Let's get started



  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Have to say I love the unpredictability of the British/European weather! I was enjoying reading both yours and Brackens exploits in the spring sunshine and gardens, and now you are back to the cold and grey! I know it can't be much fun for you when it is gloomy weather as you both like being outdoors. However the thought of some chilly weather is wonderful to me as I miss it so much! When I look outside here and the sky is so blue and the sun so bright it hurts, it is sometimes only the Cracker's exploits that stops me "cracking" up! Yesterday the heat index was 46c, I could have just stayed in bed all day. It is not even the heat that does it for me it is the humidity. I swear I can hear my hair frizzing!
    I was out quite early with the dog this morning and we have done our first 5000 steps. This evening we will do another 5000. (Pit stop, quick walk at lunchtime for his toilet needs!). So I am eating more, walking more and feeling so much better. I really can't say if it is due to the extra calories or not, but it all seemed to coincide with the increase. I find it much less stressful now planning meals, even though it is just a few hundred calories more. Can I just ask MITM, did you use a weight loss tool eg, Scooby or mfp to work out your calories? Are you using TDEE-20% or is it a level of calories you have found works best for you? Thanks!
    Wishing all the Crackers happy Thursday.
    Love BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Crackers
    Found the new thread! Looking forward to a good day today. Although I think it is going to rain later its currently dry. Getting ready to have coffee with a former work colleague today and must admit not really looking forward to rehashing the events of the last few weeks with her as I feel I should put it behind me as soon as possible. (I'm hoping that will happen quite quickly and I'll get a confirmation soon). Other than that I have a date with some horses this afternoon although I suspect riding will not be on the cards if it rains too hard. I love my life at the moment. What a pity I have to go back to work at some point in the near future (no news by the way) as I could really enjoy being a lady of leisure! I certainly have no difficulty filling my days. And its great to be able to focus on my health and wellbeing.

    I did wonder if any of you know anything about this raspberry ketone thing? I keep seeing ads for it and they say there is 'no dieting' and you lose incredible amounts of weight - I really can't believe this and although I'm tempted to try it to get a start on my weight loss. Does anyone know anyone who has tried it? I think I'm going to ask on a more general board to see what people say about it......

    take care all and speak soon

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A rather short pop-in tonight but must say I have enjoyed all posts and feel inspired by the positive actions everyone is taking- all different but each a step in the right direction. BM, I must say your 46C would do me in completely so particular kudos for you getting that much walking in. MITM, you have successfully used a classic diversion which would make Beck proud. PB, hope you enjoyed your ride. I finally was able to take my horse into the outdoor ring today. I did not do much really as I was alone (there was someone at the house) and Briar was quite hyper alert and very responsive. This would be a good thing if I hadn't felt somewhat nervous (I can still feel some of the effects from falling last fall when the wild turkeys spooked him) and wary of another fall. However, I am hopeful that it won't be long before he adjusts to being ridden outside as he is basically such a reliable horse. A warm day today so back at yard work. I was pleased last night to cope well with the cake and ice-cream and drinks celebration for my niece's birthday. There was an ice cream cake but I passed it up. I've been trying to focus on no added sugar foods for present time so a little victory there as ice cream is one of my ultimate temptations. PB, I have not heard about the raspberry ketone thing but you've made me curious to find out. Nellie needs attention so off for now.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All

    My research suggest the raspberry ketone thing is little more than a scam so that puts paid to that. Raspberry ketone is, apparently, simply a VERY expensive smell......... People not dieting with it is unlikely to work so using it just seems an expensive con.

    Bracken well done for restarting riding despite feeling a little nervous - as you say he is essentially reliable its just unfortunate that you had your fall so late in the year and you just need to rebuild your own confidence. I know that since I restarted riding last Autumn I have really become much more confident - especially now when there is so much agricultural activity (tractors, irrigators, fleece etc) for the horses to spook at.

    Had a super day yesterday until I got home and there was a message on my ansaphone to ring the HR company. It was too late to ring then and I'm off for another ride this morning so won't be able to ring until much later. Feeling a bit tense - hoping that they will not play silly games.

    Sadly, weighed in this morning and haven't lost any weight... How does that work? I've been trying so hard. It will probably appear in the next couple of days (I'm a bit constipated - a result of my medication) and I suppose I'm building muscle but a bit frustrating.

    Weather was rather wet yesterday but dry this morning - I don't know if I will have a dry ride though - its a bit dull out. Need to eat a little breakfast before I go out though as it will be a long morning starting with mucking out.

    Update later

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi PB,

    I am sure nothing HR can say will phase you now. You are out of that toxic place and all the better for it. I should not think for one minute they will want to play games or drag this out. They just think in terms of monetary issues rather than the individual concerned. You have right on your side, so be confident on the phone!
    In regards to your raspberry ketones. I debated to reply or not and was a bit cowardy so chose not too! However, if there is one thing this site has taught me, it's that there are no short cuts. Weight loss is ALWAYS as a result of a calorie deficit. We can all lose weight on a 1000 calories a day but it is impossible to continue with that as it will eventually precede long term problems. I am one of the Weight Watcher crowd who can remember being cheered "in class" if I had ate under 1200 daily for a week. It takes a long time to lose that way of thinking. I am in a weird place now as I try to establish how many calories I can eat and still lose weight. I am currently eating 1580 or near enough daily. I feel so well on this amount and no matter what the scales will say tomorrow, my shorts are way more comfy and my bra feels loose on the tightest hooks! So I will keep plugging away until I find the optimum amount of calories I can lose weight on.
    No matter how long this takes, we are all in it together. So enjoy your weekend, put HR "up on the shelf" for now, and take them down when YOU are ready to deal with it.
    Wishing all the Crackers a fab weekend, we deserve it! Love BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi BM - thank you for your kind and supportive words. I just said to a friend that I felt so relaxed and happy it was remarkable. I've had a super day - I rode first thing this morning, worked really hard on my position. Helped muck out and do up this afternoon and went for a 5 mile walk this evening. I'm mucking out again in the morning - feeling slightly shattered so early night I think!

    Take care all and have a lovely weekend!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello everyone. PB, glad you are continuing to have such a great time riding. I smiled when I read that you worked really hard on your position because I thought I knew exactly what you meant and that you only concentrate on your position after you have a basic sense of confidence and are having a good time so that you really want to do it right. It really shows how positive you are. That is the thing about riding; you can always improve. I've often had friends or family quiz me when I've said I was doing a schooling lesson because their view would be "Haven't you learned to ride properly yet?" "Are you still taking lessons?" As for your weight, you must surely inevitably show a loss on the scales- that five mile walk alone had to count for something. Hang in! I would also check to see if the medication could be a cause too. BM, glad to hear you are finding your clothes looser and feeling so good about the way you are working your plan. You are showing how much we really have to engage with whatever plan we follow and really own it.
    Well, the last several days have been really lovely and I am spending a lot of time on gardening. It's amazing how fast the day goes and there are so many jobs to be done. Today I bought 1/4 yard of topsoil which is quite a lot and have been filling pots and renovating beds, not to mention filling holes dug by you-know- who. Of course, everything needs to be washed although I remember last fall hosing down pots and such before I put them away. I got my patio chairs and table washed and gave the cushions a good clean. I have some touch up painting to do and I haven't touched the pond which is another story. But seeing some lovely plants which seem to have almost sprung up over night keep me at it.
    I rode my horse a bit longer and did a little more yesterday. Originally, the stable owner had said her daughter would get on him a couple of times this past week to help settle him with the change to outdoor riding again but as it worked out, the daughter was very busy and could scarcely ride her own horse. So no matter how slowly I am in getting back to it, I am doing it without any help.
    I'm planning to ride tomorrow morning again. By the way, PB just what do you mean by "fleece"? I have images of hot sheep throwing off their coats into the winds! Regards all.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hahahaha Bracken that made me giggle! Its a plastic/fleece cover they put on crops to protect them from late frosts. Its held down by handfuls of earth so a high wind can make it move and look quite frightening. There are fields upon fields of it here at the moment!. Glad your weather has turned nice. Yesterday the weather was a bit changeable here - we did have a little sunshine but the showers were short and fierce in between.

    You make a good point about the medication - it could indeed be part of the problem. It is very frustrating though. I'm working so hard physically, eating well and exercising. It should be falling off me!

    No riding for me today. I'm at a horse show judging and having a session with the course builder/mentor which will tick another couple of boxes in my quest to become a level 2 judge.

    take care all and have a good day!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Sorry I haven't been around much. My hand have been full sorting out various issues concerning my FIL. He has agreed to leave London where he has lived all his life and move nearer to us here in Wales. After we planted the seeds he suggested the move himself which was fantastic and he now appears to be looking forward to it. Such a relief. My husband is going up to London with him tomorrow for a few days to sort out his "stuff". We've found somewhere here for him to live so lots to do at both ends of the country.

    Really loved reading everyone's news and it is great to feel the positivity from everyone at the moment. I'm having a back to basics week and have stuck to it pretty rigidly so I'm hoping to see a loss again when I weigh in on Wednesday. Stick with it PB and you will see the scales move. BM how are the preparations for your parents' visit?

    Unfortunately I can't hang around as I'm off out in 10 mins. I just wanted to check in and hopefully while my husband and FIL are away I'll have time for a proper catch up.

    Stick with it everyone, we can achieve our Summer Challenges if we take it one step at a time.

    Be good all,

    Lots of love xxx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi LMV - I'm glad that your FIL is going to move closer to you - it will be far less stressful for you if he is close by and there is a problem. And hopefully, it will reassure him that help is close at hand when he needs it without completely losing his independence. I have a tricky day ahead in some ways. Meeting the HR guy at 5.00pm this evening which I hope will move things forward towards a sensible conclusion. Need to spend some time thinking about what I want to have in my reference I guess. Given that the partners are trying to say that I am 'unapproachable' and 'abrupt' there is an issue for me about them being honest and saying I'm a good manager/team leader. However, before all that I'm having coffee with an ex-colleague (left a couple of years ago) and then this afternoon I am hoping to ride out before helping do up.

    Yesterday was cold and wet and windy at South Suffolk Show and the entries were pretty poor but it mostly went OK (apart from the horse who threw a shoe in the first round of a Foxhunter competition and wanted a Farrier - the farrier was not on site and wasn't answering his mobile - we waited an hour and the owner got very stroppy about it but we had to say in the end that we had to continue - we still had two more classes to run! I eventually got home just before 7.00pm having left at 8.00am. I was very cold too when I got back in the car - but I've ticked off another judging hoop and now only need to spend a day with a BS Steward - learning what they do. We don't see Stewards very often in Suffolk so it might be tricky.

    Anyway, need to get my day organised so talk to you all soon. Still keeping to basics!

    PB x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. I'm confined indoors this evening because of a heavy rain so no more garden work for me today. I can't say I'm disappointed as I've been working hard every days for the past several days and have the sore muscles to prove it. I did get a good bit done earlier before the rain started. In fact, I worked through a light rain in the morning as I really had things I wanted done. I'm still cleaning beds and now we've had some warm weather plants have started mushrooming. However, it is much easier to clean and topdress with new soil if the plants are not too far advanced. I have quite a lot of hostas and they really shoot up quickly once they have poked through the earth. I also have some plants that need to be moved or split before they get too advanced. Then there is the fishpond. This comes under the category of "be careful what you wish for." When I was a child, my mother who came from England would describe her childhood home and garden including a fish pond. For some reason I developed a great desire to have one when I got my own house. By absolute coincidence, there was an old, original fishpond here when I moved in. It was probably built in 1949 when the house was built and is in ground and quite large, kidney shaped and about 5 feet across at its narrowest and 14-15 feet long. I've always liked it but it is something of a white elephant and has some unfortunate design features. It is not very deep so fish can't winter over ( I've had fish most of the time so there is the whole getting the fish indoors issue). I believe it was probably used just for aquatic plants and apparently with the right balance of plants a pumping system is not necessary. I should also mention when I moved in it was painted the most garish turquoise like a swimming pool. This led to many efforts to repaint it a more natural shade (the paints I was told to use never were as durable as the turquoise) and recently to use a rubber based coating which also had to be painted on. When I first came here, I could grown waterlilies but over the years as the trees around it grew, I learned they actually require a lot of sun so no more waterlilies but a lot of leaves to clean out every spring. Because of the threat of mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus now here, we are now told
    not to have standing water in the garden. I have had a small pump to keep the water moving, but now I have to consider Nellie who will plunge into any body of water and worse, drink from the pond. The real fix would be really expensive as it would involve installing a large pump and filter but that would also require a new electrical outlet to be installed. I am also not comfortable having an electrical cable on the ground as I'm sure Nellie might chew it! So the cable would have to be either buried or encased in a tube, apparently possible but not inexpensive. So for this year it looks like I'll have to drain the pond. Better safe than sorry. I do have some lovely water iris which will bloom. I am planning on taking them to the stable which has a huge natural pond so they can be re-homed as it were. I also feel somewhat badly because a lot of birds like to bathe in the pond and seem to prefer it to the birdbath I have.
    LMV, I expected you were busy with your FIL and it's good to hear that you have a solution that is so good, especially as he is positive about the move. Still I'm sure there is lots to do for you and your OH until he is settled nearby. Nice to hear you are coping with your basics plan despite everything else going on.
    PB, your account of the horse show reminded me of times when I was doing the announcing. You are certainly correct about people who have no compunction about holding up the show for a long time. Hope everything went well at your meeting with HR.
    It's good to see other Crackers logging in to record formidable accomplishments with exercise. Congrats, MITM on your weight loss too. Will sign off for now as I am yawning. I woke up quite early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep so have been busy all day.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    Well like you Bracken my days have also been spent madly in the garden burning calories. I'm very pleased with my progress, my balcony flowers are safely potted up but with the sudden change of weather on Sunday when it poured for over 12 hours and I discovered in the morning there was fresh snow on the mountain peaks they are back in the basement! It's so cold here.

    This week I'm finishing off my paintwork as I've become a woman somewhat obsessed with the removal of all milk chocolate coloured paint in this house, not just in the hallways! In fact I have succeeded in stripping it all but I've just got to second coat parts and paint the inside of the front door and I'm done. I'm saving my next major project for the Autumn months when I intend to paint the kitchen on my mother-in-law's old floor and the walk in store cupboard but come the end of this week, the paint brushes are really going away for the summer which I hope is on its way as it presently feels more like Autumn here than Spring!

    Along with all the bending over the past week I have also start to salsacise with Rosemary again. Although I'm 'thrilled' with my recent 2 pound loss in total, I'm still carrying around an extra 2lbs of chocolate on my thighs which I am dancing off slowly! BM you asked how I calculated my calorie level, my formula comes from my original dieting bible 'diet trials'; RMR (resting metabolic rate) x Activity Factor minus 600 = calorie target for steady weight loss. Mine works out with a moderate activity factor I can eat 1447 calories and still lose weight which I know works for me from years of experience. I also know I cannot eat several bars of chocolate and do no exercise and hope to get away with it!!!! However I did wear the tight cords today.

    PB - hope the meeting went well.

    LMV - care to join me for 15 minutes of salsacise and slimmer thighs?!!

    Well Crackers be good!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi All....
    A quick pop in, but can I just say....please keep the gardening stories coming. To wake up in the morning and read all about the spring flowers and even the difficulties and hard work involved in keeping a lovely garden keeps me sane until I can have one of my own! I was reading about the cold returning and it was 44c here. I could almost breathe in your fresh air! It really is so lovely to hear of a life in a country with seasons. It feels like home to me no matter what part of the world you are writing from!
    I am having lunch in Jamie Oliver's tomorrow. Not looking forward to it too much, the company will be nice but pasta is something I love and I know I will go over my calories no matter how hard I try. I have planned just an Olio Aglio and side salad. Shouldn't be too bad although no matter what you ask the chefs they merrily do it their own way!
    I then have a bit of last minute shopping and a final quick hoover and clean through, clean bed linen etc before the parents arrive on Friday. They are absolutely no trouble at all, they have been here twice before so have seen quite a lot of the touristy things. They just want to relax I think after the dreadful year of bereavements they have both been through. So will be quite happy in the pool or on the balcony "just chillin". (so funny to hear my Dad saying that!). I am looking forward to the company and hopefully OH won't be out of the country too much so we can all be together. It also means I can do some baking again, I have missed that as both OH and I have been eating healthily for a while. (Actually I never ate the cakes but I do miss the baking part!).
    Off to bed now, I want to be out early with the dog before the heat becomes intolerable.
    Hope everyone is well LMV and MITM, cracking losses from both of you. Very happy for you, you deserve it x x
    PB, really hope your meeting with HR goes well, I will be thinking of you x x
    Bracken, I so admire you for doing all you have with your pond. I had a large garden pond and you are so right they are seriously hard work! I unfortunately at one time lost quite a few of my Koi to a heron. I think I cried for days, some of them had been born in that pond. The risks to holding on to yours with Nellie and the mosquitos far outweigh keeping it, but I understand you have worked so hard for so long it must have been a difficult decision for you x x
    Take care all, BM x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello everyone.
    MITM, we seem to be in a similar weather pattern. We've had some real downpours this week and last night a violent thunderstorm with very high winds and after some recent very warm days, Friday is predicted to have a high of only 9C so I'll be also bringing in some tender plants already purchased. You must surely be ready for a rest from painting after your latest marathon. Nice to hear the tight cords are back in action.
    I noted formidable achievements in diet and exercise on the home page. Congrats LMV on your big weight loss. I'd be interested to know a little more specifically what your basics plans entails. Do you focus on a set calorie goal? I believe you once said that a low carb diet did not work for you.
    BM, it sounds as if you are set up for a relaxing time with your parents. That should make it a little easier to keep looking after yourself as well.
    I'm still scurrying around to get garden work done between the rains. Today I was also trying to put some plants together for my brother who teaches a horticultural class at a high school. The school always has a plant sale to raise funds to run their greenhouse and buy seeds etc. because there is not enough money in the school budget to fund the class. I managed to take some divisions from quite a few plants and pot them up. But since it was such a hard winter, I've noticed some of my perennials are not returning. That of course, is one of the great joys of gardening in the spring- to see what has returned and sometimes be surprised. This year I have noticed some of the native woodland plants that I brought from my brother's woods have done exceptionally well. There is a lovely plant with feathery leaves that has white flowers shaped like the flowers on a bleeding heart (I don't know the name) and which I presume is related to it. This year I have the nicest clump ever.
    Nellie and I managed a nice 1 1/2 mile walk earlier in the evening but all the rain has curtailed my riding today and yesterday.
    I have a couple more tasks that must be done this evening so off for now. Regards.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers!

    well time for a bit of an update I guess. The meeting with HR finally happened at 5.00pm on Monday and they made an offer that I decided to accept. I'm now waiting to see the reference and they are going to ACAS to get the COT 3 agreed. Until yesterday evening I had hoped that the whole thing would be sorted out by the end of the month - however, I heard last night that Phil the GP who had been the main bully has resigned and this time its been accepted. The senior partner is on 3 weeks holiday so I suspect its a complete mess there. My heart wants to go and help - my head says they do not deserve my help and I must listen to the latter.

    In the meantime, I have started job hunting with some urgency and applied for a job yesterday morning as a temporary project manager - it made me laugh when I got an email back in the afternoon with the job spec and I realised that the job was with the CCG - which is this government's way of managing GPs!!! I can do it - but do I want to???? Can I afford to be choosy? Its good money so if I could put up with until November - that would be OK.

    I'm having a lovely time playing with the horses and its only a month till we go to Holland on the Choir tour. But when I think about it I've really not been working since January and I need to get back into the swing. At least they have to keep paying me until we settle.

    After a couple of weeks of very unreliable weather they are now offering us a few days of calm, warm, sunny weather - which is lovely - although it will bring out the adders in the forest not to mention the flies. My friend is slowly getting better but has been reluctant to come out - until yesterday when her mother noted that her horse had gone a bit lame and she had to come up and give him a 'bute' (painkiller). Which mean't when I went up to groom him and Merlin she was sitting in the sunshine reading. I suspect she is a bit depressed and has been sleeping a lot. A loss of confidence is there too. Anyway, she was much better for a little trip out even if only to the stables.

    Its lovely to hear about all the gardening that you do Bracken, MITM and LMV. I don't really like gardening so I have a lady who comes and does it but if I don't get a job soon I won't be able to afford her so I shall have to manage the veggie patch myself - I should add that its about 6X4' and the rest is mostly lawn with a lovely wisteria growing up next doors garage which has flowered properly for the first time this year. tomatoes are coming along well and my gardening lady brought me some strawberry plants as mine had failed completely. Still, who knows I think I am actually starting to get quite into it - what will happen if I have to is another matter!

    Well that's quite an update so I wish everyone well in their efforts - we all seem to be better now that winter is finally behind us - although BM I feel for you as I couldn't handle the heat at all!

    take care and keep in touch

    PB x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Well, after my week of back to basics I was thrilled to get rid of that 2.5lb gain from last week and to ditch 4.5lbs this week. That's a net 1lb a week loss which I am more than happy with. Bracken you asked what "Back to basics" means for me. I didn't count calories but stuck to lean meat, fruit and veg, beans, brown rice and pasta, very limited oil and butter, eggs and fish. Very little alcohol, probably 1/2 bottle the whole week and lots of water. Breakfast was porridge with a bit of stewed apple or berries, or a boiled egg with one slice wholemeal bread (no butter) or mushrooms and tomato on toast (no butter). Lunch would be soup or a wrap filled with bean salad or tuna or hummus plus salad and dinner generally a vegetable heavy casseroley type thing with brown rice or baked potato. Had a roast lamb dinner on Sunday. I didn't count calories but kept my portions down, so small baked potatoes and more casserole than rice, lots of veg etc. Really I'm cutting out sugar and anything processed. Seems to work for me. I'm giving it another go this week but don't expect to lose so much. I think my weight was artificially high the week before because of the cheese and wine I had the night before weigh in. I'm glad to be back on a downward trend again.

    MITM and Bracken your exploits in the garden put me to shame. Like you PB I am relying on the services of a gardener at the moment. I am having some fun planting up some new beds though. I am creating a red and purple bed and have added the following to it: Rosa moyesii 'Geranium', Buddleja 'Black Knight', geranium Roxanne, Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' some scarlet Geums (can't remember the variety Mrs Bradshaw?), a mauvy bluey clematis climbing up a frame, Berberis thunbergii 'Rosa', Sambuca "Black Lace', Salvia (forgotten the variety), Ceratostigma,and some red Hemerocallis. I'm quite pleased with how it is looking and it will be even better once it has filled out a bit. A Cotinus and Philadelphus which I planted last year have sprung into life and put on a load of growth which is great to see. In the veg patch, the carrots, leeks, tomatoes and beans are all coming through and the asparagus bed is finally establishing itself. I think the wind and rain over the week end has taken a lot of our apple blossom so not sure we'll have much of a crop is year.

    PB, I'm pleased to hear that negotiations have reached a conclusion as it'll enable you to move forward. If you are still being paid, so what if it takes them a few weeks to pay you off. Good luck with the search for work!

    BM, it'll be lovely to have a chilled time with your parents. They arrive tomorrow our time so that must be almost today for you now. Enjoy your baking, but don't let yourself be led astray on the eating and drinking front!! I'm sure they won't want to be carrying an extra few lbs home either!

    My husband comes home tomorrow with a car loaded with his father's belongings. My FIL is staying with a friend for a couple of weeks and then we shall go and get him and bring him back here until his flat is ready. I think it has been very draining for my husband so I shall have to spoil him over the week-end.

    Hope everyone is well

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - just wanted to let you know - I have another interview - this time with the CCG - but not until a week on Friday as someone is on holiday!

    Weather here is fabulous so I've washed the car down and watered the plants. Off to play with horses this afternoon and then possibly a walk before singing tonight.

    Had a bit of a bumpy weekend. Sat OK but yesterday had a bad day which ended with me buying a kitkat and a pack of fig rolls and eating the lot. Whooops. Not sure why other than I didn't do very much so I probably had too much time on my hands to think about food. have been really good otherwise and back on track today.

    Is everyone alright? Not heard much for a few days???

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    I'm fine PB, and I expect BM is busy with her parents and MITM with her schlipstuff. Not sure about Bracken.

    Like you I have been singing. We have our annual concert coming up in June so we had choir practice last night and tonight. We're singing some fun stuff this time so rehearsals are fun too. I've just remembered about my slim leg black trousers - better try them on to see if they still fit. Choir concerts is the only time I wear black!

    I've been pretty good again this week on the food front so hoping that I might see a loss again this week. I haven't been doing an awful lit of exercise though so I really need to get going with that.

    Well, I'm off for an early night as I have a busy day tomorrow.

    Be good all
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    H Crackers - well yesterday was rather better - I ate properly and I also looked after horses, took a short, but fast, walk and went singing. It was very clammy last night so changed to the summer duvet too. I'm off to help Maria this morning as her horse was diagnosed with a bout of laminitis last night so we had to remove all of his straw and put him on shavings - so plenty of sweat! I feel very toned!

    Yes you are right everyone is having a busy time at present just hope they are all OK!

    Good luck with the weigh in LMV - those lovely black trousers are beckoning!

    What sort of thing are you singing? Our programme this summer is quite light (mostly). We are off on our little tour to Holland in a month - I'm very excited about that - although he's pulled my solo as the programme was too long. We are also singing the Beatles 'Yesterday' which is a problem for me as I am absolutely against singing 'pop' songs in choirs - it never sounds right to me! The sopranos are currently not in agreement on the notes either. I'm getting quite frustrated by it and with only two rehearsals before our first concert which is at the Landguard Fort at Felixstowe the Monday before we go to Holland. EEEk.

    Need to get organised for my day so will stop now. Take care Crackers

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    I'm on my lunch break having just finished preparing a batch of potatoes ahead of tonight's schlip shift (we're behind!) and I thought I must scribble a few lines!

    Well I'm not sure if my 1.5lb loss last week was down to gardening, painting, salsacising or from the sheer stress after my conversation with the passport 'helpline' concerning my daughter's passport, which might not turn up in time for our trip to Amsterdam next week... How I wish I had ignored the 90 days required on passports when visiting The Netherlands and taken a chance....

    Depressed and fed up with everything including the weather, we had the heating on over the weekend (!) and feeling very sorry for myself, the husband was doing a wedding (poor wedding party) so I got stuck in and ate a tub of ice cream, a family size pack of crisps and a loaf of olive bread... Yesterday I gave myself a good talking to; at least we don't have floods, we can always go to Amsterdam another time and I made myself have a session with Rosemary and then I got back on the straight and narrow concerning food.

    There is a saying 'the difference between want and need is self control' so very true.

    And then in the afternoon I received an email from the passport office saying they had printed my daughter's passport so there is a glimmer of hope. Fingers crossed. And the weather forecast I've heard is 30°c later this week..... That I will believe only when it happens!

    Be good Crackers!