Let's get started



  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Bracken, so sorry to hear that Nellie has been up to mischief and has eaten all that sugar. No wonder she was so full of energy. I hope she is managing to drink plenty and passing all that sugar through her system quickly. As for the bag, hopefully it won't do her any harm. It must feel worse with all that snow on the ground and knowing that you can't get out and about easily. It sounds like you have lovely friends and family who are there to help you when you need it though which must be a comfort.

    You've done really well to continue to get some exercise in and don't denigrate the efforts you have made. Anything over a mile is excellent and we all know that regular exercise reaps benefits so well done on keeping it going. We had our Sports Personality of the Year programme last night where the sporting year is reviewed. They mentioned there that it was 53 days until the start of the Winter Olympics so keep going with the tracking. You can do it!

    We have our Pilates tea party thus afternoon where I'm hoping to do well with the tea, but to hold back on the cake. I may allow myself a little piece to celebrate the end of the shred. We were round at some friends' house yesterday for dinner and she'd done a full roast beef with all the trimmings, sticky toffee pudding and a cheese board. She said the cheese board was especially for me so I couldn't refuse. I had a little of everything so I hope I haven't overdone it. Realistically I don't think I will remove all 3lb of last week's weight gain, but I hope I've removed some of it. That middle ground and moderation is key at this time of year as has already been said.

    Hope everyone us OK and good luck with your medical appointment Bracken

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - I'm back! - Well actually I was back yesterday, wrote a long post and then lost it - and then realised it was time to go to work and needed to get moving so had to just leave it. So hear goes again.

    Its good to be back although I must admit I think subconsciously my absence has been linked to my total lack of control over my eating and the fact that I have been overindulging in everything except exercise...... I have put on half a stone since I stopped swimming so I know I need to get my act together - but can see very little opportunity between now and Christmas as I have just had a call asking me to babysit tomorrow evening, I'm out on Thursday night, its secret santa and lunch on Friday and my parents arrive. Then I'm off to my parents house (They will be staying here) overnight and visiting my schoolfriend and a few other people and then off to Hampshire to visit some other friends overnight on Sunday - then back here on Monday with lots to do before the big day. So little opportunity to get any exercise and way too many opportunities to eat and drink. Still will try and do something on Saturday if not before.

    Well you've all been having an eventful time too. Bracken I knew somebody who's puppy ate a ball point pen - his pu was blue for weeks! But he was fine. The only worry would be the plastic bag getting wrapped around her intestines so probably worth getting an xray to make sure if it hasn't come through after a couple of days. I hope it is all well. Can you get to see your horse in this weather or is it too far with bad roads?? Weather here is changeable and has at times been unseasonably warm.

    LMV you've probably got over your cold and feeling miserable by now - but you have hugs from me whether or not. You need to forgive yourself and let your body fight the illness the way it knows how. We aren't on a diet - we are on a management programme - there will be times (like me now) when we put weight on and times when we are really focused and are taking weight off really quickly. I have decided to do the shred in the new year to counteract the effects of the run up to Christmas. Shouldn't have many distractions once the holidays are over for a few weeks so plenty of opportunity to really get to grips again. Its amazing how easy it is to fall out of doing the exercise. I was really into it for a while and thoroughly enjoying it so I know I can go back to that.

    I THINK I have finished my Christmas present shopping now apart from the wheel of Stilton for my friend David. I need to check this morning and wrap the remaining presents. Cards are mostly written too and the ones that need to be sent in the post have been posted. Last present that had to be posted also done and dusted. Have sent a few electronic cards too to people who's addresses I don't have or know.

    I had the most amazing ride on Harley on Sunday morning. The weather was perfect first thing - bright sunshine and a cold but reasonably gentle breeze. Harley was beautiful - coming down on to the bit effortlessly, bending round corners and being completely gorgeous. I didn't want it to end. half an hour after we came back tot he stables and had done up the boxes and put Harley and Merlin in the field the weather took a turn for the worse and the rest of the day was miserable. So glad we got up early! and of course, Hilda dangled the possibility of a ride on Harley on Christmas day morning - irresistible!!!!

    Well that's all for now folks - glad to be back and promise to look in over the holidays.

    Take care and enjoy the Christmas season - it'll all be over soon

    Much love
  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Crackers!

    Funny old week. On Friday I stayed the same which I was frankly unimpressed with (again!) as slogging ones guts out 'shredding' one feels you deserve to be rewarded handsomely!! However common sense also tells me, at this time of year it's a near miracle to STS!! But I did decide not to buy any crisps or ice-cream to treat myself over the weekend in a final bid before Christmas...

    Exhausting weekend working, working, working... Today I counted and packed my final schlipfkrapfen this side of Christmas. I'm now officially 'on holiday' for 10 days whoopee! The house is at last, prepared and decorated so the Christmas celebrations can commence with the arrival of my parents and daughter on Saturday... Just their rooms left to dust!

    I've been dipping back into Becks again (the book) and she says in Chapter 11 'When to stop losing and start maintaining' prepare yourself mentally before you weigh yourself. You'll feel disappointed if you continually expect to see your lowest achievable weight whenever you step on the scale. This way you'll be happy rather than disappointed when the scale shows that you've maintained.

    I shall have to bear that in mind come Friday! Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi all, a quick post. Yesterday (UK time) was not the best day for my family. My Aunt passed away, my mothers youngest sister, but they were more like twins. Then in bed last night, The Phone call.....My son-in-law has been in a car accident. His car hit a patch of ice on a steep hill and careered down an embankment. My daughter is beside herself, so awful to hear her upset on the phone. He has no "serious" injuries but will be out of action for a while. So I now have to see when I can get home to help her and for yet another funeral.

    Sorry to bring such a downer but if I am absent for a while, you will know the reasons.
    Take care all, BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Oh dear Bailey - such a shock for your family. I hope your son in law is OK - even if out of action, he is still with you which will be a relief when the shock wears off. take care.

    PB xxx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Oh BM, my heart goes out to you and my wishes that your son-in-law will make a full recovery. And of course, another unplanned trip to Britain. I can hardly imagine how you do it. I'll be thinking of you wherever you are. Take care of yourself too. You have been working so hard on your health and have been so committed to your exercise/diet. I hope the stress of these events will not undermine your efforts.
    PB, I'm almost dizzy reading of your busy schedule but you do seem to have a good positive attitude so that will surely help you regroup after the deluge of the holidays. I love reading about your rides on Harley. You must have good balance to sit those shies you mentioned. I also know what you mean about that wonderful feeling when your horse is on the bit - there is so much contained energy and , for me at least, always a bit of a sense that I'm just this side of losing control!
    MITM, you are reminding me that it is coming time for me to get Beck's out again. Hope you are enjoying yourself after your marathon of work.
    LMV, thanks for concern about my medical appointment. It is somewhat complicated and I plan to mention it more later but basically at the moment I'm O.K.
    I did a stint of kettle minding today so that took up most of the afternoon. I did manage to do 2 1/2 miles on the treadmill which I was pleased with but I did not manage to do a Nordic track session. However, even if I have to go past the Olympics I will do my 100 sessions.
    Weather here is extreme again, only this time we have had temps above 0 C and heavy rains, washing away most of the snow. North of my area, around Toronto there has been a lot of freezing rain which has caused huge delays and cancellations of flights. Such a shame for holiday travellers. We may get freezing rain overnight and tomorrow. I'm somewhat concerned as I have a dinner to attend at one of my brothers.
    I have just realized that since I had not posted for a couple of days I had not mentioned that I had had a very sad shock earlier in the week. After my medical appointment on Wednesday, I had stopped into the same market/deli I mentioned a couple of weeks ago for a late lunch. Surprisingly, I met one of the same former colleagues as earlier. He invited me to join his wife and him to eat which was very nice of course. Then he asked me if I knew that another former colleague had died on the Sunday. I was absolutely stunned. I had visited Eileen in August and she had seemed fine but apparently she developed a rapidly developing cancer and deteriorated in just a few weeks. The thing was too that I had almost stopped in to see her when I went for my haircut the previous week but didn't because I was concerned about the roads and a change in weather. Then on this past Tuesday I had gone to see Philomena with a friend and it really put me in mind of her because she immigrated from Ireland in the 60's and often talked about her upbringing in a school run by nuns. She was a wonderful woman who raised three adopted children, coped with being left by her husband, went back to qualify as a teacher in her 40's and then taught first high school and then at community college until she was 75. She was one of those people who seemed never to age. I had made a mental note that I would give her a Christmas call and have a nice chat. Instead of course I attended a funeral visitation.
    As for the film, I think it is very good and Judi Dench did a wonderful job of portraying Philomena as a very complex person.
    Regards all.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    BM - so sorry to hear about another family loss and your son-in-law, but let's be thankful he didn't suffer greater injuries. Your plans for Christmas must be turned upside down and I don't suppose you will be feeling very festive. Big hug.

    Bracken - very sorry to hear that you have list a friend too. What a shock as you didn't know she was poorly.

    I'm off to a football match this pm and then we are driving up to my parents for the Christmas holiday. The weather forecast is awful for tomorrow and a lot of people seem to be travelling that day so we're hoping that if we travel this evening it will be a bit quieter.

    MITM - congratulations on finishing the Shred and STS. No mean feat at this time of year. The daughter is home this week-end I think, so you must be so excited to have her back where she belongs and to start partying.

    New8 - I saw on Facebook that you do your last shift of work today and that Christmas starts for you with a Carol service thus evening so I hope you enjoy that and that you have time to drop in here at some point.

    PB - like bracken I am out of breath reading about all your exploits. Have a wonderful week off.

    Well, we're all ready for Christmas now, just a case of hitting the road and getting to our destination. I will have wifi access even though I'm away so I'll drop in when I can

    Nadolig Llawen everyone and I hope Santa is kind to us all.

    Lots of love
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Ladies, Thank you all for the concern. Your continued kindness is so very appreciated. I am still in Singapore, my son-in-law is now a "walking wounded". For this we are all very thank full. He really was so lucky, some trees and bushes broke the car's fall or he would have ended up in houses! His car was vertical and stuck in the trees so it is a miracle he was able to be helped out in one piece, never mind survive the drop. My daughter has finished work earlier for the Christmas period and has time owing to her so I think she is counting her blessings and quite enjoying nursing him! I think they need this time together so I don't need to fly home to help there, and my Aunt cannot be buried until January so I am now waiting to see when so I can go home then. I feel like there has been a curse on our family for the past 14 months, but I am sure most families have runs of bad times like these, it's just horrid going through them and wondering what or who is next!

    Hope everyone is keeping well and ready for the Holidays. I have just come back in from Church, the midnight mass is in Mandarin so I will give that a miss. I also refuse point blank to do any more shopping: smile:

    Take care all,
    Love BM x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A quick pop-in to wish a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year to all Crackers. Weather all over is terrible it seems. My area has missed the worst of the terrible ice storm that has hit Toronto hard and will leave about 80,000 without heat or hydro over Christmas though crews are working through the day. At one point 300,000 were left in the cold and dark. I have seem pictures of dreadful weather, rains and flooding, and ice too in Britain and France so hope everyone here is managing. Take care all.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Crackers! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and Happy New Year. Just to echo Bracken, I hope you are all with power in this appalling weather, So glad you weren't too badly hit with the weather Bracken, Sending love to you and Nellie, stay warm and safe!! Also love to all fellow crackers. x x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Crackers
    Well I hope that all had a happy, healthy, peaceful and enjoyable Christmas - like mine (well possibly not all that healthy - those roasties were darn near perfect, and there was home made Christmas pudding - and we even had a slice of Christmas Cake). On the other hand we didn't have tea as we were all full to the brim.

    I had a lovely ride on Harley in the morning which so nice. Hilda who I rode with had no power at home, so her daughter Maria was cooking the turkey and the veggies were going on the Raeburn. They have an open fire and partner is an electrician so I think they had even rigged up TV with a battery! I'm sure they coped well.

    today my brother and family were supposed to come but my sister in law was taken ill with D&V in the night so they aren't coming at all. Bother! So we went to Felixstowe - where the sun was shining but a slightly chilly wind off the sea. There was also a greyhounds outing - with about 60 greyhounds and their families walking along the front. Hot chocolate in a café and home again. Perfect. Lamb bone stock made. Will freeze when cooled.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Did everyone enjoy the Christmas celebrations? I did! We are back home now and so it's time to start getting prepared for our holiday which is only just over a week away now!

    I weighed in this morning and am somewhat perplexed to see that I have STS! I really don't understand how this is possible. Alcohol, cheese and chocolate were consumed in quite significant quantities so that was a very big surprise. It has however motivated me to be good from now until I go away in the hope that I'll shift a few more pounds before I go. So, I'm shredding again!

    We're off out for a meal with friends this evening but I'll drive so that
    I don't drink any alcohol and I'll make sure I pick something relatively healthy to eat. After all the rich Christmas food I feel like something fresh to eat anyway.

    BM - I hope you managed to enjoy Christmas despite your loss. Have you received your cardigan? My "red" one is a great success. It is actually orange (which is how it looks in the picture!) and that is a great colour for me. It was one of my top colours when I had a colour analysis done but it is normally hard to find clothes in that shade. I love it, so thank you for pointing it out. My mother liked it so much she ordered one for herself too so you really should be on commission! I need a pair of light trousers for my holiday so I ordered 8 pairs from John Lewis on click and collect so I'll pop up to the store in Cardiff tomorrow and try them all on and see which pair suits me the best. Knowing my luck it won't be one of the ones in the sale.

    It's blue sky and sunshine here today after the all the rain which really cheers you up.

    Hope everyone is well.

    Love to all
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Weighed in this morning and managed to STS over the Christmas period so I'm absolutely delighted with that!

    Miserable day here, pouring with rain so I'm off up to Cardiff for a little retail therapy and to spend my Christmas money.

    Wishing you all a happy, healthy, cracking New Year.

    Lots of love
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello and a happy, healthy New Year to all. I'm just trying to get back on stride after Christmas. Christmas itself was very nice, spent with a brother in the morning and a sister in the afternoon and for Christmas dinner. I ended up staying at my brother's overnight after dinner (his place is on the way to my home) as I did not feel like driving all the way home. Nellie enjoyed her first Christmas too, especially running wild at my brother's with his dog and my sister's dog. At night she was allowed to sleep near the wood-burning stove which she also seemed to enjoy. She managed to basically stay out of mischief, breaking only a liqueur glass of mine (of course, it was one I did really like and it had some sentimental value!). However, she was upstaged by my nephew's two year old daughter who turned over and broke an antique planter pot. I thought my sister-in-law remained admirably calm about it especially as it belonged to her grandma who died last winter. At my sister's, we watched her DVD of a Child's Christmas in Wales; it used to be played regularly at Christmas on tv but I have not seen it in recent years- regrettably it seems to have been replaced by some truly inane Christmas movies. If there is anyone who is not familiar with it (it came out in 1986), it is wonderful and absolutely faithful to the language of the book.
    LMV, I think you have done wonderfully to STS. I thought I did very well including Christmas Day, and did a reasonable amount of exercise too. I was really pleased that on Boxing day I did just under 3 miles on the treadmill (broke off for a phone call and didn't quite finish). However, hold the applause because I followed this with 3 days of frankly crappy eating. I partly blame it on getting yet another virus, this one different with its dry cough that keeps me awake. Add to that feeling really tired and I ate far too much sweet stuff, including the Harrod's Christmas pudding our English friend had given me. I did however, pass on a box of chocolates and some cream liqueur also given to me. Yesterday and today I got back into a better eating schedule and did two miles each day on the treadmill. However, I am still woefully behind on my Nordic tracking but plan to make up the sessions, even if it takes me into spring!
    I would like to moan a bit about the weather which continues to be frigidly cold (-20C with the wind today) but again it is all relative as I heard on the radio that Manitoba is having the coldest winter in over 50 years with -42C in some parts today, -31C in Winnipeg. In Toronto, there is hope today that the last several hundred people who have been without hydro for 10 days will be restored to it by the end of today.
    PB, you are definitely outriding me at the moment. Your rides sound so lovely. My Briar is enjoying his carrots and mints treats from his stocking but I am not riding at the moment. Quite depressing.
    BM, I see on the other thread that you are continuing your exercise and monitoring and setting records for checking in- terrific. I hope you are able to get sorted out with your unexpected travel plans.
    I had a nice visit from an old riding friend from Kingston on the weekend. She is retiring from her position as a professor at the Physiotherapy School at Queen's University and at age 60, and single now, has bought a hundred acre farm with a very old house, all of which requires a huge amount of renovation/restoration. She is doing a lot of this work herself and is very handy, also grew up on a farm so is not going into this blind. I felt exhausted just hearing about it but hope to visit in the summer.
    Here is a small world tidbit. I was talking to my sister in Saskatchewan who asked me if I had heard of the John Lewis Christmas adverts on U-tube. No, I said I had not heard of those adverts but I had heard of the John Lewis store, thinking of you, LMV, and BM. So I think I'll check them out as they are said to be so good. Regards all.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    LMV, amazing to stay the same over Christmas!! Well done x x Hope you found your light pair of trousers and had a fab day in Cardiff.

    Bracken, so good to hear from you and to know you are safe! Very sad for the people still without some form of power though. It sounds like you and Nellie had a lovely Christmas with family. You just have to check out John Lewis. The Christmas advert of the bear made me blub like a baby! It is perfect.

    Hope everyone else is doing Ok. Sorry for short mail but we have lots to do today including shopping for a new set of scales for me. Mine are broke already, OH says they are exhausted with over use as they are used more times in a day with me than most scales are used in a month! :smile: The thing is he may very well have a good point! (It also means I have not been able to check if I gained for a few days, not too sure if that is good or bad).

    Wishing all us Crackers a peaceful and Happy New Year, long may our wonderful internet friendship continue.
    Much love to all, BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers and a Happy New Year in 2014 to you all!

    Its New Years Day and I am going for a ride at 11.00am (well that's the plan but the weather may have other ideas). I'm afraid I don't like New Year much and so I went to bed at the usual time. Was woken at midnight by the fireworks going off but managed to go back to sleep OK. Just said goodbye to Mum and Dad who are now on their way home. Its been remarkably calm and pleasant having them here - but I must admit it is good to get my home back to myself. Decorations down, everywhere tidy and only a few bits of washing to do.

    Have sent them home with the majority of goodies as I have, unfortunately, had a major weight gain over the last month - far too much eating and not enough exercise. Still, cannot change the past but can manage the future. I now have several weeks with no major plans so can start to get back on track. Jillian, day one, later this afternoon. Hopefully, it won't be too painful. Did go to the Gym the other day too - but feel really bad about how I've let myself go since I finished with my swim. It has really made me realise that I have an addictive personality and I need to work at it constantly.

    there is still a cupboard full of sweets/biscuits and chocolates at work - but it has to end here. No more!

    well, I don't know what 2014 will hold for me I find myself at a point in my life where I'm not sure what to do next. whether to stay where I am trying to make it work or whether to admit defeat and look for something else. It hasn't helped that several friends have either retired or been offered early retirement and are clearly in a position to retire comfortably - whilst I'm still struggling to make ends meet - still, I just need to face my problems and work on sorting them out one by one. This month will be expensive as I have to get the car MOT'd, pay another £100 towards the choir tour and I have a close friend's birthday this month too. So need to marshall my resources as carefully as possible. I feel very sad that work has turned into a chore - I've always enjoyed it and I love the job but GPs are just impossible to work with.

    So, I guess I'm starting the year with some challenges - and more importantly, I know that a)I'm not the only one and b) my problems are surmountable - unlike some. So time to think positive, go through my diet sheet for the week, check in at TD and get back on track.

    Take care all!

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    PB, Lovely to hear from you. Glad you had a fab Christmas. Like yourself I am not a fan of new years either. Anyhow, moving on................ I am always exceptionally reluctant to give advice. However, having spent the vast majority of my nursing career working alongside GP's in a Practice environment can I just say, from experience. Sometimes the easiest course of action is to stay. It is often much more difficult to walk away, but when you can do it with your head held high (as I am sure you can), you have not lost or given up. You have given it your all. Be proud and move on to pastures new....... I also know that no job is worth your health.
    Hope I have not overstepped the mark with my advice, but having experienced mental health issues that have been work related I do speak from the heart.
    take care, BM x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers.
    I'll also join the 'New Years not-my-favourite club too.' BM, I'll second or third your comment on our internet group- let's hear three cheers for it! Also, I have watched the bear adverts and yes, it is so moving, amazing really how a story or piece of art can be so affecting. PB, I hope you were able to get your ride in. You do have a lot of challenges, especially with your job. I think BM has given some good advice, especially as regards to your health being of utmost importance. As for the weight, you have shown you can lose very well over the past year and I think you should see that you have made some clear progress, especially by making exercise a part of your lifestyle. I believe you had not been riding for some time and now you seem quite comfortable to do so and you have done a lot of exercise over the past while. I know very well that the food that derails us can seem virtually addictive, and for those of us who have struggle with weight over a long period, there is no doubt that dealing with it is hard- otherwise we would all be sailing along at a perfect weight. However, there is good research about what can lead to success and having a support system, like our Cracker group, has been shown to be important. As you say, we could be dealing with far worse problems; instead we just have a hard problem. I've felt fortunate to come on here today and find some Crackers here and am sure there will be others tomorrow or soon.
    I've been struggling with my GERD (acid reflux) more because of the holidays but am pleased to be getting back on track and exercising. Today I did 2 1/2 miles on the treadmill and the Nordic track which I had not done for awhile.
    Regards all.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone - not butting in at all - helpful. I will I think be looking at a move. There is a job at the moment that I should apply for so will try and focus on that in the next couple of days.

    Aiming to do Gym tomorrow.

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers!

    A better late than never - Happy New Year!

    A book I recently read had this quote 'on the 29th December usually I start going insane round about now. This year however my parents have gone home unusually early and I've said we're taking no visitors and I've refused all invitations from friends.'

    No such luck in my own life. I've been snowed under since I last posted almost 2 weeks ago, with family. My own lovely (but very demanding, irritating, complaining and contrary...) parents are still here (2 long weeks) as they're escorting my daughter back to England on Saturday. Family from my husband's side have all (naturally) wanted to come and see the daughter but they don't live locally so they too have had to stay overnight - 2 families with toddlers and babies... all needing beds, to be fed and entertained. It was the daughter's birthday on the 23rd and she had all her friends round - it's been so long since I've made my wonderful chocolate cake it took me 2 attempts to get it right and then I messed up on the ganache! My husband since Boxing Day has escaped from it all as far as he can during the day, working across the border in Italy until the 7th January. If that wasn't enough to contend with it then started snowing heavily on the 26th bringing down so many trees the husband had to stay overnight. Whilst in our village we had no power for 2 days! Thank goodness in our second kitchen we have a log burning oven and hurrah for all those logs I stacked which kept us warm and we were able to cook on it! And I had plenty of candles in stock as it's my duty to put one on the family graves every week. But boy was it dark!! And imagine being 'trapped' in 1 room for 2 days...

    Anyway sadly the stresses and strains of trying too hard to please everyone (and I have to confess I don't like Christmas anymore than I like New Year's Eve), I've returned for comfort to my old friend food - only the sheer amount of snow which needed clearing as my Father looked on and my Mother kept saying what's the point SCREAM has stopped me hitting my 1/2 stone marker. But there's still a couple more days left as I'm not in charge of cooking until my Father has departed and frankly chocolate is the only thing that is keeping me sane!!

    However, I've just spent a lovely bit of quiet time on my own catching up on the posts and I can't wait to get back to normality and exercise hopefully on Sunday although I will miss the daughter but I'm longing to remove the Christmas decorations and all the rubbish food. If I don't get another chance LMV - have a super holiday and well done on STS that is really fantastic! My personal goal is to lose what will probably be 1/2 a stone by the time you get back!!

    Right I must head for my bed, as yet another exhausting day is just around the corner!