Let's get started



  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi fellow Crackers.

    Quick post from me as I have to finish packing. (I hate packing because I hate flying and have already started with the "what if's")! I also have to go into the city to have my hair cut and coloured, which means I can pack my GHD's now. Does anyone else have to wait for these things to cool down to pack them and then be late???:wink:
    I had to cancel my hire car and then rehire, which was stupidly expensive, still not sure how I managed to do it wrong but I must have. Unfortunately now though I have to wait forever and a day for the return of my first hire money, minus the cancellation charges but they took the money out immediately for the new hire car! (also way more expensive!). Not the best of starts to my long awaited for trip.
    LMV I am on about my 3rd phone since you kindly gave me your number. I have to buy a new nano (I think)card in the UK so I would love to have your number then and hopefully meet up.
    Ok I have procrastinated long enough, did I say I hated flying?:smile: Somehow packing makes the journey NOW and not in the dim and distant future where I can hide from it!
    God and the pilot willing I will write again from my beloved Wales!
    Take care all, Love BM x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Early morning but thought I would peek in for a moment, allows me to avoid unpleasant jobs I suppose. However, I plan to be back and log exercise later.
    I'm glad to have read your post, BM, and completely understand your anxiety re flying. The world seems to be divided into those who don't mind at all and those find it such a stain. LMV, you seem to be of the former and I really envy you. I know all the rational reasons that I should not be concerned with flying but it has always been a struggle for me; nevertheless, I hope to make future flights though I can't honestly imagine doing long distance such as Australia. My only saving grace is that usually once I land, I completely forget about it during my holiday until just before the return. BM, I wish you a good flight. Try to think about all the people waiting for your arrival who will be so glad to see you. I hope you have a wonderful time in the UK. I'll be thinking of you.
    PB, glad you got a ride in. I'm still on hiatus from riding but hoping my exercising will allow me to get back fairly quickly into riding fitness. Amazing that you have crocuses and other spring flowers out. I don't expect any before the end of March. However, once they come it always amazes me that crocuses and other early bloomers can seem to mushroom over night. Extremely cold here today but bright and sunny and when I stepped out to get my news paper on the porch I could hear birdsong It was a joy and a sign since in the dead of winter there is such a silence.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Safe journey BM and hopefully we'll have that coffee this time.

    Bracken, I don't know where you got the idea that I'm a good flyer. I am terrible and absolutely hate it. However, if I want to see my friend and Godchildren in Australia then it has to be done. You know how there is always one annoying person who squeals when the plane hits a patch of turbulent air? Well I am that annoying person! I annoy myself and wish I didn't do it, but the squeal just escapes......... Before I went to Australia a couple of years ago, I don't think I had flown for 6 years. Intellectually, I know it is safe, but my heart rules my head when it comes to flying.

    PB, I too have some crocuses and snowdrops out and the daffodil leaves are appearing. With all this water around though I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the bulbs rot. It does make you feel a bit more cheerful though doesn't it. Bracken I'm pleased to hear you've seen a little bit of sun and heard the birds sing. Spring really is on the way.

    Well I'm laid up at the moment. My neck and shoulder muscles have gone into spasm which us really painful. I hardly slept last night as I just couldn't get comfortable. The physio couldn't fit me in today but I have an appointment tomorrow and I'm sure she'll sort me out. I haven't done much today except sit with a heat pad on my shoulders and watch the Olympics. I thought the Canadian ice dancers were fabulous Bracken and I liked their programme better than that of the winners although both were excellent. I just liked the elegance of the Canadians.

    On the plus side, I've had a good day food wise, just need to keep it up for the rest of the week now!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    ouch LMV - that sounds really painful. Hope the physio sorts it out! Like you I had a better day on the food front yesterday (Mum and Dad have gone home) and I'm determined to do the same today. Yesterday at work was definitely better - but that could be because 2 partners are off on leave and it is therefore less fractious. The team are doing great though. I have a breakfast meeting this morning - seeing some other Practice Managers. Another PM has been made redundant so it will be interesting to see how things are going. Another of our group has decided not to come back after a 6 month sabattical. Theres a pattern developing here.

    I'm not managing any exercise at the moment. Today is the first morning I have got up and not had a sore throat for more than a week and at the moment I'm still wheezy and bunged up so will wait until I feel a bit better. Then I need to get on with some swim training to do the sport relief swimathon on 23rd March. I'm going to swim with my friends daughter, Zoe. She'll do as much as she can then I will finish off. We are only going to do 1.5km so nothing like our last swim! Its all about supporting Zoe really.

    I'm hoping to visit my friend Elizabeth who at 86/87 has just had her second hip replacement (under epidural). The plan is to take a healthy picnic with me as she won't be up to going out or needing to make food for me. We can discuss possible holiday destinations and timings. I'm really looking forward to seeing her as we didn't get together last year as she was having the first hip done from feb right through to when she actually had it done in August. We've been holidaying together for nearly 30 years having met at an OU summer school in Bath. When her husband died about 10 years later we decided to holiday together in Tunisia and got along so we used to meet up at the airport (she lived in Northern Ireland) and go off on our holidays. She now lives near her son in Kettering so a bit easier to meet up. Back in those days we used to write letters to each other. These days of course its telephone calls and occasionally meeting up like this.

    Still need to get through work first and hope to ride towards the end of the week too.

    have put on nearly 1 stone since the beginning of December - a combination of Christmas partying, then being miserable and comfort eating then having Mum and Dad staying and having lots of sweet stuff lying around as a result and then being physically ill. So now its time to start pulling myself together.

    When I left work yesterday afternoon it was still light and birds were singing. The weather was mild and had been sunny all day so it finally felt like spring might be on the way - Oh I do hope so! Hope all you Crackers are OK and that Bracken soon gets out to the stables. Take care all

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all.
    LMV, sorry to see that you are laid up with a sore neck and shoulders. It must be quite severe to spasm. I hope your physio sorts it out for you. You are probably wise to not attempt exercise until you have had the problem evaluated. I was surprised to learn you are of the white knuckle flying club too ( this group does have a lot in common!). I suppose the important thing is that you do actually fly. I don't think I squeal (might be better if I did) but bottle the anxiety inside and have the most excruciating physical pains imaginable. Anyway...
    It was lovely to read that you enjoyed the ice dancing of Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. I thought their program was wonderful, elegant as you say, just flowing along from movement to movement. I know little at all about the technicalities of the discipline but I was really engrossed by it. Moir and Virtue are from lderton, Ontario which is a very small village. It is only about a 5 minute drive from the stable where I previously kept my horse. The Virtues are a large extended family in the area and two Virtue girls used to ride at my stable- I think they would be cousins. There was a lovely piece on the tv which showed the Iderton arena and community centre which was set up with a large television and opened to the public to watch their performance. It looked as if most of the village was there including Scott's 85 year old grandfather. They are definitely home town heroes there.
    PB, it sounds as if things are getting back to normal for you and as if you can focus on yourself more again. It is good that you have some exercise goals with the swimming and nice that you seem to be riding quite regularly. Putting on weight as I well know is so easy but you have looked it in the eye and have had such good success before that you should be able to tackle it well again. I think we will all feel better as spring unfolds.
    Take care all. regards.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Neck and shoulders are improving and I have more physio tomorrow. The Physio thinks I may have trapped a nerve and is trying to get the vertebrae in my upper back moving properly again. They've definitely loosened and it isn't as painful. I've been doing the exercises she set me even though they are quite painful!

    I'm on my own this week-end. It's my Father in Law's birthday tomorrow so my husband has gone to see him. Unfortunately I couldn't go as every bump in the road jolts my neck so I couldn't manage 200 miles. We had also organised a meeting in London on Monday so he won't be back until late Monday afternoon. I do miss him when we're apart, but on the plus side I have complete control of the remote!

    I've been really enjoying the Winter Olympics and was so pleased that the Canadian women won the curling final Bracken. Jennifer Jones was absolutely brilliant and deserved the gold. I wasn't very keen on the Canadian Men's curling team though - far too brash and macho for my taste (and that's not because they beat the GB men's team!) My heart broke for Elise Christie in the speed skating. She had some very harsh decisions against her.

    Right, I need to concentrate on the Wales vs France rugby match. Come on boys!

    Have a great week-end all
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    LMV, hope you are at least enjoying your control of the remote.
    I've watched quite a lot of the Olympics too. I particularly enjoy the skiing, especially with the jumps though seeing some of those twists and flips in the air almost defies imagination. The rate of injury, of course, is high and Canadians are especially aware because one of the top Canadian slope style skiers, Sarah Burke, died in training. I'm not very knowledgeable about curling but it is a huge sport here, especially in small towns and on the prairies. When one of my sisters married and moved to a small northern Saskatchewan town, one of the first things she did was learn how to curl as it was a way to make friends and curling is a main winter sport there. I don't really know how much curling there is in the UK but did notice that Britain got bronze. I don't really like the brash, macho, trash talking attitude seen in some sports either. I suppose because my favourite sport is show jumping, I've always been around a sport that seems to breed humility- riders really are competing as much with themselves as with other riders and the very best horse can be very unpredictable on any given day. I really enjoy woman's hockey, partly because two of my nieces have played at a very high level. Both of them have gone to universities in the US on hockey scholarships ( Canadian universities are not allowed to have scholarships for athletics) and my eldest niece has played against a number of the woman on the Canadian team. The men's hockey team, of course, is drawn from the professional league and most of them are millionaire players. But for the women hockey players, like the members of other non-professional teams, there is usually a lot of sacrifice required to play. Today I watched the Norwegian women's cross-country skiers take all three medals- they must be some of the fittest people on the planet to be able to race for 30k.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good morning crackers.

    I have been here less than a week and have the grottiest chest infection, no surprise really but am still in bed and will probabLy have to cancel weekend away. I have been so looking forward to being home and now just feel really sorry for myself! I have so many plans with my grandchildren, including looking after my daughters 2 girls this week which I was just not able to do today but have said I will see how I am on Wednesday. apologies for being a grump and misery but as usual I can be myself with us crackers.

    Hope you are all keeping well, I will try to read the other posts later, my son has just made me a cup of tea, about my fifth this morning, I have been awake since4 am with the jet lag,

    I will say bye now before I find something else to moan about!:wink:

    Take care, love BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Poor you BM, but there's nothing like a cup of tea made with our lovely Welsh water. It doesn't taste as good anywhere else in the world!

    Got to go, but be back later

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Yesterday was not a great day though it could have been much worse, of course. All morning I had the most dreadful intestinal discomfort so that I did not eat a proper breakfast, never a good start to my day. I had two medical appointments, one in the early afternoon and one in the late afternoon. The first was fine. It was with the podiatrist who is doing a fine job of sorting out my foot problem. The latter was at 4.30. In between appointments I visited a former teaching colleague which was very nice as I had not seen her since her Mom died before Christmas and she went to her mother's in Wawa which is in northern Ontario. Between these several stops I started to feel hungry and stopped for snacks- nothing very good I'm afraid. The appointment with my family physician was stressful because I had not seen her for some time as she was off for a hip replacement. There were several things I wanted to talk to her about but by the time my turn came she was really behind schedule and there was a man after me too. I felt as if I didn't really get to discuss what I wanted to and it was late when I got out. I stopped at a local deli take-out, made bad food choices and the whole time I felt really hungry. By the time I got home it was too late to exercise and I snacked in the evening. Today I have tried to get back on track. My eating has been quite good but my exercise has not been stellar. I've done 2 1/4 miles on the treadmill but don't think I'll do more and that has been it. I think I am fighting the blahs, have a bit of a cold, but think more so it is the weather getting me down. This whole week is another deep freeze- temps are -12C with bitter winds. Tomorrow is to feel like -30C again and here we are near the end of February. Sorry for the moaning. I can reflect that things could be much worse. BM, you put me in mind of that. What a shame to have a chest infection and be laid up in bed whilst on holiday, the holiday you had so looked forward to. I hope you feel better quickly and get to enjoy you time in the UK and with your family.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Bracken, so sorry to hear that you are feeling a bit down, but given the day you had and the weather it isn't surprising. Don't beat yourself up though especially as you have been doing so well and are so near your lowest weight. Cut yourself some slack!

    It sounds to me like you need to go back to Beck. If I'm not mistaken I sense a few sabotaging thoughts are creeping in. Knock them on the head and remember how consistent you have been with your exercise and eating recently. Have you been feeling good mentally and physically during this period? If you have, then don't let it go. Pick yourself up, brush yourself down, put the difficult day behind you and concentrate on your recent progress. You can do it!

    Don't apologize for moaning either - that's what we're here for, to support each other in the good and bad times!

    The first daffodils are coming out in our garden ready for St David's Day. Spring is jus around the corner!

    Be good all
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Thanks, LMV, for encouraging words and I do agree that I need to visit Beck- haven't been re-reading her for awhile although some of what she said is quite ingrained and I do hear it. I did let Monday get away from me and of course, as Beck says, " you will regret it." I had overlooked that I have not logged since Monday but I had been popping in in the morning for a look and before I exercised so usually do not comment then. I haven't exercised yet today but it is still morning. I was able to get back on track reasonably well Tuesday and Wednesday. I did 3 miles on the treadmill on Tuesday and 3 3/4 miles on Wednesday. I've been having a bit of trouble with my reflux so did not do other exercises but plan to try today. You are right about sabotaging thoughts, ones that just chip away at making a concerted effort. I am definitely feeling mentally blah to be honest. I'm certainly not showing myself as a stalwart Canadian during this winter. The papers are still running ads originally linked to the Olympics - "We are Canada. We are Winter"- these do not make me feel anymore enamoured of this weather! Today has come with early morning snow squalls and these huge winds, temp today below -20C with wind and to stay the same for the next week again, so well into March. Yesterday when talking to my youngest sister she told me she had been quite distressed to see a group of 9 robins. Normally this would elicit great joy as seeing the first robins returned from the South is part of spring here. However, we both felt quite saddened to think what they must cope with, not only the cold but a lack of food. Robins do not come to bird feeders as they are not grain eaters but eat mainly worms and bugs- all under snow! Daffodils are just a dream here at the moment but I do have two nice pots of primroses on a kitchen window, one yellow and one white; they are a favourite of mine and are widely available in the grocery stores in Feb. here. They last so long and then I can plant them.
    I've started another project to keep me busy indoors. I am typing up journals that my grandmother kept and that I have been thrilled to have been given. Grandma, my dad's mother came from England as a young woman. She did not have a lot of formal education but writes remarkably well. These journals are not of the literary or confessional type but are still very interesting. They began as little notes she kept for her husband about when the last frost was, when various crops were planted and harvested , how much eggs sold for, etc. I remember seeing my Grandma jotting down in her notebook and asking her about it when I was a child. The books I have start in 1939 and as they go on become more detailed about the family's daily lives. I only remember my grandfather as a rather inactive man, whose life was very curtailed after a heart attack. So to read of him selling a horse to another farmer friend (this would be a broad backed draft horse) and riding it the 16 miles to the farmer's place and then being sore for a week, has given me a richer picture of him. Two of grandma's sons enlisted and went overseas, my father included.
    Grandma does not say much about her feelings or fears but does report on letters received and small details. My grandparents worked incredibly hard first renting a farm and then finally being able to buy their own farm. In Canada, (I don't know if this was common elsewhere), farm women often were responsible for raising the chickens and other poultry. This was usually a source of independent income for farm women at a time when many other women did not have independent income. My Grandma raised chickens (100- 200 hens), roosters (30) ducks (usually 30), and geese (usually 25). These would all be processed by them and she mentions herself and her husband plucking geese in the fall and early winter.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Just a quick p.s. to post below. Hope I haven't carried on too long and boring with the journals. Hope all are doing well wherever you are. I know the Crackers are quite all over at the moment. LMV, hope that neck and shoulder are coming along well too. Regards.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    The journals sound wonderful. the info about the poultry reminded me of my aunt and uncle who had turkeys which they killed, drew and plucked at Christmas in a barn which was then cleaned out and decorated and used for a massive Christmas party - they lived in the middle of nowhere (literally!) but still 40 - 50 people would turn up and then would be enough food to feed everyone. The party was held on Christmas Day evening. My cousins would provide music and then when the beer flowed sufficiently two of my uncles would do their party piece which involved a song call 'There's a Hole in My Bucket'.

    Sadly, my Uncle died a couple of years ago but I loved the stories told at his funeral - especially the one from my cousin in America who noted that he had not realised that he was poaching when Uncle Ron took him out shooting late at night but he'd enjoyed it all the same!

    I've been a bit quiet on here lately - I'm still having a bit of a tough time - and am off work for a month now. Today hasn't been so good as its been raining and I've ended up not doing very much. I hope that tomorrow will be better. I did some grooming the other afternoon and really enjoyed that. Its a task I can undertake really any afternoon that I want to. I had hoped to ride today but the weather wasn't so good so we are hoping to go tomorrow afternoon instead.

    take care all and Bracken you are doing a fabulous job - keep it up!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    PB, it's good to have you here and I really enjoyed your story about your uncle. I think it shows that people often enjoy a situation which is casual and relaxed. I love the bit about the uncles' party piece. At my previous stable the barn owner at first used to rent a room in a local golf club for the Christmas stable party but one year couldn't get it so we had the party in the hay barn. Everyone said it was so much fun that it became the venue after that. Your month off sounds like a good idea and I'm sorry that you are having a tough time at the moment. You say that you have been a bit quiet here lately but I hope you will check in frequently. I know for my part this group has been such a help and support and I think that it is important to avoid becoming isolated and cut off when things are tough. I hope you can keep up your contact with the horses. Grooming can be very therapeutic and relaxing and you have been riding enough that, as you have previously mentioned, you are getting riding fit so I hope you'll be able to continue; after all spring is coming and the riding can only get better. Take good care of yourself, PB, and others crackers too.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Morning Crackers!!

    Well I can't believe it's been a week since I returned to Austria and I haven't had a chance until now to write, although I have read up on all the posts.

    I flew into Salzburg on what could have been an early summers day, so warm, not a cloud in the sky and very little snow and only on the highest mountains, it was green everywhere with spring flowers. Caught the train, 2 hours later whilst changing at Spittal I had to get my hat and gloves out of my bag whilst waiting for my connection it was that cold. Headed off into the snow and I got out the carriage at my village and I stepped back out into Narnia - metre high snow.... I haven't missed the snow! It has snowed on and off over the past 2 days and yesterday I spent an hour clearing snow - I haven't missed doing that either!

    Well I had a super time in the UK even if it did rain hard almost continuously for the first week but I spent much of my time catching up with friends in coffee shops whilst the daughter was at school! And then during half-term the weather was much kinder and there was only the occasional shower. It was a beautiful clear day luckily when we went up the Shard, the views are fantastic. We stayed in London overnight and the following day we spent at the Jewish Museum as my daughter wanted to see the Holocaust Gallery which tells the moving and sad story of Auschwitz survivor Leon Greenman who survived 6 concentration camps and died aged 97.

    After London my daughter and I spent a few days in Wales, Cardiff Bay - I thought of you LMV and BM. We were there as my daughter is a HUGE Dr Who fan and were booked on the 4 hour location tour along with a bunch of 'geeks'! The daughter is now reconsidering if she should tell people she is a fan after meeting this group!! It was a laugh and a great way to see the whole of Cardiff. Plus we had tickets to the Dr. Who Experience which is now based in Cardiff which my daughter first visited in London a couple of years ago. And because the weather was kind we walked all along the bay.

    Then it was back to my parents' home for one last treat a trip to the theatre to see 'War Horse' when I thought of Bracken and PB. Having seen the film I had my doubts how it would compare but gosh those horses were fantastic, the actors or dancers were brilliant. So a busy week spent with the daughter devoting myself to her and her studies; I've read Midsummer Night's Dream and Romeo and Juliet to help or at least know what she's talking about, as she's doing an English assessment this week on the different types of love... and reading through her history project on the Cold War - past not present.... before unpacking my suitcase and getting straight back to work here and I haven't stopped until today!

    The diet well... I've come to the conclusion although my parents eat a lot of food choices that would never be mine for health reasons, their portion sizes are so much smaller than mine and although being away and eating out lots and again indulging and treating myself (lovely ice-cream haagen daaz at Leicester Square) and eating far too many M&S cookies and chocolate.... my pedometer saved me from gaining 1/2 a stone as I made myself walk as much as possible daily. I ended up walking not 10,000 steps a day but nearer 20,000. Stepped on the scales when I got back and even I was surprised to see I'd stayed the same but as is the way with me.... over the last week, next to no exercise not even 3000 steps a day, bad weather, bad food choices and so I get on the scales today and see I'm 2 pounds heavier.

    I'm not beating myself up YET as I set out not to gain more than 2 pounds so I've achieved that in a round about way, plus I'm still comfortably in my tight cords! However I want to get back as near as possible to my target weight for my birthday 5 weeks today.

    LMV - well I'm sorry to hear about your problems with your neck and shoulder what it the current situation? I can't see anyone giving you the go ahead to start Jillian any time soon! Are you able to salsacise or are you still in pain?

    BM - I hope you've recovered from your chest infection and you're out and about enjoying yourself at home.

    PB - sorry to hear you're still off work do take good care of yourself and put yourself first. My daughter is also doing the sport relief swim she has organised her local Beavers group where she helps out to take part!

    Bracken - when I look out of my window and see the snow I think of you! And if you're exercising then I must make the effort too as my conditions are not nearly as bad as yours. In fact today is a mild, snow free day and I'm walking later with my friend and I may be brave and take Jillian's ripped DVD out of its case!!

    Well Crackers new month, Lent approaching so I hope everyone is tightening their belts for a good month ahead?!!!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I just have time for a pop-in but must say that I've enjoyed your post today MITM, in part at least because I can commiserate with you over your continued snow shovelling; here the amount of snow has fallen off though there is still a huge amount still on the ground but what we've got in the past two weeks has been amounts that are just enough to make driving unpleasant. The real problem is still the ongoing cold, today -19C. Your trip to England sounds lovely. Glad to hear you enjoyed Warhorse. I saw and loved both movie and play too and thought the play was a spectacular example of what can be done in theatre, very moving. You did amazingly well with the walking. I calculate that must have been about 10 miles per day. As for the 2 pounds, they will undoubtedly go soon enough. I weighed myself today and stayed the same as last week, a little disappointing with the exercise I did but I had the bad day of course too. However, I am trying to think about whether I should try another food plan approach. I've seen a lot of tv lately and heard a lot of differing diet advice but since I seem stuck at this weight at the moment I wonder if a different approach might help.
    More on my thoughts later. Regards all and so glad you had a good time with your daughter, LMV.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good evening Crackers!

    Firstly Bracken I just have to say I read about your 'accident' (on the other thread) with my fingers in my mouth as the way you had written it I knew something dreadful was going to happen... Glad that you are okay and it's just your car and 'pride' that have been damaged but how very annoying for you!!

    Well although we still have snow on the ground (and lots!!) we too are experiencing this warm weather - and a taste of Spring hurrah! I like a hot flash of weather out of season as it's a timely reminder of what lies ahead during the summer months and why I want to be at my target weight!! As it would so happen a rather snazzy Spring/Summer spot jacquard jacket I had ordered arrived yesterday. It fitted a treat so I got out my Spring/Summer smart cropped and bistro trousers to see how it looked with them. I could see and feel every excess pound standing between me and my target weight - sitting on my hips and thighs! Still it's not all bad news as I've done this before in the past around this time of year, only to discover my trousers no longer meet around the waist after a winter of hibernation under multiple layers of baggy clothing!!

    So far better to have experienced today with time in hand. Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers.
    MITM, I see congrats are in order- a 2 pound weight loss. Terrific. Well done. A real boost I'm sure. Your outfit sounds very nice and you will surely be able to wear them properly now that you are back in D&E mode (diet /exercise). I'm still somewhat under the influence of this bug I've had but again did some treadmill today, a longer distance of 3 miles but I am still not at my usual intensity. However, I believe advice in these situations is to increase distance before intensity.
    One of my sisters phoned today to tell me she had to take their dog, as she put it, for one last trip to the vet's on Thurs night but said she felt so bad she couldn't talk on the phone until this morning. 'Clancy', the unlikely cross of a Labrador retriever and a beagle, looked like a miniature black lab and had had a wonderful life. She was almost 17 1/2 years old, really a remarkable age. Many of us in my large family got dogs at about the same time, and Clancy is the last of that original generation of dogs so it is still sad that she is gone.
    Our clocks go forward tonight for daylight savings time. It used to be later but is now co-ordinated with U.S. time. I find it rather early for the change, especially this year when there is not much sign of spring at the moment. If I have to be indoors and the evenings are cold, at least when it is dark outside it feels cozier inside. I also find it takes me a few days to adjust to the change in terms of waking/sleeping patterns although I usually try to go to bed early, as I will tonight, when the clocks go ahead.
    Regards all.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    For better for worse.....

    Next month the husband and I celebrate our silver wedding anniversary, only it almost got cancelled earlier today because if a can of paint had been within my reach, I would have gladly have swung it and knocked his block off!

    He dared to point out the fact I'd missed painting a 1/2 cm square spot next to the floor tiles in a corner. The reason being I needed a small enough brush so I had left it for later intentionally. But what irritated me, he hasn't in the past 5 days of hard, hard work seen fit to mention the 20 square metres I have managed to paint successfully - completely oblivious so I just saw red and literally exploded! And then I had to walk away before I went hunting for a can!

    Absolutely fuming in the kitchen, I recalled how in the old days I'd now be absolutely stuffing my face with everything and anything I could lay my hands on, to block out the anger and frustration until I'd feel sick - but I remained very calm and instead thought how I could go about murdering him and getting away with it - but my best friend said it would be very difficult if I didn't, to visit me out here in prison and my daughter said we wouldn't be able to Skype! So my revenge I shall now go ahead and get the paint for the doors without consulting him about the colour!

    And although I'm not happy with the husband this evening, I'm secretly very pleased with myself as I've come a long way in my eating habits over 25 long years of marriage!!

    Be good Crackers!