Doctor Who Trivia

soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
We seem to have Doctor Who fans spanning from the very beginning of the the first episode all the way up to present day. I thought it might be fun for us to toss around some Doctor Who Trivia questions. The questions can run the entire gambit from very easy to very difficult that way everyone can be included. I will start us out with a few easy ones and all of you can expand the question list with your own contributions as we go.

1. Why does the doctor call his time machine TARDIS?

2. What is the name of the doctor's home planet?

3. What is the name of the home planet to the Daleks?

4. How did "Demon's Run" get its name?

5. What was the first word spoken by Christopher Eccelston as the doctor?

I think all of these should be pretty easy for anyone who has even a basic familiarity with the show. I hope you all enjoy this idea as well and I look forward to figuring out the questions that you all contribute.


  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Gee, no answers yet ?? I'm at work, otherwise I'd start .....

    But if my boss catches me, I'm dead meat ...... later :drinker:
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Patience is the key. I am presuming that the questions that others come up will be a good deal harder and I will have to take my time when responding. In addition to being fun this will be a good way for me to learn new things about Doctor Who. I did not get in to the show until Christopher Eccelston I know all the old school who fans will be putting out stumpers.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member

    1. Why does the doctor call his time machine TARDIS?

    2. What is the name of the doctor's home planet?

    3. What is the name of the home planet to the Daleks?

    4. How did "Demon's Run" get its name?

    5. What was the first word spoken by Christopher Eccelston as the doctor?

    I feel bad that no one's tried yet and I suck at asking questions so I'll just answer.

    1. Well, it stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space but I *think* his granddaughter, Susan, was the one who actually used the word "TARDIS". He also calls her "Sexy".:tongue:

    2. Gallifrey

    3. Skaro

    4. One of my favorite episodes from series 6 but I'm iffy on the answer. Because the Doctor saved the day (sorta) sooooooooooooo easily?

    5. Run. Which is exactly what Christopher Eccleston had me at when I first saw "Rose". :smile:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    #4 (blatantly stolen from Wikipedia)

    Demons run when a good man goes to war
    Night will fall and drown the sun
    When a good man goes to war

    Friendship dies and true love lies
    Night will fall and the dark will rise
    When a good man goes to war

    Demons run, but count the cost
    The battle’s won, but the child is lost

    - by River Song, explaining the meaning of the Demon's Run base -
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I guess this wasn't as good an idea as I thought it was. On the surface I thought it sounded great. A bunch of Doctor Who fans all quizzing each other over Doctor Who stuff. I think all the parts are there I just didn't put them together right of something.

    Anyways you got 4 out of 5 correct off the top of your head and I don't see anything wrong with hitting up Wikipedia for the last one. I did make 4 and 5 a little bit harder than the first three. Anyways thanks for participating. I guess we can just let this thread die now since all the questions have been answered. Such is life. On the up side today is Friday!!! This Friday in particular is great because it also happens to be my D&D night.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    We don't HAVE to let it die ....... I learned a whole bunch of new things ...... of course, a whole bunch of old things probably fell out of my head & onto the floor LOL

    QUESTION ....... Did the Doctor have a brother ??
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    Yeah, don't let my lack of imagination stop other people from asking questions! :smile:
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Nothing I have seen has ever indicated the doctor has a brother. I have seen him mention having a significant other and having children. We have every reason to believe that they were casualties of the time war. That said I have not seen any declarations from anyone saying the doctor was an only child either. It is possible that someone who has seen more episodes then I have might actually be able to shed some light on that one but I have told you all that I know.

    I am not adamant about letting the thread die. I just figured that the lack of interest in the idea would inevitably result in the thread fading to obscurity.
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member

    We don't HAVE to let it die ....... I learned a whole bunch of new things ...... of course, a whole bunch of old things probably fell out of my head & onto the floor LOL

    QUESTION ....... Did the Doctor have a brother ??

    I only ever remember him saying once, I think during Smith and Jones, that he used to have a brother. But I can't recall any other reference. Susan of course is the only blood relative to appear on the show with him. (Jenny being bio-engineered)...
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Everything eventually fades into obscurity :laugh:

    Usually I'm the "thread killer" ...... many times I post something only to have the thread stop dead ...... welcome to my world :laugh:

    Did the Doctor ever have a brother?

    Yes, as MAILAIG mentioned ...... in "Smith and Jones" (I think it's Season 3)....... Martha is a student doctor on rounds ..... she walks into a room where the Doctor is a patient lying in the bed ....... but she has just seen him moments earlier on the street, so it couldn't be him, could it ? Perhaps it was his brother ??? When Martha asks him if he has a brother, the Doctor answers "No, not anymore, it's just me."

    I didn't know he had children (not counting Jennie) ...... learn something new every day !
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Everything eventually fades into obscurity :laugh:

    Usually I'm the "thread killer" ...... many times I post something only to have the thread stop dead ...... welcome to my world :laugh:

    Did the Doctor ever have a brother?

    Yes, as MAILAIG mentioned ...... in "Smith and Jones" (I think it's Season 3)....... Martha is a student doctor on rounds ..... she walks into a room where the Doctor is a patient lying in the bed ....... but she has just seen him moments earlier on the street, so it couldn't be him, could it ? Perhaps it was his brother ??? When Martha asks him if he has a brother, the Doctor answers "No, not anymore, it's just me."

    I didn't know he had children (not counting Jennie) ...... learn something new every day !

    Yes Susan was his grand-daughter. She was the very first companion of the very first Doctor, William Hartnell in 1963. One of my favourite speeches of all time is when that Doctor had to say goodbye to Susan....

    "One day, I shall come back. Yes I shall come back. Until then there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine."
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    The Doctor/Susan's relationship must have really been something ...... very stirring words !

    I have a lot of catching up to do ....... watching old episodes is on my "to do" list ........

    OK, this isn't a trivia "question" ..... but I found it interesting:

    - The Tardis was originally able to take almost any form required but, due to a faulty chameleon circuit, it got stuck as a 1960s police call box.

    (I won't even ask what a "chameleon circuit" is)

    - The design and shape of the blue Mackenzie Trench-style police box has become so associated with the Tardis that it is now more recognisable as that than its original inspiration. In 1996, the BBC applied to trademark the design. The Metropolitan Police filed an objection but the Patent Office could find no evidence that the Met had ever registered the design and ruled in favour of the BBC.

    (Sucks for the Metropolitan Police :laugh: )

    OK, I'm off to watch tonight's episode ...... goodnight, y'all !
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Everything eventually fades into obscurity :laugh:

    Usually I'm the "thread killer" ...... many times I post something only to have the thread stop dead ...... welcome to my world :laugh:

    Did the Doctor ever have a brother?

    Yes, as MAILAIG mentioned ...... in "Smith and Jones" (I think it's Season 3)....... Martha is a student doctor on rounds ..... she walks into a room where the Doctor is a patient lying in the bed ....... but she has just seen him moments earlier on the street, so it couldn't be him, could it ? Perhaps it was his brother ??? When Martha asks him if he has a brother, the Doctor answers "No, not anymore, it's just me."

    I didn't know he had children (not counting Jennie) ...... learn something new every day !

    Haha, if I go through my "my topics", I'm literally the last person to post on 80% of them. I've always thought I was a thread killer as well! :laugh:

    At the end of Smith & Jones, the doctor goes back in time to prove something to Martha about the time travel thing. That's when he steps out in front of her fiddling with his tie (that she saw at the beginning of the episode earlier in the day). It's been a while since I saw it, so I forget if he takes the tie from the TARDIS at that point in the evening (outside the party at the pub) and he's putting it on when she sees him on the street earlier that morning or what the deal was.

    I love the trivia and I can't believe I missed this link. Totally had all the answers too!

    I wish they had expanded Susan's backstory. I don't think we even know if she *really* was his granddaughter, or if that's just what they told people?
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I'm glad I'm not th ONLY thread-killer in this place :laugh:

    OK, so I was curious about Susan, and I found info on her in Wikipedia, as follows ......

    "Susan is introduced in the first Doctor Who story, An Unearthly Child (1963), with the first episode focusing on her as an unusual teenager with an advanced knowledge of history and science. This catches the attention of her teachers at Coal Hill School, Ian Chesterton (William Russell) and Barbara Wright (Jacqueline Hill), who follow her home to a junkyard. It is revealed that she and her grandfather, the Doctor (William Hartnell), are exiles from their own people in "another time, another world" and have been travelling through space and time in a machine she has named the TARDIS. As Ian and Barbara have gained this knowledge, the Doctor whisks them away on the TARDIS against their will, and he cannot accurately fly the machine.[1]

    Susan continues to travel with the Doctor and her two teachers until the 1964 serial, The Dalek Invasion of Earth. During the events of that story, Susan falls in love with David Campbell, a young freedom fighter in the 22nd century. However, Susan feels that she has to stay with and take care of her grandfather. The Doctor, realizing that Susan is now a grown woman and deserves a future away from him, locks her out of the TARDIS and leaves after a tearful farewell."

    Now I understand how emotional The Doctor's farewell must have been ...... I am teary-eyed just writing this ..... (you can just imagine how I looked during Amy & Rory's last episode :sad: )


    Have an amazing day, y'all !
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Ooh! Ooh! The Ood!

    My daughter wants me to be Ood Sigma at the Long Island DW Con. Her father can be the Tenth, but Mommy has to be an Ood!
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    The Doctor/Susan's relationship must have really been something ...... very stirring words !

    I have a lot of catching up to do ....... watching old episodes is on my "to do" list ........

    OK, this isn't a trivia "question" ..... but I found it interesting:

    - The Tardis was originally able to take almost any form required but, due to a faulty chameleon circuit, it got stuck as a 1960s police call box.

    (I won't even ask what a "chameleon circuit" is)

    - The design and shape of the blue Mackenzie Trench-style police box has become so associated with the Tardis that it is now more recognisable as that than its original inspiration. In 1996, the BBC applied to trademark the design. The Metropolitan Police filed an objection but the Patent Office could find no evidence that the Met had ever registered the design and ruled in favour of the BBC.

    (Sucks for the Metropolitan Police :laugh: )

    OK, I'm off to watch tonight's episode ...... goodnight, y'all !

    The old blue police box, was actually a public phone box that could double as a police box, that's why the Met didn't have the rights to it. They were still in existence when I was a little girl, in fact, you can still see them around the UK. I've got a photo of one around from Edinburgh, I'll see if I can track it down and post it here. A chameleon circuit is exactly as it sounds, it has the ability to take on the shape, size and colour of anything around it, so that it disappears. In the older series, the Master's Tardis was always completely able to change shape, so you never knew where it was. The doctor could have had it fixed, but decided he liked the Blue Phone Box the best anyway.

    Susan very definitely existed and was his granddaughter, in the early days of Doctor Who it was meant to be an educational children's show. Thus the reason for having two teachers travel with them. They really were quite informative for their time, however, those bloody daleks still scared the crap out of me as a young girl...! :)

    What did everyone think of the episode on Saturday? Nice to see the cybermen streamlined yet again, and to hear the old music from the Cyberman episodes of Tennants....
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Okay I found it! It's a slightly larger than normal phone box, but this is in Edinburgh from a couple of Christmases ago. It's a working callbox...

  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Everything eventually fades into obscurity :laugh:

    Usually I'm the "thread killer" ...... many times I post something only to have the thread stop dead ...... welcome to my world :laugh:

    Did the Doctor ever have a brother?

    Yes, as MAILAIG mentioned ...... in "Smith and Jones" (I think it's Season 3)....... Martha is a student doctor on rounds ..... she walks into a room where the Doctor is a patient lying in the bed ....... but she has just seen him moments earlier on the street, so it couldn't be him, could it ? Perhaps it was his brother ??? When Martha asks him if he has a brother, the Doctor answers "No, not anymore, it's just me."

    I didn't know he had children (not counting Jennie) ...... learn something new every day !

    I remember that episode. The hospital is transported to the moon. I will have to go watch that one again. That does sound really familiar.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    @ soldier

    yes, the hospital gets transported to the moon ...... it's an awesome episode !

    In other episodes, I thought "the Master" was the Doctor's brother, but that doesn't any sense ...... and would be awful :noway:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Ooh! Ooh! The Ood!

    My daughter wants me to be Ood Sigma at the Long Island DW Con. Her father can be the Tenth, but Mommy has to be an Ood!

    How cool is that ...... the family who 'Who's" together ........ hope you have an awesome time :drinker:

    BTW, the Ood really freaked me out when their eyes glowed ..... chills went right up & down my spine !