


  • efoley2
    efoley2 Posts: 7
    Hello! I current'y training for a marathon and also trying to lose about 10 lbs. Should be no problem, right? Wrong. I am having a helluva time. I suppose I need to watch what I eat too...lame :/
    I am 29, a mother of two, working on my Master's part-time, AND work full-time. Running is a MUST to keep me sane. I look forward to joining a group with like-minded crazies =)

  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi! I am going to be running my first half at the end of September. I have been running since January (C25K) and just ran my longest distance of 8.5 miles on Saturday, which prompted me to register for the half marathon. I run 3x a week - 5 miles for my two week runs, and longer for my Saturday runs.
  • taureanbuddhist
    taureanbuddhist Posts: 39 Member
    Hello! I current'y training for a marathon and also trying to lose about 10 lbs. Should be no problem, right? Wrong. I am having a helluva time. I suppose I need to watch what I eat too...lame :/
    I am 29, a mother of two, working on my Master's part-time, AND work full-time. Running is a MUST to keep me sane. I look forward to joining a group with like-minded crazies =)

    this exactly...I agree that I have to run/workout or I lose my mind...and I am working on losing those last 10 baby pounds, but the excuse is getting a little old since he is now 2:(
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    Hello! I current'y training for a marathon and also trying to lose about 10 lbs. Should be no problem, right? Wrong. I am having a helluva time. I suppose I need to watch what I eat too...lame :/
    I am 29, a mother of two, working on my Master's part-time, AND work full-time. Running is a MUST to keep me sane. I look forward to joining a group with like-minded crazies =)


    Holy. Crap. I'm training for a marathon, working on losing about 15 lbs, 29, mother of one, working on my undergrad 3/4 time, AND working full time. Weird. And also, welcome!

  • efoley2
    efoley2 Posts: 7
    Hello! I current'y training for a marathon and also trying to lose about 10 lbs. Should be no problem, right? Wrong. I am having a helluva time. I suppose I need to watch what I eat too...lame :/
    I am 29, a mother of two, working on my Master's part-time, AND work full-time. Running is a MUST to keep me sane. I look forward to joining a group with like-minded crazies =)


    Holy. Crap. I'm training for a marathon, working on losing about 15 lbs, 29, mother of one, working on my undergrad 3/4 time, AND working full time. Weird. And also, welcome!


    My marathon is on oct 7th in Brussels! I also spent the last 8 years in Aurora, co. Got my undergrad at metro state in Denver! =)
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member

    My marathon is on oct 7th in Brussels! I also spent the last 8 years in Aurora, co. Got my undergrad at metro state in Denver! =)

    Awesome. I spent a year at Metro before switching to Regis. So bizarre!
  • Hi my name is Steffi, I have been a triathlete for just over a year now but I am still struggling massively with the runninng. I could really do with some good tips as all those great triathlon runners in my club tell me to accept I'm no runner and leave it at that. No way I am doing that!
  • slsky
    slsky Posts: 16
    Hi my name is Steve and I have recently taken up running. I have entered my first half marathon in Cardiff in October and would really appreciate some advice and support leading up to the race. So please friend me up :)
  • MissXFit13
    MissXFit13 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi! I'm Katie, and I've been running for the past 3 years. I completed my first two half marathons in the past year, and am currently training for my first marathon this fall (Oct 7). I always was the kid in gym class that couldn't run the mile, and I thought it was something that my body simply couldn't do.

    When I decided it was a goal of mine to start running, I loved the challenge and reaching new milestones of a mile, then 2 miles, then a 5K. Last weekend? My first 18 mile run. Felt great!

    I'd love to have more running buddies on this site, (well, and in the real world, too!). Please add me as a friend!
  • tonyalenore
    tonyalenore Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I'm Tonya. I just did my first 5k earlier this year, now I am going to start preparing for a half. I am having issues with running outdoors right now - I live in Florida and summers are so hot. I have been running on the treadmill some, but not enough to get ready for a marathon. I need to motivate myself for 5:00 am runs before work, it's the only time cool enough right now.

    Feel free to add me as a friend - I am on my phone on mfp everyday, and I try to go on the forums every week or so.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Hi! I am Melinda. I have run four 5K's, three 10K's, one 12K and will run my first half on Nov. 3rd. I am very excited about this. Have been running almost a full year and have lost 134 pounds in the last 2 1/2 years. I am not a very fast runner but am tenacious! Training here in Mississippi this Summer has been tough because we have to run so early in the morning due to the heat and humidity. Looking forward to Winter when the temps are back into the 40's! Enjoying the posts in the running group group.
  • Hi!

    I am Chris. I am from the Niagara Region in Ontario, Canada. I have been running for about 4 years now. I came into running as an adult and am hooked. In 4 years I have gone from 5k races to doing my first 50k ultra this past June. I have now done 5k's, 8k's, 10k's, half marathons, 30k, and marathons. I am not fast but can go far! LOL! Now I need to lose this weight to get faster!!!
  • np9494
    np9494 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi my name is Nilam, I just graduated high school and am headed to NYC for four years at Barnard College. I've been a 3 season varsity runner these past years in high school and I loved it. However, I love trail running so the switch into the city will take some getting used to. I hope to half marathons (hopefully under 8 minute pace) and some faster shorter races. I'm really hoping I can find the time/will as a busy college student to stay in shape without the motivation of being on a team!!
    Feel free to add me (I just joined this week).
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    Hi! I'm Liz and I've been a runner since I was about 16. I've run more 5 and 10k's than I can count. Right now I'm training for a half marathon I'll be participating in Orlando, FL in January. This will be my biggest run yet.

    Add me if you'd like. I'd love more running friends!
  • cole_carter
    cole_carter Posts: 174 Member
    Hi, I am Cole. I have run for many years. I go in waves. Right now, I am losing motivation. So far I ran 4 marathons and 6 half Marathons over the past 10 years. I am looking to connect with other runners to stay involved.
  • runningwhilemommy
    runningwhilemommy Posts: 10 Member
    Hello All,

    Happy to see some other runners here. I started running in July 2011 and have my first half coming up this October. It will be the Nike Women's Half which I will be doing with Team in Training in San Francisco. It has been quite a journey and I have documented it all here. I would love to read your blogs if you have one.

  • dlw13
    dlw13 Posts: 119 Member
    Greetings from Central Florida! I don't consider myself a "runner", but I started training for a HM (my first) this week. Last year I ran a couple of 5K's, and plan to run in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure as long as I am able. I decided to run a HM to gave a goal to work towards. I've been a "workout guy" most of my adult life with a lot of weight lifting in my 20's and 30's. Now in my 50's I work out at a boxing gym three to four times a week and have added running to my exercise life so I can indulge my passion for craft beer. :drinker: Box, Run, Drink!

    I'm finding that the more that I run, the more I enjoy it. While I love the training with the guys and gals in my boxing class, the time I spend running is good for thinking and reflection. And if I don't feel like thinking or reflecting, I turn up the music!

    I'm using a training program called Beginners Luck that I downloaded from, onto my phone app. It's a 12 week program, three short runs and a long run each week.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about everyone's successes!


  • msgaz31
    msgaz31 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Mary! I ran my first half marathon on my own on July 1st 2012 so now that I know I can do it I'm signed up for the Disney tinkerbell half this jan 2013!
  • Usa9872001
    Usa9872001 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello, I am Christine! Hitting the big 4-0 in less than a month. I gained weight training for my first Chicago Marathon in 2010. Since then I have been battling a myraid of running injuries including: pelvic stress fracture, PF, calf strain, and posterior tibials tendonitis. Finally feeling back to myself, trying to get the rest of my weight off and training for an October Marathon.

    Thanks for having me!
  • superchunk17
    superchunk17 Posts: 36 Member

    My name is Paul and I live in VA. I am new to distance running. I started running a few months ago to drop a few pounds and have fell in love with it. I will be running my first half marathon at the end of Oct and an 8K (just for fun) in a couple weeks. I have met a ton of great people out on the trails I run (arent runners the nicest people?) and hope to meet some more on this site.

    Take care,
