Doctor Who Trivia



  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    @ Mailaig

    Wowzers, you are so lucky ..... that photo of the call box is AWESOME !

    (wouldn't last 10 minutes here without someone stealing it)

    BTW, this was on my e-cards for the holidays .... I'm not artsy, I "borrowed" it .....

  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I don't think the master is his brother but I do find that as villains go the master is given a softer touch by the doctor. The doctor has gone so far as to commit genocide when facing other villains. He has made it very clear at several points in the series that you can push him far enough and he will become quite dark. Yet when it comes to the master he actually forgave him despite the fact that the master pushed him further than the family of blood did and he punished each of them for eternity.

    The master is the only other person in the universe that is from the same planet as the doctor. I think that gives the doctor a connection to the master that is like one of family. I think that is why he lets the master get away with more. Despite all that the master has done he still wants to be able to redeem him and in some small way even redeem himself.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I didn't want to say too much about the current episodes, because not everyone has seen them yet ....... but I make sure I'm home every Saturday night ...... my hubby makes fun of me, but then gets himself a snack & settles down to watch as well :heart:

    OK, I was reading something the other day and gonna paste it here:

    ...... Of the 253 episodes of "Doctor Who" that were produced in the 1960s, 106 no longer exist in the BBC Television Archives due to an archive purge between 1972 and 1978, during which BBC Enterprises destroyed the only known copies believing them to be of no future value. The BBC stopped destroying episodes in 1978 when this policy came to the attention of the series' fans ......

    Wow, that is just so sad ...... thank goodness for "the fans" ...... think I'll go have a good cry :sad:
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Wow, that is very sad! Perhaps lost copies will show up one day. I remember as a kid being very sad to learn that there was a warehouse fire that destroyed what was thought to be the only copy of "The Year Without a Santa Claus", yet low and behold, 15 years later it shows up on DVD. You never know!

    We are rabid about Doctor Who Saturday - it's the first thing we all talk about on Saturday morning - making sure we are home to see the Doctor! What's funny is that every weeekend lately, the kids have been so obnoxious by then that we put them to bed and they have to watch it on DVR the next day. Sadly, we will be on our first camping trip of the season this weekend, so our viewing will be delayed. I'm so excited to see Alex Kingston again. I love River.

    Did anyone see the short tribute to Doctor Who from the BAFTA awards? I just caught it this morning on the David Tennant Facebook page. It was pretty nifty.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    No, didn't see it ...... and now my day will not be complete :grumble:

    At home we record anything Dr Who ..... once a month there's a marathon, but the episodes are in no particular order ...... I hate deleting any, feel like a traitor ...... (but I'd lose this weight a lot quicker if I watched less TV !)

    OK, another TARDIS question:

  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    I don't think the master is his brother but I do find that as villains go the master is given a softer touch by the doctor. The doctor has gone so far as to commit genocide when facing other villains. He has made it very clear at several points in the series that you can push him far enough and he will become quite dark. Yet when it comes to the master he actually forgave him despite the fact that the master pushed him further than the family of blood did and he punished each of them for eternity.

    The master is the only other person in the universe that is from the same planet as the doctor. I think that gives the doctor a connection to the master that is like one of family. I think that is why he lets the master get away with more. Despite all that the master has done he still wants to be able to redeem him and in some small way even redeem himself.

    No the Doctor and the Master are not related, but they did grow up together and were 'initiated' at the same time (peering into the vortex). The Doctor ran, the Master as we know went mad... They have a long long history and have always had a grudging respect for each other...

    I have to share this post, it's a great look at the Master in all his incarnations.....
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    @ Mailaig ...... that was awesome, thanks for sharing !

    Here's one, y'all ...... when you have a few extra minutes ...... hope it comes out ok ........ I love it !

    (Edit: I Am the Doctor by Murray Gold)
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    thanks for sharing that music verptwerp, nice to hear it just on the piano as well....
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I was reminiscing with a coworker about Captain Kangaroo and the skit Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings, which was what I always looked forward to in every episode. She didn't remember Simon, so I found the intro/theme song on youtube. At the end of the song, what pops up? "Narrated by Bernard Cribbins".

    So cool! That'll come in handy for obscure Doctor Who trivia someday!

    (I was also a fan of Bill Cosby's Picture Pages, but I don't believe we'll be seeing him joining the Doctor anytime soon)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    @ Southpaw

    Just read your profile, cuz trying to figure out how you could possibly remember Captain Kangaroo ...... I'm 61 and barely remember :laugh:

    And just letting you know ....... your daughter & I both want to marry David Tennant ...... (although my hubby probably will NOT be pleased that I said that)

    Can't wait until Saturday night :drinker:
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    oh yes, I just looked it up. It was on until 1981, and I only barely remember (I was 6 in 1981). Actually, I remember when the Cosby Show come out saying, "Hey! It's the guy from Captain Kangaroo!" I'm sure Bill Cosby would love to know that. This was also about the time I was learning all about Tom Baker and Doctor Who, watching with my sister who was 20.

    If I could get my husband to mousse up his hair, he could pull off a David Tennant for a con, I'm sure. He has the same hair and build for him. Very similar look (lucky me)!

    We are missing Saturday night as we will be camping this weekend. My DVR had better not fail me! I'm so excited to see how River plays into the storyline. I've been avoiding anything Doctor related this week in light of the whole "DVD sets shipped early" fiasco.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    A: The filing system is located In the floor ........ in "The Unicorn & the Wasp" (2008) the Doctor goes to the floor to pull out the "C" chest to prove to Donna that Agatha Christie sort of remembers everything.

    Anyone else with some Trivia ?
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    In the episode Hide, The Doctor uses a crystal from Metebelis Three. When we these crystals last used?
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Do I get partial credit for answering "Some episode in Classic Who but I forget which"? :laugh:

    I think we'll spend the summer catching up on Sherlock and introducing the kids to old Doctor Who episodes, if I can tear them away from repeats of Tennant.
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Do I get partial credit for answering "Some episode in Classic Who but I forget which"? :laugh:

    I think we'll spend the summer catching up on Sherlock and introducing the kids to old Doctor Who episodes, if I can tear them away from repeats of Tennant.

    lots of credit!

    The crystals were last used in "The Planet of the Spiders" in 1974, And "Hide" was set in the same year, 1974 that the original episode aired...
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    Before Karen Gillan became the companion to the 11th Doctor, she appeared in a guest spot with another doctor ......

    Anyone remember seeing her ??

  • tinchick
    tinchick Posts: 59 Member

    Before Karen Gillan became the companion to the 11th Doctor, she appeared in a guest spot with another doctor ......

    Anyone remember seeing her ??


    Yes, she was in The Fires of Pompeii as a soothsayer which was during the 10th Doctor and Donna era.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    What is Rose's last name?

    Which Queen of England does the Doctor suggest was infected by werewolves?

    Where does Doctor Who meet Martha Jones?

    What is the name of the robotic dog that is on the TV show Doctor Who?

    Which companion travels with the Doctor to meet Shakespeare?

    Which companion of the Doctor gets to meet Charles ****ens?

    What year did the original series Doctor Who debut?

    When Doctor Who returned to the air in 2005, which actor was given the honor of playing the Doctor?

    Which of the Doctor's companions has to have their memory wiped clean?

    What part of his body does the Doctor keep in a jar on the Tardis?

    In which century was Doctor Who's friend Jack born?

    How many children does Sarah Jane Smith have on the television show Doctor Who?
  • tinchick
    tinchick Posts: 59 Member
    What is Rose's last name?

    Which Queen of England does the Doctor suggest was infected by werewolves?

    Where does Doctor Who meet Martha Jones?

    What is the name of the robotic dog that is on the TV show Doctor Who?

    Which companion travels with the Doctor to meet Shakespeare?

    Which companion of the Doctor gets to meet Charles ****ens?

    What year did the original series Doctor Who debut?

    When Doctor Who returned to the air in 2005, which actor was given the honor of playing the Doctor?

    Which of the Doctor's companions has to have their memory wiped clean?

    What part of his body does the Doctor keep in a jar on the Tardis?

    In which century was Doctor Who's friend Jack born?

    How many children does Sarah Jane Smith have on the television show Doctor Who?

    1. Tyler
    2. Queen Victoria, I think
    3. in the hospital
    4. K-9
    5. Martha Jones
    6. Rose Tyler
    7. 1963
    8. Christopher Eccleston
    9. Donna Noble :'(
    10. hand
    11. 51st, I think
    12. one
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    I knew most of the answers to this quiz, but then got sidetracked looking up some information ....... then got further sidetracked reading about Captain Jack, etc ...... an hour later I realized that I'm running late for work ...... again :laugh:

    Hope everyone has an amazing day !