August Movers n Shakers



  • allnamesrtaken
    allnamesrtaken Posts: 49 Member
    Monday check in:
    1 point for F/V: blueberries-orange-spinach-cantelope shake, salad, strawberries
    I was running around like a crazy lady today and didn't get to the required exercises. Sry. My punishment is to make myself do them today in addition to the others :) I'm sure I won't like that so it will be a reminder to NOT skip an exercise again ;)
  • lil_pixie
    Tuesday check in
    Exercises done. Someone remind me not to plan a bike ride for the same day we do leg exercises though. ouch! haha
    F/V: mango juice, 1, bean salad 1, lettuce 1, grapes 1, sweet potato and red pepper soup 2 = 6
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,006 Member
    check in for monday, I didn't get to the arms exercises but plan on doing them today. my fruits and vegetables for yesterday were
    strawberries, sweet potatoe, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, and a necterine

    I am off to do the leg exercises, now......:smile: have a great healthy active day everyone
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,006 Member
    I finished the arm exercise for yesterday, great workout. I might do this one again. Also just finished todays leg workout, wow that was tough. My legs are burning for sure. I hope to get in some walking also.....
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    As I reported earlier, I got the arm and leg workout done this morning. I also had a great walking workout on the treadmill at the gym.
    F/V: 1 serving each black cherries banana, tomato, peas and 2 servings of corn.
  • allnamesrtaken
    allnamesrtaken Posts: 49 Member
    Tues check in:
    Exercises done. Ouch
    Not enough fruits and veggies :( I could probably eat some now but I don't want those carbs right before bed time..
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Tuesday check in-

    Exercises done! Whoo! I feel it already! The best part was the bear walk - not because I like them, but because my twins and granddaughter did them with me! I swear the 4 yr old does it WAY better than I ever will! :tongue:

    F/V = avocado, tomatoes(3), cucumber nd watermelon(2). My boss brought in fresh veggies from her garden - 2kinds of tomatoes, 3 kinds of squash n zucchini! I am set for the week! I'm gonna make steamed squash & zucchini tomorrow!

    :flowerforyou: Ladies, please report any/all fruits and veggies, even if you don't hit 5 for the day. Your number is cumulative for the week. So today may only be one or two servings, but tomorrow you might eat 8, so it would even out. Every serving counts for the team! :flowerforyou:
  • jmanzano68
    jmanzano68 Posts: 28 Member
    Monday check in- exercise done. F/V lettuce/tomatoes/cucumbers (2 servings each), baked potato (1), banana (1) = 8 servings total

    Tuesday check in-exercise done. F/V mango (2), pineapple (1), broccoli (2)= 5 servings total
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    :heart: Wednesday 8/8 - Total Body (15 min) :heart:
    Complete as many rounds possible in 15 minutes. Allow yourself 30 second rest between each different type of exercise.

    Dumbell push up row - x 8
    Lying Knee Raised Crunch - x 8 OR clay if moderate x 8 (x12 if advanced)
    Overhead Squat - x8
    Pull up or Row followed by a Burpee x4 (beginner) x6 if moderate or x 8 if advanced

    All exercises are shown in this video

    :heart: Thursday 8/9- ABS :heart:

    Do 3 sets of 10

    Butterfly Crunches -

    Windshield Wipers - (side to side is 1 rep)

    Bird Dogs -

    Torso Twists - This video has 2 versions - the first one shown is with your legs on the ground. Do this version.

    Alternate Toe Touches -
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    :noway: SERVING SIZES :noway:

    In case you're not sure about serving sizes, here's a chart I pulled from the internet! :smile:

    •Asparagus, canned 7 spears
    •Asparagus, fresh 5 spears
    •Avocado Half
    •Aubergine One-third of a large one
    •Baby sweetcorn 6
    •Baked beans 3 tbsp
    •Broad beans 3 heaped tbsp
    •Broccoli 2 large florets
    •Brussels sprouts 8
    •Cabbage 3 heaped tbsp shredded
    •Carrots 1 large
    •Celery 3 sticks
    •Cherry tomatoes 7
    •Chickpeas See Pulses*
    •Courgette Half a large one
    •Curly kale 4 tbsp
    •Eggplant One-third of a large one
    •French beans 4 heaped tbsp
    •Kidney beans See Pulses*
    •Lentils See pulses*
    •Mixed salad Cereal bowl full (1 cup)
    • Mushrooms, button 14
    •Onion 1 medium
    •Parsnip 1 large
    •Peas, fresh, frozen or canned 3 heaped tbsp
    •Potatoes Never count towards your daily vegetable servings, in any form
    *•Pulses, cooked: kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils etc 3 heaped tbsp
    •Salad leaves, lettuce etc Cereal bowl full (1 cup)
    •Scallions 8
    •Snowpeas Handful
    •Spinach, cooked 2 heaped tbsp
    •Spring onions 8
    •Sugarsnap peas Handful
    •Sweetcorn, fresh, frozen or canned 3 heaped tbsp
    •Tomato 1 medium
    •Vegetable sticks Handful of mixed - celery, pepper, carrot etc
    •Zucchini Half a large one

    •Apple, dried 4 rings
    •Apple, fresh 1 medium
    •Apricots, dried 3 whole
    •Banana 1 medium
    •Blackberries Handful
    •Clementines 2
    •Cherries, fresh 14
    •Dried fruits, mixed 1 tbsp
    •Figs, fresh 2
    •Fruit and vegetable juices 250ml (1 cup) glass
    •Fruit salad, fresh or canned 3 heaped tbsp
    •Kiwi 2
    •Grapefruit Half
    •Grapes Handful
    •Lychees, fresh or canned 6
    •Mango 2 slices
    •Melon 1 large slice
    •Passion fruit 6
    •Peach, canned 2 halves
    •Peach, fresh 1 medium
    •Pear 1 medium
    •Pineapple, canned 2 rings
    •Pineapple, fresh 1 large slice
    •Plums 2 medium
    •Prunes, canned 6
    •Nectarine 1 medium
    •Raisins 1 tbsp (1/4 cup)
    •Raspberries 2 handfuls
    •Rhubarb, cooked 2 heaped tbsp (1/3 cup)
    •Satsumas 2
    •Strawberries 7
  • lil_pixie

    •Potatoes Never count towards your daily vegetable servings, in any form

    Do sweet potatoes count towards your five a day? I thought they did, but not 100% sure.

    Thanks :D
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    @ lil_pixie - 1/2 cup equals 1 serving. I don't know why they say potatoes don't count. If you eat them, I will count them!
  • harrietsmama

    Monday - did exercises, f/v 5- 2 servings of apple, one serving tomato/pepper mix, 2 servings lettuce,
    Tuesday - f/v 6 servings nectarine, carrot, shish kebob w/zucchini, yellow squash, onion, bell peppers
    For exercise, I did not do the ones here but I'd like some help recording them. I walked up and down a 40 ft dune at a about a 40 degree angle 4 times, walked in sugar sand for most of the day, body surfing/walking in thigh deep choppy water for 2 hours, divided. plus walking trails. I was moving for the better part of 7 hours yesterday. and my sun block purchase was a fail. I'll be in the tub today ;)
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    :flowerforyou: WEEK 1 SCORES: :flowerforyou:

    Olympians: 41 points (ahelgers10 -5 pounds)
    Less IS More: 38 points (Malibootie -3.2 pounds)
    Slim-2-win: 35 points (mommy2ajs -2.6 pounds)
    :heart: Shakers: 34 points (allnamesraken -2.2 pounds) :heart:
    ALL-IN: 29 points (BetterWithAge -0.5pounds)
    Fat-Bullies: 28 points (Canidoit11 -4 pounds)
    Pound-Droppers : 24 points (everyone gained)
    :heart: Movers: 23 points (lil_pixie -2 pounds) :heart:
    Vicious & Delicious: 22 points (no change in weight)
    Fit-Fine&Divine: 11 points (Lilpe5512 -1.4 pounds)

    Congrats to the Olympians who won week 1 with a score of 41 points. They also had the biggest loser. Ahelgers10 dropped an amazing 5 pounds in our short first week!

    MOVERS N SHAKERS - is this where you want to be? Or do we want to be on the top of the pile? Lets do this!!
  • lil_pixie
    Wednesday check in:
    Exercises: didn't do the push up row or the burpees (did some jumping jacks instead though :smile: ) due to shoulder, but did the rest. Cannot wait for this shoulder to get better so i can do things properly.
    F/V: mango juice 1, lettuce 1, sweet potato mash 1, courgette 1, mixed peppers 1, cherry tomatoes 1, grapes 1 = 7

    This challenge is definitely making me more creative with my cooking to try and get more fruit and veg in. love it. :love:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,006 Member

    just checking in , I just got done with todays exercise, this was a tough one, I am sore from yesterdays leg workout.
    Yesterday I ate, 2 sweet potatoes, artichoke, , I guess I need to step it up today and try to get in more fruits and vegetables.......
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    Wednesday :
    Workout done. Had to do modified pushups with row. Also did the burpees in step mode, not jump.
    F & V: 1 each onion, banana, black cherries and tomato and 2 servings of Schwan Spring Veggie Mix = 6
  • allnamesrtaken
    allnamesrtaken Posts: 49 Member
    Wednesday check in:
    F/V- strawberries-8 kale-2 cups, banana-1, blueberries-1/4c (homE made fruit smoothie)
    1/3 acorn squash
    Circuit training done. Liked this one!

    Tuesday F/V 1/2 cup strawberries + exercises done
  • harrietsmama
    Since I am so sore from all the activity I did yesterday, I tooka day of rest today. f/v 4 cucumber, blueberries, tomato, onion, green pepper mix.
  • jmanzano68
    jmanzano68 Posts: 28 Member
    Wednesday check in: Workout done. F/V: 2 servings each: celery, carrots, cucumber 1 serving: banana Total-7 servings

    It's been too hot here in Las Vegas!!! I haven't been able to do my power walks, so I plan on doing a few days of jogging in place inside my air conditioned house! I hope that everyone is doing well! Let's earn more points to get to the top of the leader board!!!