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  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers!

    Not a good start as I have just lost my very long post!! So back to the beginning again, um I see a pattern emerging...

    Well I sat on the train for 4 uncomfortable hours yesterday feeling every ripple of flab I've gained over the last 17 days! So I wasn't shocked when I stepped on the scales this morning as I had been monitoring myself steadily gaining whilst at my parents.

    My daughter although she indulged too during our trips away; we spent 3 days in London visited Bletchley Park which was very interesting so much to see and take in (I'm now looking forward to seeing the Imitation Game which is released on DVD shortly), the Imperial War Museum this time the First World War exhibition, plus we had our usual 3 days in Brighton beside the sea... at least we did walk lots and although the daughter ate the same as me then, the difference was when she went back to school. Alone at my parents for a week I continued eating not high calorie 'treats' but just fattening rubbish whilst my daughter returned to her everyday healthy eating habits and exercising daily.

    So I stepped on the scales 6 whole pounds heavier than when I left Austria and the daughter remained the same! She is so strong willed and determined unlike her weak mother who just binged on the excesses; biscuits, sweets, crisps, cakes and chocolate to the point I actually couldn't choose from the supermarket shelves what I wanted to snack on for my 14 hour journey home, as I no longer fancied anything I desired healthy food! I feel like the rubbish I've ate! So I told the daughter who was probably beginning to get concerned, I would be good again. She has far more faith in me than I do as she brightly declared 'you'll soon lose it' it's only 4 weeks until I next see her again. I was worried as I knew I'd gone over my 1/2 stone allowance, a whole 2 whopping pounds, so now I have to buckle down as I'm in the danger zone and Easter is fast approaching and my birthday.

    And was it worth it? Sadly not, it got to the point where I was shovelling food in for the sheer sake of it. If only I'd done as the daughter had who truly enjoyed all her treats and there were lots and she did no long term damage. A lesson to be learnt moderation not gluttony. However I shall close on a positive note, I woke this morning in my own bed, drew back the curtains to blue skies and sunshine and feeling confident after my weigh in! I have signed up for the latest challenge 'St Patrick's Day' with my Challenge group to kick start me off and I will aim to lose these 6 gained pounds before Easter.

    Bracken - I've had a good work out also today cleaning 17 days worth of dust! PB - how did the interview go? BM - don't bring back as much excess baggage as I did!

    Be good Crackers will post this before I lose it again!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hi MITM - glad to hear you are happy to be home. Interview is tomorrow so no news yet. Feeling a bit freaked out today - have struggled to settle to anything. Went to the stables to give Harley a good brush as he went hunting yesterday. He came home exhausted but happy I think - although he had led Maria a merry dance at times - and he had a sore mouth as he had pulled so hard he had cut it on the bit. Silly boy. His final trick was apparently refusing to load on the lorry properly - every time Maria led him up the ramp he turned around and before she could shut the partition he clambered back off again - this went on for three times until another friend took pity on Maria and gave her a hand. He was still a bit sore today but plenty of Vaseline on it to try and heal it quickly.
    sorry Bracken but the sun shone and although we still have a fairly cold and stiff wind its turning into spring here. They say it will be 15 degrees at the weekend!

    I have absolutely no will power at all at the moment - my eating is completely out of control. I hope that if I get a job locally I'll be able to get back on track quite quickly - wish me luck!

    Take care Crackers

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. It is good to have you back on site, MITM- hard to believe those 17 days have already gone by. I'm quite envious of the many lovely places you visited (it always seems that on your excursions you do visit interesting places- the War Museum would interest me too) and you do always seem to do lots of walking. I commiserate with your feelings about your weight gain but as your daughter says, you'll surely take it off directly. It is interesting that your Achilles heel for putting on weight does seem to be most often connected with family and travel. I think most people find it easy to over-indulge when away. I too often have found myself eating with no regard in family situations, happy ones or sad ones, stressful ones or relaxed ones. It seems to be almost a default reaction- It's with family and therefore I eat! The worst part, as you say, is when you been doing this over several days and the damage adds up and you feel so crappy- I know that feeling of having eaten so badly, so much that all you want to eat is some fresh healthy food. However, I don't think you should beat yourself up- eat well and treat yourself nicely. I think from other posts you may be familiar with Canadian Yoni Freedhoof who wrote The Diet Fix (very credible, runs a bariatric clinic at Ottawa general hospital). Can't remember how but I got his newsletter, Weighty Matters, on my e-mail. His posts are very good information and another good source of inspiration. Some recent words of wisdom: perfect is the enemy of good (he warns a lot about all or nothing thinking, something I can identify with); I also like his idea of asking yourself, "is it worth it? (the trick of course is to do this earlier, not after eating- not always easy of course; he also says to ask, "how much of it do I need to be happily satisfied?" or "what is the least I can eat to be satisfied?") So taking up a Challenge is a great way to get back on track. I had such a horrible February, so up and down with weight and exercise but am feeling as if I am making some headway again. I've been on my treadmill everyday this week. I tried my Pilates for (so-called) Beginners but realized I need to do something more basic again before tackling any of that. I've mentioned before my on-going gastro issues so I am always dealing with that. This week it has been somewhat better as I've tried again to use some Keifer in my diet; when I tried it before it seemed a problem because it was not lactose-free (unavailable) but I bought the lactase drops to change it to lactose free; at the moment it seems to be working better (fingers crossed). I went back to it after reading in the paper about food additives, especially emulsifiers, that change the composition of gut bacteria and cause intestinal inflammation and obesity related conditions like weight gain, abdominal fat, and increased glucose. Keifer has many more probiotics than yoghurt. I'm trying to figure out what foods have emulsifiers but I know for sure that certain ice creams do- and ice cream is my absolute weakness. I had ice cream in mid-February and had a bad gastro reaction so am wondering if that is the issue. I'm going to try to virtually eliminate it - wish me luck.
    PB, I hope your interview went well. Harley reminds me of my previous horse. We actually did a little hunting and at that time I had a 2 horse trailer. At a certain point she started to be difficult to load, especially to return home. Every loading trick known, I think, was tried at some point and of course, after being out hunting other riders weren't overly enthusiastic about being asked to help and I was the only person going from my stable so eventually I had to stop. It was a shame because otherwise she was really wonderful.
    Must sign off for now. Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    Thank you Bracken for making me see the light.... I got up this Friday morning, on my WI day and was frankly astonished to discover I weighed exactly the same as on Tuesday morning. That is not how it's suppose to work, I've been 'good' for 3 whole days, I've salsacised, I've even spent an hour in the garden... It's not on! I read your post and digested all that you are contending and coping with and realised whilst I too have had a disastrous 'February' - it's totally of my own doing, I'm only battling with gluttony. I've been way over my calorie consumption for 17 days and then I expect because I've been 'good' to lose weight but I have to put in the exercise and apart from my frenzied day of cleaning, I've just sat on my considerably bigger bottom working!

    It's been a wake up call this weight gain, it's not the same as a bad weekend. I really, really have to be good as these excess pounds I can see and feel and they've been lurking around since Christmas just waiting to jump on me! So I have got to change my habits and portion sizes before they become a permanent fixture. So your post saved me from being silly whilst doing my weekly food shop - I didn't buy any crisps since I'm only too aware I've ate my yearly allowance in the past 2 weeks and there's no ice-cream in the house either so we'll avoid it together! Thank goodness for the Crackers!

    PB - Hope the interview went well?

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers.
    MITM, I'm glad if I've been any help and glad to see that you are re-grouping and soldiering on. As you say, thank goodness for the Crackers, exactly why I am here at the moment as feeling a
    bit like I could fall into some serious emotional/comfort eating because of family issues at the moment. They are on-going and would take a book to outline but suffice to say that the flames are routinely fanned and that becomes a real challenge for me- I so easily react by wanting to eat my problems. However, I'm here at the moment and the feeling to eat is subsiding. Yeah! It was a better day weather-wise today and also a brother's birthday. A sister and I went to his place in the country to give him a gift and had a nice visit. While there I saw five lovely red cardinals at his feeder- he is very fortunate to live n the country. My brother (and this was not the cause of my eating impulse!) mentioned to me that he's lost over ten pounds since the New Year; he's very athletic and health conscious but a bit of weight had crept on. He did decide to do a dry January and cut back on bread mainly but certainly has not dieted rigourously- I must say I am envious but it seems that men always can lose weight much easier than woman. Yesterday I did finally crack my Jillian Biggest Loser video; I can't believe how unfit I felt doing the exercises I did but at least it was a start and I'm not too sore today. I also worked on the treadmill. Today I haven't been able to work any exercise in but tomorrow will get back to it.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    Well my weekend didn't get any better! Whilst working I managed to trip on my tiled staircase down in the basement, where I'd left a crate to carry up and the light bulb had gone out and I forgot I'd left it there and I tripped on it! Fortunately as I started to fall (I was going up at the time), I managed to grab the handrail - so there I lay sprawled at full stretch up the staircase! I was so cross with myself and of course I'm black and blue from head to toe!

    Next I managed to jam the door on the washing machine firmly shut, full of my husband's work clothes although fortunately the husband with brute force got the door open again but I'm worried what happens next time. Not content with that, I then 'somehow' broke a window handle which is now unable to close! Fortunately our windows are double so I closed the outer.... And then the icing on the cake, the kitchen sink downstairs got blocked... which meant I couldn't use my kitchen sink upstairs either and for a day I had to wash up in a bowl and throw the water down the bathroom sink, so inconvenient with my sister-in-law staying overnight.

    Of course with guests I had to make a cake. Somehow I managed only a sliver and my husband insisted on a long, hilly walk yesterday afternoon so the scales were kinder this morning when I weighed in for my St. Patrick's Day challenge. Although I'm still the wrong side of my allowance I'm just grateful they have shifted in the right direction again.

    Very impressed Bracken with you getting out your Jillian video. There's a blog currently showing written just for you 'food - my partner in crime' have a read!

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers.
    MITM, what a litany of mishaps. I'm so glad you did not hurt yourself worse with that stairs fall. However, it gave me the shivers to read about it as I have a 'thing' about basement stairs because of a tragedy that happened to the husband of a young teaching colleague.
    He was home alone (doing a paternity leave) with an infant child and a toddler when he
    fell down basement stairs with a basket of laundry, hit his head, and died. Good news that you are shifting weight in the right direction. I did another session of Jillian yesterday and have done the treadmill for both days so I'm pleased with that. I don't think my calorie count for today will be great because I went to a church lunch and fundraiser today at the invitation of my fine neighbours across the street. I did eat modest proportions but everything shouted out lots of calories- Caesar salad and a cheesy pasta dish with ground beef. Of course, I did not have to have a dessert but I did- a piece of a homemade carrot cake. I know they are high calorie because the recipes call for a lot of oil. At least it did not have an inch of icing but still probably 300 calories. However, I've done well enough at resisting the 'I've blown it with the cheesecake so I might as well not bother with the rest of the day' so that is some satisfaction. The fundraiser was in aid of a local wildlife rehabilitation place. The man who runs it gave an excellent talk and had slides of many of the animals/birds treated there. I'll check out that blog, and thanks for pointing it out.
    Hope all other Crackers are keeping well wherever you may be.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    Well would you believe my laptop was the next item to pack up on me - fortunately my friend was able to lend me her not needed notebook, to tide me over until I get a new one, so I'm still able to skype with the daughter daily and just as importantly check in with the Crackers! I do hope that finally is it now.

    Well I've been very good this week, as well as keeping my fingers slim 'schlip making', I've also been toiling hard in the garden sweeping up the last of the leaves from the weeping willow trees before the fence goes up and the sheep come out to play in the field. It feels very much like Spring here unlike this time, last year. I've crocuses and snow drops out and the daffodils and tulips are just beginning to poke through, so I have started clearing the garden beds of winter debris too. In fact I'm ready for the Palm Sunday procession and garden inspection! I'm not actually here as I fly to the UK (yet again) the day before, so I'm pleased I'm ahead of myself even if I am tempting it to suddenly snow!

    I am also as you so rightly put it Bracken soldiering on. I'm in battle mode and I'm back in control (touch wood) of my eating habits again. I've been salsacising as well as walking the village. I'm also looking at the new Spring/Summer clothing collections for inspirational pieces to add to my minuscule wardrobe in a bid to keep me focused. Since Sprng is in the air before you know it, it will be Summer and I don't want to get caught out inbetween sizes with nothing that fits or feels comfortable due to 17 very silly days in England!

    Bracken I think you deserve a gold star for your performance at the church lunch/fundraiser Beck would be proud, you didn't blow it you survived! It's days like those that you know you are winning.

    Be good Crackers!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    This is a brief pop-in as I have been on the computer for a couple of hours working on the family history project from my Grandma's journals. I just tried to get in as for the past several days for some reason I have not been able to access this site. In addition, my sister from Arizona is here and there has ben lot of family stuff going on. Anyway, I'm glad to see you're feeling good about getting back on track, MITM, and you certainly seem to have kept busy. I'm envious of your spring flowers and you are clearly far ahead of us though at last snow is slowly melting away and I can see patches of lawn although my back yard is still covered in snow, but not so deep now. I have also seen my first group of returning robins and there is definitely birdsong in the morning so one must be hopeful. I'm managing reasonably well considering a lot of disruption to regular diet/exercise while my sister is here. I'm also thinking of other Crackers who are at present absent. I'll hope to get back here again sooner- if the gods of cyberspace do not frown on me! Regards.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers!

    I fear I spoke too soon! Coffee machine has now broken and we've had a cold blast blow in... And I've been working around the clock which I'm blaming for my lack of progress with the scales... I've been doing this long enough to know; eat the way I eat works for me, in that I'm not hungry and I'll maintain my weight - however to lose weight, I have to exercise and I haven't had time, even the salsacising has slipped by the wayside.

    I feel quite jittery as I haven't been this size for ages and I'm realising as you get older, it does get harder to shift! Speaking to the daughter she oh so wisely told me 'mum you can lose 3lbs by Easter' really I think there's more chance of seeing an Easter bunny! I like to have the upperhand and have a few pounds to play with when celebrations approach and so knowing Easter, my birthday, wedding anniversary and another 7 day trip + a weekend in the UK is all coming up fills me with dread, as I find myself in the danger zone.

    The shops are now full of Easter treats. My friend literally filled her trolley with these disgusting solid sugar sweet eggs, which must amount to eating a bag of sugar neat! My daughter like me, likes her chocolate and as I'm back in England in time I intend to indulge in a few Easter treats from Marks and Spencer. My 'egg shell' ornament I always put out at Easter, I have bought one small token bag of mini Lindt chocolate eggs this year. I have been know to fill it to the top but I'm not making that mistake this year. I will be back in Austria on Easter Saturday and we have invited my husband's side of the family to stay as they wish to see the daughter.

    In an attempt to keep me on my toes I did try on a few of my summer clothes today and the results; surprise, surprise I suddenly found the time to exercise so I've shredded, power walked up the hill and salsacised - just hope I can get out of my bed tomorrow!

    Hope things are looking up PB? And Bracken enjoy your time with your sister and keep up the good work!

    Be good Crackers - I am trying!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Morning Crackers!

    There must be an enormous black cloud just above my head - this weekend we noticed chemicals in our hot water and had to call out the plummer, who confirmed that the solar heating was leaking chemicals into the boiler (fortunately I noticed before it blew up!) so we now need a new boiler and the solar heating has been switched off...

    But the good news I've lost 0.2lbs this week! The chemicals must have gone to my head the fact that I am celebrating such a miserly loss but it's psychological I'm finally after a months battle, the right side of my 1/2 stone allowance again!! The last 1/2 Stone I know from past experience is the hardest to lose but was it ever this hard?!! I know I'm not currently 'fat' but these 7 pounds I'm carrying make me feel frumpy and mummsy and are stopping me looking toned and sleek and if I'm totally honest it strips me of my confidence which is silly but true. And my minuscule wardrobe suddenly got a whole lot tinier!

    However I took a little trip down memory lane reading my measurements and weight notebooks. It's reasurring seeing results written down in black and white and comments and credit given to Rosemary and Jillian, so I do know they work. Five years ago on my birthday I was the heaviest weight I'd been in over 6 years, well I'm nowhere near that weight and whilst I'm not going to be a pound from target as I was last year on my birthday (oh I wish!) the year before, I was just grateful to be 1.5lbs under my 1/2 stone barrier having survived Palm Sunday (which is a big celebration here), Easter and my birthday! And 12 days later thanks to Jillan and Rosemary I was wearing the same pair of smart trousers, I need to fit into again this year around the same time for my sister-in-law's Graduation ceremony. Nothing changes really be it a pencil skirt, a polka dot bikini or cigarette trousers, you just need to stick with the plan, give it time to work and never give up as this isn't a diet - it's a lifestyle. I have just recorded my latest measurements after a week back exercising and I'm delighted to report an inch loss or over which makes the 0.2lbs suddenly seem a whole lot more!

    Be good Crackers!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - checking in briefly before going to work just to let you know I'm OK - I will have a good read this evening and then do a proper update on my situation. The good news is that I'm currently working (temporarily), have moved out of my house and found somewhere else to live but am currently awaiting access to this so staying in a holiday cottage for a couple of weeks. that's it in a nutshell - but more this evening! Take care Crackers
    PB xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    PB - good to know you're okay and look forward to a full update. Crackers I have a new laptop replacing the one that died, but at the moment it is thinking in german, so if there are any spelling errors or unexplained capitals please bear with me until I get it sorted!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    PB - good to know you're okay and look forward to a full update. Crackers I have a new laptop replacing the one that died, but at the moment it is thinking in german, so if there are any spelling errors or unexplained capitals please bear with me until I get it sorted!
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. This must be a brief pop-in but wanted to at least check in. Wish I had time to really comment on your insightful posts MITM but will try to do so soon. Sadly, my sister-in-law passed away Sunday night after being taken to hospital early Saturday. It is a difficult and busy time here- the funeral is on Saturday and as is the custom here, there is a visitation at the funeral home this afternoon and evening. My sister from Arizona is still here- she was set to return home on Monday. It has again turned depressingly cold and the yard is again covered with a light snowfall. As a minor note, MITM, I too have a water problem and the plumber I trust is probably in Florida as I can't reach him. I'm getting drinking water in bottles from my neighbour. Must go. Regards.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    A quick pop in for me too. I am just off to get a cut and colour after nearly 5 weeks, so I will be pleased to get some shape back into it.

    Bracken, I am so very sorry for you and your family's sad loss. My thoughts and prayers will be with you all x x

    MITM. my laptop and ipad think in American, so I am always having to retype certain words eg color. It's at the stage I have difficulty remembering what is the correct spelling for the UK now! It also only has $ signs not pounds and apparently the icon thingys on my numbers are the "in the wrong place" according to my children! Hope you get yours sorted soon x x

    PB. How long was I away for? :-) New job, new house, holiday let (where??) Please spill the beans lol x x

    Oops, am a bit late so must dash x x
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    I'm just checking in to let you know I'm off to the UK today for a week to collect the daughter and bring her home for Easter in Austria. I'm setting myself several mini goals for this week; to stay away from all chocolate and crisps and secondly to walk daily the hill my parents house is on the top of in a bid to maintain my weight. I do intend to indulge at Easter in Austria but in moderation!

    Very sad to read your news Bracken concerning your sister-in-law, I do feel for your brother and family.

    Be good Crackers and that includes you BM - fantastic weigh in!
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - my apologies - my intention was to come back on line that evening to do an update which did not happen!. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Bracken. I know she had been ill for a while but I hope that her passing was peaceful and pain free.

    MITM perhaps you should go and hide under the bed clothes for a couple of weeks - you clearly have a sign above your head saying 'hit me'!!!!

    Food is something of a problem and exercise is non existent - however, I am determined that as soon as I get moved into a more permanent home I will get my life back together - not least because I'm supposed to be doing the swimathon in 3 weeks and I haven't even begun to practice for it. I have a problem with my shoulder which I've been ignoring for some time but which is now making a simple act like doing up my bra exceedingly painful and difficult. I have made an appointment at the GPs for just after Easter.

    I have been working at the University Campus in Suffolk on a temporary assignment for the past 3 weeks, but it ended yesterday which is a great shame as I was really enjoying it. Its a lovely modern campus with a great buzz. I was very involved with its original development so I'm very proud of it too. I was asked to stand in for a Professional Assistant (which is a PA with research) for a lovely Egyptian Professor who was so supportive. His PA was off sick for a while but she is back now. I had a lot of fun working '9-5' its been so long since I kept such regular hours. Its been a long time since I worked with such nice people too. The academic team took me out for lunch on Monday which was really sweet of them. I felt so at home. The good news is that I've an interview for a permanent role at the campus on 17th.

    Which brings me to the interview I had. Well, it was for a Funeral service and I think the role is well within my capability, but I haven't heard anything and, of course, I wasn't overwhelmed with the process. I received a letter telling me when and where to be for the interview which turned out to be an office in the local distribution centre. There was no one there to greet me at the reception and they hadn't sent me any information about the job prior to the interview so I wasn't given a lot of info. Then they said they would be letting people know in the next 10 to 14 days - here I am well over a week later within no information so I guess I'm not in the running. Not particularly bothered as I am now firmly focused on the UCS job.

    The cottage has been lovely - although the ceilings are low upstairs and I had to duck through doors a lot. I'm here until Friday when I'm moving into a Premier Inn for 4 nights after which, all being well, I will be moving into my new home, which is a lovely 3 bed semi in a village near Saxmundham. It has a lovely back garden (its ex-local authority) and a big green house and a veggie patch. Hopefully, I will have time to get some veggies going. Its very rural but does have a pub although not a shop. There's a lovely multifuel burner in the living room too which will be fabulous on a cold winters night.

    Well, on the grounds that MFP will probably do something unpredictable any minute now and I'll lose my post I'm going to stop now. More later!

    Love to all

    PB xx
  • PortiaBentley
    PortiaBentley Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Crackers - my apologies - my intention was to come back on line that evening to do an update which did not happen!. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Bracken. I know she had been ill for a while but I hope that her passing was peaceful and pain free.

    MITM perhaps you should go and hide under the bed clothes for a couple of weeks - you clearly have a sign above your head saying 'hit me'!!!!

    Food is something of a problem and exercise is non existent - however, I am determined that as soon as I get moved into a more permanent home I will get my life back together - not least because I'm supposed to be doing the swimathon in 3 weeks and I haven't even begun to practice for it. I have a problem with my shoulder which I've been ignoring for some time but which is now making a simple act like doing up my bra exceedingly painful and difficult. I have made an appointment at the GPs for just after Easter.

    I have been working at the University Campus in Suffolk on a temporary assignment for the past 3 weeks, but it ended yesterday which is a great shame as I was really enjoying it. Its a lovely modern campus with a great buzz. I was very involved with its original development so I'm very proud of it too. I was asked to stand in for a Professional Assistant (which is a PA with research) for a lovely Egyptian Professor who was so supportive. His PA was off sick for a while but she is back now. I had a lot of fun working '9-5' its been so long since I kept such regular hours. Its been a long time since I worked with such nice people too. The academic team took me out for lunch on Monday which was really sweet of them. I felt so at home. The good news is that I've an interview for a permanent role at the campus on 17th.

    Which brings me to the interview I had. Well, it was for a Funeral service and I think the role is well within my capability, but I haven't heard anything and, of course, I wasn't overwhelmed with the process. I received a letter telling me when and where to be for the interview which turned out to be an office in the local distribution centre. There was no one there to greet me at the reception and they hadn't sent me any information about the job prior to the interview so I wasn't given a lot of info. Then they said they would be letting people know in the next 10 to 14 days - here I am well over a week later within no information so I guess I'm not in the running. Not particularly bothered as I am now firmly focused on the UCS job.

    The cottage has been lovely - although the ceilings are low upstairs and I had to duck through doors a lot. I'm here until Friday when I'm moving into a Premier Inn for 4 nights after which, all being well, I will be moving into my new home, which is a lovely 3 bed semi in a village near Saxmundham. It has a lovely back garden (its ex-local authority) and a big green house and a veggie patch. Hopefully, I will have time to get some veggies going. Its very rural but does have a pub although not a shop. There's a lovely multifuel burner in the living room too which will be fabulous on a cold winters night.

    Well, on the grounds that MFP will probably do something unpredictable any minute now and I'll lose my post I'm going to stop now. More later!

    Love to all

    PB xx
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Well PB!!! Your lie is certainly not dull x x I sincerely hope all goes well with your new home. It sounds lovely. I have every part of my body firmly crossed(!!) for you that this interview for the Uni will be a breeze and that the job has your name on it. I am certain you are in with such a good chance considering you have been doing it and had a great rapport with the staff. I would also say, at the moment a swimathon is the least of your worries, especially with a sore shoulder. If I were in your shoes I would give a nice donation to the charity and concentrate on getting yourself well and settled in your new home. x x
    Bracken, my thoughts are with you and your family. Hope you and Nellie have reasonable weather to get out and about in. Take care of yourselves x x
    MITM, hope you and your Daughter had a fab time in the UK. Safe journey home x x Oh and BTW (look at me using jargon lol! ) I am being so good! I have, according to my daily weigh in, already lost my pound for this week, yay! x x

    Wishing everyone a lovely Easter,
    BM x x