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  • katekizm
    katekizm Posts: 47 Member
    I know when I push myself to take a walk or just get up and stretch I feel so much better. Keep pushing yourself and you'll see results......we can do this and keep our jobs lol!!!!

    Today I vowed (and started!) that whenever I need to refill my water bottle, I WALK UP THE STAIRS to the fountain. Since I go thru 3 full water bottles(32oz) a day while I'm here, it's that much more of a push!

    Fitting (actually fitting, as they were intended) into my 18s this morning was a great boost.

    Here we go!!
  • natzkj
    natzkj Posts: 127 Member
    Hi my name is Natalie i am 23 and i work as an admin officer for District nurses within the NHS. I am sat down all day at work and find it hard to be able to walk about or do alot of movement while in work hours.
    Sunday was my day to change that, straight after work i go home and do my work out dvd for 20mins and then take my dog out for a minimum of 10 mins (sometime out alot longer). Just in the past 4 days i feel alot better in my self and i look forward to going home to do my workout.
    I used to be very active, used to go to the gym 5-6 days a week, but in december last year i suffered with depression and i got out of the habit of the gym. Infact got out of the habit of everything and that is where my weight gain came on.
    In 2009 i lost 2 stone and kept it off untill dec 2011. Now i am bk on the wagon and ready for the next few months of getting in shape and feeling good .xxx
  • gemini_84
    gemini_84 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm Tamara

    I own my own business doing researching and writing business and marketing plans, marketing (social media, branding and rebranding, etc), public relations, event planning and basically small business "support"

    It's basically a little of everything but it's all basically computer-based so there's a lot of sitting on my butt working on the computer....I've started trying to walk at least 7,000 steps a day and hopefully will work my way up however the last few days I have had well over 10,000 so might be time to up my goal already for steps per day
  • I'm Colleen. Sadly, I don't work right now. I live in a town that's about 35 miles from the closest gym and, being unemployed, I can't afford to drive 70 miles a day for a gym membership. That means that I sit around a lot. And when I was working, I did mostly call center or administrative support. So it's not like this is a new thing. I just need to see what everyone else is doing. I need ideas about what to do for myself, and YOU PEOPLE will give that to me! Yay!
  • lessele
    lessele Posts: 40 Member
    My name is Leslie and I work in Education Recruitment. This is the first job I have ever had where I sit all day. I am over 60 and consequently I have put on quite a bit of weight from inactivity and not really watching my intake. I eat good foods, never eat fast food or bad junk, but I do love good food and portion control is an issue. I live in Arizona and it is very hot here now so a coworker and I walk inside around the entire perimeter of our building 3 or 4 times 2 times daily. We hoof it so it turns out to be a half hour of fast walking daily. When I get home I try to walk my dogs briskly but that doesnt always work out. I have never been one to enjoy excercise, but have had stints in my life where I worked out religiously. I hate going to the gym but have done that as well at times. Right now I am trying to be patient with myself and be happy for the willingness that I do have. MFP has helped me to be conscious of my calories and record my foods so that I can continue losing. I do not weigh myself a lot because numbers make me crazy but I have lost 10 lbs. so far. My suggestion to people is that they not be hard on themselves and to set realistic goals. The scale can be a tool but my life is not regulated by it. There is no magic secret to losing weight. Eat less but eat healthy and move more...glad I asked a coworker how she has done it...she sent me to this site.:happy:
  • shlg2
    shlg2 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm quite new on here.I've been a member a little while but only just started doing it properly. I'm a university professor in Great Britain (you can see me in my academic gown in the picture), and also have some mobility problems that get in the way of being very physically active as well. However I do try to walk in my lunch hour when I can, and I enjoy occasional swimming and gym activity when I am having good days.
  • Corrado20v
    Corrado20v Posts: 5 Member
    I am a Surveillance Agent at a casino. I sit literally all night and watch cameras. Weight loss is kind of tough but that just means more time in the gym when I'm off work!
  • Rme0406
    Rme0406 Posts: 2
    Hi my name is Rose and I drive a truck 4 days a week maybe around 8 hours a day. About 4 months ago I joined planet fitness and started going three times a week but my weight was still not coming off. And the reason why , is because I eat when I am bored. ( I am so bored in the truck). But ever since I joined MFP I am making a more conscious decision on what I eat or how much. I also started doing Wii Dance every day, for the last week. And it seems to be working. Losing weight is such a long process but I just have to do it one day at a time.
  • nbates9254
    nbates9254 Posts: 17 Member
    hi - my name is Nedra, and I'm a ophthalmology practice manager. I'm fortunate because there are days when i'm out in the clinic working with patients and on my feet moving all day, and some days i'm behind a desk all day! the down side of my clinic days - i loose track of time and forget to eat! the down side of my paperwork days - hours pass and I don't move!! i used to have an ap with any alarm that went off every hour and gave me a 3 minute work out - put switched phones and lost it - - i know what i NEED to do, its just that the days get away from you!!
  • typingathome
    typingathome Posts: 100 Member
    Hi! My name is Cindy. I am a medical transcriptionist and I type from home. My hours are 11 pm to 7 am. My job is paid on a line-count basis. If there is no work, I either have to stay waiting for a doctor to dictate or work on my days off or both. I can sit up to 12 plus hours a day. I just joined here and would love to be friends with you !
  • Hi! My name is Sarah. I'm only 20 years old. I work as a receptionist, so i'm sitting for 9 hours a day. I've been working out 4 nights a week and eating only 1200 calories of healthy foods every day for almost 8 weeks now. And i havent lost an ounce. I actually GAINED some weight for a while. I'm getting really frusterated. I just dont know what to do! I could use a little support and encouragement.
  • I'm a family formation lawyer...I help people build their families through adoption and/or assisted reproduction (surrogacy, gamete donation, etc.). It is incredibly rewarding BUT I spend most of my day at my desk on the computer or phone. Occasionally I do go to court, but often spend a lot of that time sitting too. At the end of the day, I usually just come home and sit on the sofa and watch TV, but I'm trying to change that habit and become more active with the help of a personal trainer (who introduced me to this site).
  • Hi everyone! My name is Sarah - I'm 25 and live in Dallas. As of August, I'm a Purchasing Analyst for a homebuilder. Prior to this job I spent 2 years as a HR Assistant in the Retiree Benefits Dept of a natural gas company. In other words, I spend 8 hours a day in a cube - be jealous! I love my job but by the time I get home, I'm mentally and physically exhausted - when I leave work, I go home and do my Sally Homemaker chores around the house but find myself quickly on my couch as soon as I complete my tasks for the day. I've recently been motivated by an April 2013 wedding date to get my act together - NO EXCUSES!