Forget the scale - my Stage 1 Results (pics)



  • enchanted_daydream
    enchanted_daydream Posts: 258 Member
    wow!! those are awesome stage 1 results!! keep going strong :)
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    A big congratulations on all your achievements! Its amazing what you can do after 8 short weeks of hard work. I hope I can squat and deadlift that much soon too. As for the inches lost WOW!

    I'm wrapping up S1 week 3 and am getting discouraged because the scale is up 3 lbs and my trousers are feeling real tight. Seeing this is so motivational and I am going to use it to keep myself focused so thank-you for sharing.

    My trousers got tight too (my only pair of work pants that still fit btw...). My pals can attest to my flip out about it. :P LOL

    I am here to say that it DOES get better. My pants are no longer uncomfortably tight. I am going to be finishing up Stage 1 on Monday (only 2 workouts to go!).

    Thank-you for your reply, I really needed to hear this! I had been eating at TDEE since I started but I'm readjusting to TDEE-20% this week so hopefully, that will help too.
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this! I'm in the same boat as some of the others here, my weight just seems to be going up and pants are tight. I've got two more weeks in stage one so I'm hoping I can see change at the end of it! I don't care what the scale says, I just want to wear my pants again! (Though I must admit that i'm glad to have lots of skirts/dresses and it's FINALLY warm enough in Michigan to wear them).

    LOL! I'm going to go invest in some skirts this weekend and maybe then I'll stop flipping out about my jeans looking like they've been sprayed on! When I'm wearing my workout gear I feel strong and invincible (thank-you lycra) but when I get home and have to get dressed in normal clothes, its heartbreaking. But we're strong, there's nothing we can't do and this is just another hurdle on the way to the finish line. At least, that's what I tell myself :)
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this! I'm in the same boat as some of the others here, my weight just seems to be going up and pants are tight. I've got two more weeks in stage one so I'm hoping I can see change at the end of it! I don't care what the scale says, I just want to wear my pants again! (Though I must admit that i'm glad to have lots of skirts/dresses and it's FINALLY warm enough in Michigan to wear them).

    LOL! I'm going to go invest in some skirts this weekend and maybe then I'll stop flipping out about my jeans looking like they've been sprayed on! When I'm wearing my workout gear I feel strong and invincible (thank-you lycra) but when I get home and have to get dressed in normal clothes, its heartbreaking. But we're strong, there's nothing we can't do and this is just another hurdle on the way to the finish line. At least, that's what I tell myself :)

    I agree with the workout/normal clothes sentiment! I started at the cut level (I know TDEE is recommended at first, but I wasn't eating super low calorie prior to starting).

    We just have to be patient. I would say the earliest to start changing it up if it isn't working quite right is 6-8 weeks. I don't mean freak out and drop to crazy low calories or anything, I mean minor tweaks/adjustments. The calories suggested in the book are just estimations. Even the author recommends listening to your body, but you do have to be patient and consistent and give it a good go first. :)

    I plan to check my progress this weekend! At that point, I will only have one workout left in stage 1 (which will be completed on Monday).
  • CactusF1ower
    CactusF1ower Posts: 174 Member
    Amazing! I'm really glad you posted this because I'm in stage 1 workout 3. I can't wait to see what the end of stage 1 will do for me.
  • phizzylizzy
    phizzylizzy Posts: 94 Member
    I do know so many are in the same boat but its so reassuring to see some of my same concerns and frustrations reflected back at me. Definitely makes me feel like I'm not alone out here! If I could wear my workout pants all the time (not the ones in the pictures, but my super sucker-inners with amazing optical illusions built in), I totally would. I just keep watching the Success Stories, and all of the gals on this discussion board with their amazing strength, weight-lifting savvy and buff arms. :) They/you help me keep on. I can't wait to post new pics adopting a new nutrition strategy (going nicely so far) and upping my time in the gym with longer workouts in Stage 2. Its been fun after being on MFP in fits and starts to finally settle in and get involved in this amazing community. :) To those working on Stage 1, way to go because you are on the path - finishing 16 workouts in a program is incredible and will pay off!!!