Let's get started



  • Evening Crackers!

    Well I'm delighted to announce I've completed day 2 of my 'fitness dash'. I surprised myself with my stamina yesterday, it may have been 6 long months since I last did the dreaded 'Shred' but I was able to do it, no problems. Of course this morning, I could feel every punch and press up and thank goodness I had the sense to use my baby weights but I was able to get out of bed and walk up and down the staircase without groaning aloud! Tomorrow may be a different story....

    To mix it up today I did 3 circuits of Jillian's 'Banish Fat' which Bracken recommended and is my all time favourite fitness DVD. I love kick boxing! Perhaps because it is so cold brrr, the sweat was not running down the sides of my face and I wasn't the colour of beetroot when I finished or maybe I don't give myself enough credit for what hill walking (especially in my part of the world) does for your overall fitness.

    And because time is short and I want results fast (as Jillian screams!) I have also been doing 15 minutes of salsacise with Rosemary - as that is a proven tool for me in shifting the stubborn inches from my hips and thighs, with all that 'wiggle in the middle'. Plus it always lifts my mood.

    I read a very good line on my super fit friend's profile 'fail to plan, plan to fail' which sums me up perfectly! So for the next 8 days I have a plan of action all planned out - just hope I can get out of bed!

    BM - it will be most interesting to see the results from cutting down on alcohol whilst you are home! Just don't forget those goodies you can't get in Singapore and you're tempted to eat a little too much of, you will be bringing them back only as excess baggage on yourself!

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello all. I've been away from here for a couple of days, largely thanks to a large snowstorm on the weekend that dumped a lot of snow. Monday morning when I went to let Nellie out there was a foot of snow drifted against my side door and taking Nellie to the back yard meant walking through snow up past my knees. Nellie loved it however and happily bounded through it. I was fortunate to have my neighbour once again blow out the snow from my driveway. But then there was still all the snow around the house and to the yard. All schools were cancelled. By the afternoon, the plows had cleared the main roads and a brother and a sister who work in education came by and cleared snow for me- it was far too much for me to handle. I am very grateful for their help. Also the past two days, I spent a lot of time on the phone to try to get some help for a pair of dogs two of my sisters discovered caged behind a barn on a property where no one lives- the property actually used to be my grandparents farm and sometimes my sisters go walking around the area. I can't remember if I have previously written about this situation but dogs (originally four) were first discovered on Thanksgiving weekend. We contacted the Humane Society and were subsequently told they had contacted the owner and, by law, he had to be given a chance to remediate the situation. When my sisters saw the dogs on the weekend, their water bowls were frozen, their cages unclean- not to mention the appalling fact these dogs are left alone and don't appear to be exercised. With the recent weather they may well have been left for three days at least. Anyway, it is now in the hands of the Ontario SPCA but we will try to get some followup report.
    MITM, I have read your last two posts and am happy to see you are finding your way through your recent gains. As BM said, I do think you are too hard on yourself also. Nevertheless, it is very frustrating that it is so easy to quickly put on a number of pounds. You've got a good plan with the double-barrelled attack by both Jillian and Rosemary. And it is very positive that you are discovering that you are fitter than you thought right from the beginning- thanks to those mountain treks.
    PB, so sorry to hear that the job has not worked out. I hope you'll soon find a new position. It is good that you are looking ahead and not despairing over the situation. I'm glad you
    still manage to ride. To paraphrase an old saying, no hour of life is wasted spent on the back of a horse.
    BM, hope you are doing well. You've done a great job having a dry January- give yourself credit for that. If you can manage to STS and have some little extras when home, I'd say that would be well done and doable. By the way, what happens with little Freddie when you are away? Does he stay with your OH or do you kennel him?
    Take care all. Regards.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Bracken, thank goodness there are people like you in this world. I sincerely hope you can get those poor dogs sorted out. What a crazy law to give the negligent owner a chance, what chance do the dogs have? I hope this has a happy outcome. I absolutely abhor cruelty to animals and do feel if we don't speak up for them they have no voice of their own. XX

    Harry stays with a lovely lady who is kind enough to have him at a minutes notice and for any length of time. She has boarding kennels but because she was the one on who's doorstep Harry and his siblings were abandoned on, she has known him since he was 3 weeks old. He actually stays in her apartment with her own dogs as they all get on really well. We do pay her the proper boarding fees (we insist on that not her!) so Harry has a little holiday as well as me. However when it is just me away he only stays with her Tue-Thur as OH takes him to the office the other days. He has his own bed, food bowls and toys there. OH says he behaves well and the majority of staff are Ok with him. They have known him since he was a tiny pup so they are not too afraid. He has him over the weekend too so it's not too bad.

    MITM, you are indeed a woman on a mission. Knowledge gained of you on this site tells me you will not stop now until you are where you want be! I won't wish you luck, you don't need it. You have enough willpower to smash those few pounds x x

    PB, Please let us know how your meeting went yesterday, I was thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way! x x

    Have to get ready to shop now, it seems quite amazing how quickly the weeks are flying by, or is it because I am older? :)

    Have a good day all,

    BM x x

  • Evening Crackers!

    I've been reading the blogs of late - to inspire and keep me motivated especially those discussing maintenance. There's a very good one 'Then and Now' currently at the top which made a lot of sense to me. Another I recently read was '4 months on at maintenance' where I found this excellent comment posted, which I thought I must share:-

    'This is how I look at it: fat can't be measured accurately. That's a fact. Weight is just a very, very poor indicator of that. I think of fat as a butterfly whose colour I'm trying to discern, but it's always moving (as weight does). Every now and then I get a quick peek at it when it sits down for a bit, but most of the time it's just buzzing around in the air. And I weigh every day just hoping I can catch that brief moment when it stays put (or on this case, low).'

    Well day 3 completed, back on the Shred with 1.5kg weights. I felt the kick boxing moves from yesterday when I got out of bed today! I may also feel the extra weight on the arms tomorrow. Still salsacising, amazing how many steps you do in 15 minutes of wriggling!

    Bracken - I feel for you! Your description of the snow brought back vivid memories of last year for me. I still have not cleared any snow this winter! However snow is forecasted in the next few days... The daughter had all of a cm (if that) of snow in England and her friends really thought the school would be closed for the day - she's use to a metre of snow and it still being open!

    BM - if it makes you feel any younger I too find the days and weeks are passing quicker!

    PB - keep us posted.

    Be good Crackers!

  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    well hello Crackers - sadly today I was fired from the job - quite relieved as I felt really demotivated the last few days. I held my own at the meeting and was very strong and reasoned but they had truly made up their minds. Mind you, I had to travel in this morning in poor weather to be told 5 mins after I arrived that I could go. Sad but I think I need to rethink my life and go for a different role as I'm clearly not cut out to work with GPs who are basically not very nice people.
    We have had a little snow here Bracken - but of course nothing like what you have been putting up with - although apparently someone was able to ski in the peak district which is quite unusual. Good news is I get to play with Harley. Work today on a job application that I spotted which will be quite a nice job but other than that a fairly quiet day.

    Since I was home by lunchtime, Mum and I went for a walk down at Aldeburgh and were having a lovely walk in the sunshine until it started to sleet and snow. Still it was quiet down by the coast which was nice. Mum and dad are being very supportive so I'm not alone.

    well done MITM sounds like you are really in the zone. I need to get there - I've put on a stone in weight (at least) as a result of the travelling and lack of time. Going to try and eat sensibly and get myself back into shape. Have my Jillian somewhere - don't think I've done any exercise in weeks - but still belong to the leisure club so will get in some swimming and gym I hope.

    Tomorrow it is time to start networking and seeing who has work available.

    take care all

    PB xx
  • Good Morning Crackers!

    Well your positive attitude PB is a credit to you, after reading your post last night it put a totally different spin on my own day!

    Almost, almost stuck my head in the fridge yesterday.... not that I'd have found anything in it but... The chimney sweep the day before left a note on my door announcing he would be coming yesterday. Great. No heating allowed and they don't do appointments and snow was forecasted and yes, it started in the night. I'm in 4 layers of clothing, plus 2 thermal vests but I spot his van at 9.30am at my nearest neighbour... By midday he has done all my surrounding neighbours, only our house is like a little island in the middle of them with it's own road, which the snow plough often misses out when clearing the snow. Great, he intends to do me last when he has completed all the other houses up here in the whole village I fume. But then at 3pm I see him drive down the mountain road, so I've been without heating all day, for no reason whatsoever as he goes home. Of course not only am I cold, so cold, I'm tired and very, very cross and near to tears of frustration, which equals EAT or stick head in fridge! But just to add to my fury I need to hike down to the village in the snow, which is now deep and get in basic groceries for the weekend... Still the walk calmed my ruffled feathers and it was beautiful and it made up for not doing a Jillian because of course, I couldn't chance starting and the chimney sweep walking in on me! However to keep warm I did do a session earlier with Rosemary. Husband couldn't see what all the fuss was about when he got home, but he wasn't in the cold all day - he rang the chimney sweep this morning and he came at 9.30am they both found it 'amusing' he'd forgotten me!

    I can't quite believe how I let such a situation almost get the better of me! Pathetic female! Had the fridge been full of goodies I'm pretty sure I'd have stuffed my face! However fortunately I didn't... I'm avoiding the scales today and weighing in on Monday as this weekend will be totally treat free (my way of punishing the husband for finding it funny!) as I want to make the scales move and if BM can go without alcohol I can go without crisps! I now have potatoes next to do as we are working tonight and tomorrow and then I shall be thinking of Bracken, as I clear my first snow of the winter - I spoke far too soon!!!! And if I'm still standing I shall then meet with Jillian. PB - good luck with the networking.

    Be good Crackers!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I'm back on track today after having my friend as a house guest although I do feel rather tired. I'm not sure why this is so as I felt I slept quite well while she was here. I think it is because I'm not used to having someone else in the house. My friend is a perfect guest and we had a lovely time. We spent some time at the nearby art gallery and museum. It is strange that I don't usually go except if someone is visiting- I also went in August when my friend from England stayed with me- and yet I thoroughly enjoyed it both times. I have known my friend since I started riding; she's just a few years younger but a very good rider who has done a lot of dressage and some eventing as well as hunting and showing. Of course, she wanted to go to the stable. Nellie was quite beside herself with excitement having another person in the house and fortunately my friend took her in stride. She took me out for dinner and we went to an Italian style restaurant. I haven't had pasta for some time- it was very good but definitely outside my calorie range! Today is dull with some freezing rain. I 've noticed my vehicle is all glazed with ice. I've spent a lot of today working on my writing projects.
    MITM, I think your reaction to spending the day in the cold and being frustrated is perfectly understandable. Yes, it is always good to think of the bigger picture and there are always folks who are in a far more dire position that we are but it is still human nature to feel as you felt being forgotten by the chimney sweep.
    PB, well you've heard the worse now and good for you at least stating your position to the GP's about the job. I'm glad you have support from your parents and hope you soon find another position.
    BM, I see from the home page you have lost a pound- well done. By the way, I think I confused Harry's name with Freddy, the name of Saffy's dog I think. We have tried to get some information about the dogs we reported as neglected but so far have been told nothing can be said because of "privacy" concerns- very frustrating as it makes it hard to know if we should try another agency.
    I think I'll check out now a couple of those blogs you mention, MITM.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    A short pop-in as I was already on the computer checking a knitting video- hope I can proceed now as I have some lovely wool to make another infinity scarf, this one for a sister next Christmas. The wool is a little lighter than teal blue and a little more jewel toned- it's a colour I know she likes. I need to have something on the go when I watch tv- it makes it seem less indulgent! I'm really tired today as Nellie had me up for long parts of the night. She was sick and I think she may have turned up a mouse in the yard and you can imagine the rest. At first, I didn't realize what was going on as last night I heard a strange noise at the side entrance and discovered that Nellie was chewing away at a little mat with a rubber backing. I was surprised to find her doing this and gave her a scolding and she skulked away. She hasn't done anything like this since she was a real puppy. When she became sick to her stomach, I put two and two together and think the reason she was at the mat was because what she really wanted was grass to chew as dogs seem to do when ill. I feel quite badly for scolding her as she couldn't help herself. Anyway, she was agitated and ill during the night and I had to let her out four times. Hence my tiredness today. Nellie is rather subdued for her today but I am relieved that she seems to be ok. I had planned to bring out a Jillian video today and make a start on it but am giving it a pass because I'm really tired. MITM, I read the Now and Then blog- very good, thanks for noting it.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Oh poor Nellie! I think a nice cup of cocoa, hot bath and a early night for you Bracken and lots of loving for Nellie today. You must be both exhausted. I hope her tummy upset clears up quickly. Harry had steroid injections Friday evening for a nasty ear infection so he had us up to take him out for wee's through the night a couple of times bless him. Unfortunately being on the 8th floor we have to dress and use the lift but it does put you out of sorts to have such disturbed sleep. I hope you will soon catch up with yours, I absolutely don't blame you not exercising today.
    Your scarf colour sounds beautiful, I hope you enjoy making it. I joined Ravelry.com a little while ago, it is a knitting website. I am not on Facebook etc and never will be, but Ravelry has been helpful with my knitting. I mention it because I had a free pattern for very pretty fingerless gloves off there, I thought maybe you could make some to match your sisters scarf? They were by far the most adventurous project for me to date. I had to knit them with help off youtube (Knitting tips by Judy) and follow it carefully. I finished yesterday and am so pleased with them. I buy my wool and pins etc from Deramores, a UK company. They are very reasonable with their prices and have excellent delivery rates. I would, of course, far rather feel the wool and see its true colour first but there aren't any dedicated wool stores here so I am grateful for Deramores. Happy knitting! (Ps. know exactly what you mean about knitting and watching TV!) (PPS I have also started an Afghan off Ravelry, one square a month, but enough about knitting! lol x x)

    MITM, I am so pleased for you with your 2lb off. With your petite frame I am sure you are delighted with such a loss. Also psychologically it is a lovely boost to go away knowing you are lighter! I would love to lose another 2lb (over 2 weeks) before I go, fingers crossed!
    I felt your pain with the chimney sweep delay, I have wasted many days here for workmen. It's very much a "Manyana" culture here. I feel at their mercy then when they eventually turn up I am way too polite with them purely because I am so grateful they have turned up, and secondly I would be afraid to be cross with them incase they just walked back out! It must have been so awful for you to have been so cold and to waste the whole day. Also the amusement of Hubby and said Sweep would have been enough for you to be quite justified in screaming loudly! x x

    PB, words fail me with that group of GP's even though after so many years nothing should shock me about working in Practice. I sincerely hope you will look back at this and acknowledge that it is the point of time you realised you deserve more than to work for bunches of idiots. Some time out and maybe a few chats with a career consultant will I am certain be beneficial to you. I wish you well x x

    I am off to walk Harry now, we have the gales after the monsoons this time of year. It is wonderfully breezy! Unfortunately it is so strong it manages to "lift" the windows and close them. They are very heavy and I have to use two hands and a lot of strength to open and close, but the wind seems to do it with ease!

    Have a good week all,
    BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi All - well done MITM on the weight loss. I'm being fed by my mother at present which makes it tricky as there is always a lot of fat and sugar involved - but at least I'm now getting out for fresh air and exercise. I went to sing last night and it was so good to be back. I had really missed it. Sorry to hear Nellie has been poorly - it must be rather difficult when they can't find grass as as you say they do use this is as an emetic. But yes as bailey says - a hot bath, a cocoa and an early night (the latter for both of you) should sort it. I'm always in awe of the creative crafts that you all seem to have I am not in the least creative in a craft sense so my efforts tend to look less than perfect!
    I went to see Harley and co yesterday afternoon and I'm off to ride this afternoon - although I have put so much weight on I feel a bit guilty about riding Harley at the moment. No negative thoughts however - I need to get back on track in so many ways.

    Gales after monsoons sounds a bit of a turnaround - however, when I grew up in the fens we used to have a thing called a Fen Blow - when the dry black earth would be lifted up by the wind and blown in great black clouds across the land. Because it was so open this could be very spectacular - however, the wind could certainly lift you off your feet.

    I don't envy you 8 floors to take a dog for a wee!!! Can you not get a dirt box for a dog like you do for cats? I'm sure Harry would be happy to use it. By the way are you still having trouble with the people and their out of control dog? I do hope that has sorted itself out now?

    well that's it for now as I need to do some form filling.

    take care Crackers!

    PB x
  • Good Evening Crackers!

    I'm off to bed shortly as I have a 3am alarm call.... But before I forget, Bracken I wanted to ask have you heard of Ella Woodward? In the past year she's become the hottest discovery in the cookery world in the UK and of course she's young, beautiful, did a brief stint as a model, so a marketing dream... Her claim to fame 'she rethought her diet and transformed her life.' She has a blog and her debut cookery book 'Deliciously Ella' came out end of January and is selling like hot cakes on Amazon! However the reason I'm bringing her to your attention, I only discovered 2 weeks ago that her rare medical condition she was diagnosed with was 'postural tachycardia syndrome'; never ending heart palpitations and unbearable stomach issues and 18 months on, following her diet, she is off all medication. I understand the book is to be published in the US early March. You may like to google her and have a look at her recipes and see what you think. Very 'clean living'!

    Well ladies I'm off to the UK back 2nd March, aiming to not stray over my 7 pounds allowance - I've 2.5lbs to play with and I'm away 2.5 weeks! BM enjoy your time in the UK try not to undo all the good work you've done this year so far! PB good luck with the job hunt and Bracken I'm impressed you're thinking about Jillian!! She has worked wonders on me over the past week.

    Look forward to catching up on my return.

    Be good Crackers!
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Good morning ladies. A quick email to hope you are all well, and to say Happy Shrove Tuesday! I am very fortunate as I don't like pancakes. I always love how they look and smell, but think it is the texture. It is not even heard of over here so no temptation for OH either. The celebrations are well under way for Chinese New Year, it is the biggest event of the year and the only time stores close. I had to pop to the GP yesterday as I thought I would be ready for my Bi annual UK chest infection and take antibiotics with me. It beggars belief that I was telling the Doctor how well I am and then woke up this morning with cold symptoms! I must have caught them from the ill people in the waiting room!!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry about it all! X x I hope it just goes away or is a very mild dose.
    Hope the weather is being kind to you, and if it's not that you are safely tucked up indoors!
    Have a good week
    BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi BM thanks for the reminder about Shrove Tuesday - I had forgotten! Oh dear.... sorry you are starting a cold that must be very frustrating - as you say, especially as you were congratulating yourself on feeling well. Best to avoid the GP!
    The sun is shining here this morning and it looks like being a rather pleasant day - opportunity for a long walk? Possibly not as it will be very muddy because it rained all last night.

    I went to see Into the Woods last night. What a strange movie! I really enjoyed it but I'm not sure why. I thought there were lots of layers that you could take the film from - the basic fairy story which mangles Rapunzel, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk and Little Red Riding Hood and then there was the way in which they were all connected through the wood and how scary the woods were - especially when the wolf appeared (Beautifully played by Jonny Depp). Meryl Streep was a magnificently mad witch too. She really does enjoy herself. The music did nothing for me though. Having said all that there were lots of nuances about morality tales and a hilarious line where Prince Charming states he was taught to be 'charming - not sincere' and when the two princes are singing about Rapunzel and Cinderella and competing for the most charming - both looked ridiculous and untrustworthy. Bit scary for younger viewers in places though.

    Quiet day today with nothing major until doing up this afternoon and babysitting tonight. I have been putting off doing an application but that needs doing today too.

    Well crackers - I hope you are all well and the recent silence is just a blip - I look forward to hearing about your lives and activities.

    take care

    PB x
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Ladies, I apologise but another quick pop in.....it is Chinese New year so Gong xi fa choi from Singapore. My cold is worse but thankfully hasn't gone to my chest so I am hoping it will be improved by Sunday. Unfortunately I am hungry continuously and have ate like a horse. I think the saying of "feed a cold, starve a fever" had me in mind when it was thought up! I have already put weight on and WI is tomorrow. I am eating healthy foods but large portions and every 5 mins (or so it seems!).
    Hope this email finds you all well,
    BM x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Gong xi fa choi from me too! Hope everyone is well - useful new year for me already. Have just signed the contract to sell my house so very soon will be homeless for a while anyway. Just spotted a really interesting job in Lowestoft so need to do some reading and put my application together. Take care Crackers - and especially you BM hope the cold is better soon - the food thing is temporary and is natural. Don't beat yourself up about it - that's just the cold making you feel bad. It will be OK! PB
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello fellow Crackers. Just a bit of a blip as PB would say with not checking in for a few days. I have felt a little under the weather though nothing too serious. I might say however that the weather itself may account for a certain lethargy lately. We are on track here apparently to have the coldest February ever recorded. It has been unrelentingly cold with wind chills in the mid -30Cs. Poor Nellie has been quite housebound. I missed my writing class this week because of the cold. I was able to finish the assignment and e-mail it to the instructor at least. I was able to revise the short story I wrote and will send it off to the contest. Today I had a pleasant afternoon with two younger former teaching colleagues who came for lunch and a visit. One of them was also here to update my computer for which I am always extremely grateful. He is an English teacher but began university in computer sciences and really knows his way around computers. He has set up the computer so that he can access it from his home if I have a problem and need assistance immediately- very handy.
    MITM, I don't know if you'll read this before you return, but thanks very much for the information about Ella Woodward. I shall certainly follow that up. I hope your UK visit is a good one. Enjoy yourself and have a little treat or so as you do have a cushion to keep to your allowance. PB, good to see your house is sold and your are finding interesting job prospects. BM, you too may be in the UK as I write this but I'll be thinking of you. You have been looking forward to this trip so much and I do hope all goes well. I hope you are managing your cold ok. I can sympathize with the eat/cold connection. Often the first symptom of a cold for me, before any sniffles or cough, is a sudden onset of ravenous hunger.
    I completely forgot about pancake Tuesday this year. I don't really ever eat pancakes because of my stomach problems but am very fond of maple syrup, the topping of choice here. As cold as it is, it won't be long before farmers start to tap the trees. Maple syrup is one of those sweets I can handle in moderation. I like to use it on Greek yoghurt with some walnuts.
    Nellie has been outside while I write this and I now see she has curled into a little ball in the snow so must bring her in. Regards all.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Just a quick Goodbye as I fly in a few hours.....Thank you both for your kind words re this grotty cold which has unfortunately ended up on my chest again. I probably should postpone my flight but it's so much hassle and I just don't feel up to it! I am so looking forward to the cooler weather, (and poor you Bracken in those temperatures), they had snow in our part of Wales last night so I hope I get to see some. I hate to say that when I know how much you have had to put up with Bracken, but it will be such a novelty for me. I am back towards the end of March but hope to keep in touch whilst I am away.

    PB, good luck with the house/job hunting,
    Bracken, please keep you and Nellie safe and warm in your freezing weather
    MITM, hope you are having a fab time but still within your 7.5 zone!

    Take care all and "speak" to you soon x x x
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - 1st interview a week tomorrow.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Good news to see that you have already got an interview, PB. I hope it goes well. The record cold February continues here and Nellie is definitely feeling housebound. So she was beside herself with joy when my brother and his wife dropped by on Monday evening with their dog, a chocolate lab. Nellie usually goes crazy for anyone who comes in but with a dog companion she basically ignored us and played with Sirius. It is interesting to me how much Nellie loves to engage with other dogs. My border collie never seemed that interested in other dogs. But with Nellie I can see how important this is to her and she has recently been rather short changed because of the weather and not getting to the stable or to my brother's. I am continuing my knitting projects while I am inside so much. Today I went to my elderly neighbour's for a little help getting started on the next scarf- I am actually upping my game to a slightly more complicated pattern. I have one scarf completed, one two thirds finished, and now starting the third. I'll rotate the two unfinished ones as one is easier to do than the other. I'm quite pleased as these are designated as gifts for next Christmas.
    Take care all.
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Snow again today but somewhat milder- -5C so Nellie was a happy girl as she could get out for a little longer. Still cold to me though. However, I did feel more energetic, if only in the house so got my exercise with some needed cleaning for some of the day. My brother has phoned me to say that he has an injured cardinal (a beautiful scarlet bird) that flew into his window because of being chased by a hawk. With this harsh winter, hawks which more typically eat mice and don't come so near residences are attacking birds at birdfeeders. My brother lives in the country and gets a lot of lovely birds but recently he has had four dead cardinals and two injured ones. He was able to help one of the injured birds (in shock so he kept it warm and it came around) but he thinks the second has a damaged wing. If it survives the night, he will bring it to me and I'll take it to a wildlife rehab place where I have taken birds before. Another reason for wishing this endless winter would end.