Let's get started



  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Thank you! I've stepped on the scales again this morning just to double check this wasn't all a dream!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited October 2017
    Morning Crackers,

    Thrilled it wasn't a dream. You have done so well and you must be walking on air to be under your target. Absolutely amazing. Well done you. Just think, nothing in your wardrobe is going to be too tight for you, what a lovely feeling that must be. I'm glad I have your good news to bask in as we are back to dreary, grey mist and we can't see more than about 20 yards.

    Today I have the boring day you had yesterday. Piles of washing to do which will just add to my enormous ironing mountain so I must tackle that mountain, get more washes on, change the bed, and get back to the dreaded apples. I have three bags which I have been ignoring and are starting to go off so they have to be dealt with. Groan. Probably no time for a long walk today but will try and max later.

    Our WW homework was to read the leaflet for that week which we didn't really discuss in class concerning protein. We didn't discuss it then because everyone brought their snacks in and we were too busy tasting and talking about those. In the end I took in some "apple mango oaties" Something I made up myself. I stewed some apple and added half a mango I had in the fridge then stirred in a finely diced desert apple and some oats. I dolloped them onto a baking tray and baked them in the oven until they were going crispy on the outside. They come out as a kind of cookie. I don't eat much of this sort of thing myself but I thought everyone would find my smoked salmon on a cornbread or suchlike very boring. They went down really well and a number of people wanted to try making them themselves! There were two things I really liked. Firstly, homemade sweet potato crisps. The lady who made them couldn't stay to the meeting so I'll ask her exactly what seasoning she used to make them so tasty next week. It might have been salt, pepper and a little paprika or garam masala - I suppose you could use anything you fancied really. Thinly slice a sweet potato, toss in some oil and seasoning and bake until crispy is probably all she did, but they were really good. Someone else made mini quiches by lining muffin tins with wafer thin ham, sprinkling a teaspoon of strong cheese and filling up with egg and skimmed milk and baking. They were tasty, but I was wondering what I could use instead of ham as I don't eat that supermarket highly processed stuff. I was considering opening up a leek and making "sheets" and then lining a muffin tin with several sheets a bit like you would with filo pastry. They would then be vegetarian. I might give it a whirl - do you think it would work? Another lady who like me loves cheese brought in a piece of Roquefort which she had cut into very small pieces with some grapes. She said she uses a cocktail stick to eat each little bit slowly and because it is strong you get a good punch of flavour with each mouthful. It lasts and you appreciate it. I've been very good about cheese apart from when I was on holiday but if I get a craving I might try that idea. Anyway, back to protein. The body requires it for lots of functions and because it is digested at a slower rate, it keeps you feeling fuller for longer. As well as normal sources, add beans or pulses to soups and casseroles, lentils to curries and don't forget about eggs. The card has a lovely recipe for ginger salmon with a spicy dahl - that's right up my street so I might give it a go.

    Well Crackers, you have successfully diverted me from my boring jobs for long enough. I'd better get on with them.

    Well done again MITM. Delighted for you and so proud of my fellow Cracker.


  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    I was finally in today when Bracken called so we had a lovely long chat. She has been extremely busy over the late summer and autumn with her garden, a writing course, her usual writing group and doing some work on the house - creating an exercise room no less. Isn't that impressive! Anyway, she hopes to be back with us soon so we can all look back to that.

    Hope everyone's had a good day

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening/Morning Crackers!

    I've got to start getting to bed earlier! Hurrah that you finally made contact with Bracken and that all is well with her and I'm very impressed too about the exercise room! I look forward to her return.

    Well not a lot to report here. I was working this morning preparing potatoes. I then spent the afternoon finishing off my paintwork as my husband has a friend visiting over the weekend. The plan was we were to be finished working this evening by 9pm so I intended to exercise then. But the husband got sidetracked and started moving sacks of potatoes around in the basement and we didn't start work until 8.30pm.

    At 11pm I thought do I 'max' or not? Do I wish to be 'maxing' with our house guest NO! So I have maxed and taken my step count up to 9,874.

    The leek quiches sounds like a good idea. If you are using a silicone muffin tray I don't line it but just pour in the egg and add mushrooms and peppers.

    Right off to my bed. Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Steps yesterday 11,453. The husband was going out so he dropped me in the next village and I walked back home through the grey mist and gloom. Needless to say the ironing didn't get done but the apples did. The freezer is now full but I'll take some apples to my mother next time I visit and that will free up some space.

    I didn't get a max in yesterday but I will endeavour to do one later although I have physio on my knee at lunchtime today and sometimes it is a bit tender after it's been worked on. I twisted it back in August and it's been giving me trouble since. It's much better and generally I'm not allowing it to stop me walking or working out. So impressed that you found the energy to max so late MITM. Well done!

    I don't have any silicon baking "tins". I might invest in one - I feel an excuse for a trip to Lakeland coming on. Bracken, if you don't have Lakeland in Canada it is a chain of shops and online supplier of every cooking and household cleaning product you can think of. If you like gadgets (I don't generally) there is a gadget for everything to be found at Lakeland. For anyone who likes cooking it's a great place.

    Time to get on, have a good day Crackers

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    LMV - how I regretted exercising late last night! What I forgot to mention, was that whilst waiting impatiently for the husband to start our shift, I somehow managed to scoff my way mindlessly through half an XXL packet of pomme bear crisps. All calorie accounted for but when I got up to go to bed - after having 'maxed' I thought I was going to be sick! I went to bed with a bowl on the floor and I lay there for hours in agony! The moral of this story do not max on a full stomach of pomme bear crisps! Just shows how you can turn a blind eye to what you shouldn't be eating....

    The weather here is about to turn nasty with snow to 1400 metres so I have spent 5 hours in the garden. We cleared the open terrace and moved all the plants down to the covered terrace, before we eventually take them inside. I took down all the window box flowers, I don't think I've ever had them up so long. And of course I spent hours raking leaves - willow leaves are my least favourite.

    My husband's friend arrived in the evening and as they have gone out, I decided to risk a max after all as that is my quota for this week completed. Steps 16,971 from carrying things around the garden!

    To reward myself for my hard work, I decided to go ahead and order an early Christmas present. I've had my eye on it for awhile from Aurora, the 'Gigi' handbag, just a small, very basic, everyday bag although I did have it monogrammed - you can guess the colour!!

    Have a good weekend and be good Crackers!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. Yes, it's me. Here at last and hardly knowing where to begin and it is later than I planned to be here because my brother dropped in for a visit. But I was determined that this would be the day I got back thanks to some inspiration from LMV. When I brought up this site, it took me right to the last time I had posted and I began reading the post in which BM lamented the end of our little group. Need I say how sad I felt? So when I saw a response from MITM and then the return of LMV, I felt so heartened. I scrolled through the posts without more reading but did stop to see the picture of Andy looking very good indeed and a yummy looking cake. There are a lovely lot of posts to read and it will take me a while to do a catch-up from both ends. I shall look forward to returning, tomorrow I hope. All the best to you Crackers.
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Aaaaw - fabulous to see you back Bracken.

    MITM - what are pomme bear crisps? I think you are to be complimented on only having half a bag of them. If it was me, I would undoubtedly have had the whole bag whatever size it was! Did you need to use the bowl by the bed??!! I want the gory details!

    Great step performance and maxing. I haven't done well today. Physio wasn't pleased with my knee and doesn't think I should be maxing. She's put an exercise programme together for me on a bike. As I don't have an exercise bike, guess what my Christmas present is going to be? Honestly I'm gutted, who wants an exercise bike for Christmas when you could have a dress or a Gigi handbag? I'm about to google yours MITM (navy) even though it will make me feel worse!

    Steps a measly 6 thousand odd. Boo.


  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Wow, is this it?


    I love it. Never heard of Aurora before. How did you find it?

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers,

    Welcome back Bracken how lovely to see you here again!

    Well LMV when I read the post that mentioned the physio because of your knee, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets and you've been doing the MAX!!! No wonder she wasn't best pleased with you with all that knee action, 'bend your knees girls!' Well that is very sad news! However you had best get that exercise bike early. Would I be right in thinking Bracken you picked up an exercise bike? LMV are you still allowed to walk lots?!

    That is indeed the very bag and today I had an email saying it is on its way to me! I follow the blogger 'chloelovestoshop' and she had the lilac version and I thought ooh that's just the size I'm looking for! When you live up a mountain, surrounded by farmer's and you realise you too are beginning to look like a farmer's wife (not a good look in these parts) and you don't get out enough you have to seek inspiration on the internet!

    In the UK the crisps are called Pom-bears, just writing that my stomach is turning over! The snack that is fun to eat for both young and old! Only a German snack food company could write that. I wish I had used the bowl because then the pain might have been over and done with but no I had to lie and suffer thinking 'I'll never eat another pom-bear again!!!' if this pain would only disappear....

    So who did you enjoy best on Strictly tonight? I have just caught up on youtube. Once I could get it but I've slowly lost all my channels over the years. I have liked Debbie McGee from week one but that could be because of Giovanni! And I also have a soft spot for Joe. I used to like him in 'Take The High Road.'

    I haven't left the house today, I haven't exercised - so a pathetic 4,192 steps. If there is no snow overnight I could be climbing mini Everest tomorrow afternoon!

    Be good Crackers!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    I've driven up to see my parents today and was extremely lazy yesterday so my step count is poor this week-end. I'm driving back tomorrow so it won't be good tomorrow either. Never mind.

    Re my knee, it's not too bad and I fully intend to keep using it. I found the MAX OK so I will probably continue to do it despite what the physio says. I'm not daft though and if I get any twinges I will stop. The husband suffers with sciatica from time to time and the bike is really good exercise for him too, so, reprieve on the Christmas present front as he thinks it is a good idea to get one. He had been toying with the idea of going back to the gym but buying a bike would be cheaper than a gym membership. RESULT!

    Despite no exercise over the last two days, I have still been good on the food front and have stayed off sugar. There was an indulgence in wine on Friday evening but I can account for that out of my weekly extras allowance on the WW programme so I think I'm doing OK.

    I have never seen or heard of Pom-bears. Crisps aren't one of my vices (plenty of others!), but I'll look out for the offending items so I know what they are next time I am in the supermarket.

    I thought Strictly was a little bit flat last night and I didn't think the music or costumes were as Halloweeny as they have been in the past. Debbie is amazing but somehow I just can't warm to her even though I want to. I thought Gemma was over-praised for her jive which looked a bit heavy to me and Molly not given enough credit for a great attempt at the cha cha cha, a dance which they all seem to have struggled with this year. But what do I know? To be honest, I've forgotten most of last night's dances already apart from Aston's Paso, so they obviously didn't make much of an impression on me. Definitely time for Simon to go though don't you think?

    Exciting news that the bag is on its way. Have you decided what its inaugural outing will be? What will you wear with it for the occasion?

    The clocks went back here last night so at just 4.20pm dusk is arriving. It feels like winter is just around the corner.

    Did you make it up your Everest?

    Well, I've come to see my parents so I must go and be sociable but I did want to check in.

    Bye for now

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers,

    LMV - I love your fighting spirit! I was slightly concerned when I read the line 'I fully intend to keep using it' thinking gosh how bad is it, until I read on. And great news about the exercise bike.

    Well it didn't snow today but boy was it windy. There will be plenty of leaves for raking tomorrow. We did go walking and it was jolly hard work, fighting the elements. I've had no energy from the moment I got up today. Too early that was the problem. Our guest left before we would normally get up on a Sunday morning and our clocks went back too but we went to bed very late. Then this evening I suddenly felt quite down, so I took myself off to do a Rosemary in an attempt to cheer myself up. It just exhausted me further! However I have not over ate which is what I normally do when tired and feeling miserable!

    I think my problem is having just waved off one house guest, we now have the pleasure of 8 family members arriving on Tuesday for All Saints on Wednesday. So I need to prep for them and clean oh and bake... Plus I won't be able to use my 'exercise' room as the sofa bed will be in use. Still at least I have prepared the graves just need to sprinkle the black soil and take up the candles. Is it 5 years this month Bracken since your Mother passed?

    My handbag's 'official' first outing will probably be a trip to Bath with my Mother, to do a spot of Christmas shopping in December but in the meantime I may take it to the supermarket!

    Well I must get to my bed. Be good Crackers!

    Steps 13,027

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited October 2017
    Morning Crackers,

    MITM it seems that the weather we were having has reached you and unfortunately the lacklustre mood I was in has reached you too. I hope your handbag arrives today to cheer you up. It is lovely to have visitors but when a second set arrives quickly on the heels of the first it is a lot of work and very disruptive to your normal routine. Eight is a big number to host - that's a lot of bed linen and food. I feel for you. Very well done on exercising instead of over eating

    I have woken early this morning which is partly due to the hour change and partly due to being away from home. My parents still live in the house I grew up in, but it is so long since I lived here it feels a strange place to sleep especially if I am here without my husband. The grandfather clock chiming every quarter hour doesn't help either. When you live with a clock like that you get used to it and hardly hear it, but if you aren't used to it.......

    I hope you have a nice surprise and discover that all your leaves have blown away so that there isn't a lot of raking to do. Hoping too that your mood lifts quickly and sending a cwtch.

  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers,

    Well what a difference a day can make... blue skies and sunshine whoopee! Lifted my mood even though I spent most of it cleaning. All Saints Day has the build up you get at Christmas when the house has to be spotless and the husband thought it would be a good idea to clean the oven?!! Really?! Anyway I obliged and it does look like new but I hate it when his sisters visit as it feels like an army inspection.

    I had a walk with my friend this afternoon, had my hair cut so that I will look as presentable as the house! Worked this evening and then whilst the husband rescued his precious produce in the pitch black from the vegetable garden as it suddenly turned very cold, I did a max.

    Tomorrow I will bake haven't yet decided what. Plus I must face the leaves as I ignored them today no time.

    Steps 14,689

    When we have guests staying they are always woken by the church bell which rings at 5am to wake the farmers. I don't hear it, but when I first visited I couldn't believe how long it rang for. When I go home to my parents house, the traffic keeps me awake which it never did when I lived there.

    Good luck with your weigh in.

    Be good Crackers!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    Home safe and sound and it has been a beautiful day across the UK too. Got home in time for a late afternoon walk along the Prom and to the end of the pier at Mumbles (a part of Swansea Bay) so after spending five hours driving I still managed to get 10,000 steps in today. Here's a picture.


    Pleased to hear you mood has lifted MITM and brilliant step count. Well done on the Max.

    I won't be weighing in tomorrow. We have tickets to see the Musical "Beautiful" in Cardiff tomorrow night which is the Carole King story. Tapestry is one of my favourite albums and I was lucky enough to go to Hyde Park last year and see her perform it in its entirety. I'm looking forward to the musical which I hadn't got around to seeing in London as we don't go to the Big Smoke that often any more. I booked the tickets ages ago and had forgotten about it so it's like a lovely surprise. As we're going to Cardiff I'll have to drop in to John Lewis too! I've arranged to weigh in at a different class on Wednesday morning so I'll update you then.

    Nigella's new series started tonight. Did you see it? Emergency brownies!?! I'm wishing I hadn't seen that - the emergency being when you need something naughty quickly. She cooked them seemingly late at night in her dressing gown with store cupboard ingredients! I could do without that kind of recipe.

    Right, time for sleep,

    Night Crackers
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Hello Crackers. I could not resist reading the posts since I reappeared but will have to resist commenting, except to say the bag looks very smart and lovely leather, until later. I'll start by saying something about my fitness or lack thereof! The summer and well into the fall (nearly all of September) was extremely hot here with day after day of temps in the high 30's- many records broken. It was hard for me because I don't do well in the heat but did manage to do a fair bit of biking around the neighbourhood and of course, walking Nellie though never got to the step totals I wanted (10,000 or more)- usually more between 6500 and 8000. I really wanted to have some goals for riding so I asked the barn owner/trainer if she would monitor me. She likes a challenge and worked out a couple of programs that increased my strength again and let me ride longer without really noticing it. It was hard though as the end of August and September came because my horse started growing a winter coat (that is determined by the light cycle not the temperature) and with the unseasonably warm weather it became hard to find a suitable time to ride. I started going out later in the day but then started running into the problem of it getting dark earlier as I don't do well with night driving. Frustrating! I am determined however that I won't have the kind of winter I had last year for lack of exercise. Though I complain about the extreme heat, I am equally bad when it gets really cold! Some of the problem last winter was that I did not use my treadmill or cycle (I'm amazed you remembered I got one the neighbour was discarding, MITM) much. I think it had a lot or something to do with the fact my basement rec room is so uninviting at the moment. Over the last few years there have been some problems with the lighting and it is so dingy. Also the ceiling tile need to be replaced, the cupboards need a coat of paint, and the carpet and sofa need a steam cleaning- basically a general fixup. Easier said than done it seems. I don't know what it is like where you are, Crackers, but here it is often difficult to find good skilled tradesmen for smaller jobs. If I were doing a complete reno, taking out carpet, stripping walls to the studs etc, it would be easier. Anyway, I am slowly making progress. I had to have some preventative plumbing done while old ceiling tiles are out (my brother kindly took out the old ceiling tiles) and I have got the plumbing done. Wednesday the electrician who did work when I had new kitchen cupboards installed is coming- he is excellent but very busy. He will put in
    some LED ceiling lights that are 2'x2' and which he says will make it very bright. I am still seeking a general carpenter to do the ceiling and some touch up woodwork. My plan is to have the treadmill, the cycle and an exercise mat all in the same room area. I have bought a small tv with a dvd so I can have my exercise tapes in the basement too.I'll let you all know how my project progresses and more importantly how it works for exercise. I do plan to start back on the treadmill once the lighting is changed even if other jobs will still be needed. After all that heat, even October had many days of 24-28C, it is now more than chilly and into the single digits. Anyway, thanks for the welcome words and regards for now.
  • mummyinthemountains
    mummyinthemountains Posts: 808 Member
    Good Evening Crackers,

    I will be brief as I have a house full of guests...

    Well Bracken you certainly have your hands full but your exercise room will be perfect for the winter months ahead. Our basement this morning one of the rooms is looking more like a grocery store with vegetables all lined up, rescued before the frost.

    My bag arrived today and I'm thrilled with it, it is just as I hoped for if not better. It arrived very appropriately just as I had finished all my chores, like a pat on the back for being good!!

    LMV - I hope you enjoy your concert and are not tempted to do a Nigella on your return. I could quite happily get into my dressing gown right now and dive into the Brownies I made earlier ready for my nephews! I use Donna Hay's recipe as it's so easy and never fails.

    I lost 0.2lbs this week. I wasn't actually expecting to lose anything but it makes it a nice round figure. More impressive I lost an inch off my stomach which puts my measurements back to what they were when we shredded. And maxing for me is so much easier!

    Steps 13,416

    Be good Crackers!

    55 days to Christmas.
  • 77Bailey77
    77Bailey77 Posts: 357 Member
    Bracken, absolutely perfect you are here with us. I was terribly upset at the thought of our little group ending so this has been a huge pick me up!

    I would like to apologise for my absence, I have been "under a cloud" for a while, unable to stay in touch with close friends/family and even speaking/writing to my children has been difficult. I was feeling a bit under the weather and had a really sore left shoulder. I was a little concerned regarding referred pain so in time trotted off to the Doctors which quickly escalated into a mammogram which showed a mass in my left breast, which an ultrasound then confirmed. Thankfully and after a stressful wait it turned out to be benign but an "area of concern". So I thought it's good news and it will be monitored in yearly mammograms. Then literally 10minutes later my gynaecologist called to say my smear test was abnormal and further testing was required on this. Again another painful waiting period, the result wasn't as bad as initially feared so I am being monitored yearly for that as well. This waiting game himself and I were playing was dreadful and I'm sure it affected my mental health and bloods/periods etc, so I'm trying to carry on as best I can and just get on with things.

    Knitting has, I'm sure, saved my sanity. I am practically churning out garments, even to the point of getting up hours earlier in the morning to knit and even taking it to the store for when we have a coffee break! I have moved onto slightly more complicated items as even though I still feel like a beginner I needed the more complex patterns to occupy my mind. I haven't been able to switch off the "Merry go round" my head feels like, so when I am concentrating on a pattern it is almost stress relieving.

    Thank you for the very thoughtful text MITM, it was just the nudge I needed to get back into the world and hearing our Bracken was back was just wonderful. LMV it was an awfully sad coincidence that I stopped writing just as you appeared! I class you all as dear friends and we have all been through so much together, I assure you this group is the family I have chosen.

    Wishing you all a good week,
    BM xxxxxxxxx
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    BM, thrilled to hear from you and relieved to know I didn't cause your absence but so sorry that you have had such a tough time health wise. When you are worrying about a health issue it pervades your whole life and I think it is a natural reaction to suspend everything else and turn in yourself. It sounds like a positive outcome so I hope you are picking up the threads of your life again now. Thank goodness for knitting!

    "Beautiful" was a fantastic show, even the husband enjoyed it. So much great music and fantastic costumes.

    This morning I went and weighed in and have lost 3lbs. Feeling pleased with that. Sensible eating and exercise is all it takes, but why is that so hard sometimes? I walked from where I weighed in back to a cafe where I am now so I've managed a good three mile walk. The husband will be joining me here and then we're off to run a few errands. Hoping to get a Max in later today.

    MITM - glad the bag is a success and well done n a further weight loss. At this rate you will be well under target by Christmas. The inch loss is impressive too, I really must measure myself. I was in no way tempted to make the brownies, not when I knew I had to weigh in the next morning! I hope you kept away from yours too. I know you are now very busy with your guests so good luck with that.

    Bracken, I hope your basement is progressing and that you find some workmen to do your jobs. I think it is difficult to find good workmen for smaller jobs all over the world. Good lighting is so important and makes such a difference to a room so at least you are getting that sorted.

    Right, the husband has turned up so I'll be off.

    Have a good day Crackers
  • mummyinthemountains
    Good Evening Crackers,

    BM - good to have you back with us again. but I'm so sorry to hear of your latest health worries and concerns. The waiting game is the worst as the imagination can go into over drive. Hopefully now you can have some peace of mind but keep those knitting needles clicking! I have to say your news changed my mood somewhat.

    After a very busy, noisy day with family and church, our village mayor paid us a visit to inform us our trees (which you can just see on the right of my profile photo; 2 willows and a red maple) have to be chopped down to make way for a new road. It is going across the field as a single plot has been sold for a house to be built. This is what happens when you complain about raking up leaves! There's nothing we can do but it is so sad how these beautiful trees must be sacrificed after 50 years. Still there is beauty all around us and they can't remove the mountains and your post BM just reminded me 'health is the greatest gift and contentment the greatest wealth' so I'm not going to waste any further energy on a matter I have no control of.

    LMV - well done! I'm so pleased for you. I didn't go near my brownies last night and we ended up being 13 for lunch and my nephews wolfed down seconds so I was saved from any leftovers.

    In the evening the husband and I walked up to the church because being All Saints, the graveyard was completely lit up with candles 2-3 on every grave where family have visited today and it looked so peaceful and beautiful. I hope my Father-in-law wasn't turning in his grave over his beloved trees... And then we did the circuit I walk with my friend, far too dark for mini Everest so although I've sat for most of the day, I managed in the end 10,156 steps.

    And tomorrow I will max!

    Be good Crackers!