Daily check in



  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    Day 11 done.
  • awerewka
    awerewka Posts: 151 Member
    Day 3 Level 2 done yesterday. I dont know why but i am not losing any weight? :( Set at 1450/day and I eat half to all my exercise calories. Feeling discouraged.

    I was having this same problem doing the shred. I gained and stalled for two weeks. I upped my calories and am loosing again.

    I just upped my calories to 1700 today. I took 30% off my TDEE so we shall see where this takes me.
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    Day 12, level 2. My husband did the shred with me yesterday and today. He says it's killer. Of course, he jumped into level 2 with 15 lb. weights. Still, nice to hear he thinks it's tough. I think he'll be my partner in this for the next 18 days. Bless his muscled self.
  • awerewka
    awerewka Posts: 151 Member
    Day 4 level 2 done
  • Tonya0809
    Tonya0809 Posts: 33 Member
    Finished Day 8 Level 2 this morning..ready for level 3 as this is getting a bit repetitive for me!!
  • FrauHausMaus
    I have to admit that I am getting totally off track. I didn't end up shredding last night- three days of insomnia caught up with me and I was completely wiped out. I haven't been tracking my food or anything either.

    However... I finally got a full night's rest and feel totally refreshed. I've been sneaking in little workouts all morning here at work (calf raises and the like) because I just feel so GOOD!! My son and I are going running this afternoon- it was supposed to happen yesterday, but I forgot to set my alarm for the morning and by the time we finished dinner and chores last night, I went to bed.

    So I am behind in my shredding and I can't do anything about the days I lost, but I can pick back up and keep going. Today is a new day!!!
  • asdandme
    asdandme Posts: 72 Member
    Day 3 Level 2 done yesterday. I dont know why but i am not losing any weight? :( Set at 1450/day and I eat half to all my exercise calories. Feeling discouraged.

    I was losing weight but very very slowly then last week I did some extra strength training sweated up a storm but no heart raise ....so when I did the shred I checked and my heartrate barely raised. I was working out much harder cardio wise before I started the shred and longer too. the shred was toning my muscles so the inches lost but not raising my heartrate enough to make me burn fat and that made the inches lost hard to see. I added a 30min cardio workout to the shred this week and I lost 2 ounces shy of 3 lbs !!!! I only record whole lbs lost so my ticker says 2 lbs. hope this helps:bigsmile:
  • asdandme
    asdandme Posts: 72 Member
    day 7 lv.2 done!! lv.3 is looming...think I'll peek tonight maybe there won't be so many darn planks!!!lol
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    Day 12 done!! (5th day on level 2). I really pushed myself today and kept my hr close to 150!!
  • mclay12
    mclay12 Posts: 58 Member
    Day 5 Level 2 done!!! Haven't checked in in a while but I have been sticking with the shred!!! My body is totally changing!!!
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    I have been awful. I started work again this week and can't get my body into the swing of things. Hopefully starting back next Monday... Great job to all of you dedicated ladies out there :-)
  • FrauHausMaus
    I didn't end up shredding last night, but I woke up at 430 this morning and did, so that was Day 3 of Level 2. Or day 13. It KILLS me that I should have been on day 19 by now, but I let myself get lazy and miss a lot of days.

    The planks are really hard on my shoulders, and I really don't love workout 2. I dread doing it and have to modify a lot of the moves. I'm starting to think I should drop back to level one for a few days and try to come back to level 2.

    I want working out to be something I look forward to and enjoy, but this is starting to become a chore- and a painful one! I don't want to hurt myself. I understand sore muscles, and that's okay. I actually enjoy a good, deep muscle burn, but my ankles still haven't recovered from workout 1, and workout 2 seems to be taking a toll on my shoulders. I'm sure I'm just being whiny and lazy. Maybe I need to keep pushing through to get over it. Thoughts?
  • Tonya0809
    Tonya0809 Posts: 33 Member
    Day 9 of Level 2 done!! 1 more day and then headed to level 3!! I'm nervous and excited at the same time! I really dislike level 2 but not sure if I will like level 3... :indifferent:
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    Day 13 done!! (Day 6 on level 2). :-) I still use the 2 lb. Weights.... This level is too hard for the 5 lb. Yet...
  • deeschange
    deeschange Posts: 186 Member
    Day 7 Level 1
  • Tonya0809
    Tonya0809 Posts: 33 Member
    Day 10 of Level 2 DONE!!! Start level 3 tomorrow..should I be afraid? lol
  • asdandme
    asdandme Posts: 72 Member
    should be on day 1 lv3 but my whole life shattered around me so 3 days behind....haven't sleep in 3 days....eating horrible but within calories.....doing better eating wise today so far and am very proud that I have not binge eaten:smile: I was a huge stress eater before I started this. I know this is off topic but how do you wrap your head around no longer having a partner and raising 5 children (2 speciallneeds) alone??????????? Going for a walk to de stress and am determined to try and shred tonight....but please forgive if I'm too drained.
  • awerewka
    awerewka Posts: 151 Member
    ^^^((hugs)) so sorry to hear this. I hope everything calms down for you. I have no advice. Please be easy on yourself.

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.
  • asdandme
    asdandme Posts: 72 Member
    ^^^((hugs)) so sorry to hear this. I hope everything calms down for you. I have no advice. Please be easy on yourself.

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

    thank you
  • Tonya0809
    Tonya0809 Posts: 33 Member
    Day 1 of Level 3...totally kicked my butt!!! Lot's of jump training which is tough but I am still going strong