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  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Oh no, not again.......lost a big chunk of my post.

    Steps yesterday 13,667 which included a max. Intended to get up early and max this morning before getting my car to the garage at 8 o'clock for its service. However, at 6.30am the wind was howling and the rain lashing down so I stayed in bed. I will now have to either fit in a long walk or a max late this afternoon.

    For the moment it is back to apples. I am sick of apples
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Oh no, half of this post went too! What's happening? No time to redo again.

    Have a good day all

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    ps it's Andy's 65th birthday today. Thought you might like to see this picture of her

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    Well if there was ice-cream in the house I'd probably eat the whole tub right this moment! But fortunately there isn't so it was 2 biscuits and a couple of spoonfuls of yogurt to sooth my frazzled nerves!! It's the bi yearly collection HOUR in our village for electrical items, old medicine and paint etc. I no longer have a car since my husband rolled it down a ditch and squashed it and he has decided much to my annoyance to work for a friend over this hour. I wasn't best pleased as he only told me late last night. It was a last minute decision but having gone through 'part' and I mean a tiny little section of the loft 2 weeks ago, I had come across lots to go. Plus in our downstairs 'pantry' which actually just resembles a wasted store room of unwanted rubbish, there is an old huge microwave over twenty years old and a broken industrial coffee machine taking up 2 whole shelves. So I wanted those to go too.

    Anyway not to be out maneuvered my best friend has kindly taken the stuff. So as my husband has just whizzed through I casually remarked the stuff has gone. Of course he wanted to keep the broken coffee machine and the microwave! We have a built in microwave in our kitchen and he is anti microwaves and NEVER uses it. The one sat on the shelf was his Mother's and when we took over the kitchen below to work in, I removed it so it has not been used in 6 years. The coffee machine he had for nearly twenty years, an ugly unsightly machine ruining our kitchen which was finally replaced this Easter. He could not mend it any longer but oh how he tried before he gave in and bought a beautiful machine which not only makes super coffee it blends in.

    I do apologise for ranting on and on but I am so cross and frustrated, if only you burnt calories when you raged! And no doubt my husband is equally as cross with me - if not more so!

    Anyway do tell us more about the lovely photo of Angie - Happy Birthday to her and still looking very hot at 65! Is her husband now okay? What is she up to these days?

    Be good Crackers!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    I have calmed down! But I just wanted to let you know against my better judgement I rescued the coffee machine as the husband was so adamant he could mend it, since it was just a part (rubbish) but the microwave still went. I believe that is called compromise!

    However I was equally adamant it was not returning to the pantry to collect dust, so I decided to put it in the cupboard under the staircase in the basement, where I discovered to my surprise the industrial coffee machine graveyard - 2 more beasts sat in the darkness. I rest my case. The pantry meanwhile I have sorted and rearranged all his many lentils, pastas, porridge it looks like a little health shop.

    Steps 12,042 and I have raked 2 more sack loads of leaves.

    P.S. There will be no further mention of coffee machines or microwaves!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    In my rage (maybe because my husband is called Andreas and I call him Andy) I see I typed Angie instead of Andy! Apologies.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    MITM - I can feel your frustration at the coffee machine/microwave situation henceforth known as microcoffeegate! How many machines does one person need?! It's always difficult when one person is a hoarder and the other is a clearer outer. I think your compromise was a good one and hiding them away an even better one. If he hasn't looked in the cupboard under the stairs by the time of the next collection I would quietly remove at least the two beasts he has forgotten about already and probably the one you rescued as well! I must confess microcoffeegate made me giggle too - did you flounce? I felt the situation deserved an almighty flounce! I certainly would have done.

    Andy looks great doesn't she? Her husband got the all clear sometime last year. She's very involved with her grandson and granddaughter and is still doing some work but I forget what now as she changed job. Mike has retired and I think she is planning to soon.

    Yesterday's steps 12,856. Did a max, but only the first two sections with the warm up and warm down as I ran out of time. That's three done for this week.

    It's blowing a hooley here as Storm Brian hits. Our estuary made the news weather warning this morning ......... We're supposed to be going to the footie this afternoon but I might decide to sit tight and give it a miss.

    I need to get going as on the spur of the moment last night I invited a friend for supper this evening. She's just said she'd love to come round so I need to sort out something to eat!

    Have a good week-end Crackers
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Ps missed another call from Bracken. So frustrating that I can't call her back.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Steps 9,668 without a walk or max (but I too have done my quota for this week) it was 6 hours solid in the garden raking and cutting. You know how you said you were sick of apples - I'm sick of leaves! Living in a religious area the one good thing is Sunday is a day of rest. There is certainly no gardening - you'd be stuck down if you got the lawn mower out!

    Alas as my mother-in-law is no longer with us, we will be working indoors instead behind closed curtains, so I have spent the evening preparing potatoes and I'm shattered! Still tomorrow we have rain forecast, the first day in 3 weeks after endless sunshine and blue skies. Perfect schlipfkrapfen making weather.

    So much for 3rd time lucky with Bracken!

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Still very blowy here as Storm Brian continues. I braved the elements yesterday to go to the football. Got soaked in the rain and Swansea lost so it really wasn't worth it.

    Steps only 8,945, but I think I have enough in hand from other days to reach my 70,000 target this week. I can't see me doing many steps today given the wind and rain. I think I'll settle down with my knitting and watch a good film. That makes me feel very lazy knowing you are working hard on your schlips MITM. I suppose I shall have to do some more apples. I don't eat deserts very often but I did make an apple crumble last night as our friend came round and it was very nice - the apples are tasty so worth preserving.

    I hope Bracken decides Sunday is a good day to try and call as I should be in all day today.

    BM I hope you are well.......as I've come back, you have disappeared. I hope the two aren't connected?

    Stay warm and safe Crackers

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Afternoon Crackers,

    Well I'm just having a late lunch as I've been squashing potatoes all morning. No need to feel guilty on my account LMV when we are actually 'working' I just sit all day and the only thing that moves is my fingers! So if you were knitting I'm sure your hands were working just as hard! And what a ghastly day it was. Although we didn't have wind it poured - so no walking. The clouds were gently drifting past the kitchen window and when they eventually cleared mid afternoon you could see snow on the mountains! It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the weather can change here, one moment you are wearing a t'shirt the next a thermal vest!

    Anyway I am walking with my friend this afternoon as the sun tries to break through and I hope to fit in a max. Yesterdays steps 5,257 I'm surprised it was that high.

    BM - I am guessing but hoping that I am wrong that you are having health problems again. I'm sure it has nothing to do with you LMV!

    Be good Crackers!

    P.S. Are you watching Strictly this year?
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hello Crackers,

    I woke up feeling a bit out of sorts this morning for no real reason. Why does that happen? I pulled back the curtain to a dull, dank, drizzly, dreary day, I couldn't even see the estuary. Everything was grey so I just got straight back into bed. When I finally got up I put on my exercise clothing to do a max as I knew I wouldn't be going out for a walk today in that awful weather. I started it but had so little energy I was struggling which seemed odd as I haven't struggled with it before. I just did the warm up, the first section and the cool down. The fact that I couldn't manage it left me a bit deflated. I'm not ill or anything so I guess it is just my body telling me that it wants a rest after the extra effort I've been putting in. Sometimes you just have to listen to what your body is telling you. After I showered I did something I never normally do, I jumped on the scales before my weigh day. I'm not going to count my chickens because we all know a lot can change in 24 hours, but I am hopeful of posting a loss tomorrow. That improved my mood a little.

    I was out with the husband this afternoon and we dropped into M&S. In passing, I saw a plain navy jumper with sequins scattered across the chest with the word sparkle left plain in the middle of them. You asked about Strictly MITM. I am an über fan so I am glued to it. I also have a girls' night planned for 11 Nov when I have eight friends (also fans) coming round for supper to watch Strictly and of course the dress code includes wearing something sparkly. The jumper is just right so the husband treated me to it. I've just found it on the website so I'll post a picture although it looks better in reality I think.


    I am loving this series and think the dancing and costumes are fabulous this year. So exciting. I haven't decided on my favourite yet, I love them all. Do you see it at all in Austria?

    Steps 4,677 yesterday and 6,834 today. Extremely poor and touch and go whether I made the 70,000. I'll add it up when I've finished this post.

    Hope you enjoyed your walk and got your max in. I know your steps will be better today MITM.

    BM - if you are not well, sending a cwtch and hope you feel better and are back with us soon.

    Keep stepping

    Ps yay! 73,324 steps this week.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Bore da Crackers,

    Rain, wind, greyness...................I can't wait for this weather to move on. But I feel more myself today and intend to get my waterproofs on and get out there for a walk. I'll burn more calories fighting a strong headwind don't you think?

    Weigh in this evening! Fingers crossed.

    Have a good day all
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    I lost 3.5lbs this week so I am thrilled. It was definitely worth doing the workouts so I will have to keep them up although Maxine is beginning to irritate me. I noticed there is a facility to switch her off so I might give it a go without her talking tomorrow.

    My Fitbit went flat today so I haven't got my steps recorded, but I did a reasonable amount so I'll just have to put an estimate in for my weekly total.

    Right early night for me tonight.

    Nos da all
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers,

    I've just lost my post! However well done LMV that is excellent news - I'm so pleased for you!

    I had just been saying (before it disappeared) that either I've stretched my exercise outfit or the workouts are actually working because after 3 weeks, I no longer look such a fright if I catch sight of my reflection. I have to confess that I only ever do one section + warm up/cool down. Lorraine's giggle irritates me but the exercises are pain free and seem to be making a difference which amazes me, as they are so basic!

    It's strange how some days you can wake up feeling ugh and others on top of the world. The weather plays a huge part in my mood swings. If we have too many grey days in a row it pulls me down. However yesterday after a rainy Sunday, my friend and I headed out into the greyness to walk and of course I felt much better for it. Plus I did a max and over-all I managed 14,265 steps.

    Today it was so hot and sunny and I had to cover the solar heating! I have been busy painting again. I have continued around the corner and painted the basement door 'blue' too. It was cream before which was so impractical, as the husband is forever carrying items downstairs or coming up from the garden with vegetables, so would kick the door ajar or shut it leaving behind dirty marks. So hopefully apart from looking good to my eye this will prove to be a practical choice of colour. So I've only managed 8,044 steps today as this afternoon we went to order a sofa for the kitchen downstairs. This is instead of replacing my car, I preferred a new sofa instead of the hideous eyesore we have pretending to be a settee. If we donated it to a cat sanctuary I think the cats would turn their noses up at it! It's over thirty years old, it could even be nearer fifty as it looks like the sixties style! The springs have gone but needless to say my husband never sits on it, so doesn't care that the springs have gone. I'm so embarrassed whenever anyone sits on it. But as we have other sofas in other rooms why do we need yet another asks the husband? Because I can see it whenever I go up the staircase to our floor and when I'm working down there it makes my blood boil and this is where his family socialise! The original sixties kitchen which is fifty years old, is in immaculate condition but the same can not be said for this sofa. Anyway I finally saw the perfect sofa for this space so I struck a deal with the husband since it was MY car he ruined and yes it's a shade of dark blue! It will take 12 weeks before it is ready, the salesman was concerned he might lose the sale but he wasn't to know I've been waiting 6 years since my Mother-in-law passed to finally get rid of it, so 12 weeks is nothing! Actually just reading that back, knowing my husband I might yet discover it in the basement in 12 weeks time!

    I have my weigh in tomorrow and I might measure myself again. I hope you have taken your measurements LMV? I love that jumper - am I drawn to it because it's blue I'm not sure!

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Well it was a much better day today and there was even a bit of blue sky as I set off down the lane for my walk, I even took a picture of it


    It gave me back the spring in my step. So much so that I did a full max this afternoon, all three sessions. I switched Maxine off and I got on so much better with the whole thing. The bits where I was a little bit uncoordinated with the arms and legs were so much easier without instructions. I think it must be that when you are watching your brain tells your body what to do and you just do it, but when you get a verbal message as well as visual it has two sets of instructions to interpret at the same time so for me, whilst I picked most of it up easily, there were a couple of fast bits where I wasn't very coordinated and I left the arms out before. I breezed through them today and had more fun without the constant cockney "Come on girls".

    This evening I went to see Victoria and Abdul starring Judi Dench. What an amazing film. I would definitely recommend it to everyone. It was funny in places, but also left me so ashamed of our colonial heritage and how the British treated people from its Empire. Judi Dench is a wonderful actress and the rest of the cast were excellent too.

    You are definitely turning your world blue bit by bit MITM. The new sofa sounds exciting and, of course, it's another bit of blue in your world. If it's 12 weeks away you should have it early in the new year so that's something to look forward to after the festivities are over.

    How did your weigh in go? I hope you are pleased. I haven't actually measured myself. I know it will make really grim reading but perhaps I should as it is another way to measure my progress beyond what the scales say. I wore a skirt tonight which I haven't worn for a couple of weeks and it is considerably looser. Woo hoo. I agree with you about the DVD being effective as I think it is definitely having an impact in a short space of time as I have only lost 5lbs which isn't enough to make such a difference on its own.

    Steps today: 18,589.

    Nos da all
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening/Morning!

    Well I don't know why but my weight loss is not showing up on my feed!!!!! Where do I complain?!

    However early yesterday morning, I could be found moving my scales around the bedroom floor as I couldn't believe I had lost 2.6 pounds!!! Me! But it didn't matter where I positioned them it kept coming up with the same result. So I then whipped out the tape measure and I've lost 1.5 inches off my stomach and hips and an inch from my waist and my thighs all over. I really was struggling to believe this was true, so I got out THE pencil skirt as back up which is loose, I can now move the skirt up and down, zipped up, so yes I really am 0.8 pounds below my target weight Yay!!!!

    So LMV either the Max really does work wonders or you do burn calories with anger and maybe also from sheer joy, when you get the sofa of your dreams finally ordered!! It has to be down to the Max because I haven't changed my eating habits.

    I've had a very busy day doing boring chores and working so I haven't exercised at all - see this is what happens! Still just walking around the house I have managed 11,545 steps. Tomorrow I WILL do a Max to maintain my new figure!!

    I'm so pleased you had a good day, your walk looked lovely. They were muck spreading here which they always do before All Saints Day 1st November, when we stand beside the graves for the church service, surrounded by fields, breathing in the fresh air....

    Any homework from WW this week?

    Be good Crackers

    P.S. 61 sleeps to Christmas - or 8 weeks sounds longer, but it's not long is it?!
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    I've just realised what it is I love about your photo - it's the hedges which you don't see in my part of the world, it's all open fields/hillsides/mountains with no boundaries.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    MITM, couldn't go to bed without saying
