May check in and chat - May all your weights go up



  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member

    I'm a terrible runner, I hate it, I'm slow, and I also hate it, plus, I really don't like it at all, and also I hate it.

    I am laughing audibly (LOL, in other words) because...

    I have said this sentence. Maybe word for word, exactly like that-- cause you know what? I don't love running.:laugh: :tongue:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I have said this sentence. Maybe word for word, exactly like that-- cause you know what? I don't love running.:laugh: :tongue:

    I'm allergic to it. But, I hate my spare tire even more than running, and I'm not eating any less, because I don't want to. So .... there ya go. Running it is.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member

    I'm a terrible runner, I hate it, I'm slow, and I also hate it, plus, I really don't like it at all, and also I hate it.

    I am laughing audibly (LOL, in other words) because...

    I have said this sentence. Maybe word for word, exactly like that-- cause you know what? I don't love running.:laugh: :tongue:

    Yup. I run because it burns calories so I can eat more (or drink beer!) And because it's good for my health. And just occasionally, once the first half mile is over and my body remembers how to do it, if the sun is shining & there's a gentle breeze, and I'm in a, park, it's actually pleasant.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I enjoy it on the days I hit PR's. I get almost as excited as when I hit lifting PR's (almost) But on the days where I can't seem to put one foot in front of the other I hate every second of it.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I have said this sentence. Maybe word for word, exactly like that-- cause you know what? I don't love running.:laugh: :tongue:

    I'm allergic to it. But, I hate my spare tire even more than running, and I'm not eating any less, because I don't want to. So .... there ya go. Running it is.

    If you're not super pressed for time, you could get equally good results walking fast. But like I said, its satisfying to know you can do that.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    For me running has always been my nemesis. I think that because out of just about all types of exercise, when you're bigger it is AWFUL. It's painful and torturous. Being able to do it now definitely reinforces how far I have come and like Tameko, I use it as a way to determine if I'm "fit". Not that it's necessarily true, but it's one of those things that I never thought that I could do and now that I can pound out 5km, I'm all like



    I still have a long way to go until I'm really actually good at it, but damned if I don't like a challenge :wink:
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Running...hmm...I don't love it, but as I get better at it, I dislike it less. That and I'm not one to run for too long. 2 miles I am good with, 3 miles is a mental struggle, but I can physically do it. Much more than that, I'm not sure. I use my runs as a gauge on how I'm doing with endurance and cardiovascular conditioning as well.

    Well, my other three workouts for the week got me a little today with B.

    Squats: 1x5 @ 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 - despite the legs week from hell, I was able to maintain form on the increased weight. I will stay here though as my hip flexor was feeling the weight increase.

    OHP - 1x5 @ 80, 1x5 @75, then couldn't get the bar up to save my life. I've decided to deload on OHP and work on form and grip position and to rest my left shoulder for a bit. I don't know why, but it doesn't seem to want to engage on the first rep. I'm not in pain, it just wont push the bar up. This is the second OHP session it has done this. So, deload is my best thing to do.

    DL: 1x5 @ 135 and 175 - I wanted to try 190, but 175 was enough for the legs so I didn't want to push them too far today. Next DL day is on Tuesday so I will have some rest time before that and will try for 190 then.

    I did not add a finisher on today's workout since I didn't really take the time to figure something out and it isn't like I'm not already tired from the week and I still have two days of workouts to go. I'll get it ready for Saturday though and use up all my energy going into the rest day :smile:
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I'm so stoked. I had an awesome workout.

    I'd failed twice at 130# for squats & didn't want to fail again. Because failing is so icky.

    Yesterday I set things up by eating closer to my maintenance than a 20% cut. I made sure I had carbs today, too.

    Yeeaaahhhhh, I hit every rep of 130 for 3X5. My form was good, too. It was hard but manageable, and I felt so proud when I finished them!

    I also benched 75 pounds, Pendlayed 85 pounds, and did three sets of assisted chinups as best I could. The rows were an unintentional repeat, though :angry:

    Feeling all BAMF here tonight. :smokin:

    OK, now I am going to go back and read and catch up with what you all have been up to!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    BAMF indeed, Ges, and I've done unintentional repeats before too. something about being in the 'testosterone zone' (or the ''rone zone' as the huz says I should call it!) that turns us into meatheads who can't process numbers or something?!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who dislikes running but does it anyway because "It's good for me". I was beginning to think I was a special kind of masochist to not only spend 3 days a week feeling interestingly sore on recovery days but then going out to mentally torture myself with running too! :laugh: :laugh:

    Today's workout:
    Squats 45kg/99#
    OHP 18.5kg/41# - repeat, but needed
    Rack pulls 3x8 at 40kg/88#

    I saw the lifting PT on Weds who suggested switching to rack pulls/RDL for a while to strengthen up my hamstrings and lower back, then going back to deadlifts. So I dropped a bunch of weight off my DL 5RM and did a set of five rack pulls, and realised it felt like no work at all and added three reps and a further two sets of 8. I'll feed that back on Weds when I see her and see what she recommends weight/set-wise.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Awesome work Ges!!! That is a total BAFM night!
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    Squat - 130 - felt pretty strong up until the last couple reps on the last couple sets; will repeat next time.
    OHP - 4 sets at 85 (RAWR!)- will repeat if I'm feeling strong next time, or lower a little if I'm not feeling it. I had stalled at 80, then didn't feel that strong last week and went with 65. I ate a bit more this weekend and felt good, so I went for it.
    Deadlift - 185 -will repeat next time. I can really feel this in whatever core muscles are hidden right under my muffin top.

    What's my secret???

    I had icecream before I went to bed last night.

    Can someone explain the ice cream before bed the night before a workout to me?? I am not sure I understand what it does.

    So last night started my WEEK 2 of Stronglift 5 x 5--

    Stats: Squat 60- OHP 45- Deadlift 100

    Let me say that OHP at 45 I thought I would never make it through. I am not sure if i can do an increase next week. Is that ok or do I have to increase each time??? I struggled with each set after my first 2 (not including warm-up), but I did make it to 5 each time. My lower back feels like it might give out when I do them. Is that normal? Other wise all was well. So far this workout is lovely. I really do need to practice form on OHP and barbell row though. I am still feeling like I am not doing it right.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    Preaching to myself this morning...but feel free to apply it to yourself it need be



  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    What's my secret???

    I had icecream before I went to bed last night.

    Can someone explain the ice cream before bed the night before a workout to me?? I am not sure I understand what it does.

    So last night started my WEEK 2 of Stronglift 5 x 5--

    Stats: Squat 60- OHP 45- Deadlift 100

    Let me say that OHP at 45 I thought I would never make it through. I am not sure if i can do an increase next week. Is that ok or do I have to increase each time??? I struggled with each set after my first 2 (not including warm-up), but I did make it to 5 each time. My lower back feels like it might give out when I do them. Is that normal? Other wise all was well. So far this workout is lovely. I really do need to practice form on OHP and barbell row though. I am still feeling like I am not doing it right.

    the ice cream is really just an excuse for eating ice cream, it's not statistically significant ;) however carbs and fat are not evil and they and the protein will help fuel you.. but again, it's just an excuse for eating ice cream!

    well done on the lifts. I don't increase if I don't feel that I have done the 5x5 smoothly, competently and with good form. so if you were struggling - especially if it isn't great on your back - I'd redo them. I'd also look at your form. My top tip with OHPs is to squeeze EVERYTHING - knees, thighs, GLUTES and STOMACH especially so that you are supporting your lift with everything underneath. Your core in particular needs to be tight, as your lower back shouldn't be bearing the brunt.

    any experienced gals want to jump in with better advice? :)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    It's Friday again, it's A lift day again, and all 3 of my lifts are planned repeats. I'm a little nervous, I'll admit, although the good lifts on Wednesday have helped.
    I'm repeating 45kg on squats to nail that form and keep an eye on my knee that wants to turn inward, and I think I might be brave and try without gloves..

    Bench is the scary one, supposed to be 37.5kg but I'm wondering whether I should drop back down to 30 and work back up. Any thoughts before I hit the gym in a couple of hours?

    Pendlay is 45kg again, this should be straightforward but was totally messed up after the shoulder incident last week. I want to revisit a video first and check my form as I'm less confident about the ground-up lifts...
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @Ges.....great work lady!!! It's amazing what the food can do eh?!!! BAMF you are!

    @xidia.....this sub of rack pull/RDL for DL to work on hammy and low back is incredibly interesting to me as my deadlift is lagging (IMO) from where it should be. She your PT give you any other information on it? Please keep me posted on this as I'm super curious if it might be something that could work for me as well....if not as a full on sub but even as accessory lift!
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    @lwood... I have blisters.... I get a better grip without gloves... without gloves I get blisters.... I dont know what to do... keep forgetting to try tochalk until Im in the gym with no chalk & looking down at my blisters

    @ Ges.. hot dang!! nice work!

    This week I did OHP on "A" day then Bench press on "B" day... on "b" day I tried to do 1 OHP.... Failed miserably..

    so today is "A" day again.. OCD is going to make me do bench press again, which may be good so then by Monday I will be ready for OHP again..... I hope
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    @vegas - will do. I think her plan is to get me to rack pull/RDL more than my current DL, then switch back. What she hasn't given me is sets/reps/weights yet. I'll keep doing some lighter DLs (60-80% of 5RM for 1x5 once a week?) so I don't lose the lift entirely.

    @Lwoodruff - On squats, I'd just set the safety bars and give it a go. I squatted for the first tme in gloves today because the bar seemed super-rough. UsuallyI only use them for pulls. Bench - see how the warm-up goes - if you're happy dappy at 30, no point in making that your work weight so go up gently with 2-3 reps per set until you find a comfortable work weight. If you're uncomfortable at 30, start there. Rows - good luck.

    OHP technique - yes, tense EVERYTHING. and remember to breathe :)
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Repeated Monday's weights -

    Squat - 130 - still feels challenging, but I think my form is OK. I want to get a little bit lower down. I'm almost there, so I'll repeat the weight again.
    Bench - 100 - If i pick up some fractionals, I'll try to move up a little
    Rows - 100 - I think I"m ready for 105, but I need to add a couple warm up sets for these. Even though I always feel like my shoulders are warmed up from squats and bench, my left arm always does a weird semi-painful (pain in my shoulder) angle out on the first rep. As soon as I correct it and pull it straight back, it's fine.

    I had ice cream last night, and I've started having a cup of coffee and a Clif builder mini bar a few minutes before I lift in the morning. Seems to be a winning combo for me so far. :smile:

    I get one blister/callus on my left hand right below where my wedding ring is, and very light ones all across my right hand. I used to row, and I would get really horrible blisters followed by super tough calluses. My hands are super ladylike compared to how they were back then!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    It's conclusive. No ice cream leads to sub-stellar lifting. :smile:

    I went in early today, and it was crazy busy, but thankfully I was able to get my head in the game, although it didn't matter on benches and rows - but I was expecting that.

    Squats - bumped to 135. Big plates, which freaked me out for some reason, because this was only 5 pounds more. . but they felt good and I got them all in. I think I'm going to start only increasing every other session though, to make sure that my form doesn't get wobbly.

    Bench - 95 - 55444 About what I expected.

    Pendlays - 105 - 55444 Again, about what I expected. I am definitely getting in to the top range of my upper body strength, so things will go slower and be tougher. I'm good with that.

    Barbell complex plus some chins, pulls and dips, with assistance in 3 x 5 batches. I'm trying to figure out how much I can do at this calorie level, so we'll see. . .

    And now to go move a bunch of tree limbs and rocks around in the backyard. And make a trip to the store to restock on the ice cream. :smile: