May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Yesterday I had a good workout.

    Squats 132.5 I had one of those sessions where you don't think about form so much and you just Do It. Felt great. Next up is Big Girl Plates, yee-haw!

    OHP I tried to go up 2 pounds to 57 for the first set, but I knew that was setting me up for a failure, so went to 56# for the last sets. Next time I'll go for 56 1/2

    Deadlift I managed to do 165 well enough to move on. I'll maybe add 2 1/2 pounds to this one.

    While I was deadlifting there was a guy doing clean and split jerks with 205 pounds. Holy *kitten*.
  • RunWestyRun
    RunWestyRun Posts: 20 Member
    Some great lifting going on - I can't wait until I can go for the big-girl plates!!

    Workout B today - started out great:

    Squats 40kg (88lbs) - 5x5

    OHP 25kg (55lbs) - 5x5

    Then came the deadlifts - 40kg (should have been 45kg but apparently I can't count... and just as well) on my second rep there was an excruciating pain in my back and it shot straight down my right leg.
    I am so annoyed - I have been 3 weeks completely pain free since my herniated disk and I don't know what went wrong. My husband was videoing my lifts today and we have both watched it back over and over and my form appears okay - there was no apparent rounding or disengagement of my back and my form felt good (until the pain started).

    This will be another few weeks off deadlifting. I'm not even sure whether to go back to them at all. Does anyone have any suggestions on what exercises to do instead of deadlifts to ensure I hit all parts of my back and posterior chain. I know there is no direct substitute.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Just me in here then? :-) squats cool so looking forward to 50kg next time, OHPs only a mother could love but 5x5.. should I try to go up next time, stick and hope it helps or deload and work back up?! Deadlift I dropped to 60kg to try the form as per the rippetoe vid which was cool, went up to 90 did one rep and dropped back to 80. Managed the 5 but bashed my shin at one point (prob a good sign!) And suspect my back wasn't right. One guy was looking as though he wanted to say something but I scurried off! Then finished with a jog round the block with the girls so hardly quick but after all the running talk I just had to!

    I am new at this but personally I would increase the weight. I believe you are supposed to increase till you fail to do 5x5 with good form than stay at that weight for 2 additional workouts. If at that point you are still unable to do 5x5 with good form than it is time to deload by20% and work back up.

    Mabye someone more versed and experienced will confirm or debunk this idea but that was my understanding of the program.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Yeah, the trouble depends on how you define "good form" as they weren't smooth and straightforward..
  • amyaroja
    amyaroja Posts: 66 Member
    I'm SUPER sore after my first ever strong lifts day yesterday. Pretty sure it's from the squats, of course.

    I'm thinking maybe another day of rest?

    Oh, and and I was getting ready to make an appointment with my GYN because my breasts are super tender today... not preggo, but started worrying about cancer, etc! But then, DUH! Bench Press! DUH! LOL
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I'm SUPER sore after my first ever strong lifts day yesterday. Pretty sure it's from the squats, of course.

    I'm thinking maybe another day of rest?

    Oh, and and I was getting ready to make an appointment with my GYN because my breasts are super tender today... not preggo, but started worrying about cancer, etc! But then, DUH! Bench Press! DUH! LOL

    Sometimes it is best to do the workout without an extra day of rest. There is a difference between muscle soreness and pain from injury. Many people find (myself included) that sometimes when it is just muscle soreness, working out actually helps with it and loosens everything back up. Ultimately it is up to you and you will figure out when to take an extra day and when to do the workout!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    I just did a quickie scan over the last few pages. You guys are amazing!! Huge numbers!!! Fish sorry about your injury! Makes me cringe. I love all the ice cream discussion and resulting incredible workouts! I am still just plugging along. Nothing extraordinary to report about me but I do have something exciting to tell you! I got my 15 year old son to do the whole 5x5 workout...A? B? it was the one with the bench press and the rows! he did Squats with two 10lb dumb bells, Bench and rows with the bar!! He has Asperger's and aside from aikido is not really an athletic guy. He was all worried about not being able to do the bar so we had a long talk about how we all work at our own pace and if something doesn't feel right then we deload and just progress from there. Then I used that analogy to say that that is a good way to do life. When things get overwhelming in life sometimes you just have to deload and progress from there. We don't have to stop doing things that are uncomfortable we just have to deload and progress from there. I have to tell you I felt like a pretty BA parent! I think he was pretty pleased that he completed the workout.

    This is so awesome. Feeling like a BA parent is a good feeling!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    I had a pretty awful workout yesterday. But I'm exhausted, so I'm pretty sure that's way. Plan was to squat 125, but the warmups felt super hard at 105, so I decided to just do 115 for the work weight. That was tough enough! I did manage to bench 94 and row 88, but man, I was spent afterwards.

    I think adding C25k is hurting my legs a bit. But also the week was just crazy, as Mr. Chunk was out of town, and then injured his back and is unable to help at all with the 3 young chunks. And my youngest is disabled and requires complete care, so that's taking it's toll on me when there is no break.

    Today I will rest--and eat!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm SUPER sore after my first ever strong lifts day yesterday. Pretty sure it's from the squats, of course.

    I'm thinking maybe another day of rest?

    Oh, and and I was getting ready to make an appointment with my GYN because my breasts are super tender today... not preggo, but started worrying about cancer, etc! But then, DUH! Bench Press! DUH! LOL

    Sometimes it is best to do the workout without an extra day of rest. There is a difference between muscle soreness and pain from injury. Many people find (myself included) that sometimes when it is just muscle soreness, working out actually helps with it and loosens everything back up. Ultimately it is up to you and you will figure out when to take an extra day and when to do the workout!

    Ditto this - ESPECIALLY in the beginning, when you first start, just about everything will make you sore.

    Needing an extra rest day is usually not so much painful for me - its usualyl more like a constantly low level exhausted feeling in the muscles and maybe a bit of discomfort. Actual pain is usually worked out with exercise. I do recommend walking regularly on non-lifting days - that does a lot to work out soreness for me. Also a light jog works well - if jogging is something that is non strenuous for you.

    I had an ok deadlift day yesterday. Did a very crappy looking 1rm (had to hitch the bar) at 200. Still my worst lift by FAR. :explode:
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    I agree with Tameko - I only take an extra day if I'm just feeling completely fatigued. But lifting with DOMS feels good in a painful-but-wonderful kind of way. :smile:

    Squats 140 BOOYAH!
    OHP 70 55554 again - so I'll deload on these next time and work back up. I actually made it 1/3 of the way through the last rep before I realized I wasn't going any farther, so I feel like with a deload I'll bust right through.
    Deads 195. I'm not sure I should count this - I had to take a break after the 3rd rep and breathe for about 30 seconds before I did the last two. Regardless, I'll repeat because this weight feels very heavy and I don't want to jump up until it feels a little better.

    And I'll head out for a walk today - Bobby wasn't feeling well so we skipped complexes today. And hopefully more bow time :smile:
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member

    Squats 140 BOOYAH!
    OHP 70 55554 again - so I'll deload on these next time and work back up. I actually made it 1/3 of the way through the last rep before I realized I wasn't going any farther, so I feel like with a deload I'll bust right through.
    Deads 195. I'm not sure I should count this - I had to take a break after the 3rd rep and breathe for about 30 seconds before I did the last two. Regardless, I'll repeat because this weight feels very heavy and I don't want to jump up until it feels a little better.

    And I'll head out for a walk today - Bobby wasn't feeling well so we skipped complexes today. And hopefully more bow time :smile:

    Ohhhh 195. That's what I was supposed to move up to today. I tried 190 instead and I was doing a lot of growling and grunting. That seemed really heavy.

    I squatted 140 this morning on my first set. Then I thought --"130 feels way too heavy this morning, I'm gonna take 10lb off and take it easy". Then when I went to take off the plates, I realized I had miscalculated AGAIN. I did the last 4 sets at 130 like I had meant to.

    OHP - 5x5 at 85. I think I rested about 4 minutes between each set. There's some stuff about form I want to look up when I'm at home today. I think I'm doing sort of a hip thrust that I'm not sure I'm supposed to do. I think it's OK, but I'll try to explain better later when I have time.

    I think I'll make it through this week with either progressing slightly or repeating the weights I'm at, then deload next week. I don't want to get burned out and start dreading the workout when the weights start to feel too heavy.
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Well I finally got those big plates on for squats, but my form was suffering. It killed me to deload back to 130, but I knew it was best. Funny how something like plate size can make you feel like you're stronger when it's really only 5 pounds!

    Deadlifts at 162.5, OHP at 62.5. Finally going up! Didn't complete 5x5, but it's progress. Finally!

    And for my favorite stat...

    3 years ago I did a wellness check at work. I started at 145 pounds and 32.6% body fat. A year later (last year) I had lost 15 pounds, and decreased my BF to 28.7%, essentially losing 10 pounds of fat and 4.5 pounds of LBM. I added strength training after that check (body weight stuff, then stronglifts in January). I've been a little discouraged as my weight has been pretty stable, I'm 128 pounds and 26% BF. So in the last year I may not have lost much, but I actually gained .5 pound of LBM and lost 3.2 pounds of fat. Not shocking or astounding numbers, but losing nice and steady...and losing fat. I'll take it! And as a side note I also started stretching regularly. I went from "poor" flexibility (sit and reach of 9 bad it wasn't even on their scale!) to 19 inches..."normal"! Yay!
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    So today was the start of my seconded week. I hit my first wall with squats but I think the new gym collars may have something to do with that. They got rid of the coil ones and the new ones feel like 1-1.5 lbs each. So to sum up I increased my weight by 5lbs in plates and probably 3 lbs in equipment weight.
    Squat 3x5-2x4 55lbs
    OHP 3x5-1x4-1x3 50lbs
    DL. 1x5 105lbs

    I am excited to break through my first failure on Wednesday!
  • Amazing1985RSD
    I've been stalling again lately.


    Squat 255 pounds 5/5/5.
    Press 120 pounds 4 reps.
    Deadlift 265 pounds 4 reps.

    Last Friday:

    Squat 255 pounds 5/5/4
    Bench 180 pounds 5/5/4
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I completed Day 9 yesterday. I am one pound from being at the 'suggests start weight for squats'... So, starting next session I can rely on the app to track my squat weights!
    I had a bad couple of days last week, went down a couple pounds in most my lifts, ended up with a a migraine, chronic fatigue flair up, ate more, and am back on track and increasing weights.
    I decided that an increase of 2-3 pounds is fine for me if it's feeling like a not-so-great-week, health wise.

    My max weights:
    Squats- 44#
    Bench Press- 60#
    Barbell Row - 66#
    OHP- 51#

    I had my 18 yr old son start SL with me. Here's his first day:
    Connor is 5'8" and weighs about 125#, I think. Maybe 130#

    Squats: 40#
    Bench Press- 42#
    Barbell Row- 44#

    He could have done more, but He seemed a bit 'anxious?' to try more. He wanted to not go more than he KNEW he'd be good lifting.

    He caught on to form pretty quickly. His squats looked really good, he could use a slightly fatter back for the rows, but they were stil pretty good.

    My husband joined me on my 'week 2' and is still lifting and increasing in weights lifted.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I completed Day 9 yesterday. I am one pound from being at the 'suggests start weight for squats'... So, starting next session I can rely on the app to track my squat weights!
    I had a bad couple of days last week, went down a couple pounds in most my lifts, ended up with a a migraine, chronic fatigue flair up, ate more, and am back on track and increasing weights.
    I decided that an increase of 2-3 pounds is fine for me if it's feeling like a not-so-great-week, health wise.

    My max weights:
    Squats- 44#
    Bench Press- 60#
    Barbell Row - 66#
    OHP- 51#

    I had my 18 yr old son start SL with me. Here's his first day:
    Connor is 5'8" and weighs about 125#, I think. Maybe 130#

    Squats: 40#
    Bench Press- 42#
    Barbell Row- 44#

    He could have done more, but He seemed a bit 'anxious?' to try more. He wanted to not go more than he KNEW he'd be good lifting.

    He caught on to form pretty quickly. His squats looked really good, he could use a slightly fatter back for the rows, but they were stil pretty good.

    My husband joined me on my 'week 2' and is still lifting and increasing in weights lifted.

    That's awesome that this is turning into a family thing!! And congrats to your son on starting! I am sure he will start gaining confidence and be willing to push the weight higher soon.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Well I finally got those big plates on for squats, but my form was suffering. It killed me to deload back to 130, but I knew it was best. Funny how something like plate size can make you feel like you're stronger when it's really only 5 pounds!

    Deadlifts at 162.5, OHP at 62.5. Finally going up! Didn't complete 5x5, but it's progress. Finally!

    And for my favorite stat...

    3 years ago I did a wellness check at work. I started at 145 pounds and 32.6% body fat. A year later (last year) I had lost 15 pounds, and decreased my BF to 28.7%, essentially losing 10 pounds of fat and 4.5 pounds of LBM. I added strength training after that check (body weight stuff, then stronglifts in January). I've been a little discouraged as my weight has been pretty stable, I'm 128 pounds and 26% BF. So in the last year I may not have lost much, but I actually gained .5 pound of LBM and lost 3.2 pounds of fat. Not shocking or astounding numbers, but losing nice and steady...and losing fat. I'll take it! And as a side note I also started stretching regularly. I went from "poor" flexibility (sit and reach of 9 bad it wasn't even on their scale!) to 19 inches..."normal"! Yay!

    I *love* the wellness check results, great job!!

    I hear ya about 135 squats. That's right where I am, and struggling a bit, too. I never used to lack confidence in the gym, hmmm.

    :sad: Yesterday's workout was a train wreck. Before I got there I knew I was sore, not recovered, and I was scared about squatting 135. I even posted in the Girls Who Lift group.

    When I warmed up, I didn't loosen up enough... and I was just not recovered enough from last time. I loaded up 135 and I squatted it, my form was good, but I was exhausted. 4-4-4 reps.

    Bench I had a little math fail and warmed up too heavy, ending up with 85# on my last warmup when my scheduled work weight was 77# oops. Now I know that my one rep max is somewhere north of 85 pounds, though :drinker: Then my sets went like this: 77 for 4, 76 for 4 and used the bailout rack for the fifth rep, 76 for 4. gah.

    Pendlays were OK, 86 pounds 3X5. I skipped cardio. I took the dogs to the dog park and sort of limped around. I'm not injured, I don't have DOMS per se, I'm just wiped the *kitten* out.

    So I made a new plan overnight -- and I welcome comments about this. On Wednesday I will deload to about 75-80% for squats, I'll do OHP which has been going very well, and I'll deload the deadlifts too, I hit them last time but gawd was it tough.

    Thursday - Tuesday I am on vacation. I have some coaching help lined up for Friday and Monday and I'm assuming that those sessions won't be at the very very top of my working weights. I will also be eating closer to maintenance I'm sure.

    And hopefully I will return next week rested and ready to do some more linear progression.

    In the meantime I am reading Practical Programming and will be re-reading about the intermediate programs, in case I really am already at the end of my beginner phase. :grumble:
  • amyaroja
    amyaroja Posts: 66 Member
    but I actually gained .5 pound of LBM and lost 3.2 pounds of fat. Not shocking or astounding numbers, but losing nice and steady...and losing fat. I'll take it! And as a side note I also started stretching regularly. I went from "poor" flexibility (sit and reach of 9 bad it wasn't even on their scale!) to 19 inches..."normal"! Yay!

    Nice, congrats!

    Last night I did my second workout and used one of my free training sessions with a trainer. It was like pulling teeth to make him show me the stronglifts moves! He didn't want me to do them. I finally said, "Look, show me your moves. I don't mind. But ALSO show me what I want because I'll come back and do my moves, anyway." I was nice, but had to be firm. In the end, I feel like he did a nice job and we left on friendly terms. LOL

    Oh, and My DOMS from the first workout is better, but I'm still really sore! Feels awesome!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    but I actually gained .5 pound of LBM and lost 3.2 pounds of fat. Not shocking or astounding numbers, but losing nice and steady...and losing fat. I'll take it! And as a side note I also started stretching regularly. I went from "poor" flexibility (sit and reach of 9 bad it wasn't even on their scale!) to 19 inches..."normal"! Yay!

    Nice, congrats!

    Last night I did my second workout and used one of my free training sessions with a trainer. It was like pulling teeth to make him show me the stronglifts moves! He didn't want me to do them. I finally said, "Look, show me your moves. I don't mind. But ALSO show me what I want because I'll come back and do my moves, anyway." I was nice, but had to be firm. In the end, I feel like he did a nice job and we left on friendly terms. LOL

    Oh, and My DOMS from the first workout is better, but I'm still really sore! Feels awesome!
    Congrats to both of you!
    what the formula for figure you gained .5 LBM and lost 3.2# fat..... take your new weight and your new BF%, but that's ll I got, not sure what to do with it...

    And Amyaroja- YAY on telling the PT what you needed! I had a guy PT ho did piddly arm stuff and told me diet was the only thing I needed to lose BF (as in; diet ONLY, no weights should be done!), then I switched to a female and she showed me form on lifting weights.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I think adding C25k is hurting my legs a bit. But also the week was just crazy, as Mr. Chunk was out of town, and then injured his back and is unable to help at all with the 3 young chunks. And my youngest is disabled and requires complete care, so that's taking it's toll on me when there is no break.

    Today I will rest--and eat!

    I hope you got your rest day in!!

    I still can't run the full 60 seconds, so I'll just repeat week 1 until I can. There was nothing in me that wanted to get out there today but I did it anyway.

    Hit PRs on 3 of my lifts today and am pretty stoked about that, despite that damn medication in my system. SUCK IT FLEXERIL! I think I might just hit my May goal of putting the big plates on the DL. Probably won't get to the triple digits with squats though. Oh well. I have to buy 2 more 2.5 lb plates because I noticed that I can't put 90 lbs together with my current combo. Or maybe 1 plate and 4 fractionals ...

    Welcome to all the newbies! It's excited to see other ladies start lifting heavy and getting stronger! :flowerforyou: