Let's get started



  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A quick little pop-in here as I am trying to keep refocused and this is part of what helps me to do so. It has been pouring rain since late afternoon so no evening walk for Nellie but we did have a nice 1 1/2 miles walk in the morning. I felt very fortunate this afternoon as one of my sisters came here and then announced that she would gladly give me a hand in my garden which had really got away from me with my friend being here and then with the past few very hot days. Between us we got the lawns cut and everything weeded and some trimming and pruning done and literally finished as it started to rain. We then made a visit on another of my sisters (I have four) and so spent a pleasant evening. I came home with a bag of cucumbers from her garden so I'll have to dig out my recipe for the bread and butter pickles and try to get those done, I hope tomorrow. The recipe is one I found in my Mother's
    recipe box last year, written out in my Grandma's hand. It is dead simple but I was very pleased with how it turned out, tasting to me as I remember it from years ago. Hope all are well.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - well the saying goes that you wait forever for a bus then two come along at once - the analogy to my job hunt situation is that I've had nothing for several weeks and I now have 3 interviews lined up! One is tomorrow at 1.00pm. Practice Manager for a vets surgery - the patients are more likely to bite you I guess but are generally much more pleasant to be around! The second is a week on Thursday (21st) which is a GP Practice in a place called OUndle which is rather nice but would entail me moving. The third is not until 9th Sept so a long way off and that's another GP practice this time in Bury St Edmunds so commutable. I also applied for a job yesterday with the fire brigade and was put forward for a consultancy role at Ford motor company in Essex - so quite a good day all round yesterday.

    In the afternoon I went for a quick ride on Harley who at one point decided to canter off with me - the flies weren't so bad as its been a bit cooler the last few days (Hurricane Bertha remnants have cooled things down considerably). I managed to pull him up and he was fine after that - but I can't wait for the stubble to be available as that will give me a good chance of a proper canter on my terms not a spook! Thankfully, he doesn't tend to canter off very far and is relatively easy to pull back - but yesterday he had also had to go out without his noseband which came apart when I was tacking him up, so he was more difficult to pull up. Still I managed it and I'm quite proud of how confident I've become.

    My parents are staying at the moment so I'm afraid I'm being tempted with all sorts of naughtiness. I've been for a nice walk this morning though and it was a lovely bright sunny day - but there was a stiff breeze. This afternoon I shall go down and groom and let Butler have a walk round the stables then help do up. Thank heavens for the exercise I'm getting - although I haven't been to the swimming pool or gym for ages but messing about with horses can be very strenuous and I've had some lovely long walks too in this fabulous weather. I've lost count of how many times I've been in the sea this year - but it is so warm (we had a very warm winter - hardly any frost at all) at the moment and will be for another month at least I think.

    Well that's all my news for now - take care Crackers!

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Morning Crackers!

    What a treat Bracken - another post from your good self, keep focusing and writing as I'm enjoying reading what you are up to as it helps me too! I'm so pleased you had a good time with your friend even if your garden did get neglected. I spent an enjoyable couple of hours yesterday in my front garden also catching up, cutting and pruning and making it look presentable again. And I sympathise with the inevitable extra eating - sometimes it just can't be helped!

    My daughter has a wish list of all the cakes and biscuits she wants me to bake (no one makes home-made cakes where she is living and they don't have the ingredients or cake tins if she were to suggest she make one) whilst she is here. I use to bake every weekend without fail when my mother-in-law was alive. Then after she died when we had family visiting which was monthly but now the daughter is in England, it's only when she is home for holidays, everyone descends upon us. This coming weekend is a bank holiday and a 'great aunt' is dropping by to see her so I'll bake a cake and tick one off the list! I plan to make the most indulgent and calorific when we have guests in the house so there will be less for me to wear....

    Well with my daughter here and every moment precious I'm making the most of each day. I have been doing lots of exercise (which is just as well with all this baking!) as my daughter has been dragging me out on hikes and evening walks up the steep hillside behind us. Fortunately after a dismal early wettest summer ever it has been kinder although today it is pouring but last night my daughter swam 30 lengths in the local outdoor pool which she had to herself whilst I had a pleasant fruit tea. It is so quiet here this summer, you can see the difference that the cutbacks are making in Italy as there are far fewer tourists around, normally it is called Little Italy at this time of year.

    My plan is to attempt to just STS and maintain my 'Jillian' acquired measurements which is actually a big ask when you have kindly neighbours delivering boxes of chocolates as a thank you for letting them help themselves to the redcurrants... Like that blog you mentioned Bracken chocolate is not safe in my home unless it's dark and these are milk!!

    Well be good Crackers!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    PB - we must have been posting at the same time! Fantastic news on the job front good luck with the interviews!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. I'm here as a treat and a rest after taking Nellie for a 2 1/4 mile walk- quite humid though not as hot as before yesterday's long rain storm. I do like an evening rain in the summer when I am sitting inside and can hear the rain on the leaves of my trees. The downside is that I am not riding today as it is so wet in the riding ring.
    PB, it is wonderful to read of your upcoming interviews. I do hope they go well for you. Working in a vet's clinic sounds lovely but of course, there are other factors to consider than being around four-footed creatures. I love hearing about your riding excursions. You are clearly riding with confidence which makes such a difference. Here, the flies and deer flies are so bad in July/August most people avoid the fields and woods and stick to the ring. No spray seems effective with deer fly. You make swimming in the sea sound so inviting. I wish I were a swimmer .(well. I am really glad I got that walk in as I've just had to bring Nellie in as it has started to pour rain.) I never really learned as a child. I did at one time take a few lessons at a local YMCA but I really did not seems to have much aptitude for it- a lot of thrashing around without making much progress to where I was going as I recall! I think I'm better to stick to my bike. Is Butler your dog? I don't recall that name.
    MITM, I can understand your daughter's wish for your home baking. There are many things one can buy pre-made but it seems hard, here at least, to buy really nice cakes. Cakes are not my favourite indulgence (Christmas cake excepted) but a good home made cake is very tempting. I recently had such cake. The stable owner knows myself and the other boarder I ride with have birthdays in July so she said she would make us any kind of cake we liked. We agreed a good carrot cake (with the requisite cream cheese/lemon icing) was our choice. So one Sunday after riding we were invited in for cake- that was truly a delicious indulgence. By chance, when were talking the BO (barn owner) asked me if I had ever tried keifer (I shall now get in the healthy part of my post!). I knew of it but had not tried it. She is very health conscious and also has digestive issues and is aware of my on-going problems. She kindly gave me a litre of plain, organic keifer- it comes here in 1% or 2%. If any one is unfamiliar with it, it is a fermented milk product, rather thickish, and tangy. I find it quite palatable alone or put it on cereal (you can mix it with regular milk or almond milk etc.) or in a smoothie. The keifer I get has 10 probiotic cultures compared to 2 in the typical yogurt. I've noticed here there is also a strawberry version but of course, it has a lot of added sugar which I think is also not good for the cultures. In any case, I think it is helping my digestive system so I've mentioned it. MITM, thanks for the reminder that exercise can help deter impulsive eating. I hope you are having a wonderful time with you daughter home.
    Regards all.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Dear Crackers - well the first interview wasn't a success - unfortunately they hadn't indicated a salary and were looking for someone to take on the job at considerably less than I'm willing to work for. They are in a mess but they can get a 'younger' cheaper version who is less expensive. Good luck to them. Its a false economy as far as I can see. I'm working on the presentation for the next interview which is a week today. I know the salary level on that one so at least I won't be wasting my time trying.

    It was interesting though as I think they were quite interested in me and they are nationwide so its possible they will come up with something that is more suitable (and salary is OK). Still we'll see.

    In the meantime only one ride this week and, as Mum and Dad are still staying I'm eating far too much.

    the sun is shining though and I'm off to the stables in about an hour.

    Speak soon Crackers - and well done to all of you who seem to be on track - and certainly on track at the moment. My time will come again - I know.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. A very quick pop-in but must say, PB, your time will come indeed. You are getting closer with these interviews and every interview of course, will hone your interview manner. Hope you had a good time at the stables. Back soon I hope.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    'My agent says for woman hunger is an emergency. If I am not full I am both murderous and suicidal.' Nigella Lawson.

    On Thursday I was under a lot of pressure to prepare the potatoes ready for Schlipfkrapfen making the following day and bake. I decided upon an easy but rather good recipe for Brownie biscuits, plus I had to tidy the house ready for the Great Aunt. She was due late afternoon. All chores done, we sat and waited and waited and waited in our Sunday best! Until I could wait no longer and insisted the husband ring his Uncle where she was due to stay overnight and find out where is she? She was running late and would call once she arrived at the Uncle's. Great! Two precious wasted hours... She rang, 'Would we mind terribly if she came instead in the morning as she was so tired?' Well actually yes, we had to work even if it was a bank holiday... but of course we politely said 'No problem see you tomorrow' and I slammed the lid down firmly on the biscuit tin.

    All out of routine and behind time, dinner was served late and the first murderous thoughts occurred as the hunger pangs set in. Then my daughter received a strange text message from her Aunt my husband's sister. It read they would be leaving at 8am on Saturday morning to come to us. What? My husband had told me they were coming next Saturday not this Saturday and a bank holiday here in Austria, means everything is closed so I hadn't bought in any extra food... My guest bedroom as they were staying overnight, the beds were not made up. And most worryingly of all, my sister-in-law sells our Schlip in Innsbruck and the order for our customers was not yet ready as we thought we had another week. More murderous thoughts with the husband in mind and suicidal thoughts because of the size of the order.

    We crammed our food down and had to set to work then and there and we were still at it at 1am. Bleary eyed I got up the next morning and waited for the Great Aunt to drop in on us. By the time she left after a pleasant visit I should add, lunch was then late and the stress of knowing what lay ahead for the rest of the day and evening - the murderous and suicidal thoughts were never far away. We worked straight through until midnight and tumbled into bed. Saturday the husband was doing a wedding function all day and evening but he got up early and before he left he prepared for his sister and family a freshly made lasagne for lunch as he had already minced the meat at work. By the time I got up the kitchen was a mass of dirty pots and pans - it took me all morning to clear up the mess and then clean the house but the lasagne was in the oven bubbly away nicely and I had washed the salad and coleslaw from the garden. It would be ready for 1pm which is when our guests were due.

    No sign of them... 1.30pm a text - the traffic was so bad (as they had to drive through Italy) they were stopping off for pizza!! My daughter and I meanwhile were starving ourselves waiting for them to arrive... Yet more murderous thoughts.... We hungrily ate. They eventually turned up at 2.30pm and after coffee and yet more cake then went out leaving their children. We eat at 6pm they returned at 7pm... My daughter complained in the evening of feeling sick because over the past 3 days our meal plans to accommodate others have gone out of the window and whilst waiting to eat we have snacked on rubbish plus ate far too many cakes. This continued right up until 7pm on Sunday evening when they finally headed home and my daughter and I strode up the hillside to work off our pent up energy!

    Still I have come to realise over the past few days the reason I'm able to stay so close to my target weight, don't feel as if I'm on a diet or deprived is because I have such a structured plan and eat only foods that suit me and my body on a regular 4 hourly basis. This weekend I've been completely out of sorts and snatching at rubbish and eating meals and treats to keep others happy! You really do have to selfishly put yourself and your needs first otherwise you could so easily end up both murderous or suicidal or both! I've promised the daughter now her cousins have left we are returning to our way of eating where hunger pangs are banned!

    Be good Crackers!

    PB - good luck with the second interview.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Morning Crackers!

    Spooky, spooky, spooky!! In my email account yesterday I found an email from Judith Beck YES 'the' Beck!! 'Eating Schedules: why they're necessary' - Bracken did you receive this too or is google reading my posts!!

    Sadly the invitation to the workshop is in Philadelphia so I'll have to give it a miss but the email itself was so interesting. The skill they are teaching 'to eat according to a schedule instead of on demand.'

    And I quote "we work with out dieters figure out when they should eat their meals and snacks. The schedule may be fairly flexible and may need to be altered when their daily activities change. But a schedule is necessary for them to lose weight and to keep it off because it allows them to avoid the struggle of spontaneous eating decisions. The answers to 'should I eat a muffin at my work place?' 'should I grab some chips when I'm filling up my gas tank?' 'Should I eat a snack with my kids at the park?' are clear because they know: if it's time to eat, I eat. If it's not time to eat, I don't."

    Well I know it's time for me to get a cup of tea now. Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A very quick pop-in but hope to be back later today. Must laud you, MITM, for doing so well with the STS after all the disruptions to your schedule and the very busy time you are having. It is interesting that you eat according to a schedule you have determined works for you and how that fits in with recommendations from Beck. It reminds me that I am not receiving the newsletters from Beck that I was so I'll look into that. Until later.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Back a little later than I thought. I had a reconning with the scales two days ago and it was not good news, though there was no reason for me to think it would be. The past few weeks have been very up and down after getting closer to my best weight. But each time I've stop and started, I keep starting a little higher so the net result is a predictable upward trend. I hope I am now getting a grip on it again. I am recording in the food journal and preparing proper meals. I have had a lot of eating out socially but that should not be an excuse. Usually I don't do that badly eating out but it seems to throw me afterwards. I've let everything else take priority over focusing on how and what I eat. I've been doing a lot of decluttering in a room that has been the catch-all for everything I don't want to deal with at the moment. For example, I had downsized the books in my den which I use all the time. However, instead of getting rid of the books I put them in the hidden storage room! Part of the problem was that a lot of the books were not ones that would sell in a general charity store and I can't bear to throw out books. Many were from university courses but I'll never read them again. (Restoration drama never was a favourite!) I have found a used bookstore that caters to university students. It wasn't really close but I felt good finally dropping off nine bags of books. Then there are the used electronics that never quite got to the recycling centre. Why do I have so many Christmas decorations? (Partly because people give them to me as gifts.) So trips to the nearest charity shop. Then there are the clothes that I've kept and kept ..... Need I say more - anyway, I am making progress and am motivated to organize and clear the room because I want to have the old carpet replaced with some new flooring. I mentioned earlier that several people in my family are on the move so there have been more than the usual number of get-togethers. I have really enjoyed seeing my nieces and nephew. One niece is relocating to British Columbia, her brother is finishing his Masters at McGill U. in Montreal. Another niece leaves for England this weekend for teaching and her sister has just returned to the States for her university. Both of those nieces had said they would like to have a ride on my horse.
    The England bound one took lessons for a couple of years when she was 10 -12 and rode a couple of times this summer. She is very athletic and quickly got the feel of riding back and even comfortably did a few small jumps. I was rather worried about putting her sister on my horse since she has not ridden and I imagined how awful it would be if she hurt herself, particularly as her scholarship is tied into playing ice hockey for the university (American schools are very big on athletic scholarships; in Canada schools are not allowed to have athletic scholarships). She did very well and caught onto posting and then wanted to try a canter; her sister assured me it would be fine, no problem and it wasn't. I really enjoyed having them out to the stable. Another niece, age 10, has started to take some lessons at another stable and wanted me to see her ride. And her sister, 15, who took some lessons for a short period of time has said she would like to have an occasional ride on my horse. So it has been the summer of the nieces and riding! I've signed up for a writing course through the Continuing Education Department at the nearby university; the choices were a bit limited for the fall term so I've chosen the Writing Fiction one; in the winter there is a Non-fiction course that I'm also interested in doing if possible. There is a doc on the CBC I want to see about dogs coming on shortly so will leave for now. Regards.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. The past three days have been better on the eating front though today was a bit tougher; this is a recurring problem because of my reflux issues which mean that I usually eat nothing before I ride in the morning. When I get home, I am very hungry and it seems harder to keep on a balanced keel. Today was not too bad as when I returned home, I loaded up on protein and had two egg whites and one whole egg poached as the basis of my breakfast. Later in the afternoon though I felt really hungry and ended up eating more than I planned but not a total write off so I'm looking forward to continuing on tomorrow. I'm trying to focus on significantly reducing sugar and keeping carbs fairly low, a challenge since they are in a lot of the foods I really like. I've reminded myself that I've had virtually no added sugar foods for the past four days. I'm trying to internalize the new recommendations from the World Health organization that added sugars should be no more than 20-25 g. (a small chocolate bar usually has about 25 or more grams alone) Our Canadian Department of Health here has been much criticized for recommending a total sugar amount limit of 100g per day, making no distinction between the sugar in a serving of blueberries and the sugar in a candy bar. There is a feeling that there has been influence from the sugar lobby. Today I saw my niece before she left to catch the plane in Toronto for Gatwick. I have given her a new pair of riding breeches and a good used pair of half-chaps which should help set her up for being able to ride while she is in Britain. It will be the first time for my brother and his wife that both daughters are away from home, with the other one now in University in the States- I expect the dog will get even more attention. She already is almost like a third child since she is taken everywhere including visits to the university in the States! Nellie has had a less exciting time for the past couple of weeks as the stable dog has gone to the cottage with the stable owners' family for the past two weeks. She has one more week to amuse herself at the stable while I am there. Still she enjoys running wild and tearing around. How quickly summer is drawing to a close, though at the moment it is the hottest/most humid it has been this summer. However, I suddenly have noticed how much earlier it is getting dark. Hope all Crackers are well wherever you are.
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    And here in the UK - where its a Bank Holiday - it has rained solidly all day! I've been at a Street Fair all day helping in the tea tent. Interesting...... Surrounded by gravestones in the church yard and serving tea and cakes.

    Fingers crossed Crackers - my interview on Thursday went well (I think - and they took up my references which seems like a good sign) but they are waiting to see another candidate this week who couldn't make the Thursday. Very frustrating and tense few days. Hope it will be good news soon...

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi Crackers

    Keep those fingers crossed Crackers! I have been invited to attend a second interview with the practice in Northamptonshire. I had a phone call yesterday evening. Very happy. Its a nice surgery and nice people so I really want the job.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A really quick pop-in as I must not procrastinate any more on getting back to my decluttering project but I this is really good news from you, PB and I'll definitely cross fingers!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Crackers - just wanted to let you know I'm off to the UK to return the daughter to school - how time flies. The past couple of weeks there have been far too many treats, so the scales are not being kind and more importantly I can feel and see the difference in my clothes and now I'm off to toxic England....

    I shall weigh in and face the music on my return in 10 days. However I'm ever hopeful when I next log in I'll find BM once more with us, Bracken having cleared that room, PB with a new job and maybe LMV has come out of her new pink shed and re-joined us once more!

    Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Fellow Crackers.
    Never thought I would be glad to back here in Singapore, but after UK "holiday" the relief is enormous. I have put a stone on so I am only 7lbs from my weight when I joined Tesco! However I am strangely Ok as I firmly believe I can do this and this time I am not going to stop until I am at goal. I have given myself until next July to lose 56lb, so I think that is quite realistic and doable. I do have my birthday (My 50th gulp!) in Nov then Christmas and a trip home in Feb. However I hope to be able to manage those times and just hope life doesn't get in the way and all remains well at home in the UK!
    So Here I am again, hopefully this is the last time I have to start over, so fingers crossed.

    Hope everyone is Ok. I see that MITM is in the UK, hope you are having a good time with your daughter. It's always such a difficult time to have to say goodbye, I will be thinking of you.
    Bracken, autumn is approaching and I am longing for your garden descriptions! Hope you, Nellie and your family are all OK.
    PB I know your interview was yesterday Uk time. I sincerely hope it went brilliantly for you. Let us know!
    LMV Not too sure when you were last here, but am sure you will pop in soon. I need my Welsh fix and your lovely part of the world is always so good to hear about.
    I know New8 and Saffy are well as they are on the "front page" almost daily, doing fab too.

    Wishing everyone a great weekend, BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Well done on your Master Plan Bailey - good luck with it I hope that once I am back at work and life gets back on an even keel I will be equally focused - however, I guess the truth is that I will always find an excuse if I want to.....

    Feeling somewhat stressed at the moment waiting for a call which may not come until tonight. Another interview tomorrow afternoon and another on Saturday - don't know where to start and concentration a bit limited. Parents staying another day too which is probably not such a good thing.

    On the plus side, choir starts again tonight. Looking forward to singing again although not much idea what we will be singing as yet other than we are doing a WW1 tribute with a local orchestra as a swan song for our former music director who is retiring completely after this concert. (he has still been conducting the orchestra over the last few years despite a stroke and being now well into his 80's.)

    Dads birthday lunch went well apart from the raw vegetables - thank goodness I roasted the potatoes, otherwise I think we would have been going out for lunch - which I can ill afford at the moment.

    His actually birthday isn't until Thursday but we celebrated today as we won't all be together then. My brother was off on a business trip to Belgium at 4.30am this morning for three days so he was keen to get home reasonably early - they left just after 6,30pm after we had cut the cake.

    My pony has hurt himself in the field - so no riding at the moment - but still go down in the afternoons to help out. Let Butler out of his stable for a walk around and give the others a little attention. Harley went roaring round the field with Ed the other morning and slipped and fell - he took a moment to get up but although he appears not to be lame he is a bit sorry for himself so we think he might have pulled a muscle or something. He's laying down in his stable - to witness the amount of poo on his back and sides - so he isn't too badly hurt but needs a bit of a rest from riding - certainly from carrying me!

    That's about all for now Crackers - welcome back those who have been away on holidays etc - and well done to those of you who have come back and got straight back into focus - or even not put any weight on at all!!!!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I'm determined to get back here more regularly even if I have to break up my posts as I'll have to do with this one today. I will have to leave for the stables but am pleased to have just caught up reading recent posts. BM, glad that you are settled again for awhile after your stressful travels and are making plans to focus on your weight program. Since I still have lots needed to lose, I'll be on that journey too. I am back using my diet journal which is always central to dealing with my weight and have got back into more regular walking but need to add other exercise. I have missed a lot of riding in the previous couple of weeks. After, a moderate summer the last week of August was extremely hot and humid. We have also had a lot of storms, including last Friday when the temperatures were 30C with high humidity making it closer to 40C. Friday night, we had a very violent storm with tremendous lightening and torrential rain for a solid two hours and then regular rain for ages after that. It was so wet that even on Sunday, the riding ring was still too wet to use and the fields were sloppy wet too. Temperatures have moderated now and by the end of the week the overnight temps will be in the single digits. Consequently, I have been taking in my house plants that were out for the summer. It is quite a job since I try to repot them and spray them with an insecticide. I have a jade plant that is becoming big enough that it is hard to manage and has probably outgrown its planter but I am unsure of how to repot it so it will have to do for another winter. I really do not have a lot of good light sources indoors but somehow the plants manage. I also have a Christmas cactus that has become large; it is not my favourite plant but was given to me by one of my nieces so I can't abandon it. I have organized my several ivy plants so they all look fresh and I really enjoy having them on kitchen window sills in the winter. There are still plants to be managed. On the Nellie front, last week marked a significant time with Nellie as my brother took down the indoor pen I had in the den for Nellie. I have been comfortable leaving her alone in the house for some time and only used the pen at night. Funnily, I felt a little sad after it was down ( though the appearance of my den was improved!) because I thought of all the times she would stand on her hind legs and peer over the side and make me laugh- this was a favourite move of hers at bedtime when I was watching the late news, hoping that she could cajole me into giving her another bedtime biscuit. So off to the stables now.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Later the same day. Hello Crackers and congrats here to PB. So good to hear your great news. I did get my ride in this morning and it went well. The woman I ride with had brought a friend whose children rode at the stable many years ago with her. The barn owner came down and invited us to the house for tea and cookies after riding. Actually it was tea and cookies and brownies. Of course, I had some thoughts of 'oh dear, just when I am getting myself regulated eating again.' It was particularly difficult as I never eat anything before riding because of my dodgy stomach issues so I am always hungry after too. I couldn't just have nothing because in my mind, it seems ridiculous when I have clearly not been losing weight in the month she was at the cottage. The brownies were rather large squares so I had two of the cookies which were small oatmeal ones, and were said to be full of healthy ingredients like chia seeds and pumpkin seeds (they were very nice but still not low cal with those seeds, chocolate chips and probably a good dose of butter). So starting off with a good dose of carbs did not help my day; however, although I feel as if I've had too many carbs today, I am pleased that I've kept to structured eating meals and have not gone completely off the rails, something which is very easy for me to to do. I did do a walk with Nellie this afternoon too. I had planned a short bike ride but my youngest sister popped in to get the bicycle she lent me for my friend when she was staying with me so that did not happen. has anyone seen the movie, "The Trip to Italy." It has terrific reviews here and I really enjoyed the first, "The Trip." I've been trying to arrange a time to see it with my sister-in-law but she has been very busy her first days back at school. I'm still hoping to find a time to see it. I'm still thinking about MITM's challenge to set a goal for the time before Christmas but have not ben able yet to settle on how to focus it. Has anyone else given any thought to this. I want to have something before MITM returns from England.
    Take care all.