Zumba wii Challenge



  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 682 Member
    Good morning all, I did 70 min of the Exhilarate dvd with a little dancing and stretching
  • toniarandall
    toniarandall Posts: 111
    Good afternoon all,

    I have been out of the loop for 3 days but i am back. I had a major event at my job for 2 days and planned all week. I barley got sleep and time to work out. However, I am back, I did 30 minutes of zumba tonight. I turnin gearly tonight.
  • I would love to join also. I do Zumba Wii and the Exhilarate dvds.
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 682 Member
    Good morning all, I haven't logged my 70 min on Friday and today I completed 70 min of the Exhilarate dvd with a little dancing and stretching.
  • Good Morning All!

    I love Zumba too! If I am not in class (which is three to four times a week) I am working it at home with my WII! We are called the Zumbaholics! It works your entire body and has helped me with my weight loss, not to mention it is so much fun too! I have been doing Zumba since February 2012! Love it!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • toniarandall
    toniarandall Posts: 111
    I am so glad that everyone has kept of the pace in this zumba challenge. Can you believe it is almost over. Wow time has went by fast. I have really enjoyed this . Today I did 30 minutes of zumba and had a blast. Everyone keep up the good work.
  • What a nice evening for some Zumba! Just finished an hour of zumba! Feeling great, full of energy!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • What a nice evening for some Zumba! Just finished an hour of zumba! Feeling great, full of energy!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I am glad to here you are enjoying yourself. Keep up the good work.
    I just completed 30 minutes of zumba tonight as well as a 30 minute walk.