Let's get started



  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited November 2017
    Evening Crackers,

    So sorry to hear you are losing your trees MITM. I don't pretend to understand how the Mayor can come and tell you to chop your trees down, but you live in a very different environment. As you say though, "Every cloud......" a lot less raking for you. You may get some lovely new neighbours in the new house too.

    The graveyard sounds very beautiful with all the candles and I'm sure the rituals of remembering loved ones brings families together and a sense of peace and wellbeing.

    Earlier, I realised I hadn't totalled my steps for last week. Without adding any extra on for the day when the battery went flat I did 60,044 so I couldn't have been too far short of my 70,000 target. Today I did 17,115 which is a good start to the week and tomorrow, I too will max.

    Nos da all

  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening Crackers,

    Getting up early for the chimney sweep does not agree with me. I ended up having a very lazy day with no motivation to do anything. My friend has been in Vienna visiting her parents this week so no daily walks but in any case we would have needed gas masks with all the muck spraying, which is a shame as it's been beautiful weather this week.

    I did make myself max so I got some steps in. I also took delivery of a new top from Joules. One of their Harbour everyday tops; the navy blue (what a surprise - not!) and cerise striped one which because I really, really wanted that one, and they had sold out of size 12s, I chanced it and ordered the size 10. And thanks to the max, it fits perfectly so good job the 12 wasn't available. Of course this might become a top I can only wear when I'm on a fitness streak!!!!

    Steps 8,578

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited November 2017
    Morning Crackers,

    I too was out of sorts yesterday with a nagging headache which just wouldn't shift. No walk, no max, and I was in bed by 9.30pm, very unusual for me. My steps are down, just 6,058 yesterday and 6,937 the day before. I need to get a grip, but I still don't feel that well today. We have a football match to go to this afternoon but I can't see me feeling up to going, I think it will be a lazy day for me getting on with my knitting. The temperature has dropped so I could do with a new cosy jumper to snuggle up in and I've only done the back so far.

    I'm going to look up your new top in a minute MITM. Slipping comfortably into the size 10 must have made you feel On top of the world. Well done! We have a new Joules shop nearby. There was always a small one in Mumbles, but they have redeveloped an area behind the Prom which used to have a dingy amusement arcade. It is beautiful now with restaurants and coffee shops. Joules has moved from its small premises to a much bigger space near the restaurants although I haven't actually got beyond looking in the window. I really must go inside.

    I'm looking forward to Strictly Come Dancing tonight. It's halfway through and I have a feeling the dancing is going to get even better now we've reached the serious part of the competition. I think they are a really good bunch of competitors this year.

    We had our book group meeting on Thursday and the book we read was The Universe Versus Alex Woods by Gavin Extence. I wasn't sure about this book when I started it, but it grew on me and I ended up loving it. It's the story of a teenage boy with epilepsy who makes friends with an old American Vietnam war veteran. The writing was wonderful with laugh out loud moments but also exploring deeper themes, in particular, assisted suicide. Everyone in the group voted it a hit so I can recommend it.

    Hope everyone's well and have a good week-end Crackers.

  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening/Morning Crackers,

    LMV - hope you have been feeling better as the day progressed. How's the knitting going? Well for me it has been a day of potatoes... I haven't walked and I haven't exercised except to squash potatoes.

    My friend returned this evening and popped in on her way back from the train station for a cup of tea and to bring me a jar of Marmite! Her Mother sadly has dementia but is still living at home with her Father who is in his mid 80's. On this trip, she discovered her Mother no longer knows who she is. I just cannot imagine what that must feel like. In additional to the dementia, her Mother also has bowel cancer and requires an operation and in the meantime her Father is looking after her washing and dressing her alone and she is unfortunately a large lady and he is struggling. She is only 74.

    On a more cheerful note I enjoyed Strictly. It's a shame someone has to go. I continue to like Debbie and Joe and I'm a sucker for Anton - oh that mishap how I laughed!

    Steps a pathetic 5,572

    Be good Crackers!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Hello Crackers,

    I feel for your friend MITM. My mother in law developed dementia which got worse after her husband passed away last year. She deteriorated very rapidly and the last couple of times we saw her before she passed away we weren't convinced she knew who we were. It is distressing. It's such an awful disease as outwardly the person looks the same, but their personality is altered by what goes on in the brain and they say and do totally unexpected things which are out of character and can be so hurtful. It will be such a strain on your friend's father too. I hope he is getting some help.

    Ruth and Anton were hilarious. She does so well given how hard she works and how little time she must get to practice. She does Loose Women, morning tv on Fridays and QVC one evening. Some of the others seem to practice all day every day - Debbie, Alexandra and Aston - so it is no wonder they are so good. I didn't care for Aston's dance last night. I normally love the Viennese Waltz but the choreography seemed strange. I thought Debbie was good, but I didn't think she was as good as they made out. It'll be interesting to see who goes, I think it's quite hard to call this week.

    I'm off to meet my cousin who I haven't seen for ages later.

    Steps yesterday were barely worth counting! Must try and do better today

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Had a blast with my cousin - we worked out it was 21 years since we've seen each other as she was pregnant with her youngest at the time and she was 21 last week! We had a coffee and a long walk so I was thinking my Fitbit would be buzzing for 10,000 steps any minute. Only it didn't - it was sitting at home on the charger, I'd forgotten to put it back on. What an idiot. My cousin looks fantastic. She lost 6 stone last year with Slimming World and has maintained her weight since then. What an inspiration! I CAN do this!

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    I've just read the posts since my last so am updated at least on the near present. BM, so lovely that you are here but I gasped aloud when I read that word "mass"- I am relieved that the results have not been as dire as they could be but you do have such a lot to contend with health-wise. MITM, what a busy time with so many guests but as usual your description of the local religious traditions are very rich. I was recently in a deli and market store which imports a lot of European foods at this time of the year. I bought a number of lovely chocolate treats which I have put away to put in gift bags for my nieces as well as some little chocolate cakes with marzipan and apricot jam which I'll keep for serving with tea during Christmas season. They were all made in Austria and the chocolates had such pretty packaging. I've bought similar before and know they quickly are sold out so made sure to get them now. LMV, congrats on your stellar weight loss of three pounds. You and MITM certainly deserve the great results you are getting from your accounts of recent physical activity.

  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Not sure what happened here as I looked and thought my post had disappeared but then saw it had posted above! Who knows! I only lost a few words.....
    My electrician did not turn up for the Wednesday appointment as he had indicated which was very annoying at the time. However, he phoned early Sunday and said he would be able to do some of the work then so I agreed to that even though I thought I might have to cancel some afternoon plans. As it happened, he arrived mid-morning and had a helper with him and was able to install the lights in due time. I can't believe the difference it makes- the room is so bright now. Since he had someone with him, I also got them to move the exercise bike from the main floor to the rec room- another little job well to have done and something my sister and I could not do together as it is quite heavy and of course, awkward too. He will return on Wednesday (hopefully) to update some electrical outlets in that room so the wheels of progress grind slowly on.
    Saturday my sister came over and helped with the leaf raking. The fall here has not been the nicest. After such a long period of dryness, it is now quite cool/cold. The leaves on the trees have been very slow to fall and in my back garden only about half the leaves are off the trees. I can't remember a fall when they fall colours have been so disappointing. Many of the leaves are still green or a dull greenish brown and when they fall they are curled up and dry- I am told the lack of colour is because we did not have good frost and although it is much cooler there has not been nights below 0C yet. This seems to be the pattern through southern Ontario this year.
    Sunday I was able to do as planned and went into London where a literary festival was being held. There were a couple of writers I wanted to see who were interviewed, read from their latest works and took questions from the audience. One of the writers, David Huebert is a Canadian from Nova Scotia who, at age 30, has won many prestigious prizes here including the CBC literary short story contest. I particularly enjoy what I've read of his as nature and animals figure largely in his stories. The other writer I knew less of but was equally impressive- his last name is Loughlin and was born in Toronto but his family was Irish and he now lives in Ireland. He has published several novels, one of which was long-listed for the Booker. His recent novel centres around the doomed Franklin Arctic expedition. Both men read very well and were so interesting. I was glad I was able to get to it.
    Must leave now. Nellie will be wanting her dinner.

  • mummyinthemountains
    Good Evening/Morning Crackers,

    I'm still not getting to my bed any earlier but I'm determined to post!

    Busy day yesterday making schlipfkrapfen with the husband. Then after a late lunch even though it was damp and miserable I was persuaded to still go for a walk to get some fresh air.... So with our umbrellas we trundled up mini Everest and almost got lost on the summit as the clouds descended and you couldn't see a thing! No kidding it was so spooky I thought I was in 'The Woman in Black'! By the time we got home the rain was hard and cold and snow was forecasted overnight. So now the husband hasn't the use of my nifty little run around and only has his tank to drive, he had to move it down into the village to have any chance of getting to work. So I accompanied him down and then we trudged back up on foot, in the dark.

    Steps 11,833

    This morning oh yes it had snowed. It took me 80 minutes to clear the terrace, dig a pathway, attempt to rescue a few squashed shrubs and clear the road up to our garage. If losing our trees for a wider road for new houses being built in the field, means the snow plow HAS to clear our road (he just ignores us as it is just us) on days like today, it will be worth it. After my accident last year and breaking my wrist I was worried about slipping, although my husband seconded my opinion that I did fly through the air with force last year and it was not as my Mother will keep telling me that I might have osteoporosis - I certainly hope not.

    Then because of the snow and nowhere for my friend to park her car up here, I walked down to the village to meet her and we walked the lower circuit in the rain. Delightful not! Over a nice cup of tea, she showed me a photo of her parents which she took whilst she was in Vienna and I didn't recognise her Mother. Her Mother had been a make-up artist for the opera house. So whenever I met her she was always made up beautifully, the full works but in this photo sat a woman unsmiling with not a scrap of make up on. To see her like that, I found it deeply disturbing because to me that sums it all up - that is not her.

    Steps 15, 816

    It is snowing hard again tonight so more calorie burning ahead tomorrow!

    Bracken - very sad to hear about your leaves. Ours fell far earlier this year than I ever remember but then we had our first snow in September!

    LMV - good luck with tomorrows weigh in.

    Be good Crackers!

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited November 2017
    Hello Crackers,

    Bracken, you are very organised getting things sorted for Christmas already, but you are absolutely right, if you don't get things when you see them, they are never there when you go back. Getting your basement sorted sounds very frustrating but you will get there eventually. I'm glad to hear you are pleased with how the lighting is turning out, it really does make such a difference.

    I remember from when I was doing my horticulture courses that leaf colour change and leaf drop are areas which are still being investigated as we still don't completely understand what stimulates them. I seem to remember the stimulae for change were a combination of day length, temperature and weather conditions. The colour pigments (red, orange, yellow) are all in the leaves, but you don't see them until chlorophyll (green) stops being produced. If you haven't had much colour this year then suspension of chlorophyll production hasn't kicked in before the leaves started to drop. Such a shame as Canada and the northeast of the USA are known for their glorious autumn colour aren't they?

    MITM, relieved you made it safely down the mountain. Conditions can change so quickly and even when you know somewhere really well it can be disorientating when you can't see. You always have to respect the sea and the mountains and be prepared otherwise you can get caught out. I'm sure you know your mountain like the the back of your hand but it still sounds very scary.

    I don't think I realised you broke your wrist last year, or if I did know I've forgotten. I broke my wrist last summer too and it was nothing to do with osteoporosis because they ran tests afterwards as I am a woman of a certain age. Don't let your Mother scare you.

    Hope you are coping with the snow. It's hard for me to imagine everywhere being white, we get snow here so rarely.

    Right must get on. I have the girls coming round for a Strictly evening this week-end so I must finalise my gluten-free, dairy-free, meat-free menu and get organised with a shopping list. Wasn't Aston going a shocker? On the night I thought Molly was better though so it was the right decision given they were the bottom two. That Viennese Waltz routine wasn't my cup of tea, it looked all wrong with him dressed up as Michael Jackson.

    Anyway, must go. Weigh in this evening, I'll let you know how I get on later.


    ps great stepping MITM
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    Pleased and very surprised to say I have lost 4lbs this week. Unbelievable! There's definitely something to be said for all this maxing!

  • mummyinthemountains
    Afternoon Crackers,

    Well I was literally snowed under yesterday and didn't get the opportunity to post as we were working very late. The husband went off in the middle of our shift, in the evening to lay out a buffet and told me he'd be an hour, 2.5 hours later he returned having totally messed up my plans. I have a husband who just doesn't think to use his mobile....

    I wasn't in the best of moods anyway as I was walking around like the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz. I was so stiff and ached across my thighs and ribs and since I've been happily doing the Max for a month now - pain free, I can only assume the snow clearing/shovelling was to blame. However good news I've changed my profile picture today, as the snow has finally stopped falling, the roads are clear and I have no snow duties and it looks like a winter wonderland.

    Well done LMV that is a fantastic result 4lbs I'm so happy for you! At this rate you must be up there for slimmer of the month or star pupil! Are you feeling the difference? I realised last night when I maxed (it helped loosen me up!) my outfit once more fits as it should. And on my weigh in today I have stayed the same which I'm surprised and delighted with, as I've had far more calories/treats this week with family staying over the bank holiday so I expected to have gained slightly but no I'm still a pound under target, thanks to Max and the snow she types through gritted teeth!

    So what have you planned for your dinner menu this Saturday? Is your birthday also coming up? I totally agreed with your comments about Aston/Molly - and as Craig has said, 'We didn't put him in the bottom 2, the audience did.' My dear Mother is now boycotting the show (that won't last!) but she didn't vote for him!

    Right I'm off to max now.

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Evening Crackers,

    MITM, I know the snow can be a pain, but it looks absolutely idyllic in your photo. It must be such hard work shovelling it all, no wonder you are aching. Well done on STS after having visitors etc and being out of the routine. I couldn't quite believe I had lost 4lbs after losing 3 last week, but I know the pattern of my weight loss now and generally after two good losses like that, I have a week when nothing much happens even though I do all the same things. I will continue to work hard but I am prepared for that. I don't think WW do anything like a slimmer of the week/month, but if they did I suppose I would be in contention. I have noticed that my enormous tummy has reduced in size and I am feeling better in myself, but that's probably because I have taken control and am doing something about my weight.

    This week we talked about change and the importance of not getting into a rut. When we are bored with what we are doing/eating that is when we lose motivation. Our new exercise programme has certainly helped us and I'm pretty good about eating new things as I love cookery books and cooking so I often try out new recipes. I'm trying some new things this week-end and I challenge us all to do/eat something new this week.

    I have decided to a meze this week-end. It will be an informal buffet as we will be watching Strictly and chatting. No gluten, no dairy, no meat and at the last minute no grains/beans as someone is detoxing and can't eat them. So, guacamole with vegetable crisps, roasted tomatoes with basil and garlic, cucumber with caramelised, spicy cashew nuts, broccoli with a tahini dressing, mushrooms stuffed with sun-dried tomatoes basil and pine nuts, parsnip and leek mash, roasted new potatoes with red peppers, salad of lightly pickled carrot, celeriac and apple and a cashew "mayonnaise". I'm also trying a gluten/dairy free chocolate brownie recipe and will do a simple fruit salad of pineapple/melon/kiwi/lychee with lime juice. There are lots of spices, herbs, lemon and lime juice and tamari used so I hope it will all be flavourful and people will be able to mix and match the things they like. Apart from the brownie, as long as I am careful of how many nuts/seeds I have, I should be fine. There's quite a lot of prep but I'll do bits and pieces tomorrow and Friday so Saturday should be relaxed. I do love a day in the kitchen cooking for friends.

    Went up to Cardiff this afternoon as John Lewis were having their first Christmas Shopping event. Surprisingly we made quite a bit of progress so I am feeling super organised! We also saw a decent exercise bike and having measured it up we know it will fit in either of the two places we have earmarked for it. It might get ordered tomorrow.

    Steps today 12,110.

    Time to sleep, I didn't realise it had got so late. Nos da Crackers and don't forget, try or do something new this week.

  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    edited November 2017
    Evening Crackers,

    Not such a good day for me today as I spent quite a bit of time sorting out the paperwork that has built up on my desk. No walk and no max as I felt I needed a break from it today. At the moment just 6,378 steps and I won't do many more as I'm ready for bed.

    Planning to get up and max first thing tomorrow.

  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening/Morning Crackers,

    Well I intended to max yesterday but the afternoon somehow vanished and then I was working again in the evening. Perhaps it was just as well as this morning I awoke no longer thinking I was the tin man. I haven't been posting my steps I believe Tuesday (as that is the figure scribbled down) was 7,207 yesterday 10,136 and today 14,066 as I've been walking and did a max.

    Your menu for Saturday sounds delicious! I was looking at recipes this morning. I'm not sure if I should be trying this one out, but I have my eye on the Waitrose chocolate and salted peanut cookies. Aside from the ingredient chocolate the attraction for me is you don't have to cook them all, you can batch freeze. I cannot be trusted to stop eating something until it is all gone and the husband is the same which is actually helpful!

    Enjoy your time in the kitchen prepping. I'll be thinking of you as I'm squashing my potatoes!

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Lol MITM. Can't wait to go back to WW and say I tried a new chocolate and salted peanut cookie recipe that involved no cooking!!! I don't think that's the kind of change our leader had in mind! xx
  • mummyinthemountains
    Well fortunately I didn't make them because I'd happily be getting them out of the freezer right now to cook!!!

    Steps 10,331
  • mummyinthemountains
    Evening/Morning Crackers,

    I've had a sluggish day today, I haven't left the house and I haven't maxed. I have worked so the fingers have had a good work out. Steps a poor 5,909. Tomorrow the husband is away for the day so I must make the effort to move - that could be easily solved as I fear there is fresh snow in the air....

    LMV - hope your evening went well. I enjoyed the dancing tonight. I always like a tango and I loved Alexandra's thigh-high split dress. And I'm still loving Joe as I think the rumba is a horrible dance for male contestants but I thought he coped. Debbi needs to eat a few more calories, I think she could snap at any given moment! I think it could be bye, bye Ruth. What do you think?

    I spotted the headline tonight that Britain is the fattest country in Western Europe, with obesity increasing faster than in any other developed nation - 63% of British adults are overweight. That is shocking. An article I read awhile ago about the levels of rising diabetics in the UK, I recall this quote from Simon Stevens the NHS chief 'the trick of maintaining a healthy weight is simply to eat less rubbish' I believe that is the formula, it certainly works for me.

    Be good Crackers!
  • Lovemyveg
    Lovemyveg Posts: 474 Member
    Morning Crackers,

    Sorry you had an off day yesterday MITM. I get days like that too when it seems hard to motivate yourself to do anything. Thank goodness you didn't make the cookies!

    I enjoyed Strictly last night and agree with you that Joe did brilliantly well as did Alexandra. Fabulous Argentine Tango. I still think they are harsh on Molly. This week I think it should be Ruth or Jonnie. Davood and Susan were great, Gemma and Debbie OK so they probably all deserve to be safe in my opinion.

    Had a lovely evening with the girls but there was so much chat going on and I had a bit of hostessing to do so I missed a lot of what was said during the programme. It wasn't a late night as we started quite early so they all went at about 10.30, I had everything cleared up by 11 and then I sat down with another glass of something sparkling and watched the whole programme again.

    The food went down really well. It seems everyone likes the healthier vegetable based eating. I was really pleased that one of my friends who has been feeling "off" for a while (thinks it might be down to diet) had been struggling to change her eating habits. She said my menu had completely re-enthused her to try new things and to realise how delicious and exciting vegetables are. Another friend took my Deliciously Ella cookbook away to look at in more detail. The "cashewaise" as I call it was a hit. They all loved it but no one could guess what it was. The flavour is obvious once you know but it looks so different to the original nut no one identified it.

    The obesity epidemic in the UK is appalling as you say and at the moment I have to hold my hand up to being part of it given how overweight I am. My problem is down to greediness rather than eating rubbish. The amount of convenience food and fizzy drinks stuffed with sugar, salt and additives that youngsters especially seem to love and consume is dreadful. I don't know where it will end. We seem to get more like America where big seems to be better all the time. Portion sizes seem bigger and "All you can eat" buffets are more popular. I don't think they teach children nuitrition and how to cook in schools any more and I suppose so many households have both parents working convenience food and takeaways become the norm. Cookery programmes are very popular on the tv but no one is doing basic nutrition.

    I didn't max or walk yesterday but I managed 10,538 steps (nearly all in the kitchen!) and 9,088 the day before. I also started my knee rehab on the bike. MITM, today we must both max before we go to bed. I don't feel like it, but will make myself do it and I know I will be better for it. I expect you to do it too!

    Bye for now
  • brackenmh
    brackenmh Posts: 587 Member
    Well MITM, you have beaten me hands down on the snow front. No wonder you are maintaining your weight with all that shovelling and walking up and down the mountain. We had our first snow on Thursday, not a huge amount but the past two days had record low temperatures. Still the trees in my back yard cling to their leaves. You are correct, LMV about leaf viewing tours in this part of the world. I do feel sorry for anyone who booked up and came a great distance for that this year. All plants have now sadly succumbed to the cold. I had a number of baskets of begonias in my garage that I was hoping my brother would take into his school for the horticultural class to do cuttings with. He took a number of geraniums in but did not get back here for the begonias. When I looked in the garage it was a sad sight indeed- they were completely wilted and shrivelled over night. LMV, you have had an amazing two weeks with your diet and exercise- well deserved on those loses as you have clearly been working at it. Your suggestion about trying a new dish or food this week is a good one but sadly at the moment I am trying to cut out foods since I have recently been having a large problem with my digestive issues. It is so frustrating as many of the foods that give me grief as the healthy ones and not just vegetables like onions and garlic but cauliflower,brussel sprouts, broccoli, kale, some lettuces, turnip, parsnip, tomatoes (raw) , mushrooms as well as a number of fruits like pineapple, melons, raw apples, regular dairy ( I use lactose free) etc. I love all those veg and would happily exist largely on them. As it is, I try to take very small amounts simply cooked if I will put up with the discomfort just because I feel otherwise my nutrients are very restricted. I am also finding a lot meat, fatty fish (healthy salmon!) and even poultry is a problem unless in small amounts and cooked as fat free as possible. Thankfully I am able to eat large amounts of berries and eat blueberries almost daily. I also can do apples if cooked. We have a wonderful cooking apple called Northern Spy which can be hard to get after November. I have baked and frozen quite a few- they are excellent even when they have been frozen. I read your formidable menu which sounded absolutely delicious. I hope your gathering went well.
    Must leave for now. Regards.