HEY 300+..Daily Discussions??



  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Saturday night and I'm watching the Kings/Black Hawks game waiting to see if I will find out who is going to be badly beaten by the Bruins in the Stanley Cup finals. hehe I'm also waiting to pick up my son from work. Hope everyone has had a lovely Saturday.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Tonight was a closing night for me so, of course, I get to go in at 6:30 tomorrow to open the store! Woohoo! There should really be a sarcasm font. *sigh* On the plus side the hubby is picking me up at 1:00 and we're going to do a brunch/lunch thing for Father's Day.

    Happy Fathers Day to the Dads or Moms as Dads.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Today is gonna be a craptasic day.....well, it already is....

    Last night, someone buzzed my buzzer at 12:05am....I did not answer it, but it always freaks me out, because my friends all know that if you are coming over, I better know about it first, or your chances of me letting you in, are pretty slim to none....then, after about 15 minutes, I figured it must have been some random person buzzing to get into the building, because that does happen from time to time....I had already turned my TV down and turned all my lights out....then at about 12:25, they started knocking on my door....so, needless to say, not only did I not sleep very well, but I got to bed really late, and am super tired today...and although I would like to go back to bed, I have to head out soon, so cannot.

    Then my son wakes me up at 5:45am, because some of his papers did not come, and I have to call and deal with this woman, who is not the most pleasant person in the world, and it seems that we have problems every other week....so, I am hoping how we handled it was fine and I do not end up with a message letting us know what we did wrong, again, ugh....

    Cannot wait for today to be over, and it is only 8am!