Let's get started



  • Evening Crackers!

    BRACKEN - I love 'sound bites' and as you know I too am a huge fan of Becks anyway - but her blog is just great. So thank you for mentioning it, I shall be popping in daily now.
    'Sabataging thought - I won't be able to enjoy myself on Thanksgiving if I have to limit myself at all.
    Response - it's not all or nothing! There's a HUGE middle ground.' One to remember for Christmas!!
    I agree Bracken she knows us so well. Unlike you I have not avoided the goodies that have started appearing in the shops although this year, just like last year I've only bought everyone's favourites as I'm not scoffing any left overs and extra calories when I don't really like them, however my friend kindly stores them in her home until the week of Christmas because during weekends like the one I've just come through I cannot be trusted to resist!

    LMV - Well done on surviving the weekend I'm proud of you! And now you have a week to sort out yesterday's celebrations and if you can't eat and drink to your heart's content on your wedding anniversary just when can you?! And when you do feast once in a while you really appreciate the food if you're not eating it day in, day out. At least that is how I feel about chocolate these days! I'm looking forward to my first ginger chocolate biscuit this Christmas in a long while.

    Well Crackers I've got to help the daughter now with a spot of poetry, she's got to compose a poem about what Christmas means to her!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All = well just lost my post - had got really into it and was nearly finished so ggrrrr.

    to go back to what I was saying. I like the comment about the middle ground - I need to remember that one this Christmas. Still so much to do and really haven't got any ideas for some folks - although there seems to be a big pile in the spare bedroom!

    How is Christmas in a hot climate???? I don't think I would like it much - although I don't like hot weather anyway. The dawn this morning was very rosy - lovely but bodes ill for bad weather later and they are certainly threatening some nasty stuff. Luckily, I'm far enough away from the sea that I shouldn't be under threat from a storm surge. North Norfolk is going to get it worst I think - its very exposed of course.

    How is it in Wales MITM??

    Didn't shred last night - just enjoyed being at home and in peace - well at least until Susie turned up for a chat and a glass of fizz. Oh well, we both enjoyed it.

    I'm saddened Bracken that even in Canada there are people who are so mean spirited that they will steal from charity. Its such a shame - you take care of yourself - we all want you to be safe, especially as you are doing something so worthwhile.

    Just also wanted to say that I think I might have turned a corner at work - I really stood my ground yesterday with one of the partners and the others were very supportive, then I managed to carry on the meeting properly so I guess that means I've found my well of strength again. Still may visit the GP though as I think I probably need to be on some mild anti-depressants. Will see how things go today and then make an appointment if I think I should.

    Have to go now as my office is being taken over by a clinician this morning and I need to get my stuff out of my cupboard and move into the accounts office for the morning. If only I could get phase 2 completed.

    take care all

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello everyone.
    Well MITM, I think you have really hit the spot with reminding us of the huge middle ground. I'm so glad you find the Beck helpful.
    LMV, I think we can safely say you have trod the middle ground by your STS after your weekend and yesterday . Your meals out seem absolutely delicious but clearly you are exercising some moderation and thought in your indulgences. Of course, an anniversary must be well celebrated and it is lovely to learn that you have been married for 19 years, together for 23. There is something I think in hearing about enduring relationships of any kind that makes the world seem a little nicer. I have on occasion felt quite sad to read of the relationship breakdown of a well-known person whom I had really admired, though of course in reality it has nothing to do with me. I too am hoping to see Philomena.
    BM, I was interested to read that you listen to Mr. Buble. I suppose I know that he has an international following but I wouldn't know how well he is known abroad.
    PB, so glad to hear that life at work may be on the upspring.
    Today my rather ordinary day of more winter tasks turned out rather more interesting. I had to take my vehicle to an auto shop to have new tires installed, not the most thrilling of purchases and time consuming as there was quite a long wait. I did take some simple knitting with me. (All my knitting is simple knitting!) On the way home during lunch hour, I decided to stop at a very nice market where I buy lactose free cheese which can be quite hard to get. The market has a large cafeteria area and has a very good salad bar where there is a lot of really healthy food so I decided to have lunch there. While going to sit down, I saw two people who were former teaching colleagues of mine from quite a long time ago. However, they invited me to join them and we had a very enjoyable lunch together.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Bracken, sounds like you had a lovely and unexpected day! I have been enjoying Michael Buble's music for many years, I have seen him live quite a few times. He is so good live. The first couple of times I saw him he was not very famous at all. I went because I knew he sung swing music, which I love. He was popular in the UK when I left, and now here in ALL the British stores (all 4 of them!) his Christmas CD is being played on a loop. His Christmas TV special is being advertised between programmes too.
    PB, so happy you may have finally turned a corner with the "children" in work.
  • Afternoon Crackers!

    I bought a pair of cords (navy of course!) beginning of Autumn as my previous pair were hanging off me and doing nothing for my figure... the new pair were skin tight - not a look I'm comfortable with but they did fit better than the old! When I went to England 2 pounds from target I took them with me but by the end of my stay, with my excess 3 pounds of gained baggage which always goes first to my hips and tops of the thighs, they were cutting into me so found themselves back in the suitcase! Returned home, straight back on the diet and started the 30 day SHRED! Fast forward a month, I had the cords on yesterday and as I sat down, I thought for a moment I've got the wrong pair on as I realised they're no longer skin tight!

    Stepped on the scales this morning for my WI and even with my 'off piste' weekend, I've managed to lose another 1/2lb and more importantly another 1/2" from my hips and the top of my thighs since last Friday! In fact I was so surprised, I got out my little book of measurements and since the 4th of November these are my results:-
    I have lost 4 pounds
    Waist 2" stomach 2.5" hips 1.5" top of the thigh 1" middle of thigh 1/2" knee 1/2"
    Which actually gives me my 'all time best' figure measurements and yet I still have one more pound to shift to get back to target and I've one third of the SHRED to complete.

    So the lovely Jillian has given me an early Christmas present!

    BRACKEN - well done on your results too! I've just read BECKS blog for today and feel it was written for me in mind!

    Have a good weekend Crackers!

    P.S. LMV how are your trousers can't be long now until your concert?!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello everyone.
    Top notch results, MITM. Losing 4 pounds in a month is terrific, especially when you are so near a target weight .Your shredding has really made a change, more than one would expect from just the weight loss alone, I think. You are proving that exercise can really make a difference. Enjoy your cords! I took a look at Beck's blog you mentioned and I can identify very much with that problem of eating after one's company has left . I think in part it can be a kind of nervous response to the feeling of anxiety over whether everyone enjoyed the food you offered and a hope that people in general enjoyed themselves. Poor food responses don't necessarily happen when one is sad or upset.
    I was phoned last night with an opportunity to substitute teach today for the afternoon and decided to accept. It was at a very nice school and proved to be an easy placement. I was quite happy too as I have been looking at my Christmas gift list which is seeming quite expensive. I will give gifts to 5 of my nieces where I will spend part of Christmas. Now that they are no longer young children but teenagers and young adults, gift cards seem to be the only route to go as they all seem very particular. Even their parents say they are difficult to buy for. So no opportunity of finding any bargains on offer! I also give to my siblings who are in the area, 5 of them. It is customary to give the stable owner a gift. We'll have a draw for a smaller gift for the pre-Christmas Christmas at my brothers for extended family and the there are the two persons who deliver the weekday paper and the Sunday paper. I'm trying to send to a couple of charities, one in my mother's name. It really does add up so a little supplementary work is very welcome. Oh, I forgot to mention that Nellie will get a stocking this year- a bit of an indulgence of course!
    I did manage some exercise today but think I'll hop to the Shred thread to log it. Regards all.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    It's Saturday morning and I'm still in bed enjoying a lie in before I do the dreaded shred. I'm motivated to do it only by the thought that I want it over and done with. I am also reflecting on a "bad" night last night. I gave in to the offer of a glass of wine when I hadn't intended to have one. Of course, I didn't stop at one and then once I'd imbibed, my ability to exercise self-control over my eating was lowered and I ate more than I should have. Not good. Having noted Bracken and MITM's comments about Beck, I went on to the website myself. I've copied the sound bite below for those who haven't found it yet........

    " If you think, “It’s the weekend, I just want to relax and not think about healthy eating,” remind yourself that if you get off track and overeat, you’ll think A LOT about it Monday morning when you’re struggling to get back on track and feeling guilty about the weekend. So think about it now, or think about it later, either way you’re going to think about it."

    That's a salutary message for me given that I'm already thinking about last night, but hopefully I'll do much better today and tomorrow so that I'm not regretting the week-end on Monday. I haven't done very well this week since relaxing on our anniversary.

    MITM - fantastic results from you. Well done. You must feel a million dollars knowing that your measurements are your best ever. What a fantastic achievement. Re the trousers, I'm worried. The concert is on MONDAY so I must be good over the week-end.

    PB - shocking pictures of the East Coast so I hope you are safe and dry where you are. I feel so sorry for those poor people who have literally seen their houses disappear into the sea. Here in South Wales things are fine at the moment although there has been some flooding in North Wales. (MITM is in the Austrian Tyrol, it's me in Wales by the way)

    Bracken - I know what you mean about it being an expensive time of year. I still have two teenage boys to buy for and have no idea what to get them. I may go the gift card route for them too!

    Right, I've languished in bed long enough, time to shred!

    New8 and BM, hope all's well with you two

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Morning Crackers

    Yes I'm fine - well away from the flooding - although Snape - a village just down the road from me had some flooding and the pub there lost some livestock - turkeys who were in a raised coop which flooded sadly. Very upsetting for them but their geese, ducks and pigs were all fine. Hemsby seems to have got the worst of it with peoples homes actually falling into the sea. tragic for them although it was only ever a matter of time there. Its a lovely idea to live by the sea but you are very vulnerable to this sort of thing. In the end the surge seems to have been even higher than that in 1953 in which hundreds of people died, however, since then the flood defences have been strengthened and of course now people are warned so they can evacuate and try to move things that they are attached to.

    Still, luckily, I am not in an area that is threatened by floods so all well here.

    It was quite interesting on Thursday night however as I was waiting to watch the news for information on the storm and of course as a result of the death of Nelson Mandela it wasn't even mentioned. Can't help feeling that that was a mistake as there were people, especially in places like Jaywick on the Essex coast who were refusing to leave their homes and probably needed a final push. I understand that the death of Mandela is big news - but he was 95 years old - and he had gone home to die. Due to the storm peoples lives and homes were under threat - I can't help feeling that that was slightly more important for the news to cover. Oh well in a world obsessed by celebrity I guess we can't expect anything else. God rest Mandela's soul - but he is no longer affected by our world - the living are more important for me.

    Rant over - sorry. Well its not been a good week - I've not done any exercise and I'm eating for comfort. Need to break this cycle as I'm feeling very down as a result.

    Bizarrely, I've just noticed that our local spitfire is flying this morning. She usually only flies it in the summer, but I guess they need to keep in practice. Wouldn't have thought it was a particularly good day for flying though. Lovely for me though I love the sound of the spitfire. In case you didn't realise I live across the road from an airfield that used to be an American air base. The Grace Spitfire has been here for some years - it is a 2 seater and is flown by a lady pilot (her husband originally restored it but was tragically killed shortly after he'd completed the work - now she flies it and I think her son has recently started flying it too). Its a fabulous thing to have on our doorstep and really lovely when someone comes to stay and its being flown.

    Need to do something useful with the day so starting with some ironing this morning then decide on some pressie wrapping or card writing before I go to the office Christmas do tonight. Need to arrange a taxi to get there too.

    Take care all and you never know I may do a shred this afternoon......

    PB xx
  • BRACKEN - most interesting I shall have a second look at the blog but the one LMV quotes is actually the one I meant!! OOh husband has caught me and we have to get back to work..... He is so like Jillian at times!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Late afternoon here and I've just posted on the shred thread after finally getting some exercise finished today.
    Great quote, LMV, and absolutely true. I think having these pieces of wisdom is like taking immersion French lessons- inevitably some of it will sink in just from the saturation effect and the constant reminders. I know myself for one will not always think before I overeat but I also know that there are more frequently times now when I am thinking about what I am putting in my mouth than I used to. It may have been Beck again, not sure, but I was thinking of this idea recently that I heard : you never think I wish I had eaten more the next day. I also know that one of the worst things is to let myself just numb out. I think there really is something to the concept of mindfulness. I well know how easy it is to eat in a completely mindless manner, such that you hardly realize you've eaten the thing- eaten too quickly, hardly chewed, not savoured- ridiculous!
    We have had quite a lot on the news about the recent bad weather in Britain. I saw footage of the collapsing houses in Hemsby and storms in Rhys (?) Wales, I think it was.
    PB, don't give up. You have been doing great with the exercise and just treading water may be a real victory with all the outings you have at the moment. That middle ground between feeling you have to do everything, and perfectly, and doing nothing is large. I think one of the best things to do is stay in touch here. I'm thinking of you and looking forward to your posts, rants and all!
    Regards all.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    Well concert day us here so I tried the trousers on yesterday. I can get them on and zipped up OK. They are a little snugger than last year, but the husband says he likes them tight around the bottom! However, I have a top which come down to the hips which I will wear so the tight derrière will be covered. Although I'm a good half stone heavier than I was this time last year, I'm delighted I haven't had to go and buy new bigger trousers!

    PB - very pleased to hear that you are safe and sound where you are. I agree with Bracken that sometimes a period of consolidation is required before entering another "push" phase. I made the mistake of coasting for about 9 months of last year and gradually put on over a stone of the weight I worked so hard to lose. I really don't want you to make the same mistake I did , so don't consolidate for too long! It's taken the swim and the support from all you lovely ladies doing the shred to get me back on track and into losing ways again. I wish I'd been back in the right frame of mind sooner as then I wouldn't have slipped back so far.

    Well, I need to think about beautifying myself for tonight, so I'm off to wash and style my hair - I think BIG glamorous hair is called for tonight!

    Be good over the next couple of days, not sure if I'll get a chance to check in as we're off to see my Mother- in- law.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers

    well I ended up dancing for about 2.5 hours Saturday night (good); 5 mile walk on Sunday (good); ride on Harley (fantastic) - 3 course dinner (not so good); 2 course dinner (better) rather a lot of wine (definitely not good) something called a 'Jaegar Bomb' (really not a good idea......

    Off to another party this evening this time choir party - made chocolate cup cakes for that (will try not to eat them). Hope your concert went well LMV if you read this afterwards - if not 'break a leg'! Haven't had much opportunity to sing carols this year so hoping that I will enjoy some this evening. Need to get organised though!

    Small excitement riding Harley - we were walking along happily when he suddenly did a sharp left and grew about 3 inches - a heron had risen up from a field to the right. He was a good boy though and calmed down very quickly. I was so tired though I was a bit behind the movement in trot.

    Take care and thanks for the words of wisdom and support - I know I will get through this difficult time, its just hard to see beyond it at the moment.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    I'm not at my best today. I finally weighed in after the excesses of last week, a trip to the mother-in-law and the Welsh class Christmas party last night. I have put on 3 lbs!!!! Feeling very sorry for myself but I do deserve it. I think I was lucky to STS last week and now I'm paying for it big time. I have been fighting off a cold but it seems to have developed with a vengeance today. Pilates was cancelled as our teacher is also full of cold and I was so grateful to be able to go back to bed. I desperately want to shed the 3lbs quickly but I feel starving and weak from the cold at the same time so it is such a battle not to go and make a big plate of toast. I wore my black trousers to the party last night and they were so much tighter than they were on Monday. How could I have expanded so much in 48 hours? Feeling very blue about that and beginning to wonder if this is a battle I can ever win. I'm sure I'm overreacting because I don't feel well and no doubt it won't seem so bad when I've had a couple of nurofen and another good sleep.

    Off out to another party tonight which I must go to as I can't let everyone down. The food has been pre-ordered and I know I was sensible and chose vegetable soup and salmon. I didn't drink at all last night's party as I was driving, and I'm thinking I'd better stay off the alcohol tonight as well otherwise I'll be adding another lb or two to what's already a bad situation.

    Sorry to be such a moan today everyone.

    BM - you made me laugh. I posted about the damsel fly mirror on your wall as a joke really, but professional shopper that you are, you didn't let me down, by the time I logged on again you'd bought it lol. I hope you like it when you see it! So, any chance of that coffee in Abergavenny THIS time when you are over? I promise I won't invade your space!! I may want to give you a big hug if and when I finally meet you, but perhaps we can do that ET thing of touching tips of index fingers in greeting instead lol. How does that sound?!

    PB - I can see you are a party girl. Jaeger bombs?!! I haven't dared have one of those since I was in my 20's. As you say, really not a good idea at our age!! Lol. Concert seemed to go really well and they raised about £500 which they were pleased about. Our choirmaster normally conducts and accompanies us at the same time, but this time he got someone else in to play. We only had one rehearsal with him and on the night the timing went awry on one or two things which really threw out the harmonies. It sounded awful to us, but the audience still seemed to enjoy it! Never mind, it was good fun!

    New8, Bracken and MITM, hope all's well with you.

    Right, back off to bed for a sleep

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. Here I am after what seems like quite an absence for me. I wish I could say I have not been posting because I was simply busy enjoying myself. But no.
    In fact, LMV, I am in your boat and definitely not at my best for the past four days. I seem to have some kind of virus (not unlike the one I had in October so very frustrating to feel so wretched again) and it has laid waste to all my exercise- I have not been able to drag myself to do any of it. My weight too is probably going up as I have not been eating well at all- eating a lot of carbs and anything sweet, not preparing proper meals, but just foraging and grazing constantly it seems. Why do I never lose my appetite when not well but rather increase my desire to eat and that inappropriately? Today has been somewhat better and hopefully I can turn this corner today and try some exercise tomorrow. This has all occurred at the same time as the awful weather has been getting me down. It remains cold (about -9C) all week with winds on top of that, grey skies, and a seemingly constant light snow in the air. This has kept the roads slick and slippery. I have really wanted to get my hair done, especially as I've felt so wretched and thought it might pick me up a bit. I had an appointment yesterday and set out (about 25 minute drive) but had to turn around because of the roads. I rescheduled and ditto today the same thing- after a clearish morning the weather started to change. I started out anyway
    but again realized it was foolish so turned around. To add insult to injury, as I was turning onto my street an engine light came on to alert me to possible engine problems. I drove to the local auto mechanic's shop in my village and was able to have someone check it out. He couldn't find anything immediately wrong but suggested I not drive long distances and keep an eye on it and have it more thoroughly checked next week.
    Have any of you seen the musical, Once? I was not at all familiar with it though I am aware that it is playing in Toronto and has had terrific reviews. It won a number of Tony awards in New York. Then ten days ago while at the Library, I came across the movie from which the musical was developed. It came out in 2007 but I had not heard of it either. I took it out and absolutely enjoyed it. I am looking into seeing the play; however, it is only here until Jan.5 and there are not a lot of seats still available.
    PB, in my present state I feel exhausted just reading about your active life (5 mile walks) and envious (your ride on Harley). My dear horse has not been ridden by me for almost two weeks, besides a brief and light ride on Sunday when it was bitterly cold. Fortunately, I know he is well cared for and quite content not to work at this time.
    LMV, I know the feeling that one has expanded greatly in just 48 hours, but realistically it is unlikely to be a bad as it feels. It does seem rotten, doesn't it, at this time of the year with all the eating challenges and incursions on exercise time, to have the added
    constraint of illness. But it will pass. Look at how much you have done with the shredding and remember how hard you work at it when you are well. To use your metaphor, you might have lost a little battle but that does not mean you can't win the war! No need to apologize, just hang in. I was so glad to come here today because I've been feeling down too. There are still almost two weeks to Christmas and there is time to lay down some good days, even if there are some days where diet/exercise can't be the priority, and we can remember the middle ground. For the moment though, you probably need to get enough sleep and just get well. Regards.
  • Evening Crackers!

    LMV - your cold is talking and making you feel very sorry for yourself! Don't panic and don't give up or give in just yet! Remember my weekend of gluttony and when I stepped on the scales on the Monday - if that had been my official WI there would have been tears! Instead 4 days later of being back on the straight and narrow and exercising it had all magically disappeared + 1/2 lb more. But do get better before attempting Jillian again! I was only thinking first day of level 3; if only LMV hadn't had a social weekend she would have been sure to have lost after suffering a week of this!! But you've had a whole week of socialising!! However it's mostly fluid no one (not even you!) can gain 3 pounds of solid fat in a week, so stay strong and if I were you in bed.

    BRACKEN - I feel for you too. My car has not moved since the first snow! Fortunately for me my hairdresser is my best friend in the village and she comes to my home and does my hair, otherwise I'd have grey hair to the waist come the Spring!! As usual you are full of wisdom and sensible advise and you're so right, as you too have time to recover again before Christmas. Although it's annoying, it's a timely reminder of what real damage we could all do, if we took our foot completely off the break and just gave in and stuffed away, over the entire Christmas period which gets longer ad longer but something made you stop and want to start again, so that is a very positive sign!

    Well Crackers be good or at the very least sensible!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oh you poor thing LMV, everybody requires a pity party occasionally and you are having yours now. You support us all through so much, just relax and get well. Also why not have the plate of toast. A full tum, nurofen, plenty of fluids and sleep sounds like the answer to me. As for the social events, I am sure friends would rather see you resting and recovering whilst you are poorly. You may also be spreading more than good tidings, so you may not be too popular on that score!:wink: I also knew you were teasing re the mirror, I have a granddaughter who needs things. EG she "needs" a yoghurt, or she 'needs" to see a particular cartoon. She is only 3 and nothing will get her to say 'would like" or even "want"! It reminded me that you and I know I don't "need" a mirror, but it was so pretty I "had to" have it!:laugh: Wise words off MITM (she has had a possible bump on the head though re her "ribbing"! lol x x). You could have never ate in excess of 10000 calories in a week so it is just fluids. Take her advice and stay in bed!

    Bracken, you too need to look after yourself, don't be rushing back to exercise until you are 100%. Unfortunately I too eat non stop when I am not well. I have yet to find the situation when I don't turn to food for comfort. I always want to eat soup or scrambled eggs when I have a cold so maybe if you made a huge pot of vegetable/chicken soup you could keep dipping into that? If I was living nearer I would so love to come and walk Nellie for you, I could wrap in about a dozen layers and put her in a little Doggie quilted Barbour! Such a shame about your hair appointments too. A nice haircut and blow dry is always a good pick me up. I have not read Becks, but you and MITM talking about the middle ground has really struck a chord with me. I have always seemed to be all or nothing, but the middle ground is a now a compromise I am trying to educate myself into.

    PB, are you OK?? Hope it's not one to many Jaeger bombs keeping you away! lol x I seem to remember drinking them many years ago, but can never remember the journey home! Hope work is not too bad for you. I am sure you will rise above it if it is, but a quiet time for you would be a whole lot more pleasurable.

    MITM, Good advice again re keeping our foot on the brakes. Prior to us crackers if I had had one bad day (or few hours) at Christmas it would be enough to say "blow it" (or words to that effect!) and just make a new years resolution to diet. I also felt I then had carte blanche to eat anything and everything over the holidays as I had a "plan" for the New Year for a new, slimmer me. So you and Bracken have hit the nail on the head with us all becoming a whole lot wiser in our eating habits.

    New8 and Saffy, hope you are both Ok x x
    take care all, Bm x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning All,

    Feeling much better today. I took some nurofen and went back to bed and had a good sleep. It kept me away from food so I didn't comfort eat and I felt much better when I woke up. I went out for the Christmas meal last night mainly because I had let them down the week before when I cried off a trip to Cardiff and I didn't feel I could miss both Christmas "Do's". I had the soup, salmon and a piece of lemon tart washed down with two very large glasses of medicinal Pinot Grigio and this morning, despite that, I've lost one of those lbs. things don't look quite so bad now lol.

    Thank you for the words of support ladies. Bracken, I'm really sorry to hear you are under the weather too. You have been doing an awful lot recently with the tutoring and kettles etc so make sure you look after yourself. Your words about there still being 2 weeks before Christmas were a big help. I can definitely remove those extra lbs by then if I stay sensible and don't give in to sabotaging thoughts. I don't think I have even heard of "Once" so I shall have to check it out. I hope you manage to get a ticket.

    MITM - thanks for reminding me of your experience and the fact that "Not even I" could accumulate 3lbs of fat in two days.........although I'm not so sure! However, my brakes are back in place......for the moment!

    BM - thanks for the kind, sympathetic words. My friend's daughter "needs" things too. Her life is always so full of drama.......I "need" that, I'll "die" if .... And best of all....... "I'm so excited I can't breathe".... Never a dull moment with her!!

    Right everyone, let's be good this week-end, we'll only regret it on Monday if we're not and it's not that long until we have to squeeze into our party outfits!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all and my gratitude for the wise and interesting posts here today to help me get back on track. I'm feeling a little better and have been better with my eating program today. It took until late afternoon but I did get to the treadmill and did a mile and did half a session on the Nordic track, not a lot but it did help me to mentally feel back in the game. And I shall need to up my mental game tomorrow to keep myself positive as another major snow storm is expected by the afternoon- not to mention that I am also scheduled to do a stint at the kettles again.
    BM, I would happily let you walk Nellie if you were closer! Anyway, I appreciate the thought. I have not seen Barbour dog coats although I have a B. I'm sure they would be very nice. I bought Nellie a Shedrow coat, a company that makes horse blankets. Hers is like a Burberry plaid. Along your line of thought, BM, for dinner I had a nice homemade carrot soup and a scrambled egg whites dish which made a good basis for a healthy meal.
    MITM, it is so true that the Christmas season seems to get longer and longer. Hence even more reason to realize that an extended indulgence period could really be damaging as you say.
    LMV, good to hear you are on the mend and one of those pounds has gone. One more word about "Once." It takes place in Ireland and the music has something of a folky feel, not as large as traditional music theatre. I heard the main actors interviewed today and they said that the show does not have an orchestra. Rather the main setting is in an Irish pub and apparently one of the draws of the show is that before the play begins members of the audience can go on stage and have a drink in the "pub" where the actor/musicians are playing. The show in Toronto has the actors who played the roles on Broadway and won the Tony awards. The male lead was talking about how people like to classify people as either an actor or a musician as if one can't be properly both but he was saying that previous to this role he had spent some time playing for Cliff Richard's band. (I was surprised that CR still is playing but he is not well known over here).
    Here's a bit of news from my paper today to encourage us to exercise. Two groups were set up to indulge significantly, and ate about 50% more calories than normal. One group then did no exercise and the other did about 45 minutes on a treadmill but nothing more ( ie. they did not do there usual incidental walking etc.). The group that did the 45 minutes had no negative results
    (they were looking particularly at blood fats, glucose increases etc.) and had less weight change than the former. So the takeaway is that even if a person indulges over the holidays just a moderate amount of exercise can really effect health markers.
    I'll try to remember that because it is easy to think that if I have blown away a day of good dieting the exercise might as well go too!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. Decided to post here as most of my groaning is not directly exercise related. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the weather is again playing havoc here and has kept me largely housebound for the past two days. The usual, more snow and very cold with strong winds. Indoors yesterday and made no attempt to get out as my vehicle's engine kept cutting out and I did not want to chance it. Today I was fortunate to have the neighbour blow out the driveway and the vehicle started up so went out briefly to a bulk food store for castor sugar for a cake I am trying to get made for Christmas. (more on that later). Another result of this recent weather is that my tv lost its satellite signal last night. Sometimes it will go out temporarily in bad weather but today it was still out. When I phoned about it, the first advice I got was to check that there is no snow or ice on the satellite dish- sure enough several inches. It is too high to reach with a broom so I asked the next door neighbour to borrow a long brush on a pole he has for doing eaves. However, as I looked at it I became concerned because the dish is only about 6 inches below major electrical wires. It shouldn't be a problem but it made me wary so have decided to wait and hope it melts off tomorrow or shortly. I have a medical appointment tomorrow so am anxious of course about getting out and have asked my brother if he will be my backup should there be problems with snow, vehicle etc. He said he would. I also had a nice chat with the barn owner today on the phone. She was letting me know my horse is fine and also offered to drive me tomorrow should I need it. So that at least is taken care of. In regards to the castor sugar excursion. That was to replace the original bag I bought for a most upsetting reason. Yesterday, I had left it on the table and went to the basement for a few minutes. I did not get right back to the cake prep as planned and so did not notice quickly that Nellie had got the bag and eaten about 10 ounces of the sugar plus the plastic bag! I have been letting her have the roam of the house more because we can't get to the stables or for long walks. (She does go in my fenced in back yard but temperature is an issue too). I discovered her on a chair and a thin film of white powder around her but she had eaten nearly all the sugar. My vet was closed and my vehicle seemed uncertain. I couldn't get hold of anyone so it was very upsetting. She did not vomit but for about two hours in the evening she was absolutely wild (sugar high?) and I put her in the yard for about 20 minutes. I did not sleep at all well worrying that she would take a turn for worse in the night but so far the only complication has been that she woke up at 4:11 and fussed until I took her out for a few minutes to pee. She has been eating normally but I am still worried about that bag she ingested and can only hope she passes it.
    So today it has been a slog to do any exercise but I have done 1.30 miles on the treadmill but no Nordic track. I'll try to at least finish that bit to make it 1.50 miles. Yesterday I did 1.25 miles on treadmill and half my Nordic track so I am not really back to speed but it still has helped moderate my appetite so that is a plus.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oh Bracken! I really do feel for you with the worry over Nellie. (Harry chewed and dismantled a pen on Saturday evening, and we are still waiting to see if he ate any parts!). I would think as long as she is drinking plenty the sugar itself won't be too much of a problem. As for the bag, I would also think she will be able to pass that, however if she hasn't passed it maybe pop her along for a quick X ray? bless her. I am usually quite calm in a crisis, but when it is one of my pets I seem to lose all rational thought,. It must have been dreadful for you. A previous dog of mine ate 225g of salted butter in the foil wrap, I was beside myself with worry, but thankfully he vomited most of the butter back up and then passed the wrapper himself! Pets bring us joy but are such a worry! We saw Harry's sister yesterday having her hair clipped, she is now on her 3rd home at only 18 months (both being rescue dogs). So we have told the lady in the store that if she comes up for rehoming again we will have her. I hate to think of her being passed around like a book or CD! She has had 3 names. She is also very timid whereas Harry is an absolute hyper bundle of fur and so much fun, it really is so sad for her. Her first owner gave her back because she "grew too big for her handbag"! I think these people should be reported and banned for life from keeping any pet. Anyhow , back to Nellie, hopefully it will all be soon forgotten and she will back to herself, let's also hope it has put her off eating human food! :smile:
    Fingers crossed for you that your weather will improve rapidly, you are very brave to even think about driving in the snow, I am scared stiff if I ever have to. Hope it goes well for you in your medical apt tomorrow too.
    Love BM x