Some encouragement for the EM2WL fam...



  • beachnik00
    I did appreciate reading this, and may I say you look amazing!
  • mrsacoulter
    mrsacoulter Posts: 12 Member
    I soooooooooooo... Needed this today! I really have been going really hard in the paint, to only notice I gain SEVEN POUNDS. I am participating in a challenge that is very motivating; however, more focused on weightloss. When you are a size 4/6, it's kind of hard to drop anymore lbs... at this point, I am switching fat for muscle...

    Anywho, thank you for your encouragement. :-)
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm a hare's breath away from bailing on the EM2WL philosophy after gaining on reset, gaining on cut, and having fewer and fewer clothes that fit. I'm really glad to see that it works for some!!! :love: :love: Hope springs eternal.
  • nannabannana
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Awesome words of encouragement. Great to hear. Thanks so much!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thanks for the kind word, Lucia. I need to hear this. :flowerforyou: I have up my cals to 1740 since last Monday and decided to lower it to 1735 a few days ago and is now hesitate to lower it to 1700-1710 (?) today. I know consistency is the key but it is because even thought I am more active than I thought-TDEE on the most active day is around 1740, when I average it out for 7 days my TDEE is only around 1700kcal. :frown: I just hope it won't ruined the whole reset process I am trying to do. :ohwell:

    What are ou using to measure your activity level?


    I use fitbit for checking out my activity level.So far, I am between lightly active and sedentary. There are some days such as in the weekend that I am more sedated than the rest of the week. :)

    Try subtracting 10% from your weekly fitbit avg.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I know for some the losses hasn't been what you expected. We have stressed it isn't a quick fix but a journey. We give guidelines but it does take diligence in tracking and being consistent. Macros are so very important, especially the protein.

    Let's remember bmr and tdee is real but we must make sure we don't cut too much and never go be low bmr.
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    Wouldn't that be cutting? I am still in the reset process right now so I am not sure. I change m TDEE often I am not sure I do it right or not. At first, I officially start metabolic reset on August the first and eat at 1460 according to Scooby's sites. Then a few weeks later (mid August), I got a Fitbit and started eat at 1740 instead. Then lower it to 1735 and found out later that m average TDEE is onl around 1700.

    Last night, my TDEE is only around 1601 and now I am not sure that have I been eating over my TDEE of all this time or not? I want to lower my TDEE count more but would it ruin the reset process? Since I have started the reset I almost never eat under my TDEE though, and if I did it is only a few calories one single digits.

    I am however, regardless of trying to be consistent............often eat over my TDEE though because some days I have to eat out a lot and I don't know the food's nutritional data (is in Southeast Asia-they don't have the law that all shops should have nutritional data provided here). :((

    To avoid eating under TDEE, and also because I don't know the calories of foods, I opted to going over my TDEE instead - not sure if not keeping consistency but eating over TDEE will ruin the whole reset or not.

    Sorry if my question sounds redundant, I woke up and found out that I have gain another inch around my waist and hip. I am now another step closer to how I looked before I started losing weight and I'm freaking out.
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    [i am straight up panicking. but now that i've started heavy lifting i can't even imagine doing an hour of cardio a day again.... so i feel stuck. i go to the doctor again in november and i am already having serious anxiety over what i will weigh then and what he will say (he didn't like 147 and said it was 'too high' even though i'm 5'10"). please someone talk me through this...

    Tell your doctor to get stuffed! Seriously. I've had this battle before, when I was doing heavy training. I did kickboxing 2-3 times a week, played football (as in soccer) both of which involved doing circuit training and resistance training, and I went on my mountain bike. I weighed 165lb and was a UK size 10 (US 6) and had 19% body fat. I tried to explain to the doctor at the time who told me I was seriously overweight how much training I did and it fell on deaf ears. You only had to look at me to know I wasn't overweight!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Wouldn't that be cutting? I am still in the reset process right now so I am not sure. I change m TDEE often I am not sure I do it right or not. At first, I officially start metabolic reset on August the first and eat at 1460 according to Scooby's sites. Then a few weeks later (mid August), I got a Fitbit and started eat at 1740 instead. Then lower it to 1735 and found out later that m average TDEE is onl around 1700.

    Last night, my TDEE is only around 1601 and now I am not sure that have I been eating over my TDEE of all this time or not? I want to lower my TDEE count more but would it ruin the reset process? Since I have started the reset I almost never eat under my TDEE though, and if I did it is only a few calories one single digits.

    I am however, regardless of trying to be consistent............often eat over my TDEE though because some days I have to eat out a lot and I don't know the food's nutritional data (is in Southeast Asia-they don't have the law that all shops should have nutritional data provided here). :((

    To avoid eating under TDEE, and also because I don't know the calories of foods, I opted to going over my TDEE instead - not sure if not keeping consistency but eating over TDEE will ruin the whole reset or not.

    Sorry if my question sounds redundant, I woke up and found out that I have gain another inch around my waist and hip. I am now another step closer to how I looked before I started losing weight and I'm freaking out.

    Eating over is better than under. So you have not ruined it. Don't stress the daily number, I would say go by the weekly avg instead. Also remember that the Fitbit doesn't accurately calculate the weight lifting burn, so you may want to go by MFP for that number.
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    So how long before you started to see results? I have been at a 10% cut for 4 weeks now and while the scale hasn't moved and I have lost some inches -- I can't SEE any changes.

    I know we are all different but just trying to get a sense of timing that others have experienced.

    I have recently gotten discouraged and fell off the motivation of working out & really committing to sticking to my macros consistently so I realize that my lack of results are partially due to my choices.

    Oh and I am not fitting into any of my smaller sizes at this point but maybe that is my tracking mechanisim - pull that pair of jeans out of the "skinny clothes" pile and use them.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I posted this from someone elses news feed yesterday & now have it on my profile page to read every day!!!:bigsmile:

    It fits in very well with this theme!!:heart:

    About the EVIL SCALE: (I need to read this daily)

    "The weight on the scale means absolutely nothing to me as long as I'm fit and happy with what I see reflected in the mirror. My goal is related to bodyfat percentage, not a number on the scale. Slim with low bodyfat looks better than skinny with high bodyfat. We don't walk around in public with a scale number floating over our head, we walk around with the body we've shaped - nobody sees the scale number, you either look fit or you don't."

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    So how long before you started to see results? I have been at a 10% cut for 4 weeks now and while the scale hasn't moved and I have lost some inches -- I can't SEE any changes.

    I know we are all different but just trying to get a sense of timing that others have experienced.

    I have recently gotten discouraged and fell off the motivation of working out & really committing to sticking to my macros consistently so I realize that my lack of results are partially due to my choices.

    Oh and I am not fitting into any of my smaller sizes at this point but maybe that is my tracking mechanisim - pull that pair of jeans out of the "skinny clothes" pile and use them.

    Carrie, honestly it is so individual. At times, I wonder what in the world is my body doing and then one day I see changes which is when I need to snap a picture. Like yesterday morning I looked leaner than ever...I worked out and just swoll

    Now, are you taking pictures to "SEE" these changes? We tend to get used to what we see in the mirror which is why I have certain "fat pockets" I watch. That is why taking pics is huge. There have been times I took pics and didn't think I saw a change, but others did.

    It is so easy to fall of the wagon and we all do, the key is to just get back up. The one good thing is when you do fall off the wagon, it is not as detrimental because you weren't low caling anyway.

    Now, Carrie, this takes time and you took a nice break now it is time to get back with hitting your macros and your workouts. Gear the workouts to your cutting. So maybe go with slightly less weights so you can do a few more reps. Throw in a circuit training once every couple weeks. And change the routine every 4-6 wks because the body adapts.

    Hope this helps.
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    So how long before you started to see results? I have been at a 10% cut for 4 weeks now and while the scale hasn't moved and I have lost some inches -- I can't SEE any changes.

    I know we are all different but just trying to get a sense of timing that others have experienced.

    I have recently gotten discouraged and fell off the motivation of working out & really committing to sticking to my macros consistently so I realize that my lack of results are partially due to my choices.

    Oh and I am not fitting into any of my smaller sizes at this point but maybe that is my tracking mechanisim - pull that pair of jeans out of the "skinny clothes" pile and use them.

    Carrie, honestly it is so individual. At times, I wonder what in the world is my body doing and then one day I see changes which is when I need to snap a picture. Like yesterday morning I looked leaner than ever...I worked out and just swoll

    Now, are you taking pictures to "SEE" these changes? We tend to get used to what we see in the mirror which is why I have certain "fat pockets" I watch. That is why taking pics is huge. There have been times I took pics and didn't think I saw a change, but others did.

    It is so easy to fall of the wagon and we all do, the key is to just get back up. The one good thing is when you do fall off the wagon, it is not as detrimental because you weren't low caling anyway.

    Now, Carrie, this takes time and you took a nice break now it is time to get back with hitting your macros and your workouts. Gear the workouts to your cutting. So maybe go with slightly less weights so you can do a few more reps. Throw in a circuit training once every couple weeks. And change the routine every 4-6 wks because the body adapts.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond! I took pictures back in June when I started this process...I should really take them again if for nothing less than prosperity's sake :smile: . And I am really going to pull the jeans out and keep trying them on....I may not measure in the exact spot every month but I will be able to tell if those jeans fit or not :laugh:

    And hey I was planning on taking a break after 4 weeks of 10% cut to eat at my TDEE - so I guess I should just count the last 2 weeks as my diet break. I am currently in week 3 of P90X so it's a lot of body weight (push ups; pull ups, etc) and I have decreased my weights and increased my reps and 2 days of solid cardio (plyo, yoga, kenpo). My plan is to follow that for the next week to complete a month and then head back into the gym for a more traditional lifting schedule (3 days lifting; 2 days cardio) and then just keep switching back and forth every 4-6 weeks.

    I am a huge reader - do you have any recommendations on any authors on the EM2WL subject?

    And thanks for the "get back with it Missy" - you may not have meant in that manner but it was exactly what I needed to hear -- this isn't a get thin quick scheme but rather a get healthy for life choice - and I needed to hear THANKS!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you for the motivational post. I know this is a process, but I cannot get over the layers of fat my body has gained since I started this in April. I am experiencing absolutely NOTHING positive except being able to eat more and not having binges. I have visible fat rolls that I did not have before, I'm experiencing gains in weight and inches, I cannot physically participate in activities as well as I did before. Just at a loss ... plugging along, but wondering what else I can possibly do to help the process.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Thank you for the motivational post. I know this is a process, but I cannot get over the layers of fat my body has gained since I started this in April. I am experiencing absolutely NOTHING positive except being able to eat more and not having binges. I have visible fat rolls that I did not have before, I'm experiencing gains in weight and inches, I cannot physically participate in activities as well as I did before. Just at a loss ... plugging along, but wondering what else I can possibly do to help the process.


    This is a big part of my current concern: the gaining and gaining of FAT!
    I posted this on the Cut Thread that it's the continual GAINING OF FAT AND POUNDS that is upsetting and de-motivating. I am doing NROL4W to the best of my ability and KNOW I am stronger and that somewhere under all this blubber are some gorgeous muscles, but I was under the impression that MUSCLE burns FAT not GROWS FAT.

    Maybe we need more time as many of you have mentioned but I admit that I am worried about my constantly expanding body. It's going to affect my health~ I mean it just HAS to.

    I will continue to hang in there and appreciate the time everyone is taking to address our concerns.
  • AngelDog1
    Thanks everyone! I needed to read this today too. Here's to a healthier us and wonderful progress in our goals!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    So how long before you started to see results? I have been at a 10% cut for 4 weeks now and while the scale hasn't moved and I have lost some inches -- I can't SEE any changes.

    I know we are all different but just trying to get a sense of timing that others have experienced.

    I have recently gotten discouraged and fell off the motivation of working out & really committing to sticking to my macros consistently so I realize that my lack of results are partially due to my choices.

    Oh and I am not fitting into any of my smaller sizes at this point but maybe that is my tracking mechanisim - pull that pair of jeans out of the "skinny clothes" pile and use them.

    Carrie, honestly it is so individual. At times, I wonder what in the world is my body doing and then one day I see changes which is when I need to snap a picture. Like yesterday morning I looked leaner than ever...I worked out and just swoll

    Now, are you taking pictures to "SEE" these changes? We tend to get used to what we see in the mirror which is why I have certain "fat pockets" I watch. That is why taking pics is huge. There have been times I took pics and didn't think I saw a change, but others did.

    It is so easy to fall of the wagon and we all do, the key is to just get back up. The one good thing is when you do fall off the wagon, it is not as detrimental because you weren't low caling anyway.

    Now, Carrie, this takes time and you took a nice break now it is time to get back with hitting your macros and your workouts. Gear the workouts to your cutting. So maybe go with slightly less weights so you can do a few more reps. Throw in a circuit training once every couple weeks. And change the routine every 4-6 wks because the body adapts.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond! I took pictures back in June when I started this process...I should really take them again if for nothing less than prosperity's sake :smile: . And I am really going to pull the jeans out and keep trying them on....I may not measure in the exact spot every month but I will be able to tell if those jeans fit or not :laugh:

    And hey I was planning on taking a break after 4 weeks of 10% cut to eat at my TDEE - so I guess I should just count the last 2 weeks as my diet break. I am currently in week 3 of P90X so it's a lot of body weight (push ups; pull ups, etc) and I have decreased my weights and increased my reps and 2 days of solid cardio (plyo, yoga, kenpo). My plan is to follow that for the next week to complete a month and then head back into the gym for a more traditional lifting schedule (3 days lifting; 2 days cardio) and then just keep switching back and forth every 4-6 weeks.

    I am a huge reader - do you have any recommendations on any authors on the EM2WL subject?

    And thanks for the "get back with it Missy" - you may not have meant in that manner but it was exactly what I needed to hear -- this isn't a get thin quick scheme but rather a get healthy for life choice - and I needed to hear THANKS!!!! :flowerforyou:

    LOL...Honestly, there are some good reads out there. The New Rules of Lifting Weights for Women's nutrition section totally goes over what we talk about here. Also, on the FB page we constantly post articles and studies on the topic.

    Girl, Kiki has to tell me that from time to time...we all need to hear is a process and I can't stress enough such a worthwhile one. I will tell you, you know what helps keep me going is all of you guys! We are all in this together!!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thank you for the motivational post. I know this is a process, but I cannot get over the layers of fat my body has gained since I started this in April. I am experiencing absolutely NOTHING positive except being able to eat more and not having binges. I have visible fat rolls that I did not have before, I'm experiencing gains in weight and inches, I cannot physically participate in activities as well as I did before. Just at a loss ... plugging along, but wondering what else I can possibly do to help the process.


    This is a big part of my current concern: the gaining and gaining of FAT!
    I posted this on the Cut Thread that it's the continual GAINING OF FAT AND POUNDS that is upsetting and de-motivating. I am doing NROL4W to the best of my ability and KNOW I am stronger and that somewhere under all this blubber are some gorgeous muscles, but I was under the impression that MUSCLE burns FAT not GROWS FAT.

    Maybe we need more time as many of you have mentioned but I admit that I am worried about my constantly expanding body. It's going to affect my health~ I mean it just HAS to.

    I will continue to hang in there and appreciate the time everyone is taking to address our concerns.

    Rosie, I wrote you a response and now I am wondering if it was in another topic...oh man, let me go look.