week 4 is killing me!

man oh man, those 5 minutes are killing! today was day 2, which was better than day 1, i didnt have to walk a couple times for a few seconds, but i also slowed down my pace. tell me it gets better!


  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    Week 4 is where I really really had to control my pace. If my pace got to fast on me and I wasn't breathing properly I would slow down to almost a jog/walk and then pick back up when I got my breath.

    Everyone is different, but I definitely felt better last night after finishing W4D3. Hopefully you find the same thing. For me it's 99% mental and 1% physical. I can talk myself in and out of continuing or quitting.

    Tomorrow I move onto the "dreaded" week 5. But I will not allow myself to quit. You won't either. You got this!!!
  • that makes me feel a little better! i may have to repeat week 4, i know i shouldnt say it already, but i need to have the 5 minutes under control with my asthma, but i wont quit!!

    good luck with week 5!
  • wa_tracy
    wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
    I had to repeat week 4! But it was so worth it because then I rocked out the last 4 weeks!
  • luvmycats6197
    luvmycats6197 Posts: 45 Member
    I finished week4 day3 yesterday as well. I had been adding more time onto the run intervals. And actually on W3D3 I made my last run a 20 minute run!! But this week for week 4 I only added a couple minutes on each run. I have started feeling it in my hip flexors. Have you felt anything in your front hip flexors?? This is where it might start to kick my butt--but going slower is key I guess so your legs and body can build up endurance...
  • yep, the hips have definitely gotten tight in the run, i have to really stretch them during the walking parts. i didnt run today, my body was not having it today, but hopefully i get one in tomrrow and i'll redo week 4 next week and hopefully kick a** this time!
  • farmmandy
    farmmandy Posts: 11 Member
    I just completed Week 6 Day 1. The best thing I ever did was repeat week 4!!! I feel like that repeat was when I finally learned to control how I was breathing! Don't give up!!!
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    I'm starting Week 4 on Monday. Looks scary but I felt the same thing starting Week 3. Gonna try my best! Good luck everyone!
  • thanks farmmandy! that makes me feel a lot better!
  • farmmandy
    farmmandy Posts: 11 Member
    You can do it! I started chewing gum while I was running and that helped to :) Sounds stupid but I guess it took my mind off of everything!
  • redrover
    redrover Posts: 71 Member
    Just did W4D2 today and like you I am definitely pushing myself. It was cooler outside for my two runs this week, so I'm curious to see how my breathing is if it's warm next time. I haven't allowed myself to stop running during run segments, but I am absolutely learning to slow down so I can keep going. Good luck!
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I too repeated W4 twice! I just couldnt master it, still had not and moved to W5, which I actually found easier!

    Am on D3 of W6, but got to repeat that day a few times, not making the 20mins yet!
  • I just finished W4. D1 was terrible, I barely made it through the workout. D2 went much better and I felt very strong even though I just finished doing a lower body strength training workout. By D3 I was running faster than I did in high school on cross country and five minutes was no big deal. So don't worry if the first day is hard, its just your body getting used to it.
  • grecogab90
    grecogab90 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm currently up to Week 4 Day 2. Tonight I will be running day two and I am not looking foward too it. Running the full five minutes is sooooo tough for me I just push through it.
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    I start week 4 on Monday. The 5 minute jog scares me. Was tempted to just repeat week 3, but think I will follow ya'll example and forge ahead. And maybe repeat it as you have. Sad part is I think I am at the stage that my dog may not be able to continue with me. I am draggin' him the last bit now. May try one time and see how he does. He is yellow lab, but getting old.
  • daizzi
    daizzi Posts: 36 Member
    I am starting week 4 tomorrow. It's good to know that it's ok to have to repeat if needed. Wish me luck!
  • DeeDee1066
    DeeDee1066 Posts: 16 Member
    I just finished week 4 yesterday. Yes it was tough and yes I'm nervous about week 5. What made you decide to repeat week 4?
  • mjbell642
    mjbell642 Posts: 229 Member
    I did it, I did it. Had to adjyst a few times. Change my route to drop the dog off. He wasn't goung to make it. So that walk stretch was a little longer. And I think I lost count (I still count my minutes until I get a podcast), so I think I ran an extra minute. Haha... the 5 minutes was hard, but I think it will get easier.

    Keep going ya'll.... we will conquer this !!!
  • LooptLou25
    LooptLou25 Posts: 193 Member
    Ok, now I'm nervous, I start week 4 this week! Question, the last couple of Sunday's my neighbour has kindly introduced me to on the road running as I'm doing the C25K on a treadmill at the gym. The route is 5.6km (according to phone app & with hills) & the 1st week I had to walk a couple of times. This week I managed the whole thing as a jog in 44min 11 secs, so a very slow pace. Is this sensible to do, or should I just stick to the C25K programme only? Hopefully as I go through the programme my time will improve.
  • jwcomputergirl
    jwcomputergirl Posts: 126 Member
    :) I repeated week 4. On to week 5 tomorrow! GULP!
  • Elo99
    Elo99 Posts: 149 Member
    I finished WK 4 on Saturday and have decided to repeat it starting tomorrow. I didn't do very well with pacing and breathing on the 5 minute runs so hopefully the 2nd time will go better! On the plus side, I own those 3 minute runs now, LOL