Members Please Introduce Yourself here:



  • RNYcindee
    RNYcindee Posts: 19
    :smile: Hello I am Cindee and had RNY 6/2010 and have lost 155 lbs, and still woking at my goal which is 180 lbs.. I have 32 lbs. to goal!
  • Jcoco79
    Jcoco79 Posts: 5
    I'm Johanna. I'm from the UK but I live in Qatar. I recently had the gastric sleeve in Qatar and it has been the best decision I've made for my health. Hsving the surgery has forced me to take a frank look at my emotional eating habits and increase my exercise. In 4 months I've lost 61lbs. Ive got so much more to lose but its happening slowly and surely. :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Just letting everyone know I have posted the conversation thread for the rest of the year if you need additional support or want to pay it forward. See link:
  • brmesa620
    brmesa620 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is Rebecca. I am considering having the gastric sleeve. I say considering even though I have started all the pre-surgery doctors appointments because I am scared and feel like I will probably back out at the last minute.

    I have shared with people at work and family that I am considering the surgery. I've had mixed reactions. My aunt told me I was lazy, a co-worker said I was taking the easy way out, some said to really think about it before doing something so drastic. My husband has been supportive. He has told me it would make no sense to have the surgery if I'm not willing to change my diet, I have a really bad sweet tooth.

    Anyway, I'm glad I found this group here,
  • SCSleeve2012
    SCSleeve2012 Posts: 76 Member
    Anyone who thinks having surgery is easy then they have no idea!! This is hard work!! If you have surgery, it is a life change not a diet. I love sweets also but you can do it. I haven't had a bad sweet or a soda in over two months so If I can do it you can too. You will find alot of support here, so GOOD LUCK!
  • Glad to see there is a WLS gourp on this site!
    I had VSG in June of this year (2012). I am under 40 and was on THREE different meds to control my high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
    I started my pre-op diet on May 30th and have lost 25 lbs. But the past two weeks I have only lost 2 lbs and I am FUSTRATED! The past two weeks I have been attending a semi-private personal training workout group and have been getting my butt kicked and I have been walking almost every evening. I know the pounds (and most importantly inches) will end up coming off, but I really want my efforts to be more measurable NOW. So, this stall has been a good thing in teaching me to be patience and not expect immediate results.
    I have had this account since December of 2011 and have not bothered to use it, but now that I want to be more diligent about my progress it is time to use this amazing tool.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    My name is Renae and I'm 34. I had my open RNY almost 8 years ago on 8/3/2004, when I was 26. At my highest weight, I was 334 lbs and, at my very lowest weight, I was 118 lbs. I settled comfortably for a long time between 135-140 lbs before I began regaining 2 years ago. I attribute it to a number of things and I take my fault in it, believe me. The highest number I saw on a scale was 191 lbs, but most of the time I refused to weigh, even at the doctor. I am now at 154 again and going down (that is as of today). I wanted to be 140 by August 3rd, but I probably won't make it by then. I will, however, make it to 140. I should mention that I'm 5'7" and I have also have had 2 babies since my RNY. They are 6 and 3 now. I started here on MFP in March when I was just under 181 lbs. I look forward to losing the weight together with y'all!
  • Hello Everyone!! My name is Callie and I'm a 40 year old wife, mother of 3 and live near LaCrosse, WI. I will be having a bypass after band surgery on August 13th. I had my band put in on May 14. 2009. Life was pretty good until I started getting "fills and unfills". I was in and out of the hospital too many times to count. Then last summer we went on vacation to Seattle on the way there I had to have emergency surgery to remove the band. A year later, my weight is back up to 200 and all the co-morbities are back. The postive thing I've learn through my journey, is to set goals. Since my May of 2012, I've walked over 1500 miles, Started walking and then running 5K's and to date I've done 3 1/2 marathons. I can't wait to get healthy so I can starting running again.
  • maxinecc
    maxinecc Posts: 38 Member
    I joined the web site earlier on in the year but fell off the wagon and lost my way.

    I have been overweight most of my life but gained over 100lb when I met my husband. I had a gastric bypass on 6th Feb 2007, at my heaviest I weighed 373.5lbs, I managed to get down to 194 but have regained a bit and now weigh 211lbs.

    I am struggling a bit to keep to the rules and find myself eating the wrong thing and can eat what I call normal adult portions. I am so mad with myself and terrified that the regain will get worse.

    Any support would be greatly appreciated, please add me............I need some freinds:bigsmile:
  • Mrbusterb
    Mrbusterb Posts: 114
    I had the surgery in may of 2012 and i've lost 84lbs so far
  • Mrbusterb
    Mrbusterb Posts: 114
    Hello Everyone!! My name is Callie and I'm a 40 year old wife, mother of 3 and live near LaCrosse, WI. I will be having a bypass after band surgery on August 13th. I had my band put in on May 14. 2009. Life was pretty good until I started getting "fills and unfills". I was in and out of the hospital too many times to count. Then last summer we went on vacation to Seattle on the way there I had to have emergency surgery to remove the band. A year later, my weight is back up to 200 and all the co-morbities are back. The postive thing I've learn through my journey, is to set goals. Since my May of 2012, I've walked over 1500 miles, Started walking and then running 5K's and to date I've done 3 1/2 marathons. I can't wait to get healthy so I can starting running again.
    I pray all goes well this time
  • wolfgirl78
    wolfgirl78 Posts: 56 Member
    My name is Jill, I'm 34 and live in Louisiana. I had gastric sleeve on 06/12/2012. So far I'm down 40 lbs. if you want another WLS buddy on mfp just add me.
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    1 year ago (and 88#'s ago) I took the plunge and decided I had enough of diabetes, high blood pressure, depression and a multitude of other ailments. I decided lap band was the tool I needed. And although I didn't quite meet my 1 year goal of 100 lbs lost I am sooooo much closer than I would have ever been before. Thank you Dr. Jamie McDowell and the staff at Baptist Metabolic Surgery Center. I could NEVER have done this without you. And everyone who cheered me on at home, and at Zander, I owe you a huge debt of gratitude. You have been the best cheering section someone could have.
  • Everchanging84
    Everchanging84 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,I'm new to the group.My name is Pam and I had gastric sleeve on 3*13*12 and I'm down 83pds since surgeryy and feeling awesome.I'm 27 and I'm officially off bp meds,Having this surgery has changed me physically as well as mentally.I have along way to go but so far I'm enjoying my journey.....Feel free to add me.
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    Hello everyone

    I had VSG surgery on 30th June this year. After I met a member of the surgical team in Jan this year and had a real talking to I lost 3 and a half stone before my pre op diet. I have lost nearly 2 stone since the surgery. Whilst I don't feel hunger just an emptiness I do feel head hunger. I make sure I have fat free chicken breast in my fridge to nibble on when needed. I did start eating bad stuff when on holiday and was lucky to keep losing weight mainly because of the walking I did. I am off to the gym today and need to get back to that. I have to say that even with eating bad snacks I have still been under 800 calories a day. Need to get more veggies in to prevent toilet trouble as I am sure you all know what I mean!!!
  • Misssey
    Misssey Posts: 2
    Hi....I am Missey and am have surgery on the 27th of August. My surgery is a sleeve. I am excited and scared to death at the same time. I start my liquid per-op diet on Sunday and my need to vent here....its not gonna be easy.
  • Hello, I am Annette, 42 in North Carolina. I had RNY in Feb 2004 where I lost 130 lbs. I ended up going back to bad habits so I gained back 80lbs. I had a RNY Revision on 6/28/12 and am working on my lifestyle changes forever!
  • Missey, wishing you nothing but the best. Hope the pre-op diet goes quickly and your surgery is without complications. I know it's kind of nerve wracking not knowing what to expect after your surgery. I agree it's not easy but, it's doable. It still takes commitment and hard work. We still have to get off our booties and exercise, I still weigh and measure everything, still have bad days and good days. It's a decision I don't regret at all. When I am having a difficult day, the sleeve reminds me of my limitations and keeps me in line. I had surgery on May 8th and it's still a learning process. I feel like I'm gaining ground everyday.
    Stay strong and believe in yourself.
  • lisa2job
    lisa2job Posts: 27

    Lisa here , sleeve date is set for 9-6-12, I am actually doing this with my sister who is having RYN 8-27-12. I have great support from family and friends....... actually some friends on WLS site told me about this site to track my food intake even though I usually use another site thought I would see what all the hype is about. I have noticed while browsing forums there are allot of WLS bashers on here, Hopefully this is a more positive forum with real people wanting ot share real ideas & thoughts.

    anyhow glad to be here , I am down 20 lbs so far and 150 to go !!! whoo hooo , hit me up with friend request if you like , lets share some ideas, tips, recipes , thoughts what ever .

    Talk to you soon
    on my way to a new me
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    Hello and welcome

    Unfortunately people on the main forums bash and tell lots of scare stories about surgery. Someone else said that its almost like becasue they are struggling and battling to lose weight they feel everyone should. Not that surgery is the easy way out by a long stretch. Would I prefer being able to eat a normal meal or a kids meal......hmm let me think about that for a millisecond!! My advice is use the food and exercise tools because they are fab. Get a few close friends, usually wls peeps tend to stick together.

    I had my sleeve 7 weeks ago and am happy to give support wherever I can.