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  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Have just enjoyed reading the latest posts. I can certainly commiserate with you both, MITM and PB as I find having visitors makes it so much more difficult to manage the eating plan. MITM, you do seem to get periodically inundated with visitors and although they can be a joy, there is no doubt more stress and more likelihood of eating not as planned. I have been doing somewhat better but by no means ideal. For me there was a birthday gathering for a niece last night ( just a little derailment) but for some reason I have not slept well the past two nights and so my eating was disorganized today but the rest of the week had been good. PB, your 6 mile walk (impressive that!) had to help somewhat. I've been getting a little more exercise lately too, with better walks with Nellie and yesterday I did a fairly brisk bike ride for 30 minutes, enough so that I really felt it today. I also did some long and quite vigorous garden work for quite a few hours during the week. I rode yesterday and today but my wretched GERD has been making it so that I can't ride as long as I would like. We are still in this run of virtually summer-like weather, with temperatures the past two days of 25/26C, almost too warm for me in the afternoon. It is good to see that your second week on the job has gone well, PB. BM, well done on your drink free days. My sister from the West is now in Ontario and we are booked to see King Lear at our Stratford Festival theatre on Tuesday afternoon. It has had terrific reviews and I count myself lucky to have got tickets as it was only decided to go on Saturday and when I phoned, there were only about a dozen seats available. However, I was told our three balcony seats in centre row B are very good. I'm looking forward to it. The week looks rather hectic as I have medical appointments on Monday and Wednesday as well, my writing course starts tomorrow night, and my brother who is doing the flooring in my spare room will be working here sometime in the week. I'll try to keep my head above water, think of other Crackers also struggling along, and return here for respite and inspiration. Take care of yourselves everyone.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Sorry to hear about the homesickness and visitors MITM. I'm sure that 3lbs will come off just as quickly as it appeared once you return to your normal healthy eating. I didn't start the shred today as I'm still not feeling 100%. I'm pretty much over the cold but haven't been out of the house for a week and seem to have very little energy. I'm aiming to start on Wed now as that's 1st October. I'm sure I'll feel up to tackling it by then.

    BM, well done on staying off the booze. I haven't had a glass of wine since a week last Sunday so like you I started the sober October challenge early. It's lovely that your husband has joined you in the challenge. I don't miss it that much really, I think having a glass of wine just becomes a habit with me. I suppose the only thing I miss is a glass of champagne on a special occasion. I don't think we have any during October though. We're going to a wedding on 1 November so I'll be able to toast the bride and groom as the challenge will be over - just!

    PB - great to hear that you are enjoying the new job. A fresh challenge is a fresh start so I'm sure you will soon have your eating back under control again. You'll have to get your Mum and Dad to take the biscuit tin home with them in future!

    Bracken - good luck with the writing course. What sort of course is it? Creative writing? Your theatre trip should be good too. I was in our UK Stratford a couple of weeks ago and thinking it was a while since I had seen any Shakespeare there. We used to go quite regularly (by that I mean every 3 years or so!) but I don't think we've been since the 500 yr anniversary when the RSC went through his complete works during the course of a year or so. We saw a fantastic production of Much Ado About Nothing but that must be about 10 years ago now - time flies. We don't have any theatre trips booked at the moment but are going to see Pink Martini in concert in Cardiff later this month. I've also just booked tickets to see Lionel Richie on his UK tour next year. He'll be in Cardiff next March so that's something to look forward to.

    So, all my classes started again last week and I missed them all. Choir has been back since the beginning of Sept and we are learning some new Christmas songs ready for our Christmas concert. I'm still doing Welsh and we're both still doing cookery. This year it is a baking course, but that's not just cakes, it's anything that is baked in the oven, sweet and savoury. This week it's scones. Cheese scones are one of my favourite things so I shall be doing a sundried tomato, thyme and feta cheese scone. It's also Book Group this week where we will be discussing The Kashmir Shawl by Rosie Thomas. This was a lovely read set in India and Wales which I can definitely recommend.

    I haven't been too bad with my eating because I've been under the weather, although I did cheer myself up by making some coffee cup cakes over the week-end which the husband and I scoffed! I haven't got on the scales though. I shall weigh in on Wednesday and see where I stand after the combination of a lot of partying with my friend from Australia, followed by feeling under the weather and not eating properly. I am going to make a concerted effort to drop some weight during October though. We're in the countdown to Christmas now and those Cracker dresses!

    Be good all

  • Evening Crackers!

    Well I've just finished 'work' 200 schlipfkrapfen and I thought I deserved a cup of tea and a quick catch up - so what a treat to find a lovely long post from LMV!

    With Bracken mentioning Italy it has reminded me... whilst I was home early summer I had arranged to meet a friend and wanted to confirm but on arriving in the UK for some unknown reason my mobile refused to work. So I sent a text using my Mother's spare mobile but because I'm getting old and my eyesight is dreadful, I read the wrong number off my phone! So imagine my shock when a text message comes back on my mother's phone along the lines of 'I think you've sent this to the wrong person as I'm not meeting you tomorrow!' I realised some time later what I had done, the number I had sent my message to was LMV but had she not kindly sent back her text, my friend would have assumed I'd made other plans and I'd have thought I'd be stood up! So I never did say thank you and I believe LMV you were in Italy at the time!!!

    I am currently STILL 3lbs heavier!!! I was so good on Friday, Saturday & Sunday up until the afternoon. We too are experiencing 'summer' weather now in Autumn, so after yet another work shift my husband dragged me out walking. Serious walking, up the hill I go with the daughter but not down again, no he wanted 'as it's so lovely' to continue up and over to the next village... In total a circuit of 3 hours of hilly walking. The problem, in this village we got spotted walking and one of 'his ladies' who works for him insisted upon dragging us inside her house. Being a Sunday as is traditional in these parts we could not refuse the homemade blackcurrant cordial (full of sugar and calories), the slab of home-made jam tart (with the heaviest pastry crust I've ever had the misfortune to taste) and what annoyed me the most an actimel! Who offers an actimel with cake? I have an actimel every morning at breakfast a 0% fat one, this was a full fat one which my husband muttered under his breath 'you'll insult her if you don't drink it'. Three days of being good wiped out by being made to eat the most ghastliest cake against my will. As I told the husband on the long trek home, if I wanted to eat cake I'd make my own and not one that stuck in my throat - and I'm blaming him as I never wanted to enter the village in the first place!!

    I've been painting all day today so tomorrow I will be trying on the dreaded trousers and praying for a miracle!!

    Be good Crackers!

    P.S. Look forward to seeing you on the exercise thread Wednesday LMV and any other brave souls!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Afternoon crackers,

    Weighed in today and I've dropped 4lbs since I weighed myself 2 weeks ago. Part of that is not eating properly while I've been poorly, but I'm grateful because I know I overdid it on my London week-end with the girls, so if I hadn't been ill I think I would have been registering a gain.

    MITM, I did wonder subsequently if that text had been from you rather than someone randomly keying in a wrong number, but it didn't occur to me at the time. I'm glad you managed to meet up with your friend. Really bad luck on the jam tart saga. You are obviously a lot more obliging than me because I know I would have turned it down if I didn't want it and pleaded an upset stomach or something. I guess you are in another part of the world though and customs vary.

    Well I experimented in cookery last night by making gluton free and dairy free scones (apart from the cheese in the cheesy ones). They turned out surprisingly well. The texture is slightly different but they were nice and light. I have a friend who has been really ill this year and was actually in intensive care at one point. Eventually they have discovered that she is a coeliac and this is the root of the problems she has experienced. Because she went undiagnosed for so long it has compromised her health in other ways. My husband has a dairy intolerance so largely keeps away from cow's milk (we use soya milk) but he has a mild wheat intolerance as well. Our friend's experience has encouraged us to cut down on wheat so I'm going to use this baking course as an opportunity to experiment. I've also bought Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's new book "Light and Easy' which is full of gluton and dairy free recipes so I have plenty of inspiration.

    So, 1st October and I'm aiming to drop 7lbs this month. So far, so good, I've done the Shred!

    Be good Crackers

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good Morning ladies, I am sorry this subject is not weight loss related but I am so upset I had to write!
    I am not sure if I told you all that earlier this year our beautiful little cocker spaniel was attacked by a German shepherd in the grounds of the condo. ( I love GSD,s and had a fantastic one for 17 yrs so this is not about the breed). He was being held on the lead by a young petite Asian girl who could not control him so OH had no option but to kick the dog once to get it off ours. The girl went crazy calling My OH a crazy old B*****d and proceeded to follow him on their walk and verbally shout obscenities at him. (Over here it is supposed to be against the law to have a GSD out without a muzzle, or swear in public). Anyway, a few weeks later the husband, a huge young European who appears a very rough person approached OH with her and the dog again and had a right go at him. OH who is quite eloquent and calm replied "yes, he had kicked the dog, but it was out of control". Further words followed off those two but OH walked away. So now to today........

    I was walking just outside our lobby with our dog this morning when the GSD and her were walking in front of us and the dog turned and lunged for Harry again, up on his back legs, snarling, drooling, growling, the works. She was hanging onto the lead but managed just about to hold him. I shouted at her " that dog should be muzzled, you obviously cannot control it" to which she went crazy, she called me a "crazy old WHITE B*****d several times (rascist?... Not much!!!!) she then proceeded to swear and insult me for several minutes whilst at the same time practically jogging on the spot in temper. I hate confrontation of any sort but managed to reply that she should be wearing a muzzle as well as the dog, and that she had a foul mouth. She then informed me she was going to the police about me, gave me "the finger" and walked off! I was so upset, but went straight to management to report her, they knew immediately who I was on about. That dog has bitten other dogs and been reported on more than 2 occasions. Unfortunately all that proves is how ineffective the management here are.
    So I am sure there will be repercussions now with the bully boy husband, which does worry me as OH has had a few health and heart problems recently, plus he is twice the age of the husband. So I am working myself up into a fine old state, and very nervous about going for our afternoon walk now.
    Several things worry me about this, I doubt management will do anything to resolve this. I am now more worried that they may leave the dog go on purpose to attack ours. She is allowed to hurl racial insults at me which would never be allowed were it be the other way around. I am quite happy here, it is a beatiful apartment with sea views and fab places to walk. Oh dear, the list could be endless....
    OH is ringing me frequently today to see how I am, but this just makes me want to cry! I don't want him worrying over me. ( I have a history of mental related issues after a "breakdown" and he worries will it trigger it off).
    Oh dear again! This all sounds so dramatic, but over here on my own it seems like all problems get magnified.
    I will close now, before I get weepy again! If ever there was a time I could with a Jack Daniels and coke........lol x
    Actually, on that score I haven't missed alcohol at all, I think it is just a habit more than anything, to drink at the weekends.
    Wishing all a good, safe day, BM x x x x
    Apologies again for the rant, I have no one else to tell, as I would never let my family know I was upset or had any problems here. X x
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Poor you BM. This all sounds absolutely horrible and when you are on your own With no one to share it with I'm sure it seems like the end of the world.

    If I were in your shoes, I think I would go back to Management and ask for a meeting with the "top" person. If you know who the other complainers are then they might want to be involved too. I would ask them to spell out their plan of action for dealing with the problem. I would also put a formal complaint in writing including the racial abuse issue so that they have it on record.

    If it is against the law to have a GSD without a muzzle or swear in public, who enforces the law? I think if Management don't seem to have any plan to deal with it then I would let them know that you intend to involve whoever enforces the law. You might want to escalate the issue to whoever "Management" report to if you are not satisfied with the response from local management. If they are not doing the job they are supposed to, then whoever hired them needs to know. Also, what do the terms of your lease say about dogs in the complex. Are these people breaching any of the terms? This should all be discussed with management or put in the letter.

    I doubt that "bully boy" would actually do anything to your husband, he's probably just that, a bully. Your husband sounds like he's more than up to dealing with him. While the problem is being sorted, do you have some other people who you could dog walk with? Safety in numbers and all that?

    Really sorry you are having to deal with all this and I can understand why you are upset. When you've got over the shock and are not quite so weepy, do something practical to solve the issue.

    Big hug

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    BM - I have only just read your post and understand how you are feeling, then I read what LMV put and I agree with every word she has said, and I would do as she suggests. Keep us posted.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    LMV, thank you so much for your kind words and excellent advice. It meant so much to me knowing that you and then MITM are "in my corner". Your advice is excellent, and were I in the UK I would have already started that ball rolling. However, without saying too much, things don't work like that here. It is very frustrating, but something we just have to live with. If I ever meet up with you or any of the crackers I will have a good few tales to tell! Unfortunately the racial abuse I experienced was not the worse I have encountered here, but again that would be denied as not happening in SG. I am much more calm today although my heart was in my mouth walking the dog both times today. The big cruise ships come in today so we sat on a bench under a tree and watched them docking. As we did a huge lizard strolled past us. Harry was beside himself trying to get at it, but I had a firm grip on him. He would have come a sorry second in a battle with that old boy. So for a while I sat and pretended all was well with my world.

    Anyhow. Thank you again so very much for taking the time to both listen to and advise me. The crackers have been like a family to me and have helped me so much through my time here. It always strikes me as somewhat ironic that when people visit us they all love it here, they see where we live, the marina, the pool the gym, the ocean the sunshine/heat etc. and all assume we are "living the dream". They never think that we are thousands of miles from family, I gave up a good career and many other things. We still have bills here, OH works long hours etc. I admit to having holidayed in several places around the world and thought I would love to have lived there. However two weeks in the sun with any worries left behind is not the same as living in a foreign country and living by their rules. As you said to MITM when she ate the cake, customs may me different in Austria. On your own home ground the rules are what we have always known, but a foreign country is a whole new ball game. For example here it is considered very rude to hand over or receive a credit or business card with one hand. You are supposed to use two and take the time to look at and acknowledge the card. So goodness knows how many people I offended when we first came here. Oh Dear, I am off on a ramble again!
    I will close now (honestly!), wishing all the crackers a lovely weekend, BM x x x
    Ps my 4th out of 15 weekend days without alcohol tonight and I am honestly not missing it...........yet x x
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Just popped in and like MITM am annoyed and in part stymied by the apparent change in format. Why do they do this!! Have just read the whole unfortunate saga from BM and even from here I could feel myself feeling anger at what you have had to put up with. I do agree that LMV has put forth some really excellent advice and if any of it can be done, despite the limitations of the cultural restraints, I think it would be worthwhile. One related thought I had was that in some sense the GSD is also a victim in the sense that he has not been properly trained and I would suspect that he will at some point be considered to be disposable too. Unfortunately, with his lack of training he will probably not be easily rehomed. There are far to many people who have too much dog for which they can really manage- it happens here too, of course- and it usually is an ego thing. Hope to return soon.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    I read an article this week (whilst nursing my cold in bed!) called 'Lose Weight - Not Heart' about how real emotional ups and downs make losing weight so hard. Because in theory losing weight is simple but there's an invisible elastic band, that tethers us to our past behaviour and is ready at any moment to snap us right back to those times. Anyway the purpose of this article was how being within a 'slimming' group gives strength to resist the powerful elastic band and one day break it. Well Crackers my band is very frayed because our little group gets me back on track every time I slip up - so I'm celebrating my one pound loss and pinging my elastic band in defiance! Four and a half pounds to target.

    Be good Crackers!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Oh BM you really have been through it haven't you? I know how awful it can be when you feel you are alone and, as you say you and your OH are both worrying about each other too. I don't think that the bully boy will do anything because he is on very dodgy ground - he won't want to escalate it further as he might find himself in all sorts of trouble if the dog is supposed to be muzzled and under control. Its not nice feeling you can't walk out of your home in peace and safety. I've been there too - I finally did sort it out but it took a few months before I found the strength so don't worry about resolving things too quickly. Whatever else happens you shouldn't feel that you are being pushed out of your home. Like MITM and LMV I'm in your corner - so take care of yourself and try not to let them get you down - and remember, revenge is a dish best served cold and they will get their comeuppance!
    Lots of Love
    PB xxx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Thanks PB, hope you had a lovely time in Norfolk. Yes, the dog incident has upset me no end. Thank you for your kind words and support. I just can't help but worry over the GSD though. It really is a beautiful dog which I fear will eventually end up being destroyed through no fault of it's own. I think the owners should be severely punished for the way they have the dog. I also think that the performance to get a dog registered here (You have to apply to the government!) then it being law to microchip, have yearly shots and the pet passport kept up to date etc is a farce when absolutely nothing is done to uphold the laws these conditions are supposed to enforce. OK off my soap box now!
    I expect you are getting all settled in to your new job, hope you are really enjoying it x x

    LMV, sorry to hear you are poorly again. Maybe you were up and about a bit before you were fully recovered? Look after yourself!! hope Hubby is much better too. My OH has man flu at the moment, he is driving me nuts! x x

    MITM, you are also working hard after recently being poorly, take time to rest when these shifts are over! (bear with me here, I have no one else to nag! lol x x)

    Bracken, thank you so much also for your kind words and support over the dog incident. I too fear the GSD will be the ultimate victim of this through absolutely no fault of his own. Hope you and Nellie are both well x x

    I am quite amazed and a bit puzzled how easy it has been not to drink alcohol. I always thought I really enjoyed a few glasses of wine and what was a weekend without it? However I can honestly say I haven't missed it at all. This was my 3rd weekend alcohol free and it wasn't easier or more difficult than the first two because it has not been a problem. It has admittedly probably been easier because OH has also abstained, but last night I could have cheerfully made him a very strong hot toddy or hit him over the head with a mallet. His man flu is getting right on my nerves. It's not as if he moans.....oh no, he sits there suffering in silence with a pained look of martyrdom on his face. practically counting down the hours til he is "allowed" his next dose of paracetamol. What is it with men and colds? He had a very nasty bout of shingles a couple of years back and honestly did not complain. A bout of the sniffles and I want to check into a hotel! Bless him(!!!) he has the cold and I do the moaning.......

    Wishing everyone a lovely Sunday, hope it is a day you can all relax a little.
    Love BM x x

  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Sorry!! me again. I just read back my post once I had pressed reply. How small is the writing on our new forum???? I even checked if the zoom was correct on the lap top. I am not happy with this new MFP at all. I appreciate I dislike change, but I don't even feel any of this was necessary. Even the new way to try to prevent spam has not worked in the slightest, and really that was the only thing I thought maybe should be looked at. It just must be my day to stand on my soapbox...............
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Ladies, I have just used my spiralizer for the first time. I first heard of them on MFP and wondered what all the fuss was about, but now I have used it I understand! lol x I used it for zucchini tonight which I had instead of spaghetti. I sauted the zucchini using a squirt of Pam then drained the liquid that came off it. I added 2tsps green pesto and some natural yoghurt, I stirred this through until it was hot. I then put a few halved cherry tomatoes with this, a squirt of fresh lemon and accompanied it with a piece of baked salmon. I used 150g of fresh zucchini which was only 24cals and it was a huge dishful! I can see I am going to have great fun with this little machine. I bought it off Amazon.com as the UK one would not deliver here. I really do recommend it. I think it was about 30gbp, unfortunately the postage to here was twice that but definitely still worth it. (I have the Paderno one). Once I finish this mail I am ordering one each for my children. I know my eldest son has said he wants to use it for fruits with my grandson to encourage him to eat a bit more fruit. My daughter, like me is a big lover of pasta, although just like me she suffers with upset stomachs after it if it has not been boiled to death! So I am sure she will be using it for the zucchini "pasta".

    Oops! just read this back and it sounds like I am on commission for selling this wonderful little gizmo! lol x I assure you I am not. I am a very nervous and not too good cook, so anything that makes the food look good on the plate is a winner in my book.....

    I have had 3 good walks today, actually going over my 10,000 steps goal. (I love my fitbit zip, another gadget I have recently purchased, it has encouraged me no end to increase my walks etc). I have also swum, I am enjoying all this healthy eating and exercise, I hope if I keep doing it for long enough it will just become second nature. I have noticed my tastes are changing. I seem to have gone off Starbucks lattes. Or rather I have one then can only tolerate a few mouthfuls before it becomes "too heavy". I have also stopped having a piece of toast for breakfast as it was making me feel uncomfortable for a while after eating it. So maybe my body is slowly adjusting to this way of life. As long as I never go off wine it's all good in my book :)

    Ok, I have rambled on enough, Hope everyone is well.
    BM x x

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Well firstly my apologies for not posting for over a week - I've been extremely busy or at least my fingers have; making endless schlipfkrapfen and I have another hard day ahead....

    This morning waiting for my husband before we started work, I filled in time ironing his chef whites - horrible job! Before we moved permanently to Austria, this was a chore unknown to me as all the top 5 star hotels have huge laundries filled with staff pressing uniforms like on cruise ships. This in turn then reminded me of a hotel I worked at in London, Dukes' Hotel around the corner from The Ritz overlooking Green Park. As a member of the Front of House team I had the honour of a made to measure navy suit - I was just 21 and it was probably the most expensive item of clothing I'd ever come into contact with! We had white stiff shirts which were starched and ironed for us. Oh the shame! I was so homesick at this time that I did what I always do when unhappy I ate and ate and I ballooned gaining over 2 stone in a matter of months. Fortunately there was a strict staff policy you could never take your jacket off whilst on duty - thank goodness as I soon could no longer do the waistband of the skirt up and it was held together with a long string of safely pins. I remember this all too well and the daily fear of being found out.

    Anyway last night (because I'm so tired and fed up at the sight of potatoes) feeling sorry for myself, I succumbed and I ate so much rubbish (usual suspects for me; ice-cream, crisps and dark chocolate) that I woke in the night and had to get up to put a bowl beside my bed! I wasn't sick, however this incident combined with my vivid memories whilst ironing reminded me why I'm not going down this path ever again on a daily basis.

    It's back to basics for me.... Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oh MITM, what a lovely and sad at the same time memory. (The first part!). I also think one of the worse feelings ever is the feeling of needing to vomit! Ugh. It's a testament to you though that you can firmly put it behind you and move on. Until the next time........I say that with love and respect because at the end of the day you are human, and if all we ever did was to follow the "rules" and never slip up I think the world would be a sadder place. One of my all time favorite sayings is " what doesn't kill you will make you stronger". That saying has helped me through so much. We fall down, we pick ourselves up, and we bloody well move on!
    I also think it is so lovely we can share our downs as well as our ups with each other and never be judged. In fact the support of this group as helped me through so much in the past few years especially with being away from friends and family. We are a perfect cyber family! Lol x x
    Hope you are able to relax today, look after yourself, love BM x x
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening BM!

    I've just completed my packing and in 5 short hours time I'll be getting up again!! However I just wanted to let you know I will be absent until the 11th November - so as it's been 17 long, quiet days since Bracken checked in, 15 for LMV, 13 for NEW8 and 7 for PB thank goodness you've got SAFFY to keep you on the straight and narrow!!! And as I will be away, I'm sending you now early birthday greetings and wishing you a fantastic break in Bali and I hope that the dress fits perfectly and remember '50! You can't turn the clock back... but you can wind it up again!' And when I return no doubt with a little excess baggage, I'm aiming to be very, very good until Christmas!! And I do hope all the Crackers will be back in force soon....
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Aw, thank you MITM, so lovely of you to think of me when you are so busy yourself x x I hope you have a wonderful time, and if you do come back with a little extra pound or two, so what? you are more than able to shift it/them in a couple of weeks....job done!
    It is so quiet without the other's isn't it? I am sure they are all fine, but it is just so nice to have that confirmed with a quick post! :)
    I am still increasing my calories slowly but surely and have also put on weight this week. I am strangely not panicking or upset by this though. I just know it is what needs to be done to reset my metabolism. So my run up to Christmas when I am usually frantic trying to lose weight for the dresses/parties etc has a different feel to it this year as I will be eating more and probably gaining on purpose! I absolutely loved the clock analogy, I shall remember that one!
    Take care and safe journey,
    BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - my apologies for the silence - a new job involves so much extra work as you try to catch up with everything - add 2 hours travelling per day and I'm afraid I get home at 6.30pm (ish) and after a supper I tend to crash out - before going to bed at just after 9.00pm! No exercise is not good. Food is middling as I eat a healthy breakfast and lunch - but Mum keeps leaving cake and biscuits as well as cabbage and carrots for me. I get back to Suffolk and find bottles of wine, cake and crisps all waiting for me. I think she thinks she is helping!
    Never mind. As far as the job is going - its going well - although as I say they do have some somewhat unreasonable expectations that I'm going to work miracles in my first 6 weeks - but I'm slowly getting there I think so hopefully they won't want to get rid of me.

    MITM I know you won't get to read this for a while - but I know exactly what you mean - part of my problem at the moment is my sugar cravings. I did lose these for a while when I was really motoring on the weight loss but they have crept back in. Mind you, I think after a day working with food I might be less interested, having said that crisps and dark choc are never easy to resist.

    Bailey, good to see you are having a less frantic time running up to Christmas. I still have a faint hope of losing some weight before Christmas but with so little time for exercise I'm more concerned about feeling flabby than putting on weight (perhaps I should be worried about both).

    Well must go now as due at Hunter Trial to judge this morning and still need to pack to go back to Mums tonight.

    take care all and i'll try and come online again during the week.

    PB xx
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Dear Crackers. Another apology for being away so long. Now I am uncertain with this new format if this is even going to work. Above this I am seeing a red banner that says body is required. I have no idea what this means so I am going to post this and see what happens and then hopefully will be able to return.