May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm doing my first SL workout tomorrow morning, and I have a few rookie (completely unversed in weight lifting) questions I'm hoping you can help me with.

    1) I know I should do warm up sets, but if you're just lifting the bar, should I just do body weight for the squats? How about everything else?

    2) For my rows and DL, what should I put the bar on so it's the right starting height with no plates?

    These are probably really obvious things, but I just want to make sure I start right so I can get the results. I'm really excited to get started, and you all are so great, I can't wait until I have successes to share!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    Even in the all female gym where I have been lifting I haven't seen one other woman use the squat rack. The Smith, machine, yes, squat rack, no.

    Now that is something to be jealous of!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm doing my first SL workout tomorrow morning, and I have a few rookie (completely unversed in weight lifting) questions I'm hoping you can help me with.

    1) I know I should do warm up sets, but if you're just lifting the bar, should I just do body weight for the squats? How about everything else?

    2) For my rows and DL, what should I put the bar on so it's the right starting height with no plates?

    These are probably really obvious things, but I just want to make sure I start right so I can get the results. I'm really excited to get started, and you all are so great, I can't wait until I have successes to share!


    1) I do body weight squats as a warm up regardless of the weight I'm lifting. It is a great way to really take your time and get a good stretch before adding any weight.

    2) You can either stack plates up to be about where a large (45 lb) plate would get the bar, use the risers for a step bench to raise it up, or pull from lower pins in a power rack or squat rack if they have it. It will mostly depend on what you have access to.
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm doing my first SL workout tomorrow morning, and I have a few rookie (completely unversed in weight lifting) questions I'm hoping you can help me with.

    1) I know I should do warm up sets, but if you're just lifting the bar, should I just do body weight for the squats? How about everything else?

    2) For my rows and DL, what should I put the bar on so it's the right starting height with no plates?

    These are probably really obvious things, but I just want to make sure I start right so I can get the results. I'm really excited to get started, and you all are so great, I can't wait until I have successes to share!


    1) I do body weight squats as a warm up regardless of the weight I'm lifting. It is a great way to really take your time and get a good stretch before adding any weight.

    2) You can either stack plates up to be about where a large (45 lb) plate would get the bar, use the risers for a step bench to raise it up, or pull from lower pins in a power rack or squat rack if they have it. It will mostly depend on what you have access to.

    Awesome! Thank you so much for the advice. I'll have to scope out what my y has to offer, but I'm thinking stacking plates will be the easiest.
  • arikag
    arikag Posts: 94 Member
    May Lifting goals:
    Squat - from 125lbs - Goal 130 *Hit it! 5/19
    Bench - from 75-80 - Goal 80 *Hit it! 5/14
    Row - from 70 lbs- Goal 75
    OHP - from 60 lbs - Goal 65
    Deadlift - from 125 lbs - Goal 130
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    May Lifting goals:
    Squat - from 125lbs - Goal 130 *Hit it! 5/19
    Bench - from 75-80 - Goal 80 *Hit it! 5/14
    Row - from 70 lbs- Goal 75
    OHP - from 60 lbs - Goal 65
    Deadlift - from 125 lbs - Goal 130

    Way to go on hitting two of your goals already!!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Just checking in/bumping/following the awesomeness that oozes out of this thread.

    Temporarily sidelined due to my sciatic nerve. Hurt all weekend and is still hurting today. Had to ditch the workout Saturday so I'm walking today and will play it by ear tomorrow. Alternating between sitting, standing, walking, and stretching seems to do the trick so hopefully, I can get this worked out.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    May goals -
    Squat 150 current - 140
    Bench 105 - current 110
    Row 110 - current 105
    OHP 90 for at least one set- current-I've squeaked out 5x5 @ 85, but haven't made the jump to 9-0 yet.
    Deadlift 185 - did this at least two workouts. I did 3 reps at 190 last week, but it was too heavy.

    -keep up with cardio 2x a week
    -do yoga once a week
    -drink more water

    Spotty on the other goals, but they are still on my mind.

    I think I'm switching to 3x5 while I research my next step. I'm on session 31 (starting week 11, OMG) 5x5 just takes so long now. The weights are heavy and I rest 3 or 4 or even 5 minutes between sets. Plus I want to start doing some accessory stuff or finishers at the end. I already get up by 5:45. To get 5x5 in plus other stuff, I'd be getting up much earlier than I want to.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Just checking in/bumping/following the awesomeness that oozes out of this thread.

    Temporarily sidelined due to my sciatic nerve. Hurt all weekend and is still hurting today. Had to ditch the workout Saturday so I'm walking today and will play it by ear tomorrow. Alternating between sitting, standing, walking, and stretching seems to do the trick so hopefully, I can get this worked out.

    Do you have a foam roller? I had bad sciatic pain off and on over the winter. When I get any pain now, I roll my butt and hips and it helps better than anything else I'd ever tried.
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member

    I think I'm switching to 3x5 while I research my next step. I'm on session 31 (starting week 11, OMG) 5x5 just takes so long now. The weights are heavy and I rest 3 or 4 or even 5 minutes between sets. Plus I want to start doing some accessory stuff or finishers at the end. I already get up by 5:45. To get 5x5 in plus other stuff, I'd be getting up much earlier than I want to.

    Cleo: I hear ya. I switched to 3 x 5 when 5 x 5 seemed like it just took too long---and I LOVE IT! Good luck to you.

    Side note: I'm afraid my c25k experiement may be over. Did day 1 of week 2 on Saturday and my left knee screamed at me the rest of the day. I think its my old IT band issues re-surfacing. Sigh. Anyone else have issues with IT bands?
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Side note: I'm afraid my c25k experiement may be over. Did day 1 of week 2 on Saturday and my left knee screamed at me the rest of the day. I think its my old IT band issues re-surfacing. Sigh. Anyone else have issues with IT bands?

    I'm still following the program, but I speed walk it instead. We can still be buddies if you want. Just adjust. Who cares? I can't do high impact either (as I found out last week), but I can damn well get some cardiovascular fitness going and build endurance along with strength. :smile:

    Week 2 Day 1 today for me. Took one of our dogs along. Forgot to stretch though and so my knee was bugging me.

    Also, I'm currently losing my ability to think cuz hot flashes have started and are making me toss and turn at night and crazy during the day. So awesome. Not. Urgh. Going to spend the next few weeks researching and finding a remedy that works for me, because I can't live like this for months and years. Not happening. I hear exercise is great for those, so I'm definitely sticking with it! Glad I quit smoking too. Jeez. If any of you have gotten help with non-prescription meds but have chosen more natural remedies, I'm all ears ...
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I just wanted to check in and say that everyone is looking FINE...a couple of pics stood out DaniH826 and jstout365 I think those are your profile those are some gorgeous legs and great squats ladies...oh and lwoodroff your action shots are shexay! (so is your huz's baking man oh man!!!)

    I am not logging food until Weds or so after a bout of severe fatigue again (actually think it is all down to a pesky sinus infection which also came long with a runny tummy as well ugh!) still lifting heavy (or was trying to last week, but feeling pretty low about not getting my max lifts up and away as usual) Hoping the carbing up and loosening up on food will help beat the blues this week. I feel a lot better already.

    I hope everyone is staying strong and being bada$$ are all inspiring ladies : )
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    I did my first stronglifts workout A today and I feel great! I had some issues on my last set of squats but I got through the bench and rows really well. I'm shocked and proud that I did it! Excited for workout B now.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    May goals -
    Squat 150 current - 140
    Bench 105 - current 110
    Row 110 - current 105
    OHP 90 for at least one set- current-I've squeaked out 5x5 @ 85, but haven't made the jump to 9-0 yet.
    Deadlift 185 - did this at least two workouts. I did 3 reps at 190 last week, but it was too heavy.

    -keep up with cardio 2x a week
    -do yoga once a week
    -drink more water

    Spotty on the other goals, but they are still on my mind.

    I think I'm switching to 3x5 while I research my next step. I'm on session 31 (starting week 11, OMG) 5x5 just takes so long now. The weights are heavy and I rest 3 or 4 or even 5 minutes between sets. Plus I want to start doing some accessory stuff or finishers at the end. I already get up by 5:45. To get 5x5 in plus other stuff, I'd be getting up much earlier than I want to.

    If you still like the overall program then just start to run 3x5 instead of 5x5 and spend a little more time on each weight.....that's what I did for my second cycle (tomorrow will be the start of week 12 of cycle 2 for me so week 24 overall) and I really liked it plus I do have time for a finisher at the end of every lifting session. I lift every other day (not 3x/week) and still do cardio on non-lifting days. I will say though that I'm ready for it to be over.....6 months of heavy lifting like this has taken it's toll on me. I was going to run Madcow as my intermediate program as I do love the big compound lifts, but I have decided to go the Nia Shanks route :)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Nex - Thanks! I hope you start to feel better and get back to the Amazing lifting soon!

    Cleo - I'm just wrapping up the 12 weeks and I am going to deload while I work out the next plan. I have an idea of what I'm looking at doing, but I need some time to finalize it and figure out my accessory lifts.

    Adasmom - Welcome! Good to hear that you had a great first session!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Nex - thanks! too good sadly, I am eating ALL the BAKING! and it's his 40th next Friday so I need to plan a cake.. lemon syrup or carrot? any votes?

    I hear ya girls on the time it takes, with 3 minute pauses and no stretching at the end or any other exercise it took me nearly an hour and 20 yesterday, which seems a bit crazy, but with 3 weeks left to go on this cycle and only being brand new to lifting I'm very aware that there hasn't been much change yet (there has, plenty of it, but not body recomp type, which I suspect takes a couple of years??).

    I know I need to add some cardio back in too (boooo!) but 3 days a week is ample for juggling Real Life (TM) as well as working out, so something is going to have to give eventually.

    Just thinking out loud, ignore me! :)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I did my first stronglifts workout A today and I feel great! I had some issues on my last set of squats but I got through the bench and rows really well. I'm shocked and proud that I did it! Excited for workout B now.

    well done! hope you fall in love with it too! now you've got a feel for it I strongly recommend going back over some of the videos to check form etc, it will give you confidence :)
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    lwoodroff - I hear ya, this late in the program it takes a loooong time to get through, especially on A days. I've actually been thinking that I might drop down to 3 x 5 anyway to help manage overall stress and time. . .

    Nex - sorry you've been ill - here's to more food = better lifts and a healthy body!

    Cleo - I'm almost done, too. Haven't decided if I'm going in for more SL, or if I want to switch it up. . . oh, the choices!

    aidasmom -welcome!

    I had a rough, rough day in the gym today. Rough. But you know what, I stuck it out, so there's that.
    Squats - I am definitely feeling my hip flexor. It doesn't feel injured, just sore. I probably bumped too fast last week. Oh well, I've been stretching it, and worked up very slowly to a 5 x5 at 115, about a 20% deload for me. It doesn't feel any WORSE, but it also doesn't feel any better. Maybe I should just not squat for a while? I was super duper careful about form, and had a lifter I trust watch me today -nothing there that either of us can pinpoint, so that's why I'm thinking going from 130-145 in the space of a week was not a good idea, even if technically I could lift the weight. Any ideas?

    Bench - Had to do my first roll(head bonk) of shame today. Tried to start with my regular increase at 100, did 3, knew I should stop, then tried for 4 anyhow. Head NOT in the game, apparently. My roll of shame went all wonky and I conked my left eyebrow, so I'm gonna look a little funny for a few days. Blargh. I finished out at 95 just fine, so I think next time I'll go for 5x6 at 95, then try 100 again.

    Row - repeated 105 and concentrated on keeping my back level. Going to do 5x6 on this again, as I can tell I am at my upper limit here and need to go more slowly.

    I wanted to do a complex, but felt like more squatting was probably not a good idea. Sad face.

    Ah, well, Wednesday will be better. :smile:
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Day1 week3 workout A

    Squat:65x5x5 (5lb increase)
    Bench:60x5x5 (5lb increase)
    Row:75x5x5 (same as last time)

    I am starting to realize I have a weak upper back and need to go slow. I think rows and OHP(50) will stay the same till I can get 5x6.

    Just want to say I love that I am competing with myself and not anyone else. I think I have refound my love for my body and can't wate to see what it can do.
  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    I did my first stronglifts workout A today and I feel great! I had some issues on my last set of squats but I got through the bench and rows really well. I'm shocked and proud that I did it! Excited for workout B now.

    Way To Go!! I only started a month ago and I love lifting!