1200 calories per day person here



  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Quick update peeps, I reached my goal weight this morning and it was after 6 1/2 months of 1200 calories per day and going into exercise calories by 50 to 100 (very occasionally, it was slightly more).

    I never plateaued, never stalled and NEVER went into any starvation mode.

    Just wanted you all to know that it 100% CAN be done, providing you persevere and stick to your guns.

    Anybody who wishes to can add me to their friends if they want, I won't be leaving here as I need to stay on MFP in order to maintain.

    Di xxx
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Congrats Di! You are such an inspiring friend to have.
  • czenny
    czenny Posts: 20 Member
    Im targeting 1200 calories per day through a combination of diet and exercise. Today is Day One. hehe
  • czenny
    czenny Posts: 20 Member
    You're story is inspiring. I sent a friend request. Newbie here. :)
  • I am on 1200 calories per day. I was getting a little fed-up at the continual griping on the main forum regarding how "little" 1200 calories is though.
  • I am on 1200 calories per day. I was getting a little fed-up at the continual griping on the main forum regarding how "little" 1200 calories is though.

    People are always looking for ways to justify their over eating. Over eating is what got us here in the first place. Calories count, plain and simple. 1200-1300 calories offers plenty of opportunities to eat and eat well. Most days I don't even make 1200 calories and I never have hunger, headaches, or mood swings, because I am nourished. I'm steadily losing weight every week. I feel more satisfied and energized than I ever did when I was stuffing my face. Clearly watching what you eat, both quantity and quality, is the key to weight loss. I was a fool to believe the whole 6 small meals a day and eat all your burned calorie nonsense. All it did was make me fat. I love this way of eating. It works for me; and I am going to continue it even once I am maintaining. If the folk don't like it they can kiss my well toned *kitten*. Personally, I think it is just resentment over their own lack of discipline.

    For all you TJ lovers, their gazpacho soup is out of this world, and only 130 cal. for the whole bin. Definitely a summer staple for me, until my own crop of tomatoes come in ;)
  • oops, forgive me, this is my first post on a board ever anywhere. That first random quote was me not knowing what I was doing, haha.
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    Hi!! i am also a 1200 cal a day person. Well, I am around 1200-1400, depends on the day, but try to stick as close to 1200 as I can. Glad I have found this group! I am so sick of seeing how people feel sorry for us because we are doing it the wrong way. You can friend me if you like, but please leave a message :)
  • I just wanted to say how fantastic this group is, I have been doing MFP for a little while on my iPhone app & had never been on the website. As a fellow 1200 cal per day girl I wanted to say how inspiring & supportive your stories are. I am so determined to succeed so any advice will be gratefully received- becky
  • maspicantexfa
    maspicantexfa Posts: 73 Member
    I'm glad to find this forum too. I have been eating 1200-1300 calories per day for the last three weeks on a very low carb (ketogenic) and have lost a little bit of weight even though I have had about 3-4 days in which I have not eaten according to the plan.

    I don't pay attention to what the people in the main forums say because they annoy me in general.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I think you need to find what works for you, if they can eat more and lose weight great, but this is what works for me. Glad to find other people that are eating the same way. i find when I eat 1200 cals a day i make sure they are healthy cals and I feel alot better.

    My family for the most part eats what I eat, once in awhile I will make them something they like ex last night I made weiner roll ups and watermelon and I baked me a sweet potatoe in the microwave and had some of the watermelon with it. When we go out to eat I stay away from the fries and pay attention to the nutritional info and cals lots of times ordering with no sauce, or mayo or cheese and having ketchup or barbeque sauce instead.When we order pizza (not often) we get papa murphys and we get a family one and a another one that is the delight crust either vegetarian or chicken garlic, It has alot less calories then regular pizza I hope this helps
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    I didn't see this thread,
    when i started THIS thread:

    but, that thread does have an interesting article that some of you might like to read.

    I am NOT very active, (yet)
    and i can't eat allll 1200 calories,
    or i don't lose even an ounce. I have to slide in at juuuuust under my 1200 to lose weight.

    If i eat back my exercise calories,
    i gain weight.

    but, like i said, this might be cuz i am not as active as most ppl are,
    due to floppy heart valve and arrythimias,
    but i am striving to increase my activity, day by day, just walking a lil bit further,
    and a lil bit faster.

    and doing pilates type toning/stretching moves.
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    hey all!

    I fit in here :) hehe i live paleo (no gluten,dairy) and i fit in here so i think ill stay. i eat about 1230 if i stick to my regular plan...1300 ish a lil lower if splurging :)

    do you eat your cals back?
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    gains weight if i eat my calories back, so no, not me, not eating my calories back (to reply above)
    , or TRYING not to, anyway!

    on days i DO eat my calories back
    those are days i messed up, lol!! I always gain weight, on days i eat my calories back.
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    Agree with whats been said about making sure its the right kind of food - I think of my calories goal as a bank. I can only spend 1200 a day - so whats going to get me the best bang for my buck?

    Grilled steak and veggies fills me completely and I know its nutritionally awesome. 1 meat pie is about the same calories - will it fill me - NO! Is it nutritious? NO! I also find when I go out for dinner I use the knowledge I have gained to make healthy choices. I can eat out, often have a glass of wine and still be under my calorie goal!

    Planning is also the key. Look at options ahead of time and if you know your going out - skip something like your latte or perhaps have a smaller amount of meat with your lunch.

    Also - dont listen to the nay-sayers on these boards. There are a lot of people who will tell you what your doing wrong. Also - ignore the crap about losing lean muscle. I have muscles and definately have not lost lean muscle!

    Lastly - do what works for you. Its your body - only you know whats right. I know 1200 works for me - I've lost 60lbs in 8 months by doing this - and this includes 5 weeks spent overseas or interstate on holidays.

    Love your thoughts.....I have always eaten more but now I want to lean out again....Thanks for some good advice....BTW Preplannin is surely the KEY!
  • JessicaMurch5515
    JessicaMurch5515 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm new to the group :) Ive been doing the "eat more to lose more" (1500-1600/day) since late May, and I really don't feel like it is right for me. I now have my cals set at 1300/day but Im going to try to stay closer to 1200. I work out twice a day , 30 DS in the morning and TurboJam in the evening, and just pilates on the weekend. If I feel hungry, I plan on eating some of my exercise calories but I'm really just going to play it by ear. Today was the first day back at 1200 and I don't feel hungry, tired, or deprived at all.

    I'd love to have some new friends!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    hey all!

    I fit in here :) hehe i live paleo (no gluten,dairy) and i fit in here so i think ill stay. i eat about 1230 if i stick to my regular plan...1300 ish a lil lower if splurging :)

    do you eat your cals back?


    When I was trying to lose weight, I did not eat back my exercise calories for the first three months, after that I would eat back perhaps 50 to 100 calories, the rest I would leave.

    When on maintenance I eat them back.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I'm new to the group :) Ive been doing the "eat more to lose more" (1500-1600/day) since late May, and I really don't feel like it is right for me. I now have my cals set at 1300/day but Im going to try to stay closer to 1200. I work out twice a day , 30 DS in the morning and TurboJam in the evening, and just pilates on the weekend. If I feel hungry, I plan on eating some of my exercise calories but I'm really just going to play it by ear. Today was the first day back at 1200 and I don't feel hungry, tired, or deprived at all.

    I'd love to have some new friends!

    Hi! Feel free to friend me if you want.

    Regarding the 1200 calories per day business, I think it is vitally important that what you eat is not junk but I strongly suspect that you already know this hence why you do not feel hungry or tired.

    Personally I found my energy levels seemed to raise when I cut out all the rubbish, makes me wonder why on earth I sometime have a cake or bag of chips because for the next day I feel a little sluggish and that doesn't bode well for my running LOL!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Anyone is free to friend me as well. The key is knowing your needs, whether that is 1200 or 1500 or 2000 or more.
  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm new to the group and looking forward to actually commencing weight loss on 1200, after struggling over the last few months on much higher calories and no weight loss. Quite simply, I don't think I've been at a defecit. My 1600 has quite possibly been 1800 (even more?!), with tiny extras or inaccuracies here or there. Maybe my TDEE isn't what I have worked it out to be; maybe I'm not as active as I think? Not sure, but I know that I need to consume less, and I know that 1200 works for everyone, so I'm jumping in!

    I'm lloking forward to the control and limitations, as funny as that sounds. I need limitations and restrictions. I'll be checking in in a week, hopefully with some success!