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  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A rather quick pop-in today as it is my birthday, in a month I see now I share with you, PB. So very nice to read your newsy post, PB. Congrats on your successful Holland choir venture. I'm glad you are maintaining a positive outlook re the job situation whilst you have on-going concerns with your parents' health and welfare and do not always find that your friends' advice is helpful. Flies can be the bane of summer riding here and riders will often virtually forego hacking out because the flies, particularly deerfly ( don't know if you have them) can be so bad and no spray seems to affect them. So far riding in the outdoor ring has been ok a s far as flies go. I rode yesterday morning and was quite fortunate to get a ride in as It began to rain as I was leaving the stable and it rained, often torrential, until late afternoon. The ring will be very wet today but may be ok tomorrow. I've had a walk with Nellie and want to do a bit of a bike ride before I go to one of my sister's for barbeque later. MITM, my logging has slipped too because of all that gardening (my excuse anyway! but I have been eating erratically and often felt too tired or busy to log.) but tomorrow I plan to resume it. I can not seem to do as well if I do not log so will think of you logging along too. I was surprised last Friday when I weighed myself and found I was only 3 pounds from my best weight here (which was some time ago now) but the past few days have been unfocused but after today's celebrations, I shall regroup. Must off for that bike ride now. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Happy birthday Bracken and belated birthday greetings to you too PB - and good to have you back with us and that you had a good trip!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Happy Birthday Bracken!! I am sending best wishes to you from myself and Harry:happy:
    Belated Birthday greeting to you PB, sounds like you have been having a great time and enjoyed Holland. Lovely to have you back with us! x
    I have less than 2 weeks to go now to my UK visit and have completely lost my Mojo concerning exercise. I have managed slightly longer walks as we have had a couple of stormy/cloudy days but today the sun is back with a vengeance. I too, PB, have a very diminished wardrobe at the moment, in fact I bought a dress and a skirt last night with elasticated waists to at least have something comfy at the moment! I hate that I have not lost these few pounds. Another 7 would have made such a difference to both my clothes and confidence. It's not as if I haven't ate well either, but them's the breaks! Hopefully when I get back here and the pressure is off me to lose the weight it just might happen! I do appreciate there is far more to life than a dress size, but it does make a difference:smile:
    I am off to walk now as it is already too hot for comfort.
    Have a good day all, BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Happy Birthday Bracken (fellow Crab!). Hope you have/had a fab job.

    Deerfly sound horrid. I had a horse fly land on my glove the other day and I felt it biting through the glove. It left holes!!!

    Nice ride yesterday though as it was very windy. We drown our horses in flyspray and often this has no impact or as soon as they work up a sweat it seems to lose its effectiveness. Harley is now sporting a wrist band on his throat lash to try to scare the flies away. No riding today - so will be going down this afternoon to groom and 'do up'. Cake to make now so talk to you all later, Take care PB
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    I keep lots of quotes and this one came from TD 'stay positive, keep focused, follow your plan, get support' so that's what I'm doing!

    Bracken - I meant to say well done on your amazing achievement at your last WI and I hope the scales are kind when you next step on after your birthday celebrations! What a lovely birthday present to yourself - the best!

    BM/PB - I'm off to England next weekend and I have to confess my main motivation to lose a couple of pounds (OH PLEASE!) before leaving is mainly due to clothes! Because clothes do give you confidence I'll second that BM. The weather here has not helped (snow capped mountains) so no need to get the bikini out, won't be surprised if it's the coldest summer on record but I've been wallowing around the house in baggy painting clothes for too long. I went out today so I put on my jean capri trousers and they felt tight although they're styled to be tight but this was too tight for comfort!

    For me it's not so much the number on the scales that is the problem, I've been this weight and content but because I've let my exercise programme slide - to nothing. My walking friend is now huge but it's the daughter and our daily summer evening Nordic walks I'm missing and I'm now paying the price as I've gained inches and my 'smart' clothes feel tight and I don't do tight - I can't bear it; to look at or to feel!

    But I need my 'smart' clothes for England! So tonight I've added salsacise to the daily Jillian to help slim the thighs because I've still a week left to make a difference!

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    I can't believe I've been absent for so long. I haven't read the posts as I haven't got time at the moment but I will try and catch up soon. I've been really busy and gallivanting around the country. All the partying has resulted in the pound on/pound off syndrome but I was pleased to see that I'm 4.5lb down since I last checked my weight in here and I'm getting back towards my lightest recent weight. I think I'm about half a stone off it and I'm 3 stone lighter than my heaviest weight.

    I'm off to Florence and Siena for 10 days next Friday so have treated myself to some new summer dresses. I got a couple from Boden and one from Hobbs in the John Lewis sale so I'm looking forward to wearing those when I am away. The shorts I bought which I wanted to get into for my holiday now fit so I have those too. I'm a few pounds off completing the summer challenge, but I'm nearly there so I mustn't blow it by gorging on lots of Italian ice-cream and Parmesan while I am away!

    I have gone back to my Pilates class and am doing it twice a week at the moment. I've also been working out at the gym once a week and enjoying some lovely long walks on the beach, especially when we have been down at our caravan, so I think the exercise has definitely helped me. I'm still having physio on my neck and shoulders so I haven't done any running as the "jolting" isn't good for me. Secretly, I'm glad to have the excuse not to do it!

    I've also been painting a new shed we have bought to store all the garden furniture in. As this shed is quite close to the house and visible from the patio, I only agreed to it being located there if it was a pretty shed. It has windows with shutters and a window box for me to put some colourful geraniums in. I also negotiated for it to be painted pale pink with cream shutters and I have some floral /spotty outdoor bunting to hang on it. I'm thrilled with the colour and it does look very pretty. I did go with the husband to buy the paint though as I didn't quite trust him to come home with pink paint if he went on his own!

    Wishing the birthday girls a very happy birthday belatedly.

    Off to the caravan for the week-end where I have no internet access so will hopefully check-in again before I go away

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers

    Just a quick note to say that I lost 3.5lbs last week - a good result although I have a way to go to get back to my best weight of last year. Feeling very positive though so fingers crossed and watch this space!

    Good to have you back LMV - we miss your words of wisdom. Hope you had a good weekend at the caravan.

    The weather here is hot and humid and yesterday I went for a swim in the sea at Felixstowe. I'm planning to go again at Thorpeness tomorrow evening. I have booked in to register with a temp agency today so hopefully they will be able to find something for me in the near future. Keeping going for a few more weeks with temp agency wages will be quite helpful I think and means I can eke out my savings a bit longer. Once the Autumn arrives I hope that work will be easier to find.

    Harley has had a bit change and seems happy with it - its just a straight forward snaffle but a bit bigger as the old one was pinching the corners of his mouth. He hates the summer almost as much as me and is being plagued by the flies in the forest. In the event yesterday was quite cool in the afternoon with not too much sun and we stuck to the road rather than going in the forest.

    Well that's my news for the moment - back soon!

    PB x
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Well done on the weight loss PB! Also good luck with the temping x x
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning fellow Crackers.
    I have no news or info etc to post but just to say Hello! I am on my own again whilst OH has flown off somewhere, he is hopefully due home tonight/tomorrow. He was on another flight when I heard the dreadful news of the Malaysian flight being shot down. As soon as I realised it was over Russia I knew he was safe as he is in Asia/India, but it isn't the best feeling to have. It also completely revs my scared-ometer up to a whole other level for me to fly home.
    I have to wonder what kind of people could shoot down a passenger plane with hundreds of innocent people on board. 80 children too by all accounts.
    Moving on......does anyone know where LMV is has gone and for how long? I forgot to ask and to wish her a happy holiday. Also MITM wondered if you are in the UK for a short break or a while? I am hoping to log on every day but we have no wifi at one of our homes so will have to go to local pub everyday to log on!! Not really a hardship lol x I know I could log on with my phone but am completely clueless with it. I am on day 125 now and as immature as it sounds I would love to continue that stretch.
    Ok I am off to swim now. Very hot and sunny here so I am wondering whether to try swimming in a T shirt. (Over my swim suit lol). Might just try it. I have had blood tests again this week and such a huge bruise the T shirt might help cover that so a win-win really. (I look like I have been hit with a hammer!).
    I will stop waffling now. Sorry to have droned on, but the worry of all this flying and having loved ones flying almost weekly is sending me a bit hyper I think.
    Take care all, BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    BM I totally understand your scaredometer and I'm glad your OH is OK and not on that flight - but with all the flying he does that must be constantly worrying. I must admit these days I try to avoid flying at all costs and look for a alternative ways of getting to my destination although I often wonder if any form of transport is really safe! Oh dear I sound a complete wimp!

    Its very hot (well for the UK) here and humid. I couldn't manage to live like this for any length of time. We aren't riding today as the horses will find it too annoying because of the flies. We rode early yesterday morning and were still plagued so no ride today. Although many parts of the region have been hit by storms there is no sign of any here and the weather people are saying that the storms will not reduce - the humidity.

    Will be turning off laptop shortly as I want to spend the day studying my PRINCE2 course. Have already applied for several jobs this morning (although I'm not confident that any of them will come off - but who knows!)

    Not sure how long LMV is away for but hopefully not too long and congratulations on your 125 day run BM!!!

    Take care all

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    I've just been posting on the other thread but I wanted to add - BM I too totally understand your flying fears, I am a hopeless case (started once I had my daughter) and I can only do short haul flights! I tell myself that statistics show everyday activities from walking to driving are still considerably more lethal than flying, although that won't stop me holding my breath until I have safely landed! However enjoy your summer break with your family in England.

    PB - what an excellent loss this week (you should have posted it on the main feed even if you're not logging so Saffy and NEW8 see it too!) hopefully this is the start of a good run for you weight wise and job wise.

    BRACKEN - I'm assuming you're having fun with your guest from England but I look forward on my return to hopefully your next post. This morning I rehung my last painted window and I am now really going to put all the paint gear into the basement and enjoy what is left of the summer. It's a shame you don't live just around the corner because I have so much fruit coming into season I can't possibly use or freeze it all!

    LMV - I hope you have a lovely time in Florence and Sienna such romantic cities - my all time favourites although I love Venice too! We DROVE when we visited!! If you're in need of some exercise, I can recommend the view over Florence from the top of the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral - 467 steps if I remember correctly!

    I shall be returning to Austria in 10 days when I will log back in (my parents have no WIFI) with my now very fit daughter, who may well be my answer to seeing my target weight again on the scales. I'm in for a very active 5 weeks according to her wish list - no shopping for her, it's all hikes in the mountains and Nordic walking even if it's raining I have been warned, so I shall make the most of dressing up and enjoy being city chic for the next week!

    Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi PB,
    Thank you for the kind words of support, I too am a wimp regarding all modes of travel. I also think I am getting worse with age. I wish you well with the jobs. If you don't get these it's only because the right one is out there waiting for you.
    Take care, hope the storms miss you! BM x
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    BM - we must have been posting at the same time hope you've read my post!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Crackers - hope everyone is well and those that are enjoying summer holidays come back tanned and healthy! I remain unemployed however very busy! Today has been spent making 4 applications (3 contract/1 permanent); Studying my PRINCE 2 text and housekeeping. Afternoon at the stables grooming - my goodness its hot! Home to another shower. Hopefully it will cool off for the evening.

    Yesterday when I went to ride we had a moment of excitement when we were walking along towards the forest another rider came thundering by at a canter on the fields - sending Harley into a panic and off we went. Luckily, hes such a good boy he soon pulled up - Hilda managed to hold Ed back so no harm done but I don't think the other rider even saw us and we didn't know who he was. I was quite pleased with myself as I managed to hold him, sit up and not panic.

    Its now becoming too hot to ride during the day especially when Harley hates the flies so much so tomorrow we will make a decision based on the weather at the time.

    Lost another half pound this week so quite pleased with that. Enjoying the fruits of my veggie patch at the moment with a lovel veggie gratin last night and for lunch today but currently a bit short of ideas for tonights dinner.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. It feels as if I have been away for quite awhile and here I am just doing a drop-by as I have more jobs still to finish today- I pick up my English friend from the train station tomorrow. I've spent one day with her when she was staying lakeside. We saw a very good light musical at a local theatre- really well acted though not deep (great for a summer's afternoon!) She will stay with me until Thursday so will be busy until then. I'm not sure why I feel so harried but I find there was a lot of prep to have a guest. Earlier today I drove to a sister's to borrow a bike so we can go biking. Also I was away at a horse show last weekend to see another friend show her horse. Dry weather means lots of gardening watering. I've also been picking a lot of berries to freeze ( strawberries, raspberries, black currants so far plus bought some blueberries to freeze. Berries are quite expensive, even pick-your-own so wish I could have availed myself of your excess, MITM) I've made some jam for my younger sister as she had the blackcurrants but no time to do them up. My sister-in-law who is dealing with colon cancer has had some setbacks so my sisters and I have been making some food dishes for her and my brother. I've had a quick read through the posts. It was lovely to have a post from LMV, who, I believe, in now in sunny Venice. PB, congrats on weight loss and on dealing with the galloping horse incident. I have managed some rides between days of high heat. MITM, I believe you may already be in England and hope you are having a good time. BM, as usual, so much of what you say I can relate to with a "me too" also. I hope your trip goes well. Looking forward to getting back more regularly (130 days, BM!) Regards.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - Its a little quiet on here - I guess everyone is holidaying! I am trying to keep busy with job applications and have a number of possibilities in the fire - but frustrating waiting for something to happen.

    I did have a good day yesterday - after a week in which I had a bout of D&V - I woke up and felt like a walk so I took a long walk round the lanes in the sunshine. It was quiet apart from a few cars and a couple of bicycles. I had a couple of horses behind me at one point but they disappeared off down a bridleway. There was also a line of people shooting - which was a bit odd. I can only think they were after pigeon or crows as its the wrong time of year for anything else (and normally there is no shooting on a Sunday - most odd). In the afternoon another friend suggested a swim in the sea - I never need a second ask for that so off we went. The sea was quite rough and there was a strong current but it was pleasantly warm. Unfortunately, I got knocked over by a wave and ended up with a few grazes -but I still enjoyed it. Hopefully, all this will have an impact on my weight loss although I'm expecting to stay the same if possible as I did very little exercise all week until then. Its been too hot and humid to ride when I felt well enough to. Poor Harley is very bothered by the flies too so its a misery for him too. Thankfully, the weather today seems a little less humid although still sunny and warm so the plan is to ride this evening all being well. (mind you weather forecast is for showers this evening - still to be honest being wet won't bother me much!).

    I will, I think, be placing a candle in my window this evening at 10.00pm to commemorate the start of the WW1. My grandfather was wounded but survived the war along with his brother (who then emigrated to Canada). The war had a profound effect on all families in so many countries. Its a sombre day - and even though the world has changed so much it still seems to be a very war like place and I often wonder how close we come to repeating it even now. Such a dilemma for the people in power. For example in Ukraine. That could so easily have been the trigger for a similar conflagration - and yet, by doing nothing we condemn people to suffer and die in Ukraine, Gaza. Sudan. Syria. Its all still going on in Afghanistan too. So sad that we continue to think the only way to solve a problem is to kill each other. When I think of WW1 though I think of Granddad who was a 'horse keeper' according to the census. He must have seen so many horses die horribly and alongside his comrades too. I think that is why Warhorse was such a moving play for me - because it could just as easily have been my granddad.

    Oh well - we must look at the positives too and at least communications these days means that there is the opportunity to talk first!

    Need to get on with something positive now so will talk to you all again later. Happy Holidays Crackers!

    PB x
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers!

    You are right PB it is very quiet on here! So pleased to hear that you are back on your feet again - waves permitting.

    Well apologies Crackers for my absence believe me there's nothing I like more than relaxing with my first cup of tea of the day and catching up with my fellow Crackers....

    However after a hectic week in the UK - hair frizzled the moment I stepped off the plane due to the heat but I enjoyed the sunshine after so much rain here.... Once the daughter broke up from school we spent a hot, glorious day on the Isle of Wight visiting my Aunt. We walked from the Needles, across the amazing purple heather/gorse, over the cliffs back to Totland Bay which was delightful and the daughter swam in the bay. My parents often visit their nearest beach 'Lee on Solent' but after living in Jersey for 3 years this 'beach' doesn't do much for me but again the daughter swam in the sea. We walked lots which probably accounts for my NO GAIN I registered once home, same weight as I left YES!!

    Thought of the Crackers whilst sat on the runway waiting to fly home. Due to 'taxi' off when the pilot announced 'If you look out of the left hand side window you will see what is causing our delay.' The sky was black! And due to the approaching storm; thunder, lightning, rain no aircraft were going anywhere, so we sat for 90 minutes on the runway. When we finally did get clearance to take off, the first 30 minutes were with the seat belt sign on due to turbulence... I'll say no more!

    So much to catch up with once home again, haven't stopped working and no let up in sight.... And then we had the first of my husband's family visiting for 4 long days with 2 exhausting young children wrecking the joint, haven't yet checked for hand marks on my walls!!! I will agree with you Bracken there is so much to do and I had less than a days notice which I wasn't best pleased about!

    If I stay the same this week I'll be very happy as I've had to 'bake' and be sociable!! But I'm now back on the straight and narrow again and being dragged up the hill behind me Nordic walking as I feared, so hopefully I'll banish any gain by my next WI day.

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. As always, after a considerable absence coming here feels like coming home in many ways and is always good. It is a true pleasure to hop on here and read such thoughtful and interesting posts. Where to start? I think I must give a big congrats to you, MITM, for going on holiday and not gaining an ounce- surely a record. Your holiday sounds very active and the places you were seeing enviably lovely. I have actually been to the Isle of Wight twice though it is some time ago now. I will never grumble if a pilot wants to be cautious regarding weather but a delay does seem to increase the apprehension, doesn't it? Good to hear you are keeping positive and engaged PB. I sympathize about the weather. Our summer has been a little cooler than usual, but with some hot/humid days and it really is not conducive for riding. On Sunday, I had a bit of a school from the stable owner and did a small 5 jump course with one related distance. It is the first this summer and I feel I lost so much progress over the winter; however, that Sunday ride was great and my horse was so honest- he was up for anything, alas I had limitations. We have had extensive coverage of the WWI commemorations and many programs and articles in the paper about it. I read about the candle in the window tribute, a very apt idea but there was nothing like that here. I suppose in part it relates to that famous statement made before the war that the lights would be going out all over Europe soon as war approached. Your connection, PB, is very close having a grandfather and uncle in the war. My grandfather was in the Merchant Navy and I wish I knew more about his service, but of course, like so many of his generation he virtually did not talk about it. There has been an excellent series on our TVO (TV Ontario) called Apocalypse: World War 1 . I am amazed at how much archival footage there is of the war. The series went into the political history but just as much the lives of the ordinary enlisted men. Such unbelievable carnage. One episode mentioned that in one day of fighting at Verdun 7000 horses died. I had to turn away at times it was so upsetting to see the lives of those men and animals. But there are still lessons to be learned from it if only those in power would be mindful of them. If there are any history buffs here, it can be watched on-line from TVO.org. Well, back to the present.
    I really enjoyed having my friend from England here. We were out and about a lot. (the downside to that in the long run has been too much eating out with the predictable consequences!) We saw an excellent production of Alice Through the Looking Glass at our Stratford which has a renowned Shakespearean theatre as well as two other theatres- not bad for a town of 32,000. Manny, many Americans come to Stratford. I'm also hoping to see a production of King Lear that has super reviews. Our Stratford looks remarkably like Stratford, England in geographical features which I have been to. It has an Avon River near the theatre and of course, the town has capitalized on the comparisons. Swans are kept on the river but in the winter they have to be housed in an enclosure because of the cold. Every Spring they hold a ceremony (which has turned into a huge event with hundreds attending) in which a piper in Elizabethan dress plays as the swans are marched back down to the river.
    I've had a good week thus far re diet/exercise. Nellie and I have ben walking and I'm trying to do at least two miles. The temps are rising again so a challenge but I've also got in two 20 minute bike rides today and yesterday. Was going to mention an article from the Globe today but will try to remember for next time (on dieting and decision making) as it is now past nine and I need to attend to Nellie. Regards.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. Very hot weather here, especially in the afternoon, but thankfully not overly humid and very sunny. Nellie and I have walked another two miles today and yesterday and I biked 25 minutes both days so pleased with the exercise. Yesterday I also did a short ride and did a few (5) jumps again. With the return of hot weather, the plants are suddenly very dry again despite the fact we had torrential weather not many days ago. I'll mention that article I referred to in my last post now. It talked about how neuroscientists have determined that the brain has a limited capacity to make decisions in any one day/ at any particular time. (I think I have actually heard something of this idea before) The application seems to be that if one wants to achieve goals/control habits as in eating/weight management it is important to structure things so there are not a lot of undecided factors around eating or one is more likely to engage in impulsive, mindless eating. I don't suppose this is earth shattering news to most of us, who readily realize the benefits of planning and being prepared but to me, it was interesting to have it put in the context of our (usually unconscious) decision making by the brain. On another note, regarding the quest for better health, exercise and weight loss I read an excellent blog here yesterday (whoops, I now realize I have forgotten the title so will have to add that later!) The writer is a longer time member of MFP and has lost a lot of weight. She has some very thoughtful comments on setting and changing goals. One slogan she referred to was simply, "one or none" which she says helped her to overcome her compulsive over-eating; she remembers it from her childhood when her mother would say she could have one cookie or none. I thought of it as the kind of thing Beck would like to see on response cards- for all who use Beck. I did think of it today and I think it did work so I'll make a card myself- it certainly can't hurt! On a different note, I have been watching Doc Martin on dvd from the library. My sister-in-law told me about it some time ago but I did not seek it out and never saw it on any of the tv channels I receive. I've really enjoyed it, laughed out loud at times and am sorry that I've now finished season 5 and there are 83 people ahead of me season 6- the library does have several copies so I hope it will not be too long a wait. As it is now 7:30 and should be getting cooler, I'll take Nellie for a little walk. I've just heard a lovely red cardinal singing outside my den window which is another incentive to walk. Regards all.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Here are the blog(s) I referred to in my post below- apparently there were two- When One becomes 10 (the 'one or none' quote is actually in the comments, not the blog itself) and Decisions about your goal weight.