will. The tradeoff is greater cardiovascular fitness from the running, and I feel like I need that. This might sound dumb, but I just feel like I should be in good enough physical shape to run a 5k at any given time. So I'm gonna get there. AND keep lifting.

    That's actually a great perspective, and I totally agree with you. Having said that, I've decided to fast walk the C25K program because in the middle of trotting/jogging today, my right knee said "I don't think so," and I'm not going to risk (more) injury. I covered roughly the same distance speed walking, so that's what I'm going to stick with to finish the program (because by golly, finish it I shall!). I may actually do a second C25K round and try running at that point, or just run randomly on speed walking days as the mood strikes. I've got options, eh? :bigsmile:

    Lifting went superb, got PRs on 3 of my lifts (although 70 lbs on power cleans was hard even just for 1 set) and feel very accomplished. Going to go back to yoga on lifting days and C25K on in betweens because I was starting to dread workout days, and there's no reason for that to happen because that's just a recipe for quitting. Nowai!

    Congrats tameko on that squat!!! That's awesome !!!! Y'all keep being the BAMFs that I know you all are!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    This might sound dumb, but I just feel like I should be in good enough physical shape to run a 5k at any given time.

    Doesn't sound dumb at all. I think it's really smart. If I didn't look like a chubby Tin Man with a stick up his butt when running, I'd probably be more inclined to do it. Someday. But just so's you know, your outlook on it struck a chord. :smile:
    Good news is that I made the OHP at 70. And deadlifted 185. And today is another rest day.

    And this is awesome!

    Congrats on your PRs Dani!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member

    The tradeoff is greater cardiovascular fitness from the running, and I feel like I need that. This might sound dumb, but I just feel like I should be in good enough physical shape to run a 5k at any given time. So I'm gonna get there. AND keep lifting.

    Good news is that I made the OHP at 70. And deadlifted 185. And today is another rest day.

    That's why I run (very sporadically). So I feel like I could run a 5K if I had to. If I tried it now, I could do it, although I'd be a lot slower than I'd want to. I've been thinking about starting C25K. I even downloaded the app last week, but I just have to get motivated to actually do it.

    Awesome on the lifts!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member

    The tradeoff is greater cardiovascular fitness from the running, and I feel like I need that. This might sound dumb, but I just feel like I should be in good enough physical shape to run a 5k at any given time. So I'm gonna get there. AND keep lifting.

    Good news is that I made the OHP at 70. And deadlifted 185. And today is another rest day.

    That's why I run (very sporadically). So I feel like I could run a 5K if I had to. If I tried it now, I could do it, although I'd be a lot slower than I'd want to. I've been thinking about starting C25K. I even downloaded the app last week, but I just have to get motivated to actually do it.

    Awesome on the lifts!

    If you can already run a 5k, you don't really need to do C25k. If you want to work on your speed you just have to start running more regularly.
  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    I am in the middle of my third week lifting and I decided to post because I was so happy with my workout today. It was WO B and I used the men's bar for squats and it was easy. Only pressing 20 in the OHP, cranky shoulder and then DL'd 50 pounds. I am pleased with myself. It all felt different today. Doable.

    AND I read through the last few pages and saw the 185 squat and laughed out loud at myself! That is awesome and inspiring! And I am still very happy with my self.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Dani - PR's every time!!! That is so cool!!

    So I have like 2 lifting days left before I finish the my first 12 weeks of SL and for the first time today I think I got bored with a lift. Just didn't feel like doing the rows. It doesn't help that yesterday was some high volume rows during the HIIT class. I have made some great strength gains with the program, but I'm starting to think that it is time to move on up to an intermediate level program just to add some lifting variety.

    Today was A day for me so...

    Squats: 1x5 @ 100, 110, 120, 130, 140 - felt solid, but my hip flexor is starting to feel the work again so it just needs a break from all the extra squating I'm doing.
    Bench: Totally didn't do the 5x5 thing today. I'm trying to switch to the arched back power lifting form so I was working at lower weight to get that down. I think I did a few sets of 10 with the bar, 65, and 85. I was working for volume of reps versus weight. I also was trying to build some explosiveness by holding at the bottom for a bit and then pushing the bar up.
    Row: 2x5 @ 95 - I just looked at the bar after the second set and said "eff it" and called it a day. Not my normal approach, but I REALLY didn't want to do more rows today.

    So after next week I'm going to deload and work on form while I work out a plan on where to go with the lifts.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    So after next week I'm going to deload and work on form while I work out a plan on where to go with the lifts.

    Congrats on almost finishing SL round 1! I'm sure you'll figure out where to go from here. Your lifts are quite impressive. Some of y'all make me shake my head in astonishment, honestly.
    I am in the middle of my third week lifting and I decided to post because I was so happy with my workout today. It was WO B and I used the men's bar for squats and it was easy. Only pressing 20 in the OHP, cranky shoulder and then DL'd 50 pounds. I am pleased with myself. It all felt different today. Doable.

    I always look at it as "that's 50 more pounds than I was lifting this time last year" (when I was lifting nothing). So there you go. Well done. :flowerforyou:
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Hello all! New here. I previous did the first two stages of NROLW but I'm looking for something new to get back into lifting after a break of a couple months. I like the simplicity of this and I'm excited to start lifting again!
  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    So after next week I'm going to deload and work on form while I work out a plan on where to go with the lifts.

    Congrats on almost finishing SL round 1! I'm sure you'll figure out where to go from here. Your lifts are quite impressive. Some of y'all make me shake my head in astonishment, honestly.
    I am in the middle of my third week lifting and I decided to post because I was so happy with my workout today. It was WO B and I used the men's bar for squats and it was easy. Only pressing 20 in the OHP, cranky shoulder and then DL'd 50 pounds. I am pleased with myself. It all felt different today. Doable.

    I always look at it as "that's 50 more pounds than I was lifting this time last year" (when I was lifting nothing). So there you go. Well done. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you.
  • Hello all! New here. I previous did the first two stages of NROLW but I'm looking for something new to get back into lifting after a break of a couple months. I like the simplicity of this and I'm excited to start lifting again!

    Welcome to the group.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I've been getting a poppy hip since doing this, always had clicky knees... Is this just par for the course with squatting or something I should be keeping an eye on/doing other supportive stuff for? Almost feels like it wants to pop out of alignment although I'm sure that isn't the case!

    And welcome coquette!
  • I've been getting a poppy hip since doing this, always had clicky knees... Is this just par for the course with squatting or something I should be keeping an eye on/doing other supportive stuff for? Almost feels like it wants to pop out of alignment although I'm sure that isn't the case!

    And welcome coquette!

    I have no idea. I have had an issue with my elbow popping during pressing exercises, but it hasn't really been happening that much lately. I've asked about it on other forums and they didn't know either. Just try and make sure you are using good form.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Tameko - great squat and lovely turn of phrase!

    Kira - sweet potato brownies sound lovely! Can you post the recipe to the food thread please?

    Dani - sounds like a great week. If you wanted to continue trying to run, have you had yourself fitted for some proper running shoes with gait analysis. That can make a world of difference if you're getting joint/muscle pain. Great job on the PRs!

    Cleotherio - I reckon you could use C25k as an intervals workout, so rather than running slowly for the run sections, you run at your desired pace, then walk to recover, and build it up. It's not the conventional timings for intervals (1 on, 4 recovery to start with, dropping to 1:2 etc) but it might work?

    Coquette - welcome!

    lwoodruff - if it's every time, check your form and then talk to an osteo/chiro/sports therapist. Some people do have clicky joints, but if it's got worse with what you're doing, that's not a great sign. Maybe deload to weights where it doesn't and work up again?

    Workout A today since I did All The Deadlifts on Wednesday. It's going to take a few weeks to switch over to the new one-lift-plus-assistance-per-workout regime since I only see the PT once a fortnight.

    Squats: 45kg/99lb These feel like the 60kg/132lb deadlift did last month. Like, I can do it (just!) but the idea of adding weight makes we want to walk out of the gym. So, deloading to 37.5kg/83lb and working up again, possibly at 3x8 from Sunday. It's the right time to switch to a weekly progression on these with some additional assistance work to help though.

    Bench 26kg/52lb - Yes!! PR Smash!!

    Row 32kg/70lb - meh. Need to repeat these

    I added in some back extensions at the end, since we don't have the glute-ham raise station I wanted. 3x12 at bodyweight isn't too shabby for a first time! I'll add some dumbbell weight next time, I think.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ooh I should have clarified it doesn't do it -while- I'm working out, it's now, when I'm getting up or after I've been sitting for a while, just feels a bit weird! wondering if I'm just stretching everything by squatting and it's all catching up?
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member

    Kira - sweet potato brownies sound lovely! Can you post the recipe to the food thread please?

    I would, but the food stickie isn't showing up for me! Here's the link - they are gluten-free (wheat makes me mean :smile: ):
  • amyaroja
    amyaroja Posts: 63 Member

    Bench 26kg/52lb - Yes!! PR Smash!!
