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  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    MITM I'm so sorry that all the upheaval you are going through has lead to the munchies. Look on the bright side though, even with a 3lb gain you are no where near your danger zone (if my calculations are correct) so your weight is still very much under control. You went straight back to Beck as well which shows that you have your thinking cap on and are looking after yourself. I wouldn't have been nearly so sensible, if there was nothing 'nice' in the house when I felt like that I would probably have made a batch of cookies or cupcakes lol. This is exactly why you are constantly hovering around your target weight and I am not!! I downloaded Beck on to my kindle but I'm beginning to think it's a book I would like to have. It's much harder to dip into chapters which you need on a kindle so I may buy the book too. It's useful having it on the kindle though as it means I can take Beck away with me too - I might need it when I'm in Australia for a month!!

    PB - I loved your account of the new undies. Doesn't it make a difference when you are properly fitted and everything is held in place where it should be? And well done on getting into the small knickers. I find little victories like that the most motivating of all.

    I had a lovely w-e at the caravan, but a terrible one diet wise. The old culprits made an appearance at a party on Saturday night, yes cheese and wine, and I WENT for it...............hangs head in shame. I have been reasonably good since but have been fending off a cold so haven't been to the pool or done any exercise. I managed to lose 1lb last week. Not the flying start I wanted to the 20lb challenge but it's a start. I feel a bit better this morning so I need to go and get a swim in and another mile under my belt towards the challenge.

    Bracken - I hope you have your house back under control again now and that you are pleased with the refurbishments.

    New8 - how was your break in Yorkshire?

    BM - I see you are still doing really well with lots of exercise and under your calorie allowance every day. Thank you. I find it very motivating. If you can do it, so can I!

    Here's a QOTW.......if you had a secret door in your house which opened to anywhere in the world, where would yours take you? My first thought was the cheese shop of my dreams, but I quickly shut that thought down! In reality, I think my mine would open onto my friend's house in Australia so I could pop in for a chat whenever I felt like it.

    Have a good day all
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi all, hope everyone is doing Ok and looking forward to the weekend. I have had a sneaky weigh (OK, daily sneaky weighs!!) and I think I will be ok for the "official" WI tomorrow. It is, however, Grand Prix weekend here which means from about 3pm today until the early hours of Monday Morning there seems to be one big party going on! The GP village opens at 3pm with lots of artists/groups etc on various stages. Then there are all the different side attractions plus the plethora of cars racing eg porche etc, So it is great fun but very noisy. Justin Beiber and Rhianna are just a couple of the people doing a concert but I shan't be in a hurry to stay up late to see those in action! Last year Maroon 5 were here whom I adore but the highlight of my entire weekend was seeing the Proclaimers!! OH and my son thought it hysterical. They were excellent and when they sung "500 miles" my son said I sung it louder than them. (I can't hold a tune in a bucket, but I enjoyed myself!).
    I am going to try my very best to be sensible diet and alcohol wise. I have discovered that Lindemanns Chardonnay is 550 cals a bottle. So my plan is to walk and swim early in the day so I wont be using my calorie allowance for alcohol, but that comes out of my exercise cals. I haven't yet used any of those calories, but seem to eating well, don't know if anyone else feels the same? seem to be staying this side of my 3800 with not too much hardship!
    In answer to your QOTW LMV, my secret door would open into the Wales house. Then I could see my children and would love it even if it was only for 5 mins at a time. It never gets easier being away from them and I can't even Skype them as I get too upset when I see them, so not too sure if my secret door would be a good idea but I would love to try it! x x An absolutely brilliant QOTW LMV x x
    Wishing everyone a safe and happy weekend, love BM x x
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    PS!!!!! Above calorie amount should read 1380 calories a day, Oh the joy if I could eat (or drink) 3800 a day! x x
  • mummyinthemountains
    Afternoon Crackers!

    Well I'm in a very good mood today - having stuck to the diet and salsacised with the lovely Rosemary and pushed logs this week.... I have lost the gained pounds and I'm back at my target weight. Yes!! Perhaps I am getting the hang of this dieting lark finally! To celebrate I wore my ankle skimmer trousers today, the pair I had to diet into for my daughter's school interview back in April when it was touch and go, well they now fit perfectly. I can bend over, cross my legs with no fear of any splitting seams!! Seeing this in the mirror with my own eyes in a piece of clothing that did fit but very snugly I finally realised just what I have achieved this summer so I'm feeling very pleased with myself.

    To celebrate like you BM as it's the weekend, I have bought a smaller (than my usual size) tub of ice cream as I'm sure to eat the lot over the weekend but I haven't bought any crisps so I can afford these calories and I'm going to enjoy every single one.

    LMV - if I had a secret door as I hate goodbyes I wouldn't pop in and see my daughter, instead I would like to step out onto one of the many coastal foot paths along the Jersey shore line now that would be blissful.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Nice one MITM. I think using an item of clothing is such a great way of seeing just how we are doing. Well done on the weight loss, you deserved it after all those logs! Enjoy the ice-cream x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    It's very late and I'm very tired, but well done to both BM and MITM. You've both done brilliantly and I hope you both enjoy your week-end. Will be back once our visitors have gone tomorrow evening xx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All Well most of you seem to be doing well - so fantastic for you. I'm comfort eating for England - problems at work - but had an amazing weekend - first a day out in London with my Goddaughter - with lunch at a restaurant in Covent Garden called Champagne and Fromage (I leave it to your imagination what I had) followed by War Horse - an amazing emotional roller coaster of laughter and tears and the most amazing horses - if ever you needed proof of the true beauty of the horse it was on that stage. Then early yesterday morning a ride on Harley - who was a complete sweetheart and was going down on to the bit beautifully for me. Lovely meringue mouth too. This was followed by another mile on my channel swim and then dinner at my friends. The mile would have been more except that around the 80th length I realised I had a) left a saucepan of chicken stock bubbling on the stove and b) the back door wide open. I'm really losing the plot at the moment - definitely due to stress at work.

    Anyway, today has been tolerably unpleasant but I'm off to sing tonight - I'm not really looking forward to that either though as, although I said I'd like to audition for a solo these seem to have been given to other people - and I haven't been considered - a little put out to say the least. I guess he knows what he is doing - but an audition would have been nice. (when I said I'd like to audition he seemed quite pleased so rather surprised). As a consequence I've just had a cheesy pig out and feel bloated - total comfort eating. At least I've tidied up and now done the ironing so there is some control.

    Need to keep focused on the fact that I'm riding again on Saturday (not Harley this time)

    Don't worry though I'll get myself back in the zone soon.

    Love to all

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. I've had a bit of a frustrating setback and so absent for the past week on- I have had a nasty virus that has really drained me of energy; it came complete with fever and some respiratory infection. It is now the seventh day and I am only starting to feel better. Today I walked Nellie (2 one mile walks) for the first time since this started. Apparently it is throughout my area and is especially hitting the schools and university. I had several calls to substitute last week had I been able and that is uncommon for so early in the school year. I felt I had been making good progress re diet and exercise this Sept. I did get back to my food journal today and stepped on the scales- am I the only person who can feel ill but put on weight. Not that there is any mystery about how it happened because although I felt crappy, I was constantly hungry (or so it seemed) and of course, not for my usual fare. Mostly it was regular snacking rather than preparing meals, and mostly carbs. I think some of it too was emotional eating as even before this virus hit I was starting to feel the pressure of the on-going social engagements, particularly as relate to the upcoming wedding. I have been fretting to myself that there really is not time now to realistically expect that I will be able to wear the "the dress"- I will be trying my best but "the dress" is a bit of an unforgiving style. However, I really like it and really want to wear it even if it has to become a Christmas dress. Meantime I'll need a backup outfit which I feel rather unmotivated to get.
    It's good to come here and find so much activity although it may take me a day or two to comment on all the interesting posts.
    P.B., very glad to hear how much you enjoyed War Horse. I loved it too- it was so amazing that they could catch the emotional reality of the horses and the relationship with the boy through what were in fact, puppets. I treated myself to a lovely souvenir tote bag with the Warhorse logo. Also good to hear that the riding is going so well and you are enjoying it so much. Love your description of a meringue mouth. There is a cross country ride being given by a local eventing training centre on Oct.20 and I am hopeful that I will be able to go. It is not a competition, just a fun ride in which you can go at any pace you choose and jump as many or as few jumps as you choose. I've ridden there before, the last time three years ago.
    Love the QOTW, LMV. Very hard to choose. My first thought was to be transported to the Serengetti plain in Africa- I have always
    wished I could go on a safari trip. My mother's father spent his early years in Africa and my family has a photo album of pictures he took around the turn of the century. To see the great herds of animals in their natural state would be amazing. But then I also thought I'd go back to my childhood and have another chance to help my grandmother make jam and pickles. I thought of this as I recently made bread and butter pickles from a recipe my grandma wrote out by hand- even looking at her handwriting as I was following the recipe brought my sense of her closer.
    Tonight I scurried around and brought some houseplants I had outdoors back indoors as our first frost warning has been given.
    I seem to be jumping all over in topics but now must to bed, hoping that tomorrow I'll feel more like my normal self.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    So sorry to hear you have been unwell. It's no comfort but I too put on weight when I am unwell. And just like you I tend to snack rather than eat a proper meal, so then the calories just sneak up on you! I am hoping to fit in last years Christmas dress this Christmas! I didn't make it last year but seem to be more determined this year. I am sure you will get to wear your dress, even if you do have to wait a little while longer than planned, it will be worth it in the end. Hope you will soon be feeling much better. Love BM x x
  • mummyinthemountains
    Morning Crackers!

    Well I've had my head stuck in the sand since my last blog. But thanks to the recent confessions of BRACKEN and PB it made me sit up and think about my own behaviour. I'm still struggling and wallowing in self-pity but I liked your line PB about getting back in the zone. BM is in the zone!!! And I want to be back in the zone too! BRACKEN sorry to hear you've been ill but I agree keep the dress and make it your Christmas Cracker dress. The mention of the carbs and the snacking I had a light bulb moment... ooh could that be why I'm gaining again?!!

    Without my daughter to cook for at lunchtime - I can't be bothered - likewise without her to drag me up the hill - I can't be bothered - and without her around I'm generally feeling very sorry for myself and turning to my old friend food for comfort. Thank goodness I had the sense to give my other friend for safe keeping, the many packets of gingerbread chocolate Christmas biscuits I bought on offer on Friday, as I'd have got stuck into them I'm sure over the weekend!

    However having read the posts I'm reinspired (again!) and although I'm disappointed in myself as LMV pointed out to me, I have moved the goal posts over the summer months so I'm still 3 pounds lighter than where I usually start from and I know what I've got to do; my dieting log is out again and I will be thinking of you BRACKEN as I fill it out and I've got to make an effort to plan my lunchtime meals and make myself exercise!

    LMV - Keep asking me about Rosemary, it's like you're in the room!! Poor Rosemary I shall now go and dust her off and give myself a buzz before I start on lunch!

    Be good Crackers!!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    One of the fantastic things about being a cracker is the fact you are never on your own. We all go through times of self doubt then seem to bounce back with almost europhic like enthusiasm. But whatever stage of the "game" we are at individually, there is always a ear to listen without judging, and genuine happiness and delight when one of us has lost weight. I am very proud to be a part of this and know for a fact I would have given up long ago had it not been for the crackers unquestioning support. I think we should all be very proud of how far we have come and the friendships we have made. Thank you fellow crackers. Love BM x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all and a special thanks to you BM for giving out such a warm message and to MITM, for your understanding and your inspiration, for after all you are staying near that goal despite your admitted challenges. By the way, I would have been quite helpless with a stock of chocolate gingerbread biscuits- perhaps my absolute favourite kind. I think I mentioned earlier that I get a brand from Scotland here called Border biscuits. However, they have been banished for the moment (perhaps I should be saying 'for the duration' as I believe was the expression during the War). Anyway, I've had the first three days of the week back on track with food plan and exercise with walking back to two miles. I'm not quite over this virus but much improved. My refurbishments are almost finished and I'm really happy with how the flooring looks - it's a darkish oak laminate with a rather rustic finish. There is still the small entrance alcove to be retiled and there is some retiling to be done around the fireplace. I've still got some sorting of clothes and other klobber that I have not put back into their rooms and closets as I am also cleaning and decluttering too. As regards the Jillian challenge set for Nov.4, I'm hoping to soon start in a gradual way to do some segments of my tape so that by Nov.4, I can log along with the Shredders, LMV and MITM and anyone else who decides to take part. The weekend before I got the virus, we had a lovely shower for my nephew's fiancée that was planned by two of my other sisters. They are very imaginative at that sort of thing and instead of having it at someone's house, they made it a mystery tour of the area so the bride-to-be and her family could see some of our area. We went to an apiary which had an on-site store selling virtually every kind of honey imaginable as well as honey products, both cosmetic and edible. The way it is set up you can see the bees actually working in their hives. Then we went to an organic herb farm. There were lovely herb gardens designed with seating areas as well as a store too. They sold not only dried herbs but many kinds of herb sauces and condiments made locally as well as herb-related china, linens, etc. One of the proprietors gave an interesting talk about the farm which was originally a tobacco farm. It now grows over 160 varieties of herbs. Our last stop was at a local winery which specializes in fruit wines. They were having a festival and had a number of craftspeople with booths as well as free wine tasting and cheese sampling. I bought some elderberry wine which I fancy will be a cheery treat over the Christmas season. There were picnic tables set up and we had brought a lunch. For gifts, my sisters collected money from everyone and had prepared three lovely gift baskets, each featuring products from the places we went to. Nellie is now restless below and needs to be taken out before bedtime so I'll leave off now.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    MITM I can see how deep the pain goes when you have to say goodbye to your daughter - its entirely understandable that you feel so down - but, its good to have the courage to give away the goodies (instead of eating them) so well done. I totally agree with Bailey. I don't know how we found each other - it just seemed to happen - but the Crackers are a real support to me even though I've never met a single one of you in the 'flesh' - the way you all care for each other and me is inspiring and a big help. Thank you. Like everything hearing other peoples struggles makes you realise when your perspective needs adjusting. I'm taking a bit of a day off today (well sort of - I'm still visiting a member of staff who has been off sick and I need to make cup cakes for the MacMillan coffee morning tomorrow), but otherwise I'm taking a bit of a breather - I do feel yesterday was less awful than the previous days although I've still been close to tears at times. Thank heavens for the Channel Swim Challenge as I think without it my exercise might dwindle too.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Sending big hugs to both MITM and you PB. x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. A quite good day today although I only did a mile walk, partly because Nellie refused to go further at one point- not sure why but she may have had a bit of a stomach upset- when we are at the stables, she jumps into the pond there and swims but she seems to ingest water too (she sort of snowplows through the water!) and this upsets her digestion. Then I had a bad bit of acid reflux attack which I attribute to eating too healthily last night. I made a slow cooker vegetable soup, very simple but I did put a little tomato in it. I can get away with a little tomato but this seems to have been too much- very frustrating. The weather has been a sunny, glorious 22C all week and I did later get to ride my horse, though the wretched stomach was still somewhat poorly.
    This afternoon a sister came over and brought me - a teddy bear! This may seem strange but this is the story: when we were sorting through our mother's clothing(such a sad thing to do), my sister mentioned that she knew of a woman who made teddy bears out of old clothing. We decided to have some made from a favourite brown wool cloth cape and a plush jacket, both of which were favourite pieces of Mom's. Originally, we were just having the bears made for the grandchildren but then the sisters decided they would like ones too. The bear I got is wonderfully made, with jointed arms and legs, in the cape material, and is wearing a cape too. It is appropriately sitting high on a bookshelf ( my mother loved to read) and out of the reach of Nellie.
    Tomorrow evening I will attend birthday celebrations for my youngest sister's daughter (14). I shall try not to let this sidetrack me from my eating plan as I am feeling considerable better at the moment. I usually have no problem bypassing cake but the ice- cream is another matter. Keep well all and take good care of yourselves too.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Bracken, what a brilliant idea with the Teddy bears! Such a lovely way to remember. Hope both you and Nellie will soon be back to perfect health tum wise x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Bracken - what a beautiful idea! Good luck with avoiding the ice cream. I have to say it was easier than I thought it would be to say no to the pizza on Wed evening. Feeling quite motivated today (but it is only just gone 7am). Was up early and have had breakfast and made lunch ready to take to work. Also made lemon cup cakes last night to take to work for the MacMillan Coffee Morning this morning. Have woven a cup cake into my diet today within my calorie count as I was good and didn't eat any yesterday (well I did lick the bowls out - a habit I acquired as a child and cannot break). Can't say I'm looking forward to work today having worked the morning yesterday (but not in the office) then taking the afternoon off. I have a lot to do today now and it starts with a meeting this morning with the finance partner - hope he is in a good mood.

    Bracken do you have gall stones? Is that what causes the acid reflux? I had that problem and can't eat (or drink) anything with orange as it sets off the reflux.

    take care all - esp MITM
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. The end of the weekend and the end of a week in which I have felt quite pleased about diet and exercise, especially as I was still climbing back from that virus. Exercise-wise I managed to walk 2 miles most days, I did two bike rides (30 minutes today) and rode my horse several times.Today we had a schooling lesson and my instructor took it easy on me (only worked on two at a time) but they all went well. Dietwise, I was quite satisfied and can feel the snug stuff loosening up again. The niece's birthday party turned out well as it was a drinks and dessert affair. Since I was driving, I stuck to tea and instead of birthday cake small Dairy Queen cupcakes were served. Because of the size I don't think it did much damage. (I have been meaning to check out their profile on the web). MITM, I thought of what you said in a recent post about how you had kept your weight down by losing weight before a significant event in which there was going to be a lot of celebrating and eating. It really is a better plan than feeling guilty afterwards and then having to tackle the weight. I know at least on that day I really did save calories for that treat. PB, you asked if I have gallstones. Apparently I have a large gallstone that turned up on a scan for another issue. Fortunately it has never bothered me and my Dr. says because of its size it may not. I do have a sliding hiatal hernia (this means the neck of my stomach pushes up through the diaphragm)which really makes the reflux worse at times and can cause other complications. I am aware that excess weight does not help the situation; hence I am here! Here our trees are just starting to turn colour and there is a particularly brilliant maple with deep red leaves on my street that Nellie and I passed today.
    I have now had three sessions tutoring the son of one of my brother's friends. He is a polite young man of 16 in his second last year of high school and has always been weak in English and consequently does not enjoy it. I shall call him (only here) the Reluctant Scholar (RS). His reading is very weak but this has not been addressed before. I know that reading is so important to success in all subjects and wish all parents would read with their children and not just when they are young. I used to tell my graduating students that the one piece of advice I wanted to leave them with was that if they became parents, that they would make reading with their children a priority.
    Hope all is well with you, Crackers.
  • mummyinthemountains
    Boring, boring, boring I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record.... and I'm ashamed to admit I've had yet another dreadful weekend.

    Still 2 incidents have stuck with me, the first my husband dragged me up our slope yesterday and I seriously struggled to keep up with him. So I'm now unfit and flabby!

    The second, I managed to send quite unaware, several text messages to my mother from my mobile phone in my back pocket as we climbed... The daughter asked me later 'mum you're not putting on weight are you?' Me?!! Ooh! How could I confess to a now 4 pound gain since I last saw her! I swiftly changed the subject back to her and her amazing achievement of doing a plank and a sit up at the same time!! Her gym trainer was impressed apparently not many understand the principle let alone can do it!

    And then there's me who can't change this boring record! And I so want to be able to follow my own advice and be in the same position as BRACKEN at the birthday tea and get to enjoy my visit to my daughter, without worrying I'm going to go over my personal 1/2 stone marker.

    So time for the lovely Rosemary!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hi MITM, sorry to hear you've had a bit of setback. It certainly is so easy to put that weight on and so easy to lose fitness. However, I am finding that one can also regain a lot of that fitness quite quickly too with a return to good diet/exercise habits. (And don't forget I am much older than you). I felt dreadful after that virus (that also led to poor eating and little exercise)and the first day I really did a walk again, it seemed like a big effort but by the end of the week I felt so much better. I am finding that if I do have a terrible time (should probably say when not if!) that it really helps to load up with protein for the first couple of days- bring on the poached egg whites with a bit of nice melted cheese and a little ketchup for breakfast and lots of berries and yoghurt . Sugar is surely the devil's work for me and when I can really cut it down I feel much better both physically and mentally. You've got Rosemary on your side and don't forget Jillian is in the wings just waiting for a call. I'm sure you'll soon have this sorted.