Level 1, Day 2



  • myrealname
    myrealname Posts: 90 Member
    Day 2 done.

    I found the first set of cardio (jumping jacks and jump rope) harder on my legs today than yesterday but that could be due to kickboxing today as well.

    Onwards to day 3!
  • debsocwk
    debsocwk Posts: 123 Member
    Finished day 2. My biggest challenges were the jump rope, the squat and press and the side lunge with shoulder raise. My arms and shoulders burn something fierce...I got to improve my upper body strength!
  • QueenMJD
    QueenMJD Posts: 74 Member
    Day 2 done! My butt and thighs are pretty sore. My arms were ok until I started the shred tonight then I could feel the soreness! Yesterday I was not able to do the bicycles at all, today I could do a few. When I couldn't do them I just went back to regular crunches so I was at least doing something. I'm still struggling with the push-ups, but I will get there! Also, this is the first time ever that I did the shred 2 days in a row. I usually start day 1 and then wait a couple months and start day 1 again! Taking 1 day at a time!
  • sjlocklear
    sjlocklear Posts: 88
    Level 1 Day 2 completed last night, I woke up this morning sore in my back abs,a nd legs tight....I did work out to Body Gospel this morning to work the soreness out a little, this afternoon is my rest day because I have church.
  • Tanya1995
    Tanya1995 Posts: 39
    I completed day two yesterday morning and it def.. went better then the first day but still have a long way to go before I can make through all those exercises. I think I may do more then 10 days, I want to be able to master it :tongue:

    Any one else having a hard time with the push ups? I am having a hard time with even the modified ones :embarassed:
  • natski_83
    natski_83 Posts: 14 Member
    I was more sore than I thought I was!!
    As soon as I started into the first exercise the pain came, but like someone said, no pain - no gain. The push ups are the devil along with the side lunge / arm raises. I cannot use my weights on that exercise as it feels as if my shoulders are going to fall off.
    My calves started cramping through the circuit 2 cardio routine but I am enjoying it.

    Too bad that I'm only able to complete 18 days before my vacation, would have liked to see a result after 30. Oh well, 2 down - 16 to go.
  • Kphenderson
    Kphenderson Posts: 60 Member
    I did day 2 pretty late and didn't check in last night, but it went ok. I put more into it than day 1!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Completed D2 yesterday. EVERYTHING was sore, but despite that, I actually feel like I performed the moves BETTER than D1!
    I have trouble with the push up's, as I have carpel tunnel in my wrists and find them hard to do, as there is to much pressure on my wrists so not sure what to do about that yet, trying to work on a solution, if anyone has any ideas then they will be gratefully received! :)
    My wrists get sore too, and I have a bad one as well. When I do pushups, I sometimes do them while holding on to my dumbbells, so that the wrist isn't flattened. (Use caution if you do this, cause if the floor is wood and the dumbbells are plastic like some of mine are, then it's just going to slide. Do it on your mat, and go slow at first.) You could also try a "Perfect Pushup" device, that swivels when you do a pushup, and takes the strain away. See: http://tinyurl.com/c28mpj7 and see google for more... In Level 2 there are lots of planks, which are hard to hold as well. Again, do it on your dumbbells, on the edge of a bed maybe, or when I do it, I sometimes rest on the upper palm and fingers of my hands. Good luck!
  • SarahL522
    SarahL522 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi Everyone, ok.. so I do this video at level 1 for 30 days straight? Day 1 was good. I was happy that I had a good sweat after 20 min. Pushups ha! I coudl only do 6 maybe 7 girl pushups. I LOVE The side lunges BUT my poor knees were popping like crazy time for glucosamine. :) i wanted to wake up this morning and do it before work, that will be my goal then when I come home I have the entire afternoon for the fam..Im just NOT a morning person.. and I work 6-3.. we'll see.. 20 min makes me :) Ohh.. and I agree Jillian drives me nuts.. Im gonna mute her out today.
  • alhunt8587
    alhunt8587 Posts: 157
    Did this yesterday! Holy cow! It was soooo hard because I was still very sore from Day1.