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  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Thanks LMV - yes my week did get better - but not much and now I have a cold and sore throat to top it up...... Oh well at least I don't feel like eating much.
  • Crackers - is it really a week since I last posted? Naughty me. Especially after telling NEW8 to join us more!!

    NEW8 - you would love my basement as it currently looks more like a green grocers. We have boxes of apples on every shelf, along with onions, potatoes galore, pumpkins, leeks, tomatoes, cabbages of every type and colour, beetroots, lettuce, carrots, fennel... most are in crates of soil as my husband just lifts it all out of the vegetable garden into our unheated basement for the winter, now the snow has arrived... Your comments on Christmas had me in a panic as I started thinking of the many letters I have to compose to enclose with my Christmas cards. As usual I'm all organised with Christmas gifts for my many nephews who also have birthdays coming up but have done next to nothing about my own daughter whose birthday falls on the 23rd December. Plus she wants a reunion party with her friends and I do want it all to be just perfect for the 2 weeks she's home.

    Well I've just been exceedingly busy this past week schlipkrapfen making (very amusing LMV the quiz!) just to get back on track after being away. Plus preparing the garden for hibernation. I too Bracken had a visit to the dentist - not too happy about that; a crown I've paid an arm and a leg for needs a root filling. Job half done. I have a very nice, understanding dentist and he's retiring in the spring so although I wasn't in pain (yet) I wanted it done by him.

    BM - your news I shall just second everyone else's thoughts rather than repeat their comments and hope now you know what's wrong it brings a bit of closure for you. And I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on with the dreaded Shred!!

    PB - Are you in France yet? And have you found our Shredding thread yet? If you look on the newsfeed and go back 3 pages you will see where LMV set it up '30 day shred and Nordic walking'. It's a shame once you belong to a group our threads don't link up automatically and that you have to post once for it to be listed as 'your topics'. Your last rant was most interesting, it's good to hear the other side of a point of view. I think you should go into politics! And although I'm sure you don't need me to point out your current struggles over the past weeks with the diet are all linked with the stress of work. You need to channel that stress into something else maybe into kick boxing! Or just more rants if it helps amongst the Crackers! But please don't let it stop your brilliant progress.

    LMV - well I tried a fasting day, was amazed at how easy it was, wasn't expecting that. Nor did I believe for a moment that I would wake up not starving hungry but I was fine. In fact I was better than fine, I felt brilliant can't put it into adequate words!! Being only 2lbs from target I'm just going to do it one day a week because like you mentioned I'm seeing it as a maintenance tool because I do over eat at weekends! But the scales on this occasion read the same going into the weekend as they did coming out of it wow! So I shall be eating ice-cream this weekend.

    Be good Crackers!
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,

    A quick call in after a bad day! This morning weighed myself and 3lb had come off (official wi on Mon)! I was thrilled. Then it went a bit downwards with Children in need cake stalls, and me feeling like a lazy evening and fish and chip supper. I regret it now, and am determined for a good weekend after tonight!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi all, a quick pop in as I have just written on the shred site and have to go out now....I know I have sponsored previously but could you please tell me if it was "justgiving" that was used. I have just had an email from them and although OH and I want to give a donation to the Philipines I am unsure if this was the safe site I used previously. Many thanks.
    Wishing you all a fab weekend, love BM x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning All,

    I've had a fun couple of days. I went out to a Bee Gees / Abba tribute band evening in our local theatre (it was our November WI meeting!) What an absolute scream. We were in the middle of the stalls with a great view. 2 rows in front of us was a group of women who had obviously been seriously on the lash celebrating someone's 50th (we knew that because she had a sash saying "50 and frisky". As she got to her seat, the birthday girl turned to all the people behind her and started singing "thank you for the music" and conducted the rest of the audience who joined in. It was hilarious. When the show started they were up and dancing immediately which was all the encouragement I needed so I was up on my feet too and basically sang and danced my way through the whole concert. Brilliant, and quite a good work out too!

    By contrast, last night we went to a house concert in Mumbles. It was a couple from North Carolina who play guitar and banjo and sing traditional music from that part of the world. There were about 20 of us in my friend's house and it was really good fun. So disco one night and folk the next!

    I have a reasonably quiet week-end so I'm hoping to get on with my knitting and sewing and reading my book group book. We read Ian Rankin's Standing in Another Man's Grave last month which was excellent. This month it's Kate Morton's The Secret Keeper which I am really enjoying. I haven't finished it yet, but can recommend it so far.

    MITM it was interesting to hear that you managed OK on 500 cal's when you were so sure you couldn't. It really isn't that bad is it? If you choose your food carefully you can actually eat quite a lot. I will definitely go back to it WHEN I reach target which unfortunately is still quite a long way off.

    Recently I have been putting on and losing the same few lbs so haven't made much progress on the 20lb challenge. I should be down about 13 lbs by now to make it by Christmas but sadly it's only about 4lbs. I can still be a stone off by Christmas if I put my mind to it so I intend to start tracking again and make a concerted effort. I also have to get into my summer frock.

    BM - you did sponsor me through the Justgiving site. What's going on in the Philippines is truly dreadful isn't it? How are you getting on with the sewing and what has happened to the knitted cushion covers from last year? You always avoid that question so I'm assuming your husband was right and you haven't finished them lol! Sounds like he knows you so well!!

    New8 - fingers crossed for Monday's weigh in. Don't blow it over the week-end (easier said than done!)

    BM - are you in Calais?

    Right, time to knit and really looking forward to Strictly Come Dancing from the Tower Ballroom in Blackpool tonight.

    Be good Crackers!

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Lol! LMV. You are so right.....the "cushions" are hidden away in the depth of the wardrobe. Lurking behind many items of clothing I have bought and have yet to take the labels off!! I am in the middle of another scarf now, just not quite sure which Christmas it will be ready for! I do have the new bamboo needles (supposed to be good for arthritis sufferers), wool and pattern ready to start a blanket too. (will post the item number for you to check out). I seem to flit from one thing to another but have yet to find my niche. Maybe I never will, but I am having fun trying! Sounds like you had a fab time at the Abba/Bee gees night, I saw the Mamma Mia film in similar circumstances and although I disliked the film I had a great time! Thank you for the sponsor info, you are right it is truly awful what has happened. I have been through several hurricanes in Florida and OH was in a hotel on New Orleans ocean front when Katrina hit, (I had been there just previously), so I can really appreciate the feelings of helplessness. Unfortunately the people here had very little to begin with and now have even less. I will use the website again and send a donation, so thanks for that.
    It is already Sunday here so I have today left, then I shred!
    Am off to bed now for 3 hours, have my alarm set to get back up to watch the Wales match!
    Have a good Sunday crackers! Love BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Yes JustGiving is the right side - they have the DEC appeal on there too. JustGiving is where my sponsorship site for the swim was - and yes I've finished it! I made it to Calais last Wednesday evening. Can't quite believe it. Unfortunately, I think I now need to get into the Gym to try and make a bit of a dent in the tummy muscles.

    I had a 'date' yesterday afternoon! I met with a man called Tony who calls himself Silver Knight - he does a lot of mediaeval reenactments and keeps a suit of armour in his car. Not sure about the beard and the pony tail - but I'm trying to keep an open mind, after all, no one gets to our age without a bit of baggage.

    We had a couple of drinks in a local pub and a chat - it was very nice. Can't remember when I last went on a date, but I was quite pleased with the way I looked - although he'd come straight from work so wasn't at his best!

    Feeling fairly horrible with the cold at the moment and not sleeping too well - hopefully I'll be back to normal by tomorrow or at least on my way. I have a concert next Sunday night so really need to get my top G back.. Currently singing bottom G's very well.... I had a bit of an argument with the conductor a couple of weeks ago (long and dull story) but as a result he has offered me the solo in Stanford's Bluebird which we are singing in several concerts next year - I'd love to do a solo (really!) but I'm not sure this is the right one for me. Singing the word 'Blue' on an E without wobbling for several bars feels quite tricky and also I feel a bit bad that it was offered as a result of me throwing a tantrum. Its a tricky situation and I hate putting myself forward in this way. Also not sure how much of it is because of all the stress at work.

    My ride on Harley has been cancelled as Ed is lame so currently 3x 3 legged horses and only one sound one. In addition, a bunch of 'bikers' has camped in the forest and are making an awful racket and nuisance of themselves and although Harley is pretty bomb proof it isn't likely to be very pleasant. Hopefully, I'll get back on board next weekend.

    Am going to get showered and ready and go shopping this morning so hopefully will be setting up my week food wise. Really need to get back on track and stop snacking. That ball gown isn't going to fit if I'm not careful.. Then what will I do?

    Well that's all for now - speak soon

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    BM - the match was worth getting up for wasn't it?! Well done Wales, Cymru am Byth!! You made me laugh with your story of unfinished projects and put me in mind of a butterfly flitting from one thing to another.........or should that be damselfly? It got me thinking though, years ago on a management training course I did one of those things where they look at your natural behaviour characteristics in relation to how you work in a team, I think it was the Belbin Model, anyway, I was a teamworker, something else which I've forgotten and a finisher. Finishers were quite rare, but every team needs one as they see a project through. You need to develop your finishing skills! If you got your cushion covers out of the wardrobe and decided to spend just 15 mins on them every day for the next four weeks, you'd be surprised how much progress you'd make. However, if you've lost interest because you don't like them, then how about unpicking them and using the wool to knit a plain blanket for the people in the Philippines? It would help them and make a space in your wardrobe as well! I really need to apply some of my finishing skills to my weight loss project, I might make better progress then.

    PB - how exciting, a date! Good for you and well done on keeping an open mind. I have a friend who is looking for a partner and she drives me mad because she discounts so many men who look great to me for the flimsiest of reasons before she's even met them and then moans that she's on her own. I met my husband at work and would never have guessed the first time I spoke to him that he was the love of my life. These things aren't always instant.

    Big drumroll......congratulations on getting to Calais! I know I've said it before, but I'm so impressed that you have managed to do the swim while holding down a stressful full-time job. What an achievement, well done.

    Have a good Sunday all
  • new82day
    new82day Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all,

    Thought I had better pop by. Thanks for all the well done messages - I am thrilled to have got all that weight off and am now determined to get more off next week! This evening has been spent sorting 'policies' for the preschool, so my mind has gone numb with all these strict policies, but this has kept my mind away from food. I couldnt make Zumba this evening as hubby was late home, but I am carrying over my class to Thursday evening, so I get my 2 nights in!

    So the weekend has come and gone. I wasnt working this weekend, so Saturday done a bit of shopping - just an Asda and B&M shop, I had never been to B&M before but had heard they offered good value. It was ok, and you got a few bargains but I wouldnt rush back. Then I visited my Dad in the afternoon, enjoyed a curry which I had left in the slow cooker and lazed! Sunday was a stay at home and sort the house day!
    Bracken - you know you mentioned the baked apple, well I saw in my SW book today that I can have that and a tbsp mincemeat as my 'healthy extra' so will be enjoying one of those soon!
    PB - Well done on doing your swim! How did you find it? Was it a challenge?
    LMV - Mamma Mia sounds like a night full of giggles, I really enjoy those tribute nights they have in the theatre. You also mentioned Strictly, which took me back to Saturday night and Daisy mimicking the dancing! Have to say I like watching saturday night tv, when im not working.
    Anyway, im rather tired so off to bed - Daisy decided to get up at 4.30am this morning crying because she didnt know where I was and the Lion was going to get her??? and never really settled back down after that so we had an early morning. Hoping we dont get a repeat tomorrow!
    Night all!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. It has been only three days since I've been here but reading the posts it seems like ages. Nevertheless excellent to hear so much news and thankfully most of it is good. P.B. I'll add my congrats to your completing the swim challenge, done while you are maintaining that stressful job too. I admire your gusto in taking the chance for a date. MITM, your winter larder reminded me of a winter scene in The Wind and the Willows, and picturing all those lovely vegetables seemed so cozy. New82, glad that things are going well and congrats on making progress with the weight. LMV, I will confess that I am not a huge fan of musicals (possibly because I have had no training in music and play no instrument and have always thought of myself as lacking a proper ear for it. I believe I can't really sing. Some of this may go back to elementary school where we had a music teacher who came in once a week. She made us do sight singing alone and I had no idea what I was doing. I was usually told to mouth the words at the Christmas concert and remember one time being the only girl left at the school - a very small rural school- when the others were taken to a local competition. I have always envied people who can sing though.) but I absolutely loved the movie Momma Mia. I didn't get around to posting on your QOTW re being stranded and music but I think the M.M. album would definitely be my choice to keep my spirits up.
    I can finally say that my winter preparation in the garden is finished, thanks in part to my younger sister who came to lend a hand on Saturday. I even managed to plant a few spring bulbs. By the time we finished though I was truly exhausted with all the raking, bending and lifting. I had not realized how many pots, mostly of hostas, I would be carting to the garage to overwinter. I had also walked Nellie on a good walk Saturday morning as I was to be away for the late afternoon and evening. One consequence was that for the first time I did not do my Nordic track. In the evening I went to a quite lavish gala at one of the local private golf clubs. It was in aid of a small charity begun by a local horse rider who after a visit to the Dominican Republic was inspired to raise money and bring a crew to build a small school in a very remote town. The charity now supports the school and some graduates who are in university and college as well as other health programs in the village. I think sometimes these small hands-on projects (a number of people go down to the village every year)can be better than huge projects that have problems with vast overhead costs. Sunday I felt as if all my recent exercise had caught up to me. I had been pushing myself on the Nordic track the previous few days too. So yesterday all I managed was a short ride on my horse. Today I realized that I needed three Nordic track sets to keep to my goal. I managed to do two although I still seem weary. I feel at least I am getting on track. It's frustrating to feel weary as I have been doing quite well at getting back to my best weight, only four pounds from it, and have been feeling better in my clothes recently. Must off and feed Nellie who is now fussing. Regards.
  • In case I don't get the chance to post again today, a massive well done BRACKEN on getting so close to your best weight again!! Don't give up you could be slipping into that Cracker dress yet for Christmas!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A better day today as I posted on the Shred thread. I was pleased that I started my walking before breakfast even though it was quite cold (2C). I am trying to tell myself ,however, that there will doubtless be a time this winter when 2C will seem almost tropical. I am thinking about strategies to use as it gets colder. I've decided that I will think of my walks in 10 minute segments. I can surely do 10 minutes at a time, and if need be I'll just have to do a number of these short walks. I really feel the cold and do not relish the bundling up, with extra layers, scarves and neck warmers- I'll even wear a balaclava because my face feels the cold so much. Today's walk though gave an unexpected delight. Just as we were nearly home, I was surprised to look up and see a great blue heron flying overhead. They are a magnificent bird, about three 3 feet when standing and a lovely grey/blue colour. However, it did make me feel some trepidation for it as they eat fish and frogs which I'm sure are all well dug in for the winter now. Here I am complaining about the cold already but BM, you are walking in 35C and humid- can't imagine doing that either but very impressed with you for doing it.
    Cutting myself off now as I was interrupted by a longish phone call and must see to Nellie before bedtime.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    What busy bees we all are..

    MITM - that must have been quite a workout shovelling all the snow. Yet again I am hearing predictions of a snow-filled winter in the UK. Not sure where these predictions come from, but no sign of it yet here thank goodness and tbh it's been quite mild for the time of year really. Did you get your central heating fixed? It wouldn't be much fun without it, you'd have to "Jillian" constantly to keep warm - what a thought!

    Bracken, I just want to say well done on approaching your lowest weight, that's brilliant. Like BM, I am still some way off mine but you can now be my inspiration to show that I can do it again and get to target eventually as well. We don't get the extremes of temperature here that you have, but when I used to ski I found that it was all about having the right clothing layers and they don't have to be bulky. Do you have silk thermals? They are wonderful for keeping warm and I have been known to wear 2 pairs at once! They aren't bulky and feel lovely against the skin. Having Nellie is great for making sure you go out though and get the exercise in isn't it? Have you tried your wrap dress on recently? I wondered how far off it being a comfortable fit you are now?

    New8 - how are you enjoying SW? You had a great first week result. Do you run a pre-school that you are getting involved in its policies? I love the thought of Daisy dancing along with Strictly - I do that myself sometimes as I just LOVE to dance. Are you thinking about dancing lessons for her? How old is she now, 4 next year?

    PB - what are you up to? I hope you are going to give the Shred a try.

    BM - will you be watching the Tonga match on Friday (Saturday for you?) I am gutted as I've just realized I am out in London on 30th November for a meal and the Austrlaia match KO is 5pm. I may get to see the first half at my mother's but we won't see it all. Actually, we'd be better to get up to London early and find it on in a bar somewhere wouldn't we? Now I don't feel so bad. I'll have to find a "Welsh" pub!

    Had a great time a cookery last night. I made a country meatloaf which was very reasonable calorie wise and very delicious and I also did some mushroom filo parcels which make great finger food for a party and at 100 cal's each could be fitted into our eating plan. My husband did the same so we have meatloaf tucked away in the freezer for a night when I don't feel like cooking, and dinner done for tonight - it's a good job we liked the meatloaf! His filo parcels were tomato, feta and basil. Absolutely delicious but nowhere near as good on the calories front so will have to be used up in moderation!

    I don't know if anyone else finds this, but doing all the exercise with Jillian makes me feel good and as a result I don't want to eat as much. I feel healthier and want to be healthier too.

    I'm going to get on with my knitting now. I really want to get my pashmina finished before I go on holiday but the pattern is so complicated you have to focus on it so progress isn't as fast as I would like, but slow and steady wins the race as they say.

    Be good Crackers!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All
    well I've posted on the shred thread for the first time having done level 1 once. I managed most of it but the early cardio was more difficult than the latter (weirdly) and I did stop a couple of times. I guess the time to move on to the next level is when I don't do that???? I thought I would be better given all of the swimming but it may be because I have a cold.

    Work continues to be very stressful at the moment - herding cats comes to mind...... glad to be home although I had a terrible fright yesterday on the way home for a break at lunch time (I was working till 8.00pm last night). Just driven on to the road leading to my house and wasn't (thankfully) going very fast when a tiny sausage dog ran out right under my wheels. No idea how I managed to miss it - stalled the car and sat there for a minute - a man was watching from his garden but did nothing and the chap whose dog it was wandered out - at which point the dog crossed the road again in front of me and he picked it up and went in doors - must have seen me sitting there my with my hands over my mouth but didn't bat an eye lid!!! Horrible.

    Not sure I will manage the shred every day - tomorrow I have another late meeting so will probably come home for a break at some point in the day and try and do it then before going back to work. Not best pleased to find that none of the partners can attend the meeting so I'm going to be responsible on my own. Gee thanks guys - its only your business.

    Hoping I will get a ride on Sunday then its the concert in the evening so rehearsing with the strings and the chamber organ (weird little instrument) in the afternoon.

    Speak soon

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello All. A bright but cold day here today but I did manage to walk 2 1/4 miles broken into two stints, the first before breakfast again. LMV, it is great to hear that doing Jillian is having such a positive effect on managing your diet. I totally agree that exercise, especially vigorous exercise actually decreases one's appetite though one would expect the opposite. I find it very hard to have a really good day managing diet if I have not exercised. Funny you should mention that dress, LMV, as I tried it on the other day and it is definitely fitting better. I particularly noticed the bust fits much better and the ruching across the stomach and hips is, well more ruching and less stretched (!); some people might be comfortable wearing it as but I want it to really drape so have a way to go yet. Also the other day, whilst cleaning out a clothes closet I tried on a Christmas sweater that I have virtually never worn because it never quite fit. However, it fits really well now so I put it in my regular closet and will definitely wear it. That was a bit of a pick-me-up.
    PB, congrats on becoming a Shredder. At the moment I am still restricting myself to the Nordic track because of some soreness but really want to do some of my Jillian- all the enthusiasm here is whetting my appetite for it. Also glad that your dog encounter turned out as good as it did- such situations can precipitate very bad accidents. But how rude of that fellow not to acknowledge what you had done by even a wave.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    PB - what an awful fright you must have had with that dog running out and the owners reaction is unbelievable. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he was in shock too and didn't know how to react at the thought of having lost his dog. Anyway, I hope you are all right after that experience.

    Bracken - very exciting news about the dress and finding an item of clothing that now fits is much more motivating than any number on the scales isn't it? I reckon if we all keep going there's a strong possibility that you'll be wearing that dress for Christmas or New Year! I must get on and finish my sundress and then try it on again to see how far off fitting me it is. I've been ignoring it for a while but we have a quiet week-end this week-end so I intend to get on with my knitting and sewing.

    I went shopping yesterday and got all the Christmas gifts sorted for our friends and Godchildren in Australia. I wrapped them last night so am off to the post office after this to get them posted. I'm normally a last posting date sort of person so I've impressed myself that they will be in the post before the end of November!

    New8 - how're things with you?

    Be good Crackers
  • Evening Crackers!

    Why are the last few pounds to target the hardest to shift?!! Just another 1/2lb this week and when I consider the sheer effort/pain that took....

    However I did eat a large slice of Victoria Sponge yesterday, couldn't really refuse as it was made by my Joan Collins look alike friend and she was showing us around her new pad. But it was 10.30am and that is way too early for me to eat cake! Nothing annoys me more than wasting my calories.

    Still even if the scales are moving very slowing, the inches are disappearing far faster as like BRACKEN, my clothes are suddenly feeling so much looser so I know Jillian is getting results, just like she promises! And I agree LMV that is so much more important than whatever number the scales register.

    Be good Crackers!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    I do hope so MITM! I have just sneakily got on the scales this morning (I'm not due until tomorrow) and discovered that I've really lost next to nothing - I might just manage a pound tomorrow - but I had hoped to lose 2 and I've been really trying. Still, we all know that the weight can disappear really quickly and I need to check the measuring too.

    The weight loss definitely does get harder at this time year - I'm hoping that I can keep it going for the 30 day shred and then relax over the Christmas holidays. One of the girls last night talked about the Xmas party and asked me if I was going to wear the same dress for that as the Hunt Ball. I realised that I had not thought about what to wear for the Xmas party - definitely not ball gown though - way over the top - although we are going to quite a posh hotel/restaurant. Some of the girls are hoping for footballers - but personally I wouldn't know one if bumped into him so I guess it won't bother me.

    Ate far too much bread yesterday and must admit that for the first time I'm aware of feeling bloated after doing that - hopefully getting busy will help to sort it out.

    Well must go now as have some washing to hang out and another load to put on. Its not going to do itself.

    take care all

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    I know what you mean about the washing not doing itself PB. I did two loads yesterday and have a third in this morning which means a massive pile of ironing too. Unfortunately my iron has got damaged so I'm checking out the Which reports before buying a new one. The steam generators seem to get the best reviews although they are more expensive, but in the interests of making the ironing easier I think I'll invest in one. My Mother has offered to buy it for me for for Christmas, but I can't bear the thought of having something so practical as a present. I want something frivolous like a dress or shoes!!

    MITM - congratulations on that whopping half pound! You are so close to target that each half pound is hard fought for so I think that's a wonderful achievement. How far to go until target now? Great that the clothes are getting looser - mine are too so I suppose the shred is worth it.

    BM - did you mention somewhere that you are coming to the UK? When are you coming over? Did you see any if last night's match against Tonga? Dreadful match and as for the grey strip....................I have no words for it!

    Right, a lovely day of knitting, sewing and Strictly Come Dancing stretches ahead of me. Heaven!

    Be good crackers
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I got in some exercise in the morning and then had a lovely afternoon with two of my neighbours/friends. We had been joking about their coming for The Reveal (as they call it on the home renovating shows and makeover shows). Both were very complimentary of how my floors had turned out and what a difference they made to the whole feel of the house. We shared the elderberry wine I had bought on the shower tour I mentioned earlier. I was a little worried as I know some people do not like fruit wines but this wine is quite dry and both seemed to have no trouble finishing their glasses. I am not very knowledgeable about wine really and do not drink a lot. It may seem like heresy but I dislike all white wines- I'll say they are wasted on me! Even I wonder how I can dismiss a complete category of something. However, I do like dry red wines. I think I often choose to eat my calories rather than drink them so would usually choose to have a dessert and not much wine. Recently I had a drink I have not had before, not sure why I've never run across it- LeJay Cassis. Oh dear, it certainly is something I could get used to as I absolutely love blackcurrants and it is so intense with the blackcurrant flavour. Of course, not dry at all. By the time my friends left, you could hardly see across the street for the blowing snow. Fortunately, one of them lives right next door and the other is directly across the street so they hadn't far to walk.
    What are the Crackers views on Christmas decorating? I really dislike how early Christmas displays appear in our stores- very heavy by the end of October. I don't like to see much until after Remembrance Day. After that, in my house I do start to gradually get things out. I find I don't put out as many decorations as I once did but the things I put out I like to have for a goodly time or else it does not seem worth the work. The first thing I put up is my small Christmas village. I have just enough pieces to create a pretty scene on a bureau in the living room. It has a church, a bookstore, a schoolhouse with little people inside, and a home
    and a pavilion. I have some figurines of carol singers, children building snowmen, horses and carriage going to the church, a family carrying a tree home on a sled and my favourite a mini-hunt scene with some hounds, riders jumping a stone wall, a few hounds, and a fox (always strategically set to suggest he will not get caught). I like the warm glow the lights inside the buildings give. The other thing I like to get out now is my Spode teapot and mugs with the Christmas tree design. A few years ago, I chanced upon a basic 8 piece setting set of made-in-England Spode (it has been made off shore since sometime in the nineties)
    at a local consignment store and bought it for a ridiculously low price- the pieces were still in the original boxes and appeared never to have been used. I think part of its attraction is that I know its historical significance and my Grandmother really loved nice china so when I get out this china, I often think of my Grandmother who was a very dear person to me. I didn't really want to keep a setting of eight so I have given two of my sisters, who also like old china, pieces and now they are officially collecting. Today my youngest sister phoned me to say she had come upon the three tiered cake stand (made in England of course) in a consignment store and was quite thrilled to get it and very cheaply too. The only other place to buy the old pieces now is at antique stores or on-line but there the prices are really quite high. We all enjoy finding a piece in an unexpected place and just going on-line to get it would take the fun away.
    Unexpected pleasures are particularly satisfying. This morning as I was coming out of the nearby grocery store, I was surprised to see the woman from whom I acquired Nellie, as she does not live in this area. She immediately gave me a hug, told me she had been thinking of me, and said she has been keen to see how Nellie has developed. I invited her to come over and am looking forward to that.
    LMV, definitely agree with you that the iron is not a preferred present. Let frivolity thrive.
    P.B. hang in there. This is a very hard time from now until Christmas so any progress is wonderful and just holding the line can be an achievement.
    MITM, your 1/2 pound must show somewhere now that you are so near goal- perhaps it was where those abs you saw. Picture a half pound of butter, a not insignificant amount!
    Regards all.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers

    well the concert went really well in the end and I felt I was in good voice - although a friend who was in the audience told me that she could hear my voice - its a choir so the idea is to blend - but hey, at least I'm accurate. I think our conductor was pleased and I'm now feeling fairly confident about doing the solo in Stanford's Bluebird next year.

    Had dinner afterwards and that's where the food situation went down hill so I'm glad I did the walk and shred yesterday. I'm hoping that I will have a better week.

    take care those of you in snow and extreme heat. Its interesting Bracken cos here in the UK we think that in Canada you have the snow thing sorted - but clearly, being blocked in by snowploughs clearing snow from the road and leaving driveways with mountains of snow isn't quite as helpful as one would expect. Having said that, we make a huge excuse of snow here (well some do).

    MITM -hope the snow has gone now?

    Take care all

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    So pleased to hear you were in good voice and the concert went well PB. It's always a relief when it's over isn't it? We have a charity Christmas concert two weeks today and we don't seem as well prepared as usual. We 're a ladies choir and usually sing in 3 part harmony but for a couple of songs he's split us into four parts so I think we all feel a little more vulnerable on those songs as there are obviously fewer of us. Normally things come together at the last minute and we put on a good performance, but I'm just wondering if we've bitten off more than we can chew and it's going to end up being a bit of a nightmare.

    Bracken it was lovely to hear about your decorations. I have to say I'm a twelve days of Christmas person so my decorations don't go up until about 23 December and then come down on Epiphany. Increasingly though I feel out of sync with everyone else as their decorations seem to go up early December and then come down on New Year's Day. To be honest, I probably won't even put any up this year as we will be away for Christmas at my parents'. Like you I prefer my older traditional decorations. I love unwrapping them and getting them out normally as they are like old friends with lots of memories attached to them.

    Good news, I tried on my black slim leg trousers today and I can get into them again and do them up. They are a rather snug fit (lol) but I still have 2 weeks to go to work on whittling off a few more inches. I'm pleased that I won't have to buy a new pair though.

    I also tried doing a sit up today after I'd shredded. We did it a few weeks ago in Pilates and I couldn't quite get myself up unaided. Now I can do it again with ease so the abs section of the workout is working and I'm much stronger in that area again now.

    Have a good day Crackers
  • Evening Crackers!

    Whilst working this weekend, sat at the kitchen table - fingers hard at work, I watched round the clock episodes of the Barefoot Contessa over the many years making Thanksgiving dinners; she gets bigger and bigger as her kitchen gets sleeker!! So I'm already in the mood and thinking about goodies to eat at Christmas which is quite unusual for me this early. However it has also made me more determined than ever to get to target, just under would be the best Christmas present ever, so I can get stuck into all my favourite foods over the 2 week period whilst my daughter and family are staying.

    Bracken your Christmas decorations sound delightful. Here in my part of Austria; Osttirol which is still very religious with Priests ruling the villages, Christmas doesn't start until the 1st Advent Sunday which suits me perfectly. The Christmas lights then go on and not before and the Christmas markets open. Most houses with a balcony will put up a small fir tree with white lights, which as you look across the hillside at night is beautiful.

    When I last looked PB the snow was still here but I do live 990 metres above sea level, in the mountains so it's unlikely to be going anywhere very soon! I will put up my Christmas wreath this Sunday and my lantern outside the front door and I will light the 1st Advent Sunday candle. My mother-in-law when she was alive had special prayers which she would say every night with my daughter around the candles. I too love my Christmas decorations I get very excited when I get them down. If anything ever happened to them, I'd probably cancel Christmas forever, as they are irreplaceable! They will go up on the 8th December which is a catholic bank holiday here. The Christmas tree is traditional for it to come inside the house and be dressed on Christmas Eve, which suits me fine as my mother can then decorate it and the children here believe Jesus brings the gifts underneath which are opened on Christmas Eve before Mass.

    It all comes down again on the 6th January after the 3 Kings visit every house in the village, to bless it for the following year, singing and collecting donations for charity - Austrian version of carol singing! So I get to enjoy my decorations for a month and the tree I can put up with the pine needles for 2 weeks!

    And in just 30 days it will be Christmas Eve so I've got to get cracking on the 1.5lbs standing between me and TARGET!!!!

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    I saw this recipe on a blog so have copied it here in case anyone is interested in trying them. Garbanzo beans are chickpeas. Next time I get the baking urge I might try these!


    Ps there's a picture on the blog but it hasn't copied over.

    70 Calorie Apple Cinnamon Muffins
    Posted on 11/25/2013 by climbing_trees
    Hey guys, I made something delicious today!

    These turned out even better than I expected!
    Original recipe modified from I breathe I'm Hungry

    1 can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
    4 eggs, beaten
    1 tsp baking powder
    1/2 tsp cloves
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1/4 cup sugar
    1/2 large apple, peeled and grated
    1/2 large apple, peeled and diced
    1 tsp cinnamon
    additional sweetener if desired

    Blend beans in food processor until smooth. Add to rest of muffin ingredients and mix well. Fill muffin cups about 2/3 full, add a spoon of topping to each one.

    Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes!

    Enjoy :)

    My batter made 15 standard muffins
    (Might be more or less depending on the size of your apple and if you add any more ingredients to the batter)
    66 calories
    10g carbs
    2g fat
    3g protein
    2g fiber

    If I made these again, I think I would add golden raisins to the muffin mix, and possibly chopped nuts to the topping~
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. Another cold day but somewhat improved. There is a lot of snow and ice on the streets as the temp hasn't reached over 0C. In the a.m. I tried to do a little snow shovelling to extricate my vehicle but had to stop because of the reflux problem and felt quite bunky for a while. I thought I might not be able to do any exercise today so spent a lot of the morning cleaning and re-organizing my pantry cupboard, discarding out of date spices and flours, and labelling recent spices. I actually felt quite pleased to see how organized it looked when done and I created more space. Mid-afternoon, I felt somewhat better so managed to cobble together a mile walk with Nellie on two outings. Then I tried a few shovels of snow and managed much better than in the morning. I was able to get my vehicle about three quarters cleared away from snow, in three short stints. I took a little rest inside after that and did the Nordic ski quite satisfactorily. On one of my breaks, of course, I took a peak here to much satisfaction.
    LMV, great news about the black pants and you still have two weeks to polish their fit. P.B., you are having a busy social time and with your job working in walks and shreds is great. MITM, I really enjoyed hearing about the traditions around Christmas in Austria.
    So one month from today,folks, something to concentrate our thoughts.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello all - its 7.30am and I'm sitting here thinking about having to go to work this morning. Can't say I'm looking forward to it - but hoping it will be a relatively quiet day. Its been nice having a few days off and I have started to relax a bit - but now need to get ready to go back to it until Christmas. Have a quiet week this week then stuff going on from Saturday (work Christmas party) onwards. Mum and Dad are still staying so a bit stressful especially as Mum's car broke down - but its fixed now. I think they may go home tomorrow but who knows.

    Have bought a real Christmas tree (usually have fake one) and am hoping to get it set up today. Always enjoy the preparations for Christmas but rarely enjoy the day itself - never understood why. Am not doing much singing though except for Choir Christmas party next Monday evening.

    speak soon

  • Afternoon Crackers!

    Well it would be fair to say I've been 'off piste' for the last few days....

    Starting Thursday I felt very sorry for myself sat once more in the dentist's chair having my root filling on my crown finished off.... Husband was a whole lot more cheerful, when he realised it was all covered by his insurance so no need to lose an arm and a leg to pay for it! But my dentist telling me he hoped I wouldn't be in pain for any longer than 2-3 days put me right off the idea of rattling my jaw and grinding my teeth doing the Shred! And was I in any pain - fortunately not.

    Friday weigh in - I stayed the same most disappointing and just not on is it LMV when one has been Shredding! However after a spot of prancing around in various outfits from the back of the wardrobe, I remained positive as everything now fits so perfectly but I was too busy to Shred (should have perhaps put the gym outfit on!) Friday, Saturday and Sunday due to work, work, work. Although I did find the time to eat and eat and eat! I'm blaming the daughter, she's suffering from homesickness which in turn makes me feel sick too. Only my kind is where you just eat to block out the feelings - absolute utter madness.

    Monday the scales were most unkind! Still at least it brought me to my senses again. My parents are abroad at the moment which has probably brought this to the surface and unfortunately the daughter didn't have school yesterday which she loves and keeps her occupied. I don't know what the long term answer is but I do know in my case it's not food!

    So I'm tired and stressed and the husband's answer; an exercise to rival a 'Biggest Loser challenge'! 1200kgs of logs size of bricks, to be shifted from 4 containers into crates, put into a vegetable van, transported up the mountain and unloaded again. It took 2 1/4 hours of non stop lifting and bending. The reward I won the bonus pound off this morning when I stepped on the scales again just need to lose the other one before next weigh in!

    PB - So pleased you had a ball at the ball!

    LMV - hope you didn't eat too much cheese over the weekend! And I hope the Shred has compensated for the bottle or 2 of champagne today!

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    MITM, great post - very instructive. The big takeaway for me was seeing the whole narrative of your last five days and how ultimately progress will come, albeit not without some real sweat equity. I so much understand the lapse to emotional eating and it must be very hard knowing your daughter is homesick. I liked how you tried on those clothes and it must be terrific that they fit perfectly (I tried on The Dress yesterday and was pleased to notice more ruching and less stretching- that's how I'll measure progress with it). I agree with your getting on the scale- it can be a hard thing to do but can also really define where you are at. And then to drop that pound after all that work- brilliant.
    This time of the year seems to be a minefield of both the internal and external kind. I find Christmas season brings a lot of intense emotions, either good or bad that can send one reaching for food- and not celery, surprisingly! Then there are all the external cues which seem even more intense. Today at the grocery store I had picked up the few things I came for and as I was heading to the checkout, there was a new display set up right in the aisle of special Christmas chocolates. I will not describe them but just say they managed to appeal to my favourite tastes! This is how my mind works: I thought that since they were only a seasonal thing, perhaps I should buy them right then because they might be quickly sold out! I looked at them and considered picking up a packet for an occasional treat but decided I would give them a pass for the moment but will get some before Christmas.
    I think I was able to pass them by because I had done my treadmill just before and really had no desire to eat.
    Those of you who know the Beck book, The Diet Solution will recall I have referred to it quite often. However, I have not been re-reading it lately. However, yesterday I went on her web site (just put in Beck The Diet Solution if interested) and read a couple of her blogs and some of the tips of the day. What I really like about her is that she seems to know exactly how a person with weight issues thinks and gives good advice on how to deal with the attitudes that lead one to overeat.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Good post Bracken - will take a look at the website. I too have that bad habit of looking at the stuff on the shelves and buying on impulse if I go shopping when I'm hungry (which is quite often as I do it on the way home from work). The last few days have been quite tricky with food - but once Mum and dad go home I can get back to concentrating on food and exercise for a few days. Then there are a couple more parties to attend and at some point I must do some pressie wrapping and card writing. Just don't know when I'm going to do it yet. Must make a plan for Sat as won't have too much housework - with Mum here I don't have to lift a finger. Yesterday they cleaned the oven and defrosted a freezer.....

    take care all - Partners meeting today - wish me luck!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    I really enjoyed catching up on the posts here. We've all been focussing so much on the exercise (not necessarily a bad thing!) that I feel a bit out of touch with other aspects of everyone's lives.

    I weighed in yesterday morning and managed to STS. I was mighty relieved after the week-end I had and I must confess to being a bit naughty yesterday! I was pretty good in the restaurant on Saturday - a tomato and mozzarella salad followed by sea bass and fresh veg. No dessert, and not too much wine. I had had quite a bit to drink with my Mum and Dad the night before though - Friday turned into a bit of a party night. I was quite good on Sunday and Monday though so I made up for it.

    I now have to make up for yesterday. We went out for a lovely breakfast where I had Egg Royal (a toasted bagel topped with smoked salmon, poached egg and hollandaise), orange juice and tea. Delicious and that set me up for the day. We went for a mooch around the Christmas market in Swansea and got a little bit more Christmas shopping done. We didn't need any lunch after the breakfast we'd had and went to see Philomena in the afternoon. Judi Dench was spectacular in it and I absolutely loved the film. Both funny in places and incredibly sad. Is that the film you went to see at the week-end PB? We dropped into a cafe on the way home for a cup of tea and shared a piece of caramel shortbread (very naughty but nice!). Then we came home and cracked the champagne and cooked a chicken dinner together. We did have a few roast potatoes as a treat and we did have a small box of truffles between us while watching Love Actually which is one of our favourite films. I haven't dared get on the scales today as I know they will be unkind! I'm going to have a fasting day today to try and make amends but I must say I really enjoyed everything I ate yesterday so no regrets! 23 years together and 19 years married is definitely worth celebrating. And yes MITM, we did open a second bottle of champagne!

    MITM - you are having a time of it with teeth, daughter and logs. She'll be home with you very soon which will do you both good. It'll take a while for both of you to settle into the new lifestyle and this is bound to be the lowest point when the initial excitement has worn off and reality sets in. I'm sure the Christmas holidays just can't come quickly enough for either of you. Well done on slipping into your outfits........Jillian will be very pleased with you.

    Bracken - very brave of you to report the dog incident to the police and absolutely thrilling that the dress is getting looser. I'm so excited for you, you'll be wearing it very soon.

    PB - thinking of you going back to work. I hope the pesky partners behave themselves today and don't upset you. Your parents sound great, how wonderful to get all those horrid jobs done for you.

    BM - hope all's well with you. You are doing so well with the shredding and I'm looking forward to hearing how the halfway measurements look - you're nearly there!

    Right, got to dash as I'm meeting a friend for a coffee and then we're off to a football match this evening, Swansea v Newcastle. Not quite sure when I am going to shred but I hope to do it when I get back from the cafe before we go out!


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