Week 5 starting August 6th



  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Whatsamatter..couldn't sleep? LOL :bigsmile:

    Congrats! Way to go!

    Now on to Week 6!
  • notyouraveragetalia
    notyouraveragetalia Posts: 223 Member
    I did it! Got through the 20 minutes just fine by slowing down my pace a bit, but I'm just so thrilled that I completed with no breaks. Walked the cool down + 5 minutes, than did another 10 min jog before my real "cool down". After day 2 of this week I was not feeling confident, but thanks to this thread I knew I could do it!

    On to week 6!
  • notyouraveragetalia
    notyouraveragetalia Posts: 223 Member
    I DID IT!!! And I felt so good, i picked up the pace the last two min, then added an extra 90 seconds.

    I did slow down quite a bit from intervals - 4.6mph, and then 5.3 for the last 3.5min.

    Kim we are both on such a similar path! Great job picking up the pace and adding time, that's the cherry on top :)
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    I did it! Got through the 20 minutes just fine by slowing down my pace a bit, but I'm just so thrilled that I completed with no breaks. Walked the cool down + 5 minutes, than did another 10 min jog before my real "cool down". After day 2 of this week I was not feeling confident, but thanks to this thread I knew I could do it!

    On to week 6!
    Great job- you inspire me to push harder!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    I didn't wait until Monday to do Week 6 Day 1. I figure if I don't take two days off for the weekend I can finish and graduate a few days early by the end of Week 9. I am planning on a 5K on Saturday Sept 8 and if I stuck to my original schedule I would have completed the program on Friday Sept 7...not good!

    I was a bit worn out running today but I attribute that to having an active day yesterday. FitBit says I walked 18,000 steps, 16 flights of stairs, burned 4100 calories, and traveled 9 miles.

    Overall, Week 6 Day 1 wasn't too bad. And the weather was very pleasant, clear and slightly cool.
  • VenusEnvy
    VenusEnvy Posts: 92 Member
    W5D1 tomorrow morning, 6am!

    I've been doing 5-6 runs a week instead of 3. I'm starting to pay for it with some sore tendons in my left foot. Resting it and icing it since this morning.
  • VenusEnvy
    VenusEnvy Posts: 92 Member
    W5D1 complete :D
  • nanzk
    nanzk Posts: 5 Member
    I'm getting ready to do W5D3 in a few minutes, I repeated W5D1 because on the first try I didn't run the second interval straight through, probably mental though, because on the second attempt I had no problem. D2 no problem, but I actually should have done D3 yesterday and I put it off. After reading your posts I'm not AS worried, but 20 minutes geez!!
  • nanzk
    nanzk Posts: 5 Member
    [/quote]You are waaaayyy ahead of me - I've never been a runner. (I guess at some point, I'll have to stop saying that....) - The 8 minute segments from day 2 this morning were the longest I've ever jogged in my ENTIRE life. day 3 is a little scary.

    I have never run before either, but when I started this I started calling myself a runner. It makes me feel good. Now I'm on week 5, almost wk 6 and I smile every time I remind my husband "I'm a runner" :happy:
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    Week 6 day 1 this morning. Since the intervals were shorter than the last run, I used this opportunity to push the pace a bit - somewhere around an 11 min mile for the jogging. My Nike+ app rewarded me with "my fastest mile yet". My plan is to push the pace again on day two, then slow it back down for the long one at the end of the week.

    My son just started C25K yesterday, and wanted me to go with him - so now I'm doing week 1 on the "off" days of week 6. He's faster than me, so I figure that's my opportunity to work on speeding up a bit.

    Good luck this week, and keep me posted on your progress, everyone :)

  • nanzk
    nanzk Posts: 5 Member
    :bigsmile: DID IT!! just finished W5D3
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    :bigsmile: DID IT!! just finished W5D3
    YEA!!! And how did it go for you?
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    Forgot to update: Did W5D3 on Friday, and it was epically slow but I made it the whole way through! I had glanced down at my phone around minute 13 of 20, and didn't think I'd ever make it to the end. Was just about to take a small break when I looked back up and saw, blazened on every single light pole from me to the next corner, "No Stopping Any Time". Happy to say that I followed directions and kept going 'til the voice on my phone told me I could walk again. :smile:

    W6D1 today after work! Woohoo!!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Now that many of us are getting into week 6, do we keep going with this thread or Kim are you going to start a Week 6 thread? :bigsmile:

    I did Week 6 Day 2 this morning. Legs were getting tired but I made it the whole way. Went to an office meeting from 10 - 12, then came home and made lunch for me and my dad.

    For some reason known only to God Almighty I decided it would be a nice afternoon for a bike ride. Went 7.5 miles thru the Forest Preserve for a total ride of 1 hour. My legs were not happy with my decision!!! But my food diary is, I earned an extra 558 calories if I choose to eat them back!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Week 6 Day 3

    I've been doing the same route since I started, but now that I'm going longer times and distances I thought its time for a change. Its a dark and cloudy yet cool day, should be nice for a run. I headed west from my house with my 5 minute warm-up. Got to the playground and started jogging, with my ultimate destination being the local Forest Preserve Prairie Path. Made it to the Path about 1/3 of the way into my workout and was in the company of other runners and bikers. Settled into a nice rhythmic pace. And then the rain started!
    The Path has mile markers and I wanted to see if my halfway point would be around the 1 Mile marker and it was. The rain was just drizzling as I turned at the marker and headed back. Breathing is fine, legs are doing fine, I'm really surprised how much I am enjoying this. The rain steadily got heavier but not quite to the point of a torrential downpour. Glad I have a waterproof arm band for my phone. Got back to the park and the program prompted me to 'Walk'. I walked the rest of the way home in the rain, but again, it was a GOOD day!
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    Awesome cobra! :smile:

    I did W6D1 on Tuesday, and it felt really difficult. Maybe I was still feeling the after-effects of the weekend? hehe! Have day 2 on tap for this afternoon; here's hoping it goes far more smoothly!!
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    Way to go, Cobra! You are going so GREAT!!! I have day 3 on tap for either tomorrow or saturday (taking a red eye home tonight - so my energy level on Friday is questionable). I'll start a new thread as we leave intervals behind and head into week 7.
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    Completed W6D2 yesterday afternoon; felt like I was fading fast, and had to drop speed (again) but I made it through with 2 <15s breaks during the running bits. I'm starting to wonder if it's easier for me to run outdoors than on the treadmill. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around? I just really wish I started work later so I could do the morning runs other than on the weekends! :smile: