Let's get started



  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Ladies, PB, I wait with baited breath for more info and wish you all the best with your new romance. It is so lovely to hear good news and happiness!
    LMV. full of fab advice as always. I am quite pleased to have made a really good start with being positive today. Unfortunately for me I lose weight so very slowly I get demoralised. I am on Troches to try and stop my periods every month as well as having a Mirena iud, so as you can see I am bombarded with hormones which aren't helping the weight loss! lol x However, losing weight is still definitely possible so I am plodding on. Strangely enough I have absolutely no problem sticking to my 1450 cals every day and cannot remember the last time I went over by more than a few. I have not had cheese in weeks, and am doing OK without it. Still have my wine on a Saturday, but a lot less than I used to. I think it knocks me a bit when I have weighed everything (I still weigh all my food daily), stayed within my allowance and at the end of a long week have nada to show for it. (I had to giggle at wine and Jaffa cakes, totally new one on me).
    I am still knitting and have just a few inches left to do of the second scarf. I also have a knitting project lined up and ready to go after that. I am also plodding on with the sewing. Today, I have made a few "alterations" on 3 of my tops. I bought them from White Stuff as I love their cotton and linen tunics/Kaftans. Unfortunately they had the rolled back sleeves which I am not really comfortable with, so I hacked off the bottom bit of the sleeves and made them 3/4 with the great big, impossible to iron, roly sleeve bit now gone! I also made little loops for one for the belt that came with it, but unfortunately had nothing to thread the belt through! I only cut 2 pieces off the end of the belt and then made them into little loops which I then put on the tunic. (I used another tunic I have as a template for the sleeves and loops). I never tie a belt around my middle, I just look like a shapeless sack of potatoes, so I tie the belt at the back which then gives the impression of a bit of a waist shape.
    So, only tiny bits of sewing, but all firsts for me so I am feeling quite happy with it all! lol. I have also recently had a bash at English Paper Piecing. (EPP). I had the book from Amazon shipped over with some Cath Kidston fat quarters. I am quite enjoying doing it too. It's not complicated and the good thing is you can just pick it up and know immediately where you are, so much easier than knitting, lol x
    Ok Ladies, I am sorry to have prattled on so much, but whilst I am typing I am keeping busy and positive!
    Take care all,
    Love BM x x
    PS LMV...I need a bit more time to give myself a goal. I am also the big five zero this year so want to be realistic with my goals! It will probably be an item of clothing for the summer, rather than a weight though x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers

    Well a good time was had by all - too good...... the excesses of the weekend will barely be over when my parents arrive. On the good side maria made it to the Ball - having had a phone call from the consultant on Friday afternoon - she is now in hospital at Addenbrookes having her pre-ops before getting the skin graft tomorrow (all being well). I do hope this will put a line under her pituitary tumour and she can get on to a relatively normal life after this.

    The Ball was fabulous. I was pleased with the look I achieved and was complimented on it. I didn't really overeat but I did drink probably more wine than I should. Oh well. Never mind!

    Sunday turned into a bad day after dinner when I brought out the cheese board - which was accompanied by an excellent LBV Port. Ooops.

    What on earth is English Paper Piecing??? I've never heard of this Bailey - can you enlighten me? It sounds complicated as do 'fat quarters' - I normally associate this with horses! The big 50 is no big deal Bailey/LMV - don't worry. Life begins....

    Bracken are you OK? You've been a little quiet lately.

    I picked up a beautiful linen dress today - a Long Tall Sally outfit - so it probably needs shortening a bit - but I paid £10 for it so a bargain. Its white and full length and quite a thick linen - almost quilted in style - very fitted bodice. Will look great in the summer - although its a little bit loose on me (its a 20). Its of a quality that is worth making some alterations to.

    Enjoying a relatively quiet day today. Took the ball gowns back today, had a massage on my legs (I managed to fall off the mounting block on Friday and fall over again on Sunday - in flat shoes - so some bruising.

    Anyway, lunch will be ready soon - left over lamb and vegetables with roast potatoes and gravy. Smelling good. The lamb bone has been boiled up for stock to go in the freezer. I've no other plans today though. Ironing this afternoon I think and I need to sort out the guest bedroom too as Mum and Dad arriving Thursday.

    Speak soon and take care

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    PB, I'm so pleased to hear you had a good night out at the ball and that your "Look" drew compliments. There's nothing like a compliment to give your ego a phillip. Thinking of your friend as well, I hope all goes well with her op.

    It seems like we are all busy altering clothes at the moment. I've have just repaired a dress for my friend. She was giving a presentation so bought a lovely smart black dress from LK Bennett off EBay (at a great reduction!) and then just as she was leaving the office she managed to split the back of it. Someone had a needle and thread but my friend really can't sew so she just did the best she could in the 5 minutes she had. She said she had to try and keep her back to everyone all the time and sidled around the room with her back to the wall. She had me in stitches while she was telling me all about it. Anyway, I've sorted it out for her now. It's a beautiful dress so when I've slimmed down to a 12, I shall ask for a loan of it sometime as a quid pro quo.

    BM, you are a very busy bunny with all the knitting, sewing and quilting. What are you actually making? I think English Paper piecing is the way I originally learned to quilt where you wrap the fabric around paper pieces and hand stitch them together. Is that right? PB, a fat quarter is nothing to do with horses lol, it's a measure of fabric used by quilters. A fat quarter is a square piece of fabric equal to about 1/4 yard. Quilters often buy a stack of fat quarters in different fabrics as they only need small amounts of each material.

    Also, I echo PB - there's nothing to this 50 lark, I'm having lots of fun! It would be great to have a gorgeous outfit to wear at any celebrations though and that must be a great incentive for you. I know your various health issues make things hard for you but don't get despondent. Have you asked the doctors about what impact the drugs you have to take might have on your weight? Also, have you thought about dropping your calories? I'm on 1200 a day and seem to be losing without exercise if I stick to it.

    Well, I'm going to get on with my knitting now. I've ironed all the bedding I washed yesterday, done the repair for my friend and sorted out menus for when our guests arrive so now I'm going to relax for a couple of hours and do some knitting.

    Bracken and MITM, I hope all is well with you both and that we hear from you soon

    Lots of love,
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Thanks LMV - for the info on English Paper Piecing and Fat Quarters - you learn something new every day!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    For info, I exchanged messages with New8 today on Facebook. She's away on holiday on the Isle of Wight at the moment having a lovely time. She's been really busy but is zumbaing twice a week and says her shape is really beginning to change. With work and the play group she runs I think she's a bit short of time.

    Just thought you would all like to know.

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Thanks LMV - we've become remarkably close on this group and its nice to know how everyone is doing. Big pile of ironing calling to me this morning. As soon as I finish my coffee......
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    I discovered Aldi yesterday and what a revelation it was. I've discovered that I've been a bit of a supermarket snob. I had assumed that the reason why places like Lidl and Aldi were cheaper than everywhere else was because they sold rubbish. Well how wrong was I? I read in a magazine that Aldi had won the Which Supermarket of the year and I am a big fan of Which and always read their reports before I buy things. Then my Mother told me that the Aldi dishwasher tablets had come out on top in some consumer tests (may have been Which again) so she gave them a try and they were marvellous and she had tried lots of other bits and pieces from there. Then a friend told me that she'd had a whole trolley of fruit and veg that cost half of what she normally pays. With all this evidence mounting up I went and found our local Aldi and gave it a go. I must say, the stuff in there is brilliant value and I definitely saved a substantial amount of money. I got some gorgeous smoked salmon which was £2.99 for 200gm compared with £4.99 for 120gm in Sainsburys and it is delicious. The only thing I noticed is that there is a much shorter use by date on the salmon. This isn't a problem for me as I always divide the pack up into portions and freeze it anyway if I'm not going to use it all the week
    I buy it. Red and yellow peppers are 80p each in Sainsburys and were 65p each for much bigger peppers in Aldi, broccoli was 45p ......I could go on but it would get very boring for you! The only thing I've been disappointed in so far is one of the packs of tomatoes which are a bit flavourless. The cherry tomatoes were fine but the bigger ones I'll use up in a soup or stew or something. They had jars of herbs and spices at 45p so I'll give those a try too when I need some. I'll definitely be going back there in the future.

    I know your fruit and veg is very expensive in Singapore BM, so you must be falling off your chair hearing some of these prices!

    I weighed in yesterday and STS this week. I had been good apart from one quite small lapse so I hope I'll see the benefit of it next week. I'm psyching myself up to start doing some exercise again as part of Operation Summer Shorts but I can't quite get myself out running again yet. We have friends arriving on Sunday now for a couple of days and then my husband's Father is coming to us for a week so I think I'll start after that. Hopefully the weather will be warmer by then too.

    Be good all

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Apologies Crackers for my continued absence... but I have been a little pre-occupied what with the daughter staying who keeps insisting upon dragging me for walks up very steep mountains, her Easter party to prepare and bake for which was much appreciated (I did succumb alas as there was one portion of cake left over but we divided it between the 3 of us), non stop relatives visiting to see the daughter so endless bed making, towel washing, bathroom cleaning and yet more baking, oh and the small matter of 4 weeks worth of work to cram into 2 weeks which is so not fun....

    However my body unlike in my younger days now seems to thrive on stress as I've had lots of naughty nibbles over the days on all the goodies, yet to my great surprise I discovered I had lost a pound on my wedding anniversary - so what more could the husband wish for on our Silver anniversary to wake up next to, yes an older but somewhat slimmer (in fact a whole stone lighter) model than the one he married, a vintage classic no less!!!

    So my summer challenge will be 'Operation Target' to hit it, currently only a pound away, and stay there so if I do decide to grace the pool with my presence I'll be able to wear the bikini with confidence and without fear.

    I'm returning the daughter to England on Saturday so I shall be absent for another 10 days and then I shall brave the scales to see if I've survived the first mini challenge of Easter...

    Bracken - I've missed your posts of late so I hope you are okay? PB - I too am looking forward to hearing more on the love life! BM - Glad to be of help with the wreaths, you just can't beat John Lewis! And great idea the challenge. LMV - totally agree with all very inspiring and motivating post to get us going again! Just stay away from the cheese board whilst you are entertaining!

    Well as I will be packing madly tomorrow I will wish everyone a lovely Easter and I look forward to catching up on all the posts on my return.

    Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    LMV, I could have wept at those veg prices at Aldi! I had a very much loved Aunt who was as wealthy as could be, and she bought all her deli produce from Aldi. She especially loved their cheeses and always had a huge fruit basket in the kitchen which she said was so cheap to keep stocked up from there. She said she begrudged paying more from elsewhere when the quality at Aldi was so good. She started my parents shopping there and now they too are singing it's praises to me. I will definitely be checking it out when I am home! Just to make you appreciate your good shopping prices even more, I pay $18 each week for a cauliflower from Oz (about 9gbp) and a head of broccoli is never cheaper than $8. We also buy our fruit individually and almost daily as it goes off so very quickly and costs way too much to waste. When I pay $12 for a peach I enjoy every mouthful of it! Lol x these are not even the organic prices, the only thing I buy organic now is celery at about $13 dollars because the ordinary is so tough it's almost impossible to cut, never mind chew.
    MITM, absolutely fab you have lost your last pound. Brilliant! It must be so lovely having your Daughter home with you for Easter, I expect you enjoy every minute of it.
    I have been reading up regarding TDEE again, and have just manually altered my MfP calories to 1598 a day, which sounds an enormous amount, but I don't get to eat my exercise calls back ( I can hear you all asking what exercise? Lol x). I can but try, as I did not lose anything again this week, so am going to hopefully boost my metabolism by eating at these cals for at least a month. I used Scooby to work it all for me. I have also dropped my carb percentage and greatly increased my protein allowance. Am also reducing my alcohol a bit. I only drink on a Saturday evening, but usually end up finishing the bottle, so I am going to try stopping at 3 Glasses. I already alternate with Perrier, so hopefully should be painless:cry::drinker:
    It is a scorcher here today with a heat index of 42c and I am watching all the yachts going to nearby Islands for the day or weekend. The excitement of my day is waiting for OH to change the dressing on my hip! Lolx He is coming home from work in the morning to do it and then he does it again before I go to bed. Bless him, he has saved me from a twice daily trip to our GP clinic. I am really grateful and counting my blessings to have him!
    Wishing everyone a Happy Easter. Enjoy those eggs, it's only once a year! Lol x x
    Love BM x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - quiet on here - I guess we are all busy. Have not been doing too badly but probably drank a little more than I should yesterday. Off to judge at a show this morning. Have been maintaining weight but really need to do some measuring as I'm buying all sorts of sizes when it comes to clothes - very odd. 16 still seems a little small in most things but my size 20 skirts are going to have to go as they are hanging off me to big to wear. I now appear to be mostly 18 with size 16 occasionally.

    I went riding yesterday morning and we just missed the rain. I was feeling a bit stressy as Mum and Dad were not so good and they were worrying me. But yesterday they were a lot better and I cooked them a roast dinner which they really enjoyed. Had an Easter Egg to share with them although only Mum and I ate any.

    I am back to work tomorrow but trying not to think about it too much.

    Bracken - are you OK? You've been very quiet after a period of being really focused - I'm concerned about you.

    Bailey Good luck with the calorie change. I must try that as I really need to get a handle on my eating again.

    LMV - unfortunately there isn't an Aldi very close by so not really an option for me.

    MITM well done on the last 1lb.... You must feel absolutely fabulous. What an achievement.

    Speak soon and take care all

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    OOh should have said. Tried the pencil skirt on yesterday. Its just about do uppable but wouldn't be comfortable. I reckon a very doable half stone is what is needed. Wish me luck!!!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Hope everyone had a good Easter week-end. We had visitors so I've green out and about quite a lot and have definitely been overindulging on both the alcohol and some Easter biscuits and cakes. I did stay away from the cheese though as I could see MITM's stern finger wagging over the cheese board!

    Weighed in and was pleasantly surprised to see I had STS. Last week I had been very good and STS so I think that compensated for how bad I have been over the week-end and I gave reaped the benefit of that hard work. In truth, I did deserve to put on!

    I did get some exercise in though. BM you might recognise where we went. We drove over to Langland and then walked around the coast to Mumbles. We had lunch and a mooch around the shops and then walked back to Langland via the road. It was a glorious day and the sun was sparkling on the blue sea so it was divine. Yesterday we walked in the murky mist to our local pub which is about 2.5/3 miles away. I had chicken tikka skewers with salad, no alcohol and no dessert so that was a much better day.

    It's raining and miserable today and I'm concentrating on getting the beds stripped and made up ready for my Father in law who is coming to stay tomorrow. We have a long drive to the New Forest and back tomorrow to collect him from my husband's brother. We'll also call in on my Mother in law who lives in Dorset. I should probably explain that my husband's parents divorced when he was a teenager. Anyway, once I've ironed the sheets and made up the beds I'm going to have a bit of time to myself and enjoy the calm before the storm of looking after my FiL for a week. With his memory issues he can be quite demanding to look after so
    I know we'll be exhausted after a week of him staying here!

    PB - good luck with going back to work. I hope it's not too much of an ordeal. Let us know how you get on. Also, good luck with the pencil skirt. With a bit of concentration on what you are eating, you could shift that half stone in 4 weeks and be back in your skirt for summer. You can do it. It isn't "luck", it's a matter of looking after yourself and making healthy choices. You've done it very successfully before, so you can do it again. Now is the time to get back to it and you'll be wearing that skirt with confidence.

    BM, how are you getting on with your revised calorie total? I'm not sure if I've got confused, but were you upping your calories? Anyway, I'll look forward to hearing all about it.

    Bracken, I see you haven't logged in for a while, but if you do and read this, I'm missing you. Come back soon.

    Right, ironing a bed making call.

    Be good Crackers. We can achieve our Summer challenges

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Just a quick pop in before my bath and dressing change!

    I am still on my 1590 calories a day, up from the 1480 suggested by MFP and definitely up from the 1200 I tried for a few days! I think it's just all about finding out what works for you. I could manage on the 1200 for days but then always had a day where I definitely ate more than was sensible. I am going to stick at this for another 3 weeks and see where it takes me. I have been on the scales every day as per the norm and so far by some miracle EVERY day has seen a drop in my weight. It might only be .2 or .3 of a Kg but it will all add up. Strangely the day it "only" went down .1 was when I ate 1300 cals the day before.
    I have 500 cals left today and it's 11pm so this is where it gets tricky for me. I am not hungry and we are out of peanut butter so I have to find something to eat before bed, which I never like doing. Might just have some more dark chocolate and be done with it!:blushing:
    In answer to your question LMV, yes I have, as I said, gone UP calories. I used Scooby to work out my TDEE and my BMR and now eat my TDEE -20%. All these figures used to scare the life out of me. I think for someone who has used only weightwatchers periodically for most of my attempts at weight loss, it is a bit unreal to try to understand you need to eat more to lose more. I am trying to get my mindset away from the less you eat the more you lose. So I am trying to follow what MFP seems to advocate and eat more. The difference now is my exercise calories are already included in my allowance so no matter how much or how little I exercise I have the same amount of calories to eat. Also another weird thing this week is I seem to have a bit more energy and have been walking a bit further each day with the dog. This could also be down to my hip becoming much better, but that in itself could be a knock on from the massive amounts of protein I have been eating. Only time will let me have the answers, but I am feeling more positive than I have in a long while.

    Okay, I have to have a quick bath now as OH is waiting to do my dressing before bed. Hope everyone is well. I would like to post again tomorrow as I have made some progress with the knitting!
    Bracken, please let us know you are OK. We all go off the radar for a while, and that is totally understandable, but I am missing your wonderful descriptions of you and Nellies Lives in Canada. x x
    Love to all, BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Crackers

    Well my life has taken quite a turn and although at present it doesn't feel like it I think in the long run it will be a good thing. I went back to work on Tuesday only to have two of the partners walk in and suspend me 10 mins later. I was then contacted by the HR company they had brought in for the purpose and summoned to a meeting to 'investigate allegations' made against me yesterday afternoon. This turned out to be an incident that had happened when I was ill plus some vague comments about being 'unapproachable' and 'abrupt' with staff who were frightened to come in and talk to me. As I'm sure you can imagine this latter came as something of a surprise to me as my office door is always open and staff are in and out like yoyos. The incident occurred when I was ill and I regretted it (it was an email I shouldn't have sent - it was defensive not offensive but in my right mind I wouldn't have sent it). It was painful and I was a bit tearful at times. He seemed to think this wasn't normal - no need to be defensive. I pointed out that I was completely alone and couldn't turn to anyone as I had been forbidden from talking to anyone at work - and there were two of them, one taking notes, so why wouldn't I feel threatened???

    The whole thing is clearly designed to gather evidence so they can try and dismiss me. I shall counter with constructive dismissal I'm definitely in fight mode! In the meantime I am suspended on full pay so I shall enjoy myself. I've been swimming twice this week - not very far as knee a bit painful and have ridden once - but this morning I am going to help Hilda with the horses as Maria is out of action after her op. In fact just looked at the time and I need to get organised to be there for 7.45am!

    Talk soon girls

    PB x
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    PB, you poor thing. I hope all this gets sorted out very quickly for you. It must be very stressful. Good for you for fighting it. I should imagine they will want it sorted out very quickly, so stick to your guns and get your name cleared. Hopefully you have a good union who will sort all the legal stuff for you. I shouldn't worry re the letter, you wrote it when you were obviously already under a lot of stress caused by your lack of support. I would also want in writing the names of the people who were supposed to be afraid to enter your room and their specific complaints. Some vague comments off unknown sources is not good enough to tarnish your reputation. Somebody with a genuine complaint would not be afraid to make themselves known. Otherwise it's just hearsay which will get their HR nowhere.
    I am sure you are right in that this will be a good thing for you in the long run.
    Take care of yourself, BM x
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hello All.

    Hope this email finds everyone well. I am still trying to eat more calories but find I have been having too many left in the evenings. So today I tried eating a slightly larger breakfast and lunch and also a snack at 4pm. I will try and keep this up til I weigh again "officially" on Saturday. I hope my weight loss of 2.9lbs (yay!) this week wasn't a fluke, I am not too sure if it could have been "water weight' as I was eating more and not less as I usually do at the start of a diet. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
    I still can't think of a realistic goal for myself by the summer. I did get down to 83kg's for the Wedding so maybe I could aim for that. I think I will spend some more time thinking on that! lol x
    Wishing all the Crackers a good week,
    BM x x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Sorry for my absence but I have been busy with my Father in Law. We went to get him last Thursday and a week away from the stresses of being a carer has worked wonders on him. He's been good as gold while he's been with us and his blood pressure has dropped from dangerously high to being borderline too low. He's been under so much stress and being away from it is like a weight lifted off his shoulders. He's much calmer and so grateful to us for stepping in and helping sort things out. He's staying with us for another week and we're hoping he might consider moving into some sheltered housing 5 minutes up the road from us which would be ideal for him.

    PB - I'm so sorry to hear about the recent turn of events at work. BM has said all the sensible things already but I really feel for you. I hope you have some supportive people around you and would emphasise the importance of getting some good employment law advice. The best thing for you is to be out of such a toxic environment, but you obviously don't want to be dismissed. I trust you have got full details of the disciplinary procedures and in my experience it is highly unusual for you not to allowed to have a "supporter" in any meetings, particularly where it is two against one as you were undoubtedly in shock and wouldn't necessarily remember everything that was said. I know you have had difficulty with some of the partners so do think about whether they have been bullying you or singling you out for treatment that is different from anyone else as that in itself can constitute bullying. Good luck and get the best advice you can.

    BM - fantastic weight loss. Can you explain all the TDEE and formula stuff you mentioned in a recent post as I didn't really understand it. It's good to hear you sounding perky again. Very good idea to aim to get back to your "base" weight ready for another assault on a further reduction. This weight loss journey is very up and down but the long term trend being downwards is the important thing. Like you, I am aiming to get back to my lowest weight and then to move forwards again.

    Need to go I'm afraid, sorry this s such a quick visit. Be good all

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi LMV, sounds like your father-in-law is enjoying his time and de-stressing whilst staying with you. It must be lovely to see and such a relief for you and your husband to see him "himself" again. Unfortunately in the UK the powers that be rely far too heavily on the goodwill of carers, and their role in society is greatly underestimated and undervalued. I wish you all well x x (be wonderful if he did choose to live near you x).
    As to the "my new attempt at weight loss"........I have been reading for quite a while on MFP the perils and myths of the 1200 cals a day. It is suitable for the people with not a lot to lose, the "older" person and someone with not too much to lose. For the vast majority of people it appears to be quite a bit too low. I was also reading of these "ordinary" women (I don't really read the male stories!) who even without exercise are losing weight on close to 2000 cals etc. So after much reading, I worked out all this TDEE malarkey and chose to use Scooby as my guide. (There were only a few calories between that website and others in the workings out). I just googled Scooby TDEE and then input my stats and it came up with the magical number 1598. It already includes your exercise (or as I put, desk bound!) so even if you don't exercise in theory you should lose weight.
    From what I can gather, but please don't read it as gospel!
    TDEE is the amount you need to eat to maintain your weight, mine is now (just input info with 3lb loss).1875
    BMR is the amount of calories your body would need to survive if for example you were comatose. mine is 1553
    Then your daily calories are TDEE - 20% (depending on amount to lose etc). mine is now reduced to 1500.

    MFP really does explain this a whole lot clearer than I am!!

    I have to say I am enjoying having more calories to play around with. Also I am enjoying my walks and using my pedometer instead of counting the minutes I do. I am now thinking ANY exercise I do is a bonus and don't feel the pressure in having to exercise or eat fewer calories. I can, as I said manage fine on 1200 but then it catches up with me and I have a day or two of eating/picking as I do feel hungry then. I can honesty say on these cals I have not been hungry, this could also be due to having increased my protein and lowered my carbs. I do seem to have more energy which could be a result of this. Also, after my sneaky daily weigh in I have already lost just over 1/2 a pound this week and it's only Tuesday!

    Hope this helps, but please do read the far better explanations on MFP!
    Take care, love BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All

    BM thanks for that - I think I will do something with that myself as I feel I have been exercising quite a bit but eating rather badly - need a little help!

    LMV - thank you for your kind words. Yes I have some good friends (including my Crackers) around me who are supporting me. I have legal protection in my house insurance which includes employment issues so feel I have somewhere to go for legal advice - which is helpful. Its so different when you are the one being targeted. I'm quite good at helping others in this situation.

    You've been having quite a time yourself but it sounds like you have taken the right action and your father, now he is de-stressed and relaxed may be able to make a decision for himself about moving into sheltered accommodation that suits his needs and keeps him close by where you can support him. I know only too well the difference between decisions made under stress and those made when well. I do hope that he is getting to that point for you now as it is so hard to make these decisions without cooperation - from an emotional point of view.

    I am, however, absolutely doing fine. And being forced to be off work whilst well means I am enjoying a lot more activity! Riding is such a good way of dealing with my worries and as my friend Maria is out of action at the moment after a graft to stop up a leak of brain fluid I'm doing what I can to help her Mum with the horses. Yesterday, I went down and gave their old welsh section B, Merlin a good groom. He's roughed off and quite ancient so his coat was coming out in handfuls - I could make a small cushion with what I brushed off but a very therapeutic activity for both of us. But Oh his coat did shine when I'd finished with him and he all but trotted across the yard to his night box after it! Then Maria called me to say she had a raised temp and could I take her to the GP so a trip to the lovely village of Orford was arranged. It was such a lovely warm spring day and the air was filled with lovely aromas of blossoms all around. Hardly any traffic either!. She has a bit of an infection but we think it is actually a tooth rather than the graft that's causing the problem. She is waiting to get better from her op before having the tooth dealt with.

    I must admit I'm quite worried about Bracken Crackers as she has been off line for some time. I do hope she is OK.

    take care all - the ironing calls! Riding this afternoon at 2.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good morning Crackers!

    Unbelievable but my cords were sadly too tight to wear come the end of my time in England....

    I've only been away 10 days yet I've gained the same amount of pounds as LMV did in a month in Australia. Ooh! So yes Crackers definitely fallen at the first hurdle, in fact I'd say I fell head first into a trough of chocolate.... I arrived in England at target and totally forgot I can't be trusted with milk chocolate a bit like an alcoholic can't have just one drink. Of course arriving at Easter didn't help, my 7 year old nephew dumped 4 of his 14 eggs on us and after just one nibble, I was hooked on Cadbury's milk chocolate again which fortunately you can't get in Austria. And because of the large inexpensive family sized packs it all comes in, I was polishing of several bars at a time. Very disappointed in myself. If I lived full-time in the UK I wouldn't be anywhere near target that I'm sure of, so hats off to you ladies I'm impressed.

    With the daughter away at school and staying at my brother's during the week, fortunately she didn't witness my lapses although her disapproval may have stopped me and again I admire her will power, as she doesn't have to go looking for goodies they are sat right under her nose, as my seriously obese sister-in-law is trying to force them down her throat on a daily basis and yet she still says no thank you! I'd have my mouth open I'm sure!

    But with the daughter absent, I didn't walk in fact my pedometer I wore not once so I have only myself to blame - gluttonous eating and no exercise whatsoever unless you count jaw movement.

    So my challenge has completely changed I'm returning to the UK in less than 4 weeks for 1/2 term when I'm going to Amsterdam with the daughter and my mother, to visit the Anne Frank museum and I want to be at target AGAIN! The good news where once I'd be feeling very sorry for myself and wallowing in self-pity, I'm instead just feeling hung over on milk chocolate and stupid; all that hard work and effort over my birthday, anniversary and pre Easter wiped out but I know in future to stick to dark chocolate (which my cake is) because although I love it, even if I wanted to I can't eat huge quantities so can't do lasting damage unlike the bars of milk chocolate I'm currently wearing on my thighs!

    Crackers loved my innocent cup of tea this morning, catching up on all the posts. Interestingly I was really inspired which got me thinking had I been able to log in daily would I have been more sensible with the support of the Crackers, I like to think I would have.

    BRACKEN - write something soon, I've got my log book out again today so I'm thinking of you - it's been ages since you posted and you're missed.

    LMV - are you exercising again? I'm getting the Rosemary salsacise out today as I have some serious work to do on the thighs again!

    BM - Agree totally with upping the calories, as you know I 'normally' eat lots never less than 1500 and if I also exercise I lose but being so close to target, if I don't I STS but I'm never hungry and I don't feel like I'm on a 'diet'.

    PB - Agree with LMV & BM and their comments - you only need to re-read our blog to remind yourself of incidents for your defence, good luck.

    Keep up the good work Crackers!

    P.S. I'm now going to put the cords in the wash so they will be even tighter as I've noticed I've got chocolate on them!!!!!!!