Stage 4



  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Final Stage 4 numbers:
    FSPP: 65 to 70 lbs.
    Step Up: 50 lbs on 4 risers to 70 lbs. on 5 risers.
    DB 1 pt. row: 8 reps 50 lbs. to 10 reps at 60 lbs.
    Static Lunges: 50 lbs. to 60 lbs.
    Pushups: 10 with leg up to 20 with leg up
    Plank: 2 min. to 2 min.
    Wood Chops: 30 lbs. to 42.5 lbs.
    Deadlifts: 145 lbs. to 170 lbs. (yeah I'm counting the 3 good ones I did today)
    Bulgarian Split Squats: 60 lbs. to 70 lbs.
    Underhand Lat pulldowns: 115 lbs. to 125 lbs.
    Reverse Lunge from Box: 40 lbs. to 45 lbs. (could not complete them today so I'm going with my last number). Did bicep curls and upright rows instead)
    Cuban Snatch: 20 lbs. to 25lbs
    Swiss Ball Crunch: 35 lbs. overhead to 35 lbs. overhead. Had to do them with 15 lbs. today.
    Reverse Crunch: 10 reps to 16 reps
    Hanna Flexion: 20 on each side to 30 on each side.
    Prone Cobras: 2 min. to 2 min.
    And finally beat my Chin Up PR and am up to 6! The last one was ugly, but I did it!

    I messed up my back today doing deadlifts. I felt great, added some more weight, completed all of my sets and put on 170 just to see if I could do it. Completed 3 reps and on the 4th one, I don't know what happened. Either hinged my back when I was lowering or the weights shifted or I don't know. In a lot of pain right now and am glad I did most of workout B yesterday, but will probably lay off the heavy weights for awhile. Walking up the stairs is excruciating right now. ;(
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    mstawnya - some excellent numbers there, well done! Sorry to hear about your back though, that's a bit of a nightmare. Hope it recovers soon.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Tawnya, your numbers are fantastic!!! I hope your back feels better soon.

    I pushed today for increases, on all but the reverse lunges from the step. For some reason those kill me, and I end up huffing and puffing by the end of the 2nd leg. So I only did 2 sets of those & cuban snatches today. 3 sets on everything else though.

    And I tried doing side-swiss-ball crunches today instead of Hannas, and LOVED them! It was awkward getting into position, but they felt so good. :)
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    MsT: Great numbers... I'm in awe! I hope your back feels better soon. I may have done the same thing, but not as severe (also from the deadlift... feels like it is over stretched.... it hurts to bend now and also when I sneeze. :ohwell:

    I did B2 (2 sets) and A1 (3 sets) over the weekend. I'm nursing a bruised a shoulder so I'm keeping the FSPP at 45 lbs - probably through the entire stage. I don't want to be sidelined again. I am finally figuring out the wrist "roll" for the FSPP. My wrists were killing me though. Definitely need to do those wrist exercises I learned a long time ago. Oh... I also found it easier to do the Bulgarian Split Squat with the bar on my shoulders instead of holding a ball/DBs in front of me (and it works better too --- glutes sooo sore still). Still only managed one set of 120 planks... then 90... then 60. The last set was a mental thing. So hard to those at the end of the workout!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Karen v. Stage 4, WO A3. Karen wins, by a LOT! :)

    FSPP - finished all 3 sets of 8 with the 45 lb. bar for the first time ever!
    Step-up - increased weight and step height.
    1-pt. Row - increased weight and balance (only had to put my right foot down once!)
    Static lunges - increased weight
    Pushups - finished all 3 sets on Smith 5th peg, with first 3 reps on the 3rd set on the 4th peg!
    Woodchops - increased from 30 to 35 lb.
    Plank* -- held all 3 sets for 120 seconds!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    *On the planks, my form wasn't perfect, and I had to lift my *kitten* in the air a little bit a few times on each one, but I held myself up like my life depended on it, using Polly's trick about imagining someone holding a gun to my head, and it worked. I also imagined the ground was a fire pit too, just for good measure, but I did it, and almost cried I felt so proud afterwards!!! :blushing:
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    I also imagined the ground was a fire pit too, just for good measure

    A lava pit, awesome haha
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member

    Plank* -- held all 3 sets for 120 seconds!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

    *On the planks, my form wasn't perfect, and I had to lift my *kitten* in the air a little bit a few times on each one, but I held myself up like my life depended on it, using Polly's trick about imagining someone holding a gun to my head, and it worked. I also imagined the ground was a fire pit too, just for good measure, but I did it, and almost cried I felt so proud afterwards!!! :blushing:

    Way to go!!! That is impressive.... I like your Jedi mind trick :laugh:

    I did B2 on Wednesday (minus HIIT) with 3 sets. BTW, my last post was wrong... I did B1 with 2 sets. Still nursing my shoulder and lower back which are both super sore today. I had a deep tissue massage again last night. It's incredible how tight my left shoulder is. It is still tight (but not as much as before), so I'm hoping one more session in two weeks will do the trick. So I am hating FSPP and deadlifts right now. Push-ups are difficult with my shoulder, but I still do them on the floor --- one trainer told me to do them on the floor... drop all the way so body is on the ground, then push myself up.... "one day, you will come up all at once".:laugh:
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    I'm back on NRoL4W after being away from it for around 2 months. The gym offered a free trial of a cross fit program, and how could I refuse?

    That has expired, and I am back to pure weight lifting and running beginning tomorrow. Jumping back onto Stage 4, since that is where I left off and I don't believe I have loss any muscle.

    CPA: Good for you for staying with it. I'm sure you know this, but keep an eye on your shoulder. Would hate for something worse to happen to it.
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    I just started Stage 4 this past Thursday. I didn't think I was sore from Workout A - but I couldn't remember what weights to use. I use a weight bench for the step up so I didn't go up in weights there. But I am a little tight in the hamstrings. So I must have done something?

    I did Workout 1B Saturday and pulled a muscle I think while doing the snatch. I felt pain right away - and lowered my weights and finished off the workout. It hurt badly all day and night yesterday - I took 3 ibuprofen so I could sleep. And today I barely feel it - so maybe it wasn't a true pulled muscle. I'm supposed to do weights again tomorrow - so we will see.

  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    Is the weight bench higher then what you have used before for Step Ups? It could be your muscles reconstructing themselves after a tough workout they were not use to.

    Got back on the program today and felt sore as soon as I did the squat-front press. My core was also weaker then the last time I held a plank for 90 seconds (though I was able to hold the plank for 90 seconds the first 2 times, and then 60 seconds the last rep.) It does feel good to be back.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    moochachip - welcome back to NROLFW. =)

    Sherry - I hope it's just a pulled muscle too.

    Workout B3 for me today. My hands got so sore from wide-grip deadlifts (on the floor), and then pull-downs, even though the pull-down handle is smooth. I went up on some weights though, but I seem stuck @ 30 lb. (total) for the box reverse lunges. I tried 35 lb., and could only finish 6 reps, but I'll try again for B4. I'm afraid to try 15 lb. dumbbells on the cuban snatches too, but I don't know why.

    I am LOVING swiss-ball side crunches instead of Hannas though. :happy:
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm in a rut! I did not go to the gym at all over the weekend. I was going to go last night - but life happened and I just didn't want to go.... so I will go to the gym tonight... for A3!

    On top of all that, my diet is in the pits... I feel my flabs again when I sit.... seriously! Out of commission for two weeks and the hard work gone! So not fair...

    I am going to the gym tonight.
    I am going to the gym tonight.
    I am going to the gym tonight.
    I am going to the gym tonight.
    I am going to the gym tonight.
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Did last workout of Stage 4 today...
    here is my progress.

    Front squat / push press: 55lb >>>>71.5lb
    Step-up: BW >>>>> 2x30.8 (I don't always use weights for step-ups, depends how my knees are that day)
    Dumbbell one-point row: 2x17.6 >>>>>> 2x30.8
    Static lunge: BW >>>> BW (These hurt my knees)
    Push-up: 8 with a break to 8 without a break
    Plank: finally managed to do two 120 second planks
    Cable horizontal wood chop: 17.6lb >>>>> 88lb

    Quite pleased with the increases, especially on FSPP as I only increased by 3.5lb during stage 2!!

    Edited because I hit save by mistake before!!
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    Yay!!! I made it to the gym last night. So A3 done... could only manage 2 sets of 60 sec planks... my shoulder was bothering me. Same weight on FSPP for same reason. Husband said form on push-ups was good... so again shoulder is what is preventing me from going lower. Other than that... happy to have that done.

    Rest today... B3 on Thursday... (Focus!)
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    Did last workout of Stage 4 today...
    here is my progress.

    Front squat / push press: 55lb >>>>71.5lb
    Step-up: BW >>>>> 2x30.8 (I don't always use weights for step-ups, depends how my knees are that day)
    Dumbbell one-point row: 2x17.6 >>>>>> 2x30.8
    Static lunge: BW >>>> BW (These hurt my knees)
    Push-up: 8 with a break to 8 without a break
    Plank: finally managed to do two 120 second planks
    Cable horizontal wood chop: 17.6lb >>>>> 88lb

    Quite pleased with the increases, especially on FSPP as I only increased by 3.5lb during stage 2!!

    Edited because I hit save by mistake before!!

    Impressive numbers!!! 71.5 FSPP... :noway: Excellent job!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    hypallage - AWESOME numbers. I'm impressed by your FSPP too, and your woodchops - 88 lb. is amazing! :happy:

    cpa8198 - good for you for making it to the gym yesterday!
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Thank you ladies - I will say with the wood chop machines vary ALOT! Those numbers were all off the same machine but as I have been away from home for a while I have been going to different gyms - even within one gym the amount I could work with varied considerably between the two different machines they had, not entirely sure why, or how this can be.

    cpa - glad you made it back to the gym, hope that shoulder stops bothering you so much soon.
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Step-ups....high step with lower weight? Or lower step with higher weight? What's your preference?

    Right now I'm doing a high step with lower weights....and HATE them! Just wondering if I should tough it out, or change it up?
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Step-ups....high step with lower weight? Or lower step with higher weight? What's your preference?

    Right now I'm doing a high step with lower weights....and HATE them! Just wondering if I should tough it out, or change it up?

    Lori - I was thinking about this today too. In stage 2, I went with a moderate step (3rd peg from the top on a step-up machine. It let me get up to 30 lb. DBs (60 total), but then for stage 4, I increased it 1 notch (to the 2nd peg from the top), and dropped back to 20 lb. DB's and worked my way back up. I was going to try 30 lb. DB's on the 2nd peg today, but both sets were being used, so I grabbed the 27.5 lb. DB's and tried the highest peg, and MAN, it was a lot harder. So then for progress reference, I put my legs right up to the platform to jot down the different heights. I'm 5'5" and the 3rd peg (where I did all of stage 2) is mid-shin height on me. 2nd peg is about 3" below my knee (where I did most of stage 4), and the 1st peg is *just* touching the bottom of my kneecap.

    I think if you're hating them on a high step with lower weights, lower the step and increase the weights. I liked raising the step & lowering the weights because I find the 30 lb. DB's to be slightly more awkward, esp. b/c the step-up machine/platform isn't really near the DB rack in my gym, so I have to carry them over there & back too.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Workout A4 for me today. Here's my progress, starting with where I ended stage 2, then what I used to start stage 4, and where I ended today:

    FSPP: 45 lb. x3 reps --> 45 lb. x7 reps*--> 45 lb. x8 reps (all 3 sets)
    *For Stage 4, Workouts A1 & A2, I did some of the reps by splitting the move into back squats & DB shoulder presses.

    Step-Up: 60 lb. (mid-shin platform) --> 40 lb. (platform 3" below knees) --> 55 lb. (platform 3" below knees)
    DB 1-pt. Row: 25 lb. --> 30 lb. --> 55 lb.
    Static Elevated Lunge: 30 lb. --> 30 lb. --> 40 lb.
    Pushups: Smith 6th Peg --> Smith 6th Peg --> Smith 4th & 5th Pegs (half on 4th peg, then 2nd half on 5th peg for each set)
    Plank: 100 sec. --> 90 sec. --> 120 sec.
    Wood-Chops: 27.5 lb. --> 25 lb. --> 35 lb.

    For reference on the pushups, the bar at the 6th peg is around mid/upper-thigh height. At the 5th peg, it's around 2-3" above my knee, and at the 4th peg, it's just below my knee (touching the bottom of my kneecap).